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Certificate Program in Computer Assisted Manufacturing

UMass Lowell's online Certificate in Computer Assisted Manufacturing will prepare you for in-demand careers in the field of computer-aided design.

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Online Certificate in Computer Assisted Manufacturing Program

Online Certificate in Computer Assisted Manufacturing

The Certificate in Computer Assisted Manufacturing is designed for those with basic drawing experience who want to expand their knowledge of the latest computer aided design (CAD) software applications. All courses completed in this online certificate program may be applied to UMass Lowell's Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology.

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One of the Most Affordable Tuitions in the Nation

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One Success Leads to Another

Apply credits from lower credentials to higher ones. Our programs are designed to build upon themselves:

Curriculum Outline

- Note: Students who do not have drawing experience are encouraged to take MTEC.1020 (Engineering Design and Graphics) prior to beginning the certificate. All courses in the certificate, including MTEC.1020, can be counted towards the Associate and Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology.

Course Descriptions

MTEC.2000 Computer Aided Drafting (CADrf) (3cr)

This course introduces the student to the use of CAD for construction of basic shapes and multi view drawings. It is a project oriented course introducing the student to graphic design using AutoCAD. AutoCAD, as it is applied in MTEC.2000, is a two dimensional CAD program used to produce computer design models. Course stresses hands-on work with AutoCAD. Course is a fundamentals approach and requires no experience with other CAD programs.



MTEC.4800 Computer Aided Design (3cr)

Using Autodesk Inventor software, this course is a continuation of 23.200, Computer Aided Drafting. This course introduces 3D CAD techniques to demonstrate and utilize 3D parametric modeling in the design process. Solid models will be constructed, used to create assemblies, and drawings. These models, assemblies, and drawings will be modified and optimized using advanced operations. A design project and written report are required.



MTEC.4840 Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER (3cr)

This course introduces the user to the principles of Pro/ENGINEER, solid modeling, and parametric design. It is a hands-on project and exercise-based course. Topics will include: feature-based parametric solid modeling, pick and place features, sketched features, the basics of creating parts and assemblies, and drawing creation. Advanced topics will include 3-D sweeps, helical sweeps, and blends

MTEC.4850 Introduction to SolidWorks (3cr)

This course introduces the student to the use of CAD for construction of basic shapes and multiview drawings. It is a project oriented course introducing the student to graphic design using SolidWorks. SolidWorks is a three dimensional solid modeling program used to produce computer design models. Pre-Requisite:23.200 or some experience with another CAD program is required.

Undergraduate Certificate Requirements

Students enrolled in UMass Lowell certificate programs must complete all courses and maintain a grade point average of 2.000 or better to earn the certificate. All certificate courses must be completed within a five-year period.

Certificate Completion

Students who successfully complete the certificate program should submit a Certificate Petition Form to have their certificate mailed to them.

Tuition & Fees

Tuition at UMass Lowell is typically half the cost of private colleges, and our online tuition is among the lowest in the nation. Tuition for online programs offered through the Division of Graduate, Online & Professional Studies is the same whether you live in-state, out-of-state or outside of the U.S.

Spring 2025 Tuition

Cost Per Credit Cost Per 3-Credit Course*


Online and On Campus $385 $1,155
*Tuition is priced on the listed credit hour unless the contact hour is different. Tuition is then based upon the listed contact hour.

Additional Costs

Term Registration Fee $30
Returned Check Fee $30

Please note: Tuition and fees are subject to change.

Tuition Calculator

Online Tuition Calculator

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Applying into an Undergraduate Certificate Program

Apply to an undergraduate certificate program using the Online Application Form or by printing and completing the Undergraduate Certificate Application Form in .pdf file format. Applicants will be required to have either their official high school transcript, HiSET®, GED® or their most recent college transcript if applicable, sent to Graduate, Online & Professional Studies at the address below. Applications, transcripts, and other correspondence should be sent to:

University of Massachusetts Lowell
Division of Graduate, Online & Professional Studies
Undergraduate Admissions
839 Merrimack Street, 2nd Floor
Lowell, MA 01854

Undergraduate certificate applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and there is no fee to apply. You will be notified upon acceptance.

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Questions Regarding Your Undergraduate Application?

Email OCE_Admissions@uml.edu or call 978-934-2474.

For General Assistance:

Call the Advising Center at 978-934-2474 or 800-480-3190. Our academic advisors are here to help!

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