EDUC.6225 Education Reform in Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (3cr)
This blended course explores the ongoing efforts to improve the equity and quality of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. By examining a series of STEM education reform efforts form the local, state, and national levels, students will gain a practical and theoretical understanding of both the historical role policy plays in education and its chronic shortcomings. Students will investigate an example of a local example of STEM reform and report on it to the class from a reform perspective. Finally, the educator's role in implementing effective reform in is considered.
EDUC.6226 Leadership and Research in STEM Education (3cr)
Educators in this course will explore and analyze current research in STEM education, investigate how student performance data informs school and district program decision making, learn how to lead and empower teachers in the mapping of STEM curriculum across grade levels, and develop strategies to develop effective district-wide STEM professional development for K-12 educators.
EDUC.6227 Foundations of Student Learning in STEM fields (3cr)
This course examines key crosscutting issues that enable STEM teachers to understand how knowledge is obtained and verified. During the course you will explore the theoretical foundations and research that would help you to better understand the nature of cognitive processes, the development of STEM reasoning abilities, and applications for teaching.
EDUC.6910 Developing Inclusive School Contexts (3cr)
This course will introduce students to theory and research about structural inequities, barriers to education, and promising practices for addressing these barriers. Students will examine theory and research and implications for practice in PK-12 Leadership.
CSCE Graduate Restrictions
EDUC.6911 Introduction to Improvement Science (3cr)
This course is designed to provide PK-12 practitioners with an understanding of the principles of research design and the ethical responsibilities of conducting a research study. Participants will learn a broad range of research methodology approaches that can be applied to problems of practice. Participants will become skilled at reading, evaluating, and judging the trustworthiness of studies using different methodology approaches. They will design a practitioner-oriented research study.
CSCE Graduate Restrictions
EDUC.6921 Quantitative Data Analysis for Practitioner Leaders (3cr)
The primary focus of this course is to prepare practitioner leaders to understand, interpret, and analyze quantitative data as it relates to their identified problem of practice.
EDUC.6922 Qualitative Research Methods Practitioner Leaders (3cr)
This is the first in a two-part sequence of courses that will introduce students to the scope of issues, techniques, and perspectives that compose qualitative research methodology. In this first course students will be introduced to historical, philosophical, and theoretical issues undergirding the approach, principles of research design, data collection techniques, and approaches for preliminary organization of the data. Students will also be introduced to literature and technologies of the field.
EDUC.6931 Data Analysis for Practitioner Leaders (3cr)
This course is designed to provide second year EdD students opportunities to learn how experts in the field are applying principles of improvement science to address educational problems--particularly those related to equity. At the end of the course, students are expected to demonstrate how they will apply improvement science methods to address a persistent educational problem in their own school or system contexts.
EDUC.6940 Systems Leadership I (3cr)
Drawing on organizational, management, and educational scholarship, this course introduces students to concepts and practices associated with strategic systems leadership. Students will apply their understandings of how to leverage both formal and informal sources of influence in their analysis of relevant teaching cases and the data they collect in an extensive field study project.
CSCE Graduate Restrictions
EDUC.6960 Strategic Partnering with Families and Communities (3cr)
This course will critically examine the variety of issues associated with partnering with parents, families and community organizations. Through analysis of theory, research and collective knowledge, doctoral students will learn how to strategically engage parents, families and community organizations and recognize the different forms of engagement. This course will emphasize collaborative strategies that "shares power" with key stakeholders in U.S. schools.
EDUC.6991 Reading and Applying Educational Research (3cr)
This course is designed to build student capacity for evidence-based decision making in K-12 schools. Specifically, it will advance student ability to locate educational research, evaluate it for quality, extract findings, and apply those findings to practice. Critically, the process of applying research to practice will consider local context and draw on stakeholder experiences, weaving them together with scholarship to develop school improvement plans.
EDUC.7501 Dissertation in Practice (3cr)
Ed.D. students will design their study, complete their proposal, conduct their study and defend their dissertation in practice, while enrolled in dissertation credit. This course is for ED.D. cohort students only.
EDUC.7502 Dissertation in Practice: Data Collection and Analysis (3cr)
In this second course of the EdD dissertation course series, students will collect and analyze data with the support of the course instructor.
EDUC.7503 Dissertation in Practice: Dissertation Completion (3cr)
In this final course of the EdD program students formally report on their data in a written dissertation that they defend at the end of the semester.