Summer 2024
> Management & Business
> ENTR.6100
> 046
Course No: ENTR.6100-046; SIS Class Nbr: 3901; SIS Term: 3340
Course Status: Registration Closed
Course Description
The Course is offered as a 2-week intensive experiential learning of Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation. It is designed to help students to understand the importance of entrepreneurship and innovation in today's global economy and to cultivate an entrepreneurial mind-set among the students in the UMass Lowell Students will work in inter-disciplinary, multi-cultural environments exploring problem solving techniques, opportunities identification, business concept development and venture planning using standard business model framework and bringing ideas to reality.
Prerequisites, Notes & Instructor
- Prerequisites: Students with a CSCE career need permission to take Graduate Level Courses.
- Special Notes: Matriculated MBA students or MSF or MGFB
Certificate or PSM or Doctor of Engineering
majors or permission of MBA coordinator.
- Section Notes: Live Online Course; Live Online Course: Attend class remotely during specific days and times (sometimes referred to as synchronous learning). Instructors may deliver lessons from an off-campus location, from a campus classroom, lab or studio, and you¿ll also make use of Blackboard, UMass Lowell¿s online learning management tool.
- Core Codes: ONLINE SYN
- Credits: 3; Contact Hours: 3
- Instructor: Deborah Finch
Textbook Information
When Offered & Tuition
- M,W | 8:00 AM-10:50 AM ET
- 2024 Summer: Jul 08 to Aug 15
- Course Level: Graduate
Tuition: $1965
- Note: There is a $30 per semester registration fee for credit courses.
Friday Class Meetings for Live Online and On-Campus Courses
Unless otherwise noted above
- Summer Start I M/W classes begin on Monday May 13 and include 3 FRIDAYS: May 17, May 31 and June 14 at the regularly scheduled hours.
- Summer Start I T/Th classes begin on Tuesday, May 14 and include 2 FRIDAYS: May 24 and June 7 at the regularly scheduled hours.
- Summer Start II M/W classes begin on Monday, July 8 and include 2 FRIDAYS: July 12 and July 26 at the regularly scheduled hours.
- Summer Start II T/Th classes begin on Tuesday, July 9 and include 2 FRIDAYS: July 19 and August 2 at the regularly scheduled hours.
Related Programs: Graduate Certificate in Innovation & Entrepreneurship, MBA, M.S. in Accounting
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this catalog. However, the Division of Graduate, Online & Professional Studies reserves the right to implement new rules and regulations and to make changes of any nature to its program, calendar, procedures, standards, degree requirements, academic schedules (including, without limitations, changes in course content and class schedules), locations, tuition and fees. Whenever possible, appropriate notice of such changes will be given before they become effective.