#1 for 20-Year ROI for Public Research Universities in New England
Fully Accredited by New England Commission of Higher Education
High-quality education that's highly affordable
Accelerate your career with one of the most affordable online master's degrees in the nation.
UMass Lowell is a leader in online education. As a top-ranked national research university, we have built a strong reputation for the quality of skills and knowledge our graduate students bring to the workforce. We are committed to delivering an educational experience that will reward you — throughout your studies and your career.
Why choose UMass Lowell?
One of the lowest tuition rates for online degrees nationwide
100% online courses — no campus visits required
Short course sessions so you can accelerate your progress
24/7 access to online learning and technical support
Apply anytime — we offer rolling admissions for maximum flexibility
Same education — and same high-quality degree — whether you study online or on campus