What Our Students Are Saying

Rusty Williams
Student Spotlight

Best of Both Worlds

With UMass Lowell's AASCB-accredited online MBA program, Rusty Williams gained a high-quality business education that sent her career in an unexpected direction.

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Image of Rusty Williams

Success Stories

Finishing Strong

First-generation college student Bobby Yanez found the online Bachelor of Science in Information Technology program he was looking for at UMass Lowell — as well as the knowledge he needed to advance in his career.

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Finding Her Way, In Her Own Time

Going to college immediately after high school wasn't the right option for Sarah Nickerson. After working for a few years and gaining some perspective on what she wanted for her future, she found an online bachelor's degree program at UMass Lowell that was exactly the right fit for her.

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A Shared Path to Success

Dan Amoruso and Clark Judkins had very different goals when they enrolled in a master's degree program in security studies at UMass Lowell. Through their highly interactive online classes ...

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Building Skills and Staying Relevant

Though he already had a successful career in information technology at IBM, Michael McCawley decided to return to school to enhance his skills and complete his bachelor's degree ...

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Michael McCawley
adult student with child

Student Success: Advice from Current and Past Students

When it comes to the idea of college student success, the definition can be very different depending on who you are, where you are at in life and what you want to accomplish. No matter what path you are on or what student success may look like to you, there are many resources available to help you achieve your goals.

Maybe you want to be the first one in your family to graduate with a college degree. Or maybe you are going back to finish your degree after your education got interrupted years ago. You might be a working professional looking to gain new knowledge to stay relevant in your field — or to position yourself for a promotion. Maybe you want to learn about something entirely new so you can change careers. Or perhaps you’re a recent high school graduate who wants to try a few college courses to help you figure out what you want to study and what kind of career you want to have.

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