Summer 2020 > Computer Related > COMP.1010 > 021
Course No: COMP.1010-021; SIS Class Nbr: 3391; SIS Term: 2940
Course Status: Registration Closed
Introduction to computing environments: introduction to an integrated development environment; C, C++, or a similar language. Linear data structures; arrays, records, and linked lists. Abstract data types, stacks, and queues. Simple sorting via exchange, selection, and insertion, basic file I/O. Programming style documentation and testing. Ethical and social issues. Effective Fall 2013, Co-req 91.103 Computing 1 Lab.
Unless otherwise noted above
Related Programs: B.A. in Actuarial Studies, B.S. in Applied Mathematics & Statistics: Applied & Computational Mathematics Option, B.S. in Applied Mathematics & Statistics: Statistics Option
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The registration period for this course has ended.
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