The gcc command compiles a C program, and
g++ compiles a C++ program
can compile a C program (written using a text
editor such as vi) by using the
gcc command. For example, if the
name of your program file is "assignment1.c", to
compile it you may type in the following:
johndoe on>gcc
To compile a C++ program called
johndoe on>g++
At this point if there are errors in your program
the compiler will show them on the screen and then
return you to the prompt. You should then correct
these errors by opening the program in your text
After you have corrected your errors, you may use
the same gcc or
g++ command to compile it again.
If there are no errors in your code the compiler
will return you to the prompt without any error
messages. This means that your code has been
compiled into a separate executable file which by
default is named as a.out. You may
run the code by typing in a.out at
the prompt as follows:
johndoe on>a.out
If you wish to give a specific name to your
compiled program (suppose you want to call it
"assignment1") you may do this using one of the
following commands instead of the regular
gcc or g++
For a C program:
johndoe on>gcc -o
assignment1 assignment1.c
For a C++ program:
johndoe on>gcc -o
assignment1 assignment1.c
You program will be compiled into a executable
file called "assignment1". As in the case of
"a.out" you may run this by simply typing in
"assignment1" at the prompt as follows.
johndoe on>assignment1