× DISMISS Weather Alert: UMass Lowell parking ban to start 11:30 p.m. Saturday 2/8 due to inclement weather. Online classes continue as scheduled. Visit the storm information page for more.

Estimated Tuition Calculator for Online Programs

The tuition calculator provides an estimation of the cost of a UMass Lowell 100% online program. Actual costs vary depending on program, credit load and financial aid eligibility.

1. Enter a Program Name

2. How many credits do you plan to transfer?


3. Semester Course Load

Estimated Cost of an Online {{selectedProgram.programNameData.name}}, {{selectedProgram.programNameData.abbreviation}} Program
{{costPerSemester() | toCurrency}}

Cost Per Semester*


Number of Semesters

{{tuitionAmmount() + estimatedFees() | toCurrency}}

All prices are estimates and subject to change by vote of the UMass Board of Trustees.

Total Tuition**

More than 75% of our students qualify for Financial Aid.

See Additional Ways to Save.

Learn more about our {{selectedProgram.programNameData.name}} program.

Apply now

*Prices are subject to change.
**Additional fees may apply, depending upon your individual status or the number of courses you enroll in.