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> Humanities & Social Sciences
> CRIM.6610
Note: This course is not available for the current semester.
Course No: CRIM.6610; Last Offered: No Data;
Course Description
Examines crime, crime control and crime prevention from a comparative perspective. A number of key countries are analyzed to identity innovative practices in policing, the administration of justice, and corrections, with an eye on their applicability, if any, to criminal justice practices in the United States. Developments in select countries are examined to learn critical lessons about the interplay between culture, types of government, quality of life, and levels and types of crimes. Islamic justice systems are explored to enrich our knowledge of cultural differences and their effects on crime control. Points of divergence between various countries and the United States are analyzed to assess differences in perception regarding the causes of crime and differences in the effectiveness of crime prevention, rehabilitation and punishment efforts. We will furthermore investigate transnational and international crime problems, focusing on terrorism, nuclear weapons, organized crime and drug smuggling. Finally, the course will examine current multi-national efforts in controlling crime problems.
Prerequisites & Notes
- Prerequisites:
- Special Notes:
- Credits: 3;
Questions About This Course?
Contact the Advising Center at 978-934-2474 or
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