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Certificate Program in Contemporary Communications

Gain an edge in today's information-driven world by completing UMass Lowell's Contemporary Communications certificate.

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Contemporary Communications Certificate

Prepare to succeed in a rapidly changing, information-driven workplace with UMass Lowell's Contemporary Communications certificate. This 6-course certificate will develop your skills in research, analysis, writing, presentations and the use of technology as a tool for communication. This interdisciplinary program draws upon the expertise and knowledge of several departments within the University. The courses in this certificate can also be applied to several UMass Lowell degrees.

Just 6 Courses

Just 6 Courses

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Curriculum Outline

- Required Courses: 4
- Electives: 2

Course Descriptions

COMP.1130 Exploring the Internet (3cr)

An introduction to internet technologies and how they intersect with social, political, and economic issues. Includes: the history of the internet, how it's presently managed, how information is transferred between servers and clients, collaborative web technologies, search engines, encryption, digital rights management, certificate authorities, phishing and other malware, and privacy concerns. Students will build a basic website using HTML and CSS.


Non-CS Majors only


Not for CS majors

ENGL.2240 Business Writing (3cr)

Studies the theory and practice of writing letters, memoranda and reports on specific business and technical problems. Registration preference for students enrolled in Business programs.


Note: Students may not receive credit for both ENGL.2240 and ENGL.2260

ENGL.2260 Scientific and Technical Communication (3cr)

Studies the theory and practice of letters, memoranda, reports and oral presentations on specific scientific and technical problems.


Students may not receive credit for both ENGL.2240 and ENGL.2260; Students will learn about scientific and technical communication by engaging with lab reports, step-by-step instructions, technical manuals and so forth. This course gives students the opportunity to write two chapters in a technical manual by the end of the course. These chapters will include step-by-step instructions on how to fix, prepare, create, or describe a function or process related to a specific individual project.


ENGL.1020 pre-req

ENGL.2270 Essay Writing for English Majors (3cr)

Analyzes and discusses the techniques and styles of selected professional essayists as well as the preparation of student essays. Emphasis will be placed on the writing process from prewriting through drafting and revising. English majors and minors only.



ENGL.3000 Intro to Journalism (3cr)

An introduction to techniques of writing for the news media.


ENGL 1010,102, 227 or 229 or 2

GRFX.2000 Introduction to Graphic Design (3cr)

Exercises, lectures and projects will introduce students to graphic design principles and techniques. Course will begin with a fundamental study of image, form, and space relations, then cover such topics as working with grids, typography basics, page layout, the introduction of color, rendering techniques, history, and more. Students will be assigned a series of projects to enhance their visual communication skills. Formerly 70.291 & 70.210. 3 credits/3 contact hours.


Basic Computer Prof. (CSCE)

INFO.1600 Introduction to Information Systems (3cr)

This course presents the most -up-to-date technology in an ever-changing discipline. It provides an in-depth understanding of the components of the computer systems and mobile devices, application software, mobile apps, system software (including operation systems), digital storage, and communications and networks. The course also teaches the fundamentals of the Internet, digital safety, security, and privacy, as well as Information and Data Management and Information Systems and Program Development.

INFO.2300 Introduction to Multimedia (3cr)

Provides participants with an overview of multimedia and its professional applications in training, education, marketing, and entertainment. Scanning images, digitizing video and audio, and exploring the design and production of interactive multimedia are the focus of this class. Includes technical/hardware considerations and production procedures pertinent to interactive multimedia.

INFO.2310 Graphics for Multimedia and the World Wide Web (3cr)

The focus of this class is on the basic components of shape, color, texture, typography, and images as they are applied to multimedia and web interface design. Other topics covered include scanning, image editing, resolution and color palettes. Students will work on projects that integrate elements such as buttons, navigation bars, and background images to communicate creative visual information. Photoshop will be used.


Formerly Graphics for Multimedia



INFO.2380 Website Development (3cr)

This course focuses on the design, development, and implementation of websites using available visual development tools. Each participant will design, build, and maintain their own websites. Topics covered include: basic navigational structure; page layout incorporating tables and frames; graphical design and placement; image maps; streaming audio and video; and basic website administration.


Requires Adobe Dreamweaver software.



INFO.2500 E-Commerce (3cr)

Today, e-commerce has become the platform for media and new, unique services and capabilities driven by Internet technology, including developments in security and payment systems, marketing strategies and advertising, financial applications, media distribution, business-to-business trade, and retail e-commerce. This course provides an in-depth overview of the challenges and realities behind the planning, creation and maintenance of online businesses. While this curriculum doesn't include creating an online business directly, each student will learn what options are available to entrepreneurs looking to start a business online and what challenges and pitfalls may await. Students will learn about the mobile digital platform, the emergence of cloud computing, new open source software tools.

INFO.2910 Introduction to HTML (3cr)

This course is designed to teach you how to code cutting-edge web pages using the new HTML5 tags; We will introduce you to HTML5 web forms, and explain how to use them; We'll discover how to add multimedia content and how to use the Canvas element to draw shapes complete with fills, color strokes, gradients, and more; You'll learn how to combine the powerful styling and animation capabilities of CCS3 to enhance your web pages, and work with the technologies of HTML5 to make building web applications easier than ever.

INFO.4600 Computer Ethics (3cr)

This course is an introduction to the major issues surrounding the use of computers in our society, with a special focus on fields related to computer science and information technology management. The course will cover an analysis of major trends in emerging computer technology and their potential effects on work, leisure, government, and human relations. Students will examine the assumptions which underlie our culture's relation to technology and the relation between their own ethics and the values and ethics implicit in our uses of technology and information.

MKTG.2010 Marketing Principles (3cr)

The role of marketing in the economy. The elements of the marketing mix--product, price, distribution, and promotion--are discussed in the context of social and political constraints on marketing activity.


ENGL.1010/S College Writing I, or ENGL.1020 College Writing II, or HONR.110 First Year Seminar in Honors:Text in the City.

PHIL.2020 Introduction to Logic and Critical Reasoning (3cr)

Studies the methods used to distinguish correct from incorrect reasoning. This course will aim at developing (1) an ability to express one's ideas clearly and concisely; (2) an increased skill in defining one's terms; and(3) a capacity to formulate arguments vigorously and to scrutinize them critically. Meets Core Curriculum Essential Learning Outcome for Critical Thinking & Problem Solving (CTPS) and Quantitative Literacy (QL).

PHIL.3450 Rhetoric: History and Theory (3cr)

Students will learn not only what the great rhetors from Demosthenes, Cicero, and Quintilian to Lincoln, Churchill and M.L. King can teach us about effective oral presentation, but also how to apply what they learn by practicing with the leading edge broadcast communications technologies available in our classroom. Both written examination papers and short presentations will be required.

POLI.2110 Media and Politics Around the World (3cr)

For centuries, politicians have depended on media to reach and persuade citizens, yet the role of media in politics remains much debated. This course introduces students to the theories on the relationship between media and politics using a case study approach Because much of what we know about the media comes from studying media in the United States, we will start with cases in the U.S., but because much of what we need to know about media and politics involves media in other countries, we will spend much of the course looking at media and politics in developing and democratizing countries.

POLI.3160 Politics and Film (3cr)

Analysis of the role of film in creating, expressing, revealing, and responding to social and political ideas and values. Examines a variety of film and film styles and introduces students to elements of film theory, the theory of popular culture and the role of film in forming our ideas about the world.

Undergraduate Certificate Requirements

Students enrolled in UMass Lowell certificate programs must complete all courses and maintain a grade point average of 2.000 or better to earn the certificate. All certificate courses must be completed within a five-year period.

Certificate Completion

Students who successfully complete the certificate program should submit a Certificate Petition Form to have their certificate mailed to them.

Tuition & Fees

Tuition at UMass Lowell is typically half the cost of private colleges, and our online tuition is among the lowest in the nation. Tuition for online programs offered through the Division of Graduate, Online & Professional Studies is the same whether you live in-state, out-of-state or outside of the U.S.

Spring 2025 Tuition

Cost Per Credit Cost Per 3-Credit Course*


Online and On Campus $385 $1,155
*Tuition is priced on the listed credit hour unless the contact hour is different. Tuition is then based upon the listed contact hour.

Additional Costs

Term Registration Fee $30
Returned Check Fee $30

Please note: Tuition and fees are subject to change.

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Looking for Financial Assistance?

UMass Lowell offers a variety of financial aid and scholarship options.


Applying into an Undergraduate Certificate Program

Apply to an undergraduate certificate program using the Online Application Form or by printing and completing the Undergraduate Certificate Application Form in .pdf file format. Applicants will be required to have either their official high school transcript, HiSET®, GED® or their most recent college transcript if applicable, sent to Graduate, Online & Professional Studies at the address below. Applications, transcripts, and other correspondence should be sent to:

University of Massachusetts Lowell
Division of Graduate, Online & Professional Studies
Undergraduate Admissions
839 Merrimack Street, 2nd Floor
Lowell, MA 01854

Undergraduate certificate applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and there is no fee to apply. You will be notified upon acceptance.

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Questions Regarding Your Undergraduate Application?

Email OCE_Admissions@uml.edu or call 978-934-2474.

For General Assistance:

Call the Advising Center at 978-934-2474 or 800-480-3190. Our academic advisors are here to help!

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