PUBH.5010 Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health (3cr)
This course introduces core concepts of social and behavioral determinants of health and provides a foundation for the analysis of social, political and economic influences on health and their role in contributing to health inequities. The core functions of public health and essential services are discussed as well as the history of public health, its philosophy and values. Upstream and downstream reforms to addressing fundamental determinants are evaluated. The influence of behavioral and psychological factors on health and disease are analyzed.
PUBH.5021 Public Health Policy (3cr)
The course focuses on expanding students' knowledge and skills for developing and evaluating contemporary public health policy in the United States and international settings. Students will gain information about the current US national health care system as it relates to emergent public health topics and priorities in the US and globally. This course will focus on competencies for designing, implementing, evaluating and advocating for evidence-based policy, program and practices.
PUBH.5060 Quantitative Methods in Health Management (3cr)
This course explores analytic methods that can be used to improve the decision making of management, clinicians and others within the healthcare industry. Students learn the conceptual foundations of quantitative analysis and common methods used in supporting decision-making; developing evidence-based practices; analyzing data and testing hypotheses. Students also learn how to use industry-standard data analysis software applications, statistical packages and common applications for the development and reporting of analytic findings.
CSCE Graduate Restrictions
PUBH.5310 Health Informatics (3cr)
This course introduces healthcare professionals to the power of data and the importance of analysis. Students learn how population informatics, consumer health informatics, translational bioinformatics, and clinical research informatics are essential components in selecting the techniques and systems used for transforming clinical data into information, knowledge and improved decision-making. The past, current and future role of healthcare IT is also discussed.
PUBH.5600 Data Applications for Public Health Practice (3cr)
Working with data is foundational to public health. This class will provide a practical introduction to how to think about and utilize data for a variety of public health functions Students will investigate sources of local, national, and global public health data, including health records, surveys, and vital statistics in terms of what data is available and how to access, manage, analyze, communicate, and use these data. Students will apply informatics and data sources to population health activities. Students will gain hands on experience working with data in practical ways through data visualizations and software used for public health informatics.
PUBH.5750 Epidemiology and Biostatistics (3cr)
Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of disease in human populations, and the risk factors associated with diseases. This course provides an introduction to epidemiology and the associated biostatistical methods that constitute the principal quantitative methods for disease prevention. Topics include: measures of disease frequency, measures of central tendency and spread, rates and risks, precision and validity, bias, simple linear regression, and the important study designs (population surveys, cohort, case-control and cross-sectional studies).
CSCE Graduate Restrictions
PUBH.6070 Healthcare Information Systems (3cr)
This course provides a broad-range overview of the healthcare information systems industry, its history, recent developments and continuing challenges, as well as a practical understanding of healthcare information systems acquisition and implementation. Topics include EMR, Data, CMS Quality Programs, Clinical Integration and health information exchange.
PUBH.6390 Electronic Health Record Systems (3cr)
The course addresses Electronic Health Records (EHR) integration with patient care flow, clinical decision making and patient engagement, as well as patient registries and clinical quality reporting. Students also learn core EHR functions, strategies for EHR optimization, and how the EHR can be leveraged for population health management. The course uses industry-leading EHR software as a learning tool to demonstrate how electronic health record technologies are used in a healthcare setting.