Catalog Search
> Engineering/Engineering Technology
> EECE.5480
Note: This course is not available for the current semester.
Course No: EECE.5480; Last Offered: No Data;
Course Description
Probabilistic measure of information. Introduction to compression algorithms including L-Z, MPEG, JPEG, and Huffman encoding. Determination of the information handling capacity of communication channels and fundamental coding theorems including Shannon's first and second channel coding theorems. Introduction to error correcting codes including block codes and convolutional coding and decoding using the Viterbi algorithm. Applications of information theory and coding to advanced coding modulation such as Trellis code Modulation (TCM) and turbo modulation.
Prerequisites & Notes
- Prerequisites:
- Special Notes:
- Credits: 3;
Questions About This Course?
Contact the Advising Center at 978-934-2474 or
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