Academic Integrity Policy

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I. Statement of Principles

The university has a responsibility to promote academic honesty and integrity and to develop procedures to deal effectively with instances of academic dishonesty. Students are responsible for the honest completion and representation of their work, for the appropriate citation of sources, and for respect of others' academic endeavors. Academic dishonesty is prohibited in all programs of the university.

II. Academic Misconduct Subject to Disciplinary Action

(1) Academic misconduct is an act in which a student:

(a) Seeks to claim credit for the work or efforts of another without authorization or citation;
(b) Uses unauthorized materials or fabricated data in any academic exercise;
(c) Forges or falsifies academic documents or records;
(d) Intentionally impedes or damages the academic work of others;
(e) Engages in conduct aimed at making false representation of a student's academic performance; or
(f) Assists other students in any of these acts.

(2) Examples of academic misconduct include, but are not limited to: cheating on an examination; collaborating with others in work to be presented, contrary to the stated rules of the course; submitting a paper or assignment as one's own work when a part or all of the paper or assignment is the work of another; submitting a paper or assignment that contains ideas or research of others without appropriately identifying the sources of those ideas; getting unauthorized access to examinations or course materials; submitting, without the permission of the current instructor, work previously presented in another course; tampering with the laboratory experiment or computer program of another student; knowingly and intentionally assisting another student in any of the above, including assistance in an arrangement whereby any work, classroom performance, examination or other activity is submitted or performed by a person other than the student under whose name the work is submitted or performed.

III. Possible Disciplinary Sanctions
(1) The following are the disciplinary sanctions that may be imposed by an instructor for academic misconduct:

(a) An oral or written notice of misconduct;
(b) An assignment to repeat the work, to be graded on its merits;
(c) A lower or failing grade on the particular assignment or test;
(d) A lower grade in the course;
(e) A failing grade in the course;
In addition, an instructor or the Academic Dean may recommend the following sanctions:
(f) A non-deletable failing grade in the course;
(g) Suspension from the University;
(h) Expulsion from the university.
Sanctions f – h are imposed by the Office of the Provost.
(2) One or more of the disciplinary sanctions listed above may be imposed for an incident of academic misconduct.
IV. Definitions
As used herein:
(1) “Office of the Provost” means the Provost, Vice Provost or a designee.
(2) “Days” means academic calendar days and excludes Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays and days upon which the university is closed.
(3) “Academic Dean” means the Academic Dean or designee for the college in which the subject course is taught.
(4) “Instructor” refers to the Instructor of Record.
(5) “Minor Disciplinary Sanction” means a disciplinary sanction, identified in paragraph III (1) (a)-(e) and imposed, for academic misconduct, upon a student by an instructor.
(6) “Major Disciplinary Sanction” means a disciplinary sanction, identified in paragraph III (1) (f)-(h) and imposed, for academic misconduct, upon a student by the Office of the Provost or the Academic Integrity Appeals Board upon the recommendation of the instructor or the Academic Dean or imposed at the discretion of the Office of the Provost.
(7) Notice to the student, whenever required herein, shall be e-mailed to the student's official e-mail address or mailed to the student by regular first class United States mail at his or her current address as maintained by the university.
V. Imposition of Disciplinary Sanctions by the Instructor
(1) Where an instructor concludes that a student enrolled in one of his or her courses has engaged in academic misconduct, the instructor may impose one or more of the following disciplinary sanctions, as listed under paragraph III, subsections (a) through (e):
(a) An oral or written notice of misconduct;
(b) An assignment to repeat the work, to be graded on its merits;
(c) A lower or failing grade on the particular assignment or test;
(d) A lower grade in the course;
(e) AA failing grade in the course.

(2) When possible, prior to imposing a minor sanction, the instructor shall notify the student that the instructor believes an act of academic misconduct has occurred, that a sanction may be imposed, and that a Notification of Academic Dishonesty Form will be filed with the Office of the Provost.

(3) Upon the imposition of a minor sanction under this section, the instructor shall notify the Office of the Provost. Notification to the Office of the Provost shall occur within 10 days, using the Notification of Academic Dishonesty Form, and shall include identification of the student, a description of the misconduct and a specification of the sanction imposed.

(4) Within 10 days following receipt of such notice, the Office of the Provost shall provide notice of the imposed discipline to the student, the instructor and to the Academic Dean. Notification to the student shall include a statement of the misconduct, specification of the sanction imposed, a statement indicating the student's right to an appeal before the Academic Dean and a link to the policy and procedures set forth herein.

(5) A student who receives notice of a disciplinary sanction imposed under this section has the right to a hearing before the Academic Dean to contest the determination that academic misconduct occurred or the disciplinary sanction imposed or both. If the student desires such a hearing, he or she must file a written request with the Office of the Provost and the Academic Dean within 10 days of receipt of notice from the Office of the Provost.

(6) In the event that the student does not file a written request for an appeal within 10 days, the Office of the Provost shall review the matter with respect to the subject student and may, at his or her discretion, uphold the recommended sanction or impose a major sanction. In any event, the Office of the Provost shall, within a reasonable time, provide notice of the outcome to the student, the instructor and to the Academic Dean.
VI. Recommendation of Major Disciplinary Sanction by the Instructor
(1) Where an instructor concludes that a student enrolled in one of his or her courses has engaged in academic misconduct in the course, the instructor for that course may recommend one or more of the following disciplinary sanctions:
(f) A non-deletable failing grade in the course;
(g) Suspension from the University
(h) Expulsion from the university.

(2) When possible, prior to the recommendation of a major sanction, the instructor shall notify the student that the instructor believes an act of academic misconduct has occurred, that a major sanction is being recommended, and that a Notification of Academic Dishonesty Form will be filed with the Office of the Provost.

(3) Upon the recommendation of a major sanction under this section, the instructor shall notify the Office of the Provost using the Notification of Academic Dishonesty Form . Notification to the Office of the Provost shall occur with 10 days and shall include identification of the student, a description of the misconduct and a specification of the sanction recommended.

(4) Within 10 days following receipt of such notice, the Office of the Provost shall provide notice of the recommended discipline to the student, the instructor, and the Academic Dean. Notification to the student shall include a statement of the misconduct, specification of the sanction recommended, a statement indicating the student's right to an appeal before the Academic Dean and a copy of the policy and procedures set forth herein.

(5) A student who receives notice of a disciplinary sanction recommended under this section has the right to a hearing before the Academic Dean to contest the determination that academic misconduct occurred or the disciplinary sanction recommended or both. If the student desires such a hearing, he or she must file a written request with the Office of the Provost and the Academic Dean within 10 days of receipt of notice from the Office of the Provost.

(6) In the event that the student does not file a written request for an appeal within 10 days, the Office of the Provost shall review the matter and may, at his or her discretion, impose or modify the sanction recommended. In any event, the Office of the Provost shall, within a reasonable time, provide notice of the outcome to the student, the instructor, and to the Academic Dean.
VII. Appeal to the Academic Dean
When an appeal to the Academic Dean is commenced in accordance with the provisions set forth in Paragraphs V or VI, the Academic Dean shall proceed in accordance with this section to consider one or more of the disciplinary sanctions listed in paragraph III, subsection (1) (a) through (h).
(1) Conference With Student: The Academic Dean shall offer to discuss the matter with the student. The purpose of this discussion is to permit the Academic Dean to review with the student the charges levied against him or her and to afford the student an opportunity to respond.
(2) Conference With Instructor: The Academic Dean shall attempt to discuss the matter with any involved instructor. This discussion may occur either before or after the conference with the student. It should include consultation with the instructor on the facts underlying the alleged academic misconduct and on the appropriateness of the imposed or recommended sanction.
(3) Determination that No Academic Misconduct Occurred: If, as a result of discussions under subsections (1) and (2), the Academic Dean determines that academic misconduct did not in fact occur or that the disciplinary sanction is not appropriate under the circumstances, the Academic Dean shall notify the instructor and the Office of the Provost. The Office of the Provost shall promptly thereafter notify the student and take appropriate action with respect to the student records.
(4) If, as a result of discussions under subsections (1) and (2), the Academic Dean determines that academic misconduct did occur and that one or more of the disciplinary sanctions listed under paragraph III, subsections (1) (a) through (h) is appropriate, the Academic Dean shall prepare and forward to the Office of the Provost, within 10 days, a written Finding of Misconduct which shall include identification of the student, a description of the alleged misconduct, a summary of evidence, findings of fact and a specification of the disciplinary sanction imposed.
VIII. Appeal to the Office of the Provost
The decision reached by the Academic Dean may be appealed to the Provost Office of the Provost if the student believes that he or she did not receive due process.
Grounds for Appeal of Due Process
(1) An appeal to the Office of the Provost shall be limited to a review of supporting documents and the process and outcome of the Academic Dean or designee for one or more of the following grounds:

*Bias by the Instructor, Academic Dean, or designee substantially influenced the outcome of the process to the detriment of the student.
*New, relevant information has come to light that was not available at the time of the hearing by the Academic Dean.
*Unusual procedures were followed or the procedures outlined herein were not followed, to the detriment of the student.

If the student desires such a hearing, he or she must file a written request with the Office of the Provost and the Academic Dean within 10 days of receipt of notice from the Office of the Provost. The request must be based upon the “Grounds for Appeal” listed above.
(2) When an appeal to the Office of the Provost is commenced in accordance with this paragraph, the Office of the Provost shall review the matter with respect to the subject student and may, at his or her discretion, uphold, vacate or modify the discipline imposed or direct such appeal to be heard by the Academic Integrity Appeals Board. In any event, the Office of the Provost shall, within a reasonable time, provide notice of the outcome to the student, instructor, and to the Academic Dean.
(3) In the event that the student does not file a written request for an appeal within 10 days, the Office of the Provost shall review the matter with respect to the subject student and may, at his or her discretion, uphold or modify the discipline imposed. In any event, the Office of the Provost shall, within a reasonable time, provide notice of the outcome to the student, instructor and to the Academic Dean.
IX. Role of the Academic Integrity Appeals Board
(1) The Academic Integrity Appeals Board is an ad hoc committee appointed by the Office of the Provost and consists of a minimum of three faculty members chosen by the Office of the Provost with no two members selected from the same College; the board shall not include a faculty member from within the department initiating charges of academic dishonesty. The Board is chaired by the Office of the Provost who shall vote only in the case of a tie. [Or One member shall serve as Chair at the direction of the Office of the Provost. The Chair shall vote only in the case of a tie.]
When an appeal is directed to the Academic Integrity Appeals Board by the Office of the Provost in accordance with the provisions set forth in paragraph VIII, the Academic Integrity Appeals Board shall schedule the hearing, within a reasonable time period, at a time that is mutually agreed upon by the student, Office of the Provost and members of the Academic Integrity Appeals Board.
(2) Reasonably in advance of the hearing, the Academic Integrity Appeals Board shall obtain from the Academic Dean, in writing, a full explanation of the facts upon which the determination of misconduct was based and shall provide to the student a copy of the policy and procedures set forth herein.
(3) The hearing before the Academic Integrity Appeals Board shall be conducted in accordance with the following requirements:
(a) The Academic Integrity Appeals Board shall consider relevant evidence including documentary evidence and testimony of the instructor, student, Chair and/or Dean where appropriate.
(b) The student shall have the right to be heard and to present relevant evidence, including documentary evidence and the testimony of witnesses, in his or her own behalf.
(c) The Academic Integrity Appeals Board shall maintain a record of the hearing including any and all pleadings and documentary evidence presented.
(d) The Academic Integrity Appeals Board shall prepare written findings of fact and a written statement of its decision based upon the record of the hearing.
(e) The Academic Integrity Appeals Board may find academic misconduct and impose a sanction of suspension or expulsion only if the proof of such misconduct is clear and convincing. In other cases, a finding of misconduct must be based on a preponderance of the credible evidence.
(f) The Academic Integrity Appeals Board may impose a disciplinary sanction that differs from the recommendation of the Academic Dean.
(g) The instructor or Academic Dean may be witnesses at the hearing conducted by the Academic Integrity Appeals Board, but shall not have responsibility for conducting the hearing.
(4) Determination that No Academic Misconduct Occurred: If, after the hearing, the Academic Integrity Appeals Board determines that there is insufficient evidence that academic misconduct occurred or that no disciplinary sanction is appropriate under the circumstances, the Academic Integrity Appeals Board shall notify the instructor, the Academic Dean and the Office of the Provost. The Office of the Provost shall promptly thereafter notify the student and take appropriate action with respect to the student records.
(5) Process Following Determination by the Academic Integrity Appeals Board that Academic Misconduct Occurred:
(a) If, after the hearing, the Academic Integrity Appeals Board determines that academic misconduct did occur and that one or more of the disciplinary sanctions listed under paragraph III, subsections (1) (a) through (h) is appropriate, the Academic Integrity Appeals Board shall prepare and forward to the Office of the Provost, within 10 days, a written Finding of Misconduct which shall include identification of the student, a description of the misconduct and a specification of the disciplinary sanction to be imposed.
(b) Within 10 days following receipt of the written Finding of Misconduct from the Academic Integrity Appeals Board, the Office of the Provost shall provide written notice of the imposed discipline to the instructor, the Academic Dean and the student.

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