Capstone Project

Catalog Search > Engineering/Engineering Technology > 16.499

Note: This course is not available for the current semester.

Course No: 16.499; Last Offered: Summer 2015;

Course Description

The purpose of the Capstone Project is to provide the student with a design experience which resembles entry level engineering assignments. It is expected that the project encompass a minimum of three technical areas within the CpE or EE discipline, and include some aspects of each step in the development of a marketable product i.e. Research, Design & Development, Manufacture, Marketing & Service. A formal technical report must be submitted prior to the submission of a course grade. Prerequisite 16.399 and 16.400

Prerequisites & Notes

  • Prerequisites: 16.399, 16.400
  • Special Notes:
  • Credits: 3; Contact Hours: 3

Questions About This Course?

Contact the Advising Center at 978-934-2474 or

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