× DISMISS Weather Alert: UMass Lowell parking ban to start 11:30 p.m. Saturday 2/8 due to inclement weather. Online classes continue as scheduled. Visit the storm information page for more.

Course Format Options

Online Course Formats

classrooms on digital devices

Online Courses

Complete coursework each week as your schedule allows; there are no dates or times when you must be online (sometimes referred to as asynchronous learning). Lectures, assignments and discussions are posted at the beginning of each week in Blackboard and Canvas, UMass Lowell's online learning management tools.

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teaching online

Live Online Courses

All students attend class remotely with classes held on specific days and times (synchronous learning). Instruction is designed to be interactive and engaging while also making use of Blackboard and Canvas, UMass Lowell's online learning management tools.

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univeristy building OR computer

HyFlex Online Courses

HyFlex courses meet on specific days and times (synchronous learning) and can be attended in person by students who are on campus or via Zoom for students who are at a distance from campus.

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On-Campus Course Formats

A Building On Campus

On-Campus Courses

Classes meet regularly on predetermined days and times in classrooms or other learning facilities on the UMass Lowell campus.

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univeristy building with computer

Hybrid Courses

Hybrid courses are primarily on-campus courses augmented by some remote coursework via Blackboard or Canvas, UMass Lowell's online learning management tools. On-campus classes are typically held in a lab, studio or other hands-on learning facility. Class time may alternate between remote learning and campus-based instruction on a daily or weekly basis.

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