Business Financial Analysis

Catalog Search > Management & Business > 61.501

Note: This course is not available for the current semester.

Course No: 61.501; Last Offered: Fall 2014;

Course Description

Introduces students to the finance function in a firm. Students are exposed to a variety of analytical techniques and to theory applied to financial decision making. Study will include effects of major financial decisions such as investment, financing and dividends on the value of a firm, in the light of their risk-return relationship under the assumption that the maximization of shareholder wealth is the goal of management. Pre-requisites: MBA or Certificate Programs or Permission of MBA Director.

Prerequisites & Notes

  • Prerequisites: 60.501 Financial Accounting
  • Special Notes: If not currently matriculated in a Manning School of Business program, please contact the MBA staff at or call 978-934-2848 for permission to take courses.
  • Credits: 2; Contact Hours: 2

Questions About This Course?

Contact the Advising Center at 978-934-2474 or

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