MGMT.6010 Managing Organizational Change (3cr)
Examines how business enterprises are designed, managed and changed to operate efficiently and perform effectively within their competitive environments. It critically examines organizations that vary in terms of such characteristics as size, complexity, goals, and technology as they operate under different circumstances and at various stages of their life cycles. The role and impact of individual managers receive particular attention.
If not currently matriculated in a Manning School of
Business program, please contact the MBA staff at or call 978-934-2848 for permission to
take courses.
MGMT.6100 Managerial Leadership (3cr)
This course examines leadership theory and research with an emphasis on preparing students for the leadership challenges they face in their professional careers. Topic covered include: the difference between management and leadership; the role of experience; effective use of power and influence; leader traits and characteristics; and the situational factors leaders must assess in facilitating group effectiveness and teambuilding. Students will have the opportunity throughout the course to develop specific leadership skills and practice these skills through exercises, applied reading and class projects.
MGMT.6500 Workforce Analytics (3cr)
Workforce analytics is the use of empirical data to improve the management of an organization's human resources. The goal is for students to develop analytical literacy that will enable them to understand and apply fundamental analytic techniques, engage knowledgeably with data scientists in the application of more complex forms of analysis, interpret the analytical reporting of others with greater sophistication, and apply empirical evidence to employee-related decisions. The course emphasizes the link between workforce analytics and strategic decision making at all levels of leadership that will guide strategic performance management, talent development, and optimal investment in human capital. It is thus a high value leadership tool central to the achievement of organizational goals.
MGMT.6520 Human Resources Management (3cr)
An introduction to the primary human resource functions-job design, recruitment, selection, training, managing workforce diversity, employee development, performance appraisal, compensation and benefits, with an emphasis on how these functions are affected by Equal Employment Opportunity requirements. 3 credits
Pre-req: Matriculated MBA Manning; ACCT.5010, FINA.5010, MKTG.5010, POMS.5010, MGMT.5010, MGMT.5110 and MIST.6010 or permission of Grad Prog Coordinator.
MBA, FoundCore or MSITE or MSA
MGMT.6540 Managing Global and workforce Diversity (3cr)
As business becomes increasingly global and U.S. demographics continue to change, leaders need specific knowledge and skills to navigate, manage, and develop a perspective that incorporates cross-cultural and demographic diversity. This course considers how employers respond to these new workforce realities, by examining the concepts, policies, and practices facing managers in a global, diverse workplace.
MGMT.6600 The Future of Work: Understanding the Global, Strategic and Managerial Implications (3cr)
Automation, artificial intelligence, and other disruptive technologies are changing the fundamental nature and characteristics of work. This tidal wave of change is being referred to as the "future of work." The purpose of this course is to help students understand these shifts to make them become better managers, entrepreneurs and strategist. Specifically, it will enable students to: 1) identify and understand the technological drivers that are changing the nature of work; 2) assess the industry implications of such changes; 3 examine how these larger changes are affecting how we organize and strategize; 4) understand the challenges of implementing new approaches to work; and 5) assess the ways in which individuals can adapt to the new work environment.