Catalog Search
> Health Sciences
> NUTR.6670
Note: This course is not available for the current semester.
Course No: NUTR.6670; Last Offered: Summer 2024;
Course Description
This supervised practice experience is the application of knowledge and skills in food and nutrition management. There will be hands-on experience in human resource and financial management. Management skills specific to the food service industry, including management functions related to safety, security and sanitation, will also be incorporated. Students will also be able to apply knowledge in food production, distribution, and food service systems along with skills in menu planning. There will be an emphasis on using strategies to reduce waste and protect the environment. A work experience is a required component of this course. Work experiences must be directly related to the student's major field of study and an integral component of the curriculum. The rotation requires a minimum of 200 hours of required supervised practice hours.
Prerequisites & Notes
- Prerequisites:
- Special Notes:
- Credits: 3; Contact Hours: 3
Questions About This Course?
Contact the Advising Center at 978-934-2474 or
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