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Signals and Systems I

Summer 2022 > Engineering/Engineering Technology > EECE.3620 > 021B

Course No: EECE.3620-021B; SIS Class Nbr: 3373; SIS Term: 3140
Course Status: Registration Closed

Course Description

This course covers various continuous voltage/current time functions and their applications to linear time-invariant (LTI) electrical systems. It reviews pertinent topics from previous courses on circuit theory, such as system functions, S-plane concepts and complete responses. It introduces step and impulse functions and their responses in LTI circuits. It covers the solving of convolution integrals and differential equations, the transformation of signals to Fourier series, the Fourier and Laplace transforms, with their application, in continuous and discrete time, and Parseval's theorem. It also describes analog filter responses and design. A computing project is proposed in this course.

Prerequisites, Notes & Instructor

  • Prerequisites: EECE 2020 Circuit Theory II and MATH 2360 Eng Differential Equations or MATH.2340 Differential Equations.
  • Section Notes: HyFlex Course; HyFlex courses meet on campus on specific days and times and can be attended in person by students who are on campus or remotely via Zoom for students who are at a distance from campus. Students who enroll in the virtual section do not need to come to campus
  • Core Codes: STEM, HYFX
  • Credits: 3; Contact Hours: 3
  • Instructor: Mufeed MahD
  • UMass Lowell Bookstore

When Offered & Tuition

  • T,Th | 2:00 PM-4:50 PM EDT Online
  • 2022 Summer: Jul 05 to Aug 16
  • Course Level: Undergraduate
  • Tuition: $1020
  • Note: There is a $30 per semester registration fee for credit courses.

Friday Class Meetings for Live Online and On-Campus Courses

Unless otherwise noted above

  • Summer Start I M/W classes begin on Monday May 16 and include 3 FRIDAYS: May 20, June 3 and June 17 at the regularly scheduled hours.
  • Summer Start I T/Th classes begin on Tuesday, May 17 and include 2 FRIDAYS: May 27 and June 10 at the regularly scheduled hours.
  • Summer Start I M/W/Th classes begin on Tuesday, May 17 and include 1 synchronous online FRIDAY class: June 3.
  • Summer Start II M/W classes begin on Wednesday, July 6 and include 2 FRIDAYS: July 8 and July 22 at the regularly scheduled hours.
  • Summer Start II T/Th classes begin on Tuesday, July 5 and include 2 FRIDAYS: July 15 and July 29 at the regularly scheduled hours.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this catalog. However, the Division of Graduate, Online & Professional Studies reserves the right to implement new rules and regulations and to make changes of any nature to its program, calendar, procedures, standards, degree requirements, academic schedules (including, without limitations, changes in course content and class schedules), locations, tuition and fees. Whenever possible, appropriate notice of such changes will be given before they become effective.

Course Registration Closed

The registration period for this course has ended.

Check availability for the current semester