Course Search



Spring 2017: Undergraduate-level, 10-week courses

Total records found: 153
CRS#Course NameSIS#DayWhen OfferedTuition
Registration Closed
8390Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
Registration Closed
8391Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ACCT.3210-061Cost Accounting
Registration Closed
8399Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ARHI.1010-061Art Appreciation
Registration Closed
8136Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ARHI.3020-061Studies In World Art
Registration Closed
8140Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ARHI.3130-061American Art
Registration Closed
8137Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
BUSI.1500-061Business 101
Registration Closed
9695Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
COMP.1130-061Exploring the Internet
Registration Closed
9107Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
CRIM.1150-061Introduction to Homeland Security
Registration Closed
8862Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
CRIM.2610-061Juvenile Delinquency
Registration Closed
13633Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
CRIM.3260-061Hate Crime
Registration Closed
8871Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
CRIM.3600-061Gender, Race, and Crime
Registration Closed
8875Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ECON.2010-061Economics I (Microeconomics)
Registration Closed
8237Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ECON.2010-062Economics I (Microeconomics)
Registration Closed
8239Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ECON.2010-063Economics I (Microeconomics)
Registration Closed
8241Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ECON.2010-064Economics I (Microeconomics)
Registration Closed
8243Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ECON.2020-061Economics II (Macroeconomics)
Registration Closed
8245Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ECON.2020-062Economics II (Macroeconomics)
Registration Closed
8246Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ECON.2020-063Economics II (Macroeconomics)
Registration Closed
8247Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ECON.2110-061Statistics for Business and Economics I
Registration Closed
8249Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ECON.3040-061Macroeconomic Theory
Registration Closed
8250Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ECON.3120-061Managerial Economics
Registration Closed
8251Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ECON.3160-061Investments: Instruments and Strategies
Registration Closed
8252Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ENGL.2010-061Classical Mythology
Registration Closed
8286Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ENGL.2170-061The Horror Story
Registration Closed
14011Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ENGL.2170-062The Horror Story
Registration Closed
14012Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ENGL.2240-061Business Writing
Registration Closed
8293Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ENGL.2240-062Business Writing
Registration Closed
13809Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ENGL.2260-061Scientific and Technical Communication
Registration Closed
8294Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ENGL.2980-061Children's Literature
Registration Closed
8299Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ENGL.3830-061Theatre History II: Nineteenth Century to the Present: 19th Century to the Present
Registration Closed
8304Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
ENTR.3000-061Principles of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Registration Closed
8352Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
FINA.3010-061Financial Management
Registration Closed
8471Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
FINA.3010-062Financial Management
Registration Closed
8475Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
FINA.3110-061Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
Registration Closed
8482Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
FINA.3210-061Investment and Portfolio Analysis
Registration Closed
8486Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
FINA.4320-061Intermediate Corporate Finance
Registration Closed
8487Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
FINA.4910-061International Finance
Registration Closed
8489Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
GRFX.2000-061Introduction to Graphic Design
Registration Closed
9701Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
GRFX.2020-061Fundamentals of Typography
Registration Closed
9702Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
GRFX.2030-061Photographic Imaging
Registration Closed
9703Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
GRFX.2040-061Computer Graphics & Illustration
Registration Closed
9704Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
GRFX.2110-061Desktop Publishing: Print Production
Registration Closed
9705Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
GRFX.2120-061Website Design
Registration Closed
9708Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
GRFX.3000-061Advanced Graphic Design
Registration Closed
9709Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
GRFX.3120-061Advanced Website Design
Registration Closed
9710Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
GRFX.4000-061Portfolio Production Seminar
Registration Closed
9775Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.1600-061Introduction to Information Systems
Registration Closed
9109Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.1600-062Introduction to Information Systems
Registration Closed
9112Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.1800-061Applications Software: Microsoft Excel
Registration Closed
9124Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.2020-061Microsoft Office
Registration Closed
9127Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.2020-062Microsoft Office
Registration Closed
9129Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.2110-061Introduction to Programming W/C I
Registration Closed
9142Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.2110-062Introduction to Programming W/C I
Registration Closed
9146Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.2120-061Introduction to Programming with C - Part II
Registration Closed
9153Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.2120-062Introduction to Programming with C - Part II
Registration Closed
9154Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.2200L-061Visual Basic
Registration Closed
9156Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.2300-061Introduction to Multimedia
Registration Closed
9165Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.2310-061Graphics for Multimedia and the World Wide Web
Registration Closed
9193Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.2380-061Website Development: Adobe Dreamweaver
Registration Closed
9191Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.2380-062Website Development: Adobe Dreamweaver
Registration Closed
14251Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.2480-061Website Database Implementation
Registration Closed
10140Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
Registration Closed
9194Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.2670-061C Programming
Registration Closed
10322Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.2680-061C++ Programming
Registration Closed
9719Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.2710-061C# Programming
Registration Closed
9195Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.2910-061Introduction to HTML
Registration Closed
9196Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.2910-062Introduction to HTML
Registration Closed
9197Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.2970-061Introduction to Java Programming
Registration Closed
9723Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.3010-061JAVA Programming
Registration Closed
9199Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
Registration Closed
9698Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.3030-061Advanced Java Programming
Registration Closed
9202Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.3050-061Survey of Perl/Python/PHP
Registration Closed
9205Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.3060-061Introduction to XML
Registration Closed
9699Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.3110-061Introduction to the Linux/Unix Operating System
Registration Closed
9208Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.3120-061Shell Scripting
Registration Closed
9216Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.3210-061Linux/Unix System Administration
Registration Closed
9217Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.3850-061Introduction to Information Security
Registration Closed
9221Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.4600-061Computer Ethics
Registration Closed
9224Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.4610-061LAN/WAN Technologies
Registration Closed
9227Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.4610-062LAN/WAN Technologies
Registration Closed
9228Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.4620-061TCP/IP and Network Architecture
Registration Closed
9233Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
INFO.4640-061Network Management
Registration Closed
9235Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
LGST.2620-061Introduction to Business Law
Registration Closed
8753Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
LGST.2620-062Introduction to Business Law
Registration Closed
8756Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
LGST.2620-063Introduction to Business Law
Registration Closed
8758Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
LGST.3700-061Real Estate Law
Registration Closed
8772Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
LGST.3920-061Wills,Trusts and Estates
Registration Closed
8787Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
MGMT.3010-061Organizational Behavior
Registration Closed
9420Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
MGMT.3100-061Human Resources Management
Registration Closed
9421Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
MGMT.3100-062Human Resources Management
Registration Closed
13770Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
MGMT.3800-061Business Ethics
Registration Closed
9423Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
MGMT.3800-062Business Ethics
Registration Closed
9424Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
MGMT.3800-063Business Ethics
Registration Closed
9425Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
MGMT.4800-061Current Topics in Management: Business Process Management
Registration Closed
9429Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
MGMT.4900-061Strategic Management
Registration Closed
9431Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
MGMT.4900-062Strategic Management
Registration Closed
9432Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
MIST.2010-061Business Information Systems
Registration Closed
8410Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
MIST.2010-062Business Information Systems
Registration Closed
14315Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
MIST.3050-061Business Applications Development
Registration Closed
8411Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
MKTG.2010-061Marketing Principles
Registration Closed
8359Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
MKTG.2010-062Marketing Principles
Registration Closed
8360Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
MKTG.2100-061Professional Communications
Registration Closed
8363Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
MKTG.2100-062Professional Communications
Registration Closed
8364Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
MKTG.3130-061Sales and Customer Relations
Registration Closed
8365Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
MKTG.4020-061Buyer Behavior
Registration Closed
8372Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
Registration Closed
8373Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
MKTG.4120-061Global Marketing
Registration Closed
8375Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
PHIL.3750-061Philosophy of Sex and Love
Registration Closed
8267Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
PHIL.3880-061Latin American Philosophy
Registration Closed
8268Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
POLI.2180-061Introduction to Politics and Sports
Registration Closed
8196Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
POLI.2220-061Politics of the Internet
Registration Closed
8198Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
POLI.2300-061Law and the Legal System
Registration Closed
8200Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
POLI.3160-061Politics and Film
Registration Closed
8202Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
POLI.3230-061Politics and Baseball
Registration Closed
8203Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
POLI.3320-061The Politics of Food
Registration Closed
8205Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
POLI.3350-061Constitutional Law and Politics
Registration Closed
8213Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
POMS.3010-061Operations Management
Registration Closed
8420Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
POMS.3010-062Operations Management
Registration Closed
8421Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
PSYC.1010-061Introduction to Psychological Science
Registration Closed
8546Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
PSYC.1010-062Introduction to Psychological Science
Registration Closed
8547Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
PSYC.2090-061Social Psychology
Registration Closed
8553Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
PSYC.2320-061Psychology of Personality
Registration Closed
8554Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
PSYC.2550-061Community Psychology
Registration Closed
8557Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
PSYC.2600-061Child and Adolescent Development
Registration Closed
8562Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
PSYC.2600-062Child and Adolescent Development
Registration Closed
8563Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
PSYC.2720-061Abnormal Psychology
Registration Closed
8574Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
PSYC.2730-061Brain, Mind & Behavior
Registration Closed
8577Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
PSYC.2780-061Cognitive Psychology
Registration Closed
8592Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
PSYC.3050-061Psychology and Law
Registration Closed
8601Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
PSYC.3350-061Psychology and Women
Registration Closed
8615Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
PSYC.3510-061Human Sexuality
Registration Closed
8623Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
PSYC.3600-061Adult Development and Aging
Registration Closed
8624Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
PSYC.4730-061Seminar in Social Psychology: Social (In) Justice
Registration Closed
8640Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
PSYC.4750-061Seminar in Clinical Psychology: Autism
Registration Closed
8643Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
PSYC.4770-061Seminar in Contemporary Trends: Addictions
Registration Closed
8659Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
PUBH.1021-061Introduction to Public Health
Registration Closed
8337Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
SOCI.1010-061Introduction to Sociology
Registration Closed
8147Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
SOCI.1010-062Introduction to Sociology
Registration Closed
8149Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
SOCI.2120-061Cultures of the World
Registration Closed
8155Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
SOCI.2200-061Self-Assessment and Career Development
Registration Closed
8156Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
SOCI.3450-061Urban Sociology
Registration Closed
8158Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
SOCI.3710-061Sociology of Work
Registration Closed
8162Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
WLFR.2120-061French 4 and Culture
Registration Closed
8201Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
WLSP.1010-061Spanish 1 and Culture
Registration Closed
8204Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
WLSP.1010-062Spanish 1 and Culture
Registration Closed
8209Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
WLSP.1020-061Spanish 2 and Culture
Registration Closed
8212Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
WLSP.1020-062Spanish 2 and Culture
Registration Closed
8214Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
WLSP.2110-061Spanish 3 and Culture
Registration Closed
8217Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
WLSP.2110-062Spanish 3 and Culture
Registration Closed
8219Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
WLSP.2120-061Spanish 4 and Culture
Registration Closed
8220Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
WLSP.2120-062Spanish 4 and Culture
Registration Closed
8221Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
WLSP.3300-061Spanish and Latin-American Women Writers
Registration Closed
8222Online Course
2017 Spring: Jan 17 to Apr 01$1125
Please Note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this web site. However, the Division of Graduate, Online & Professional Studies reserves the right to implement new rules and regulations and to make changes of any nature in its program, calendar, locations, tuition, and fees. Whenever possible, appropriate notice of such changes will be given before they become effective. In registering for courses, each student assumes full responsibility for knowledge of and compliance with the definitions, regulations, and procedures for the University as set forth in the appropriate publications and bulletins.