Course Search



Fall 2024: Open courses

Total records found: 109
CRS#Course NameSIS#DayWhen OfferedTuition
ACCT.5010-082Financial Accounting4957Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1310
ACCT.6010-082Accounting Information for Management Decisions5056Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
ACCT.6010-086Accounting Information for Management Decisions7519Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
ACCT.6400-082Financial Accounting Theory and Research7383Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
ACCT.6450-082Fraud Examination and Forensic Accounting7382Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
ARCH.3150-082Modern Architecture (Formerly ARHI.3150)10093Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
ARHI.1010-082Art Appreciation4967Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
ARHI.1050-082Comparative Arts8348Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
ARHI.3020-082Studies In World Art8904Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
ARHI.3360-082Arts of Sub-Saharan Africa12967Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
ARTS.1150-082Drawing for Non-Art Majors8046Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
ARTS.1170-082An Introduction to the Language of Painting8317Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
ARTS.1610-082Introduction to Photography8045Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
CHEM.1020-082Forensic Science for the Non-Scientist8836Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
CHEM.1030-082Chemistry of Mind-Altering Drugs for Non-Scientists14319Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
COMP.1130-082Exploring the Internet4964Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
CRIM.2030-082Technology and the Criminal Justice System4917Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
CRIM.2210-082Criminology4951Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
CRIM.3260-082Hate Crime8560Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
CRIM.3430-082Forensic Psychology5142Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
CRIM.3600-082Gender, Race, and Crime4966Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
DGMD.1000-082Introduction to Digital Media14104Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
DGMD.2200-082Screenwriting13773Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
DGMD.2310-082Media, Law and Ethics9215Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
ECON.2010-082Principles of Microeconomics8340Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
ECON.2010-084Principles of Microeconomics9433Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
ECON.2020-082Principles of Macroeconomics8336Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
ECON.2020-084Principles of Macroeconomics9402Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
ECON.2110-082Statistics for Business and Economics I4980Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
ECON.2110-084Statistics for Business and Economics I14579Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
ENGL.2070-082English Studies in a Digital Environment8279Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
ENGL.2110-082Poetry8634Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
ENGL.2160-082Monsters, Apes & Nightmares4952Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
ENGL.2170-082The Horror Story5014Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
ENGL.2380-082Introduction to Creative Writing5227Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
ENGL.3245-082Writing about the Environment13426Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
ENTR.4640-082Finance for Emerging Business Enterprises8026Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
ENTR.6450-082New Product Development6472Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
ENTR.6500-082Innovation and Emerging Technology13671Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
ETEC.2720-082Introduction to Alternative Energy7471Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
FINA.2000-082Personal Finance4973Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
FINA.3010-084Financial Management14475Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
FINA.5010-082Fundamentals of Finance4959Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1310
FINA.5010-084Fundamentals of Finance14477Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1310
FINA.6020-082Advanced Corporate Finance7944Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
FINA.6310-082Empirical Methods in Finance9364Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
FINA.6420-082Decentralized Finance (DeFi)12780Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
FINA.6750-082Financial Derivatives7270Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
FINA.6910-082International Financial Management7272Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
GNDR.2400-082Introduction to Gender Studies8571Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
GRFX.2000-082Introduction to Graphic Design8534Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
GRFX.2040-082Computer Graphics & Illustration8318Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
GRFX.3000-082Advanced Graphic Design7534Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
GRFX.3020-082Advanced Typography5090Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
GRFX.3500-082User Interface Prototyping for Apps and Web8319Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
HSCI.3080-082Global Health9012Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
INFO.1600-082Introduction to Information Systems4972Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
INFO.2020-082Microsoft Office4965Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
INFO.2320-082Desktop Video Production13458Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
INFO.2500-082E-Commerce5085Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
INFO.2785-082Introduction to Operating Systems9963Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
INFO.2930-082Data analysis and Visualization with Python13624Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
INFO.3085-082Introduction to Data Mining9187Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
INFO.3210-082Linux/Unix System Administration5087Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
INFO.4620-082TCP/IP and Network Architecture5082Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
LIFE.2140-082Human Ecology8068Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
MATH.1220-082Management Calculus7311Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
MGMT.3800-082Business Ethics8010Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
MGMT.5010-084Organizational Behavior14517Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1310
MGMT.6010-0822Managing Organizational Change14559Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
MGMT.6100-082Managerial Leadership5067Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
MGMT.6100-084Managerial Leadership7494Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
MGMT.6301-082Management Consulting5052Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
MGMT.6910-084Strategy Formation and Implementation5121Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
MIST.6010-082Management Information Systems8704Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
MIST.6010-084Management Information Systems8705Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
MIST.6030-082Database Management8706Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
MIST.6080-082Enterprise System Management8709Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
MKTG.2100-082Professional Communications9063Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
MKTG.4020-082Buyer Behavior7281Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
MKTG.5010-084Marketing Fundamentals8466Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1310
MKTG.6010-082Customers and Markets5117Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
MKTG.6010-084Customers and Markets7283Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
MKTG.6350-082Marketing Analytics7941Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
PHIL.1010-082Introduction to Philosophy .7560Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
PHIL.1030-082Introduction to Ethics7932Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
PHIL.1030-084Introduction to Ethics10078Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
PHIL.2410-082Engineering and Ethics14489Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
POLI.1120-082Introduction to Comparative Politics7890Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
POLI.1210-082Introduction to International Relations7369Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
POLI.2220-082Politics of the Internet9072Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
POMS.5010-086Operations Fundamentals14573Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1310
POMS.6010-086Operations Management8720Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
POMS.6010-088Operations Management14574Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
POMS.6120-082Statistics for Predictive Analytics8728Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
POMS.6220-082Decision Analytics8732Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1965
PSYC.1010-084Introduction to Psychological Science7559Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
PSYC.2090-082Social Psychology4968Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
PSYC.2320-082Psychology of Personality4976Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
PSYC.2600-082Child and Adolescent Development4953Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
PSYC.2720-082Abnormal Psychology4969Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
PSYC.3350-082Psychology and Women4970Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
PSYC.3510-082Human Sexuality4986Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
PSYC.3600-082Adult Development and Aging4975Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
PSYC.3620-082Psychology of Developmental Disabilities10118Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
PSYC.4731-082Seminar in Social Psychology: Social (In)justice14436Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
SOCI.1010-082Introduction to Sociology8619Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
SOCI.2710-082Sociology of Work8902Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
THEA.2010-082Introduction to Theatre9165Online Course
2024 Fall: Oct 28 to Dec 20$1155
Please Note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this web site. However, the Division of Graduate, Online & Professional Studies reserves the right to implement new rules and regulations and to make changes of any nature in its program, calendar, locations, tuition, and fees. Whenever possible, appropriate notice of such changes will be given before they become effective. In registering for courses, each student assumes full responsibility for knowledge of and compliance with the definitions, regulations, and procedures for the University as set forth in the appropriate publications and bulletins.