Fraud Exam & Forensic Accounting

Catalog Search > Management & Business > 60.645

Note: This course is not available for the current semester.

Course No: 60.645; Last Offered: Fall 2014;

Course Description

Fraud is an extremely costly business problem. Wells, Chairman of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, estimates that all forms of corporate dishonesty from cooking the books to embezzling could run as high as $660 billion annually. Business owners, executives, managers and accountants will benefit from understanding the causes, types and scope of fraud, fraud prevention, fraud detection, and fraud investigation. This course will cover management fraud, employee embezzlement and other types of fraud. The principles and methodology of fraud prevention, detection and investigation (e.g., forensic accounting) will be discussed.

Prerequisites & Notes

  • Prerequisites:
  • Special Notes:
  • Credits: 3;

Questions About This Course?

Contact the Advising Center at 978-934-2474 or

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