Catalog Search
> Engineering/Engineering Technology
> 17.322
Note: This course is not available for the current semester.
Course No: 17.322; Last Offered: No Data;
Course Description
Introduction to signals and systems. Signal
classification: continuous vs. discrete;
deterministics vs. random. Normalized energy
and power. Signal families, complex
exponential, step impulse. Systems: time-domain
representation by differential equations;
linear time invariance; classical solution to
various signal families; frequency domain
representation by system function H(s); total
solution of system with initial conditions
using H(s). Block-diagram representation of
systems and differential equations. Impulse and
pulse response of LTI systems. Convolution
methods; properties, scanning with impulses,
convolution algebra. Fourier series analysis of
systems with periodic inputs; properties,
spectra and series development with impulse
method. Fourier transforms; properties, energy
and power signals, response of ideal and non-
ideal filters. Nyquist's sampling theorem and
its application. Laplace transform, properties
and use, inversion by partial fractions,
resides with s-plane vectors, application to
LTI systems with initial conditions and
sources. Introductions to digital elements and
Prerequisites & Notes
- Prerequisites: 92.234 and permission of instructor.
- Special Notes:
- Credits: 3;
Questions About This Course?
Contact the Advising Center at 978-934-2474 or
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