Summer 2021 > Humanities & Social Sciences > FAHS.2130 > 061
Course No: FAHS.2130-061; SIS Class Nbr: 1202; SIS Term: 3040
Course Status: Registration Closed
Foundations of Liberal Studies is a required course for all BLA majors. This course examines the value and importance of drawing on several academic disciplines to understand issues that are too complex to be addressed effectively using any single discipline. Using a case study approach, we will examine how the elements of various disciplines can be integrated and synthesized to understand and give voice to complex issues dealing with health, environment, governance, peace and conflict, etc. Upon completing the course, students will be able to view the courses in their tow BLA concentrations from an interdisciplinary perspective by observing how elements of each discipline can contribute to the understanding of global problems. These skills will be applied in the BLA Capstone Course.
Related Programs: B.L.A. in Liberal Arts
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The registration period for this course has ended.
Check availability for the current semester