Managing Organizational Change

Catalog Search > Management & Business > MGMT.6010

Course No: MGMT.6010; Last Offered: Fall 2024;

Course Description

Examines how business enterprises are designed, managed and changed to operate efficiently and perform effectively within their competitive environments. It critically examines organizations that vary in terms of such characteristics as size, complexity, goals, and technology as they operate under different circumstances and at various stages of their life cycles. The role and impact of individual managers receive particular attention.

Prerequisites & Notes

  • Prerequisites:
  • Special Notes: If not currently matriculated in a Manning School of Business program, please contact the MBA staff at or call 978-934-2848 for permission to take courses.
  • Credits: 3; Contact Hours: 3

Questions About This Course?

Contact the Advising Center at 978-934-2474 or

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