Catalog Search
> Engineering/Engineering Technology
> 23.432
Note: This course is not available for the current semester.
Course No: 23.432; Last Offered: Summer 2015;
Course Description
The course uses the Engineering Design Process methodology to formulate solutions to a product or project design effort. The design process is reviewed from problem statement to final design. The course utilizes casework, in-class exercises, examples of the preparation and use of customer and engineering specifications, and brainstorming techniques to generate feasible solutions to problems, and the process for selecting the most viable solution. Students learn to generate labor and materials budgets for product/project development and methods for the effective oral and written communication of these results. Students complete the course by delivering a comprehensive presentation of the product development effort and results.
Prerequisites & Notes
- Prerequisites: 92.225 Calculus C, 23.242 Applied Fluid
Mechanics, 23.262 Engineering Data Analysis,
23.320 Machine Design, 23.414 Engineering
Economics, 23.354 Prob. in MET., and 23.475
Heat Transfer.
- Special Notes:
- Credits: 3; Contact Hours: 3
Questions About This Course?
Contact the Advising Center at 978-934-2474 or
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