Summer 2025
> Science & Mathematics
> MATH.1220
> 001
Course No: MATH.1220-001; SIS Class Nbr: 1322; SIS Term: 3440
Course Status: Open
Course Description
Review of difference quotient, least squares modeling, limit of difference quotient, differential calculus: derivatives, differentials, higher-order derivatives, implicit differentiation, relative and absolute maxima and minima of functions, and applications of derivatives to business and economics. Integrals and applications to business. No credit in Science or Engineering.
Prerequisites, Notes & Instructor
- Prerequisites: MATH.1200 Precalculus Math I, or MATH.1205 Applied Precalc, or MATH.1210 Mgmt Precalculus, or MATH.1225 Precalculus Math I, or MATH.1270 Prep for Calc, or current ALEKS score of 55 of higher.
- Section Notes: Hybrid Course
- Credits: 3; Contact Hours: 3
- Instructor: Adam Boudreau
UMass Lowell Bookstore
When Offered & Tuition
- T | 6:30 PM-9:20 PM ET
- 2025 Summer: May 19 to Aug 10
- Course Level: Undergraduate
Tuition: $1155
- Note: There is a $30 per semester registration fee for credit courses.
Related Programs: A.S. in Business Administration, B.A. in Economics, B.S. in Business Administration
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this catalog. However, the Division of Graduate, Online & Professional Studies reserves the right to implement new rules and regulations and to make changes of any nature to its program, calendar, procedures, standards, degree requirements, academic schedules (including, without limitations, changes in course content and class schedules), locations, tuition and fees. Whenever possible, appropriate notice of such changes will be given before they become effective.