ENGL.1010 College Writing I (3cr)
A workshop course that thoroughly explores the writing process from pre-writing to revision, with an emphasis on critical thinking, sound essay structure, mechanics, and academic integrity. Students will read, conduct rhetorical analyses, and practice the skills required for participation in academic discourse. Students will write expository essays throughout the semester, producing a minimum of four formal essays.
ENGL.1020 College Writing II (3cr)
A workshop course that thoroughly explores the academic research writing process with an emphasis on entering into academic conversation. Building on the skills acquired in College Writing I, students will learn to write extensively with source material. Key skills addressed include finding,assessing, and integrating primary and secondary sources, and using proper documentation to ensure academic integrity. Students will produce analytical writing throughout the semester, including a minimum of four formal, researched essays.
MATH.2830 Introduction to Statistics (3cr)
An introduction to descriptive statistics, graphing and data analysis, probability laws, discrete and continuous probability distributions, correlation and regression, inferential statistics. No credit in Sciences (except Biology and EEAS) or Engineering. Meets Core Curriculum Essential Learning Outcome for Quantitative Literacy (QL).
MATH.1115 or equivalent; MA; Previously 92.183
PSYC.1010 Introduction to Psychological Science (3cr)
An introduction course that focuses on application of the scientific method to major areas of psychology: biological, cognitive, developmental, social and personality, and mental and physical health. The course addresses the importance of social and cultural diversity, ethics, variations in human functioning, and applications to life and social action both within these areas and integrated across them. The research basis for knowledge in the field is emphasized.
PSYC.2090 Social Psychology (3cr)
Presents an introduction to the study of social behavior in interpersonal relationships, groups, organizations, and the community: Diversity in regard to groups of peoples, cultures, and views is emphasized. Topics include non-verbal communication, social attraction, attitudes and attitude change, group dynamics, prejudice, labeling, stereotyping, interpersonal influence, and applications to social problems. Meets Core Curriculum Essential Learning Outcome for Diversity and Cultural Awareness (DCA).
Human Values, BSV
PSYC.1010 pre-req or co-req
PSYC.2320 Psychology of Personality (3cr)
An introduction to the study of human personality. This course uses both theory and contemporary empirical evidence to examine approaches to understanding individual differences. Theoretical approaches include psychoanalytic, humanistic, cognitive, trait, type, and behavioral. Applications to topics such as self-concept, anxiety, adjustment, and achievement motivation will be considered.
PSYC.1010 pre-req or co-req
PSYC.2550 Community Psychology (3cr)
Surveys the field of community psychology, including principles of social justice, diversity, and social change. The course reviews historical antecedents, paradigms, conceptual models, strategies and tactics of social and community change and action; examples from selected contexts and social systems, including education, mental health, community organizations, the workplace, health care, justice system, and social services will be employed. Meets Core Curriculum Essential Learning Outcome for Diversity and Cultural Awareness (DCA).
PSYC.1010 pre-req or co-req
PSYC.2600 Child and Adolescent Development (3cr)
The developmental science of childhood and adolescence. Major theoretical perspectives, research methods, and ethical issues are presented with respect to prenatal development, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and the transition to adulthood. Empirical evidence for development in relevant contexts across biological, psychological, and social domains is examined.
SS; Formerly Human Development I
PSYC.1010 pre-req or co-req
PSYC.2690 Research Methods (3cr)
An introductory course on the fundamentals of empirical research in psychological science. Instruction will promote understanding and competence in the basic vocabulary of psychological research, addressing information literacy, measurement, reliability, and validity in observed variables and unobserved constructs. Students will learn critical components of experimental, quasi-experimental, and correlational designs, as well as the basics of descriptive statistics, hypothesis and statistical testing, and matching design to analysis strategies. Students will demonstrate this knowledge through he preparation of a research proposal. Finally, this course will provide students a strong basis from which to pursue advanced coursework in a variety of methodological approaches to psychological research. Meets Core Curriculum Essential Learning Outcome for Information Literacy (IL).
PSYC.1010 pre-req
PSYC.2730 Biological Psych (3cr)
Surveys issues and topics dealing with the physiological and evolutionary bases of behavior. Biological systems and processes that influence behavior are considered, with particular emphasis on brain mechanisms. Recent discoveries in the neurosciences will be presented. Methods of research are reviewed.
PSYC.1010 pre-req
PSYC.2760 Theories of Learning (3cr)
Traces the development of theories of learning from earlier global theories to more recent and more specific ones. Behavioral, cognitive, and physiological approaches are compared. Current issues of importance in the study of learning also are stressed.
PSYC.1010 pre-req
PSYC.2770 Sensation and Perception (3cr)
The course focuses on human sensations and perceptions. Students will examine how people know the objects and events of the world through hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, moving, and touching. Students will also examine the foundations of experiences which correspond to independent measures of the world (veridical) and those which do not (illusory).
PSYC.1010 pre-req
PSYC.2780 Cognitive Psychology (3cr)
Provides an introductory overview of the research on mental processes including but not limited to: attention, perception, memory, learning and decision-making. The course will also connect cognitive psychological research to other branches of study, as well as real world domains such as education, law, and health.
PSYC.1010 pre-req
PSYC.3080 Industrial/Organizational Psychology (3cr)
An introduction to the application of psychological principles and methods to the work domain. Students will develop an understanding of the individual, social, and environmental factors as they relate to organizational performance. Intended as an introduction to the field of Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology, topics include personnel selection and evaluation, training and development, attitudes and motivation, leadership, group dynamics, diversity, organizational structure and climate, and job design and working conditions.
PSYC.1010 pre-req
PSYC.3120 Learning and Behavior (3cr)
Examines various methods and techniques suitable for the modification of human behavior, based on the principles and findings of experimental studies of animal and human behavior. Considers how such methods can be used in education, mental health and corrections, and self-directed personal change.
PSYC.1010 pre-req
PSYC.3350 Psychology and Women (3cr)
Considers such topics as: the psychology of sex differences; biological bases of psychological sex differences; the nature of female sexuality; clinical theory and practice concerning women; women as mental patients and mental health consumers; implications for psychology and for women's status.
PSYC.1010 pre-req
PSYC.3510 Human Sexuality (3cr)
Addresses the biological, psychosocial, and attitudinal aspects of human sexuality through lectures, discussions, films from a variety of perspectives.
PSYC.1010 pre-req
PSYC.3600 Adult Development and Aging (3cr)
Begins with an overview of recent theoretical perspectives on adult development and aging. In chronological sequence, it presents the stages of adulthood and concludes with death and dying. Topics covered include personal, family, and vocational development through adulthood, gender pattern differences, and the impact of changing demographics, including the lengthening of the life span.
SS; Formerly Human Development II
PSYC 1010,260 pre-reqs
PSYC.3630 Introduction to Disability Studies (3cr)
This course provides students with a wide range of interests and backgrounds with the opportunity to examine their own mental model(attitudes/values/ assumptions) of disability. It includes an overview of the nature of intellectual disability and other disabilities and it provides opportunities to explore and understand the historical social response to disability. Students will look at a range of strategies for providing support and intervention and they will learn about how to effect change through a variety of strategies, including advocacy.
PHYC.1010, no FAHS.3630
PSYC.3690 Research Statistics (3cr)
An intermediate level course building on competence in quantitative reasoning skills and the fundamentals of research methods, and focusing on descriptive and inferential statistics and their application and interpretation. The course will include basic computational approaches; the primary goal is for students to develop the ability to articulate and apply statistical concepts, and communicate statistical results. The course includes topics in basic inferential statistics from z-scores up to and including chi-square and factorial ANOVA. Students will learn to use a database and conduct statistical analyses using standard software packages. Meets Core Curriculum Essential Learning Outcome for Quantitative Literacy (QL).
'c' or better in PSYC.2690
PSYC.4690 Research Laboratory (3cr)
An advanced course in which students design and carry out an empirical research project from start to finish, resulting in an individually written research report using APA style and an oral presentation. The primary goal is for students to experience discovery by completing an original study that reasonably extends the prior research literature. Topics may vary, reflecting the interests of the instructor. Students will perform literature reviews; formulate a research question; operationalize variables; develop research designs; obtained ethical review and approval; and collect, analyze, and interpret data. Students will also demonstrate knowledge of the research process in assessments that may include assignments, quizzes, or exams. Meets Core Curriculum Essential Learning Outcome for Applied & Integrative Learning (AIL) and Critical Thinking & Problem Solving (CTPS).
PSYC.4731 Seminar in Social Psychology: Social (In)justice (3cr)
An advances seminar to consider special topics in social psychology with focus on critique of the theoretical and empirical literature, identification of future research pathways, and the potential for application with consideration of ethics and social responsibility. The topic of this seminar is social injustice, its causes, manifestations, explanations, and social psychological theories that help us understand them. We will explore how and why social injustice prevails in today's world full of resources; why small number of people own majority of world's wealth; why some countries are poorer than others. We will study our own standpoints and where they come from and we will work on possible remedies that could lead to a more just world.
PSYC.4750 Seminar in Clinical Psychology (3cr)
An advanced seminar to consider special topics in clinical psychology, with special focus on critique of the theoretical and empirical literature, identification of future research pathways, and the potential for application with consideration of ethics and social responsibility. Specific topics will vary and may include such topics as health psychology and behavioral medicine; the nature and causes of or interventions for specific psychological disorders (e.g.,autism spectrum disorder, schizophrenia); the community mental health movement; clinical methods of assessment. This is a writing intensive course.
PSYC 1010, 269 pre-req
PSYC.4752 Seminar in Clinical Psychology: Autism (3cr)
An advanced seminar to consider special topics in clinical psychology with focus on critique of the theoretical and empirical literature, identification of future research pathways, and the potential for application with consideration of ethics and social responsibility. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurological disorder that typically appears before the age of three and immediately and profoundly affects a young child's ability to communicate, develop language, form social relationships and respond appropriately to environmental cues. Over the last 15-20 years, autism has received an increasing level of attention in both scientific arenas and the popular press. Most recent estimates are that about 1 in 50 children are affected. This seminar will examine issues in the etiology, characteristics and treatment of autism and related developmental disabilities. The seminar will also explore some of the more prominent theories and controversies surrounding these disorders. Much of the seminar will be focused on a behavioral approach to understanding and treating children with autism and significant intellectual challenges. This is a writing-intensive course.
PSYC.4771 Seminar in Contemporary Trends: Addictions (3cr)
An advanced seminar to consider special current topics in psychology with focus on critique of the theoretical and empirical literature, identification of future research pathways, and the potential for application with consideration of ethics and social responsibility. The focus of this seminar is on the psychology of addictions. Drawing upon current theory and research, we will look at the nature and causes of the problem behaviors associated with alcohol and drug use. We will also consider whether problems in such areas as shopping, eating, gambling, sex, video games, and the Internet can be understood as forms of addictions. In addition, we will examine the implications of whether or not such addictions should be viewed as diseases, and we will evaluate the relative importance of biological, psychological and socio-cultural factors. This is a writing-intensive course.
PSYC.4780 Seminar in Cognitive Psychology (3cr)
An advanced seminar to consider special topics in cognitive psychology, with special focus on critique of the theoretical and empirical literature, identification of future research pathways, and the potential for application with consideration of ethics and social responsibility. Specific topics will vary and may include such topics as attention and memory; mental imagery; decision-making; language; applications of cognitive psychology to education. This is a writing intensive course.
PSYC 1010, 269 pre-req
PSYC.4820 Dvptl Disabilities Fieldwork: Service Provision (3cr)
In this fieldwork course we explore standards for support and service provision within human services and compare experiences in field placements with these standards, seeking to understand the forces that support or interfere with realizing best practices in disability services. The foundation for this blended learning course (half the classes meet in-person, half online) will be 60 hours fieldwork with an individual with an intellectual/developmental disability. This course integrates course material with field placement experiences through presentation, discussion, group work, case study, and video materials that address course objectives. Each student will have the time to develop an understanding of a person with I/DD, and how individualized planning can facilitate social inclusion.
PSYC.4910 Directed Study: Psychology (3cr)
Through frequent consultation with the instructor, the student carries out the investigation of a particularly specialized area of interest. This course may be repeated, but no more than 12 credits from any combination of PSYC.486, PSYC.488, and PSYC.491 may be counted toward the degree.
PSYC 1010, 269 pre-req