PUBH.5010 Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health (3cr)
This course introduces core concepts of social and behavioral determinants of health and provides a foundation for the analysis of social, political and economic influences on health and their role in contributing to health inequities. The core functions of public health and essential services are discussed as well as the history of public health, its philosophy and values. Upstream and downstream reforms to addressing fundamental determinants are evaluated. The influence of behavioral and psychological factors on health and disease are analyzed.
PUBH.5021 Public Health Policy (3cr)
The course focuses on expanding students' knowledge and skills for developing and evaluating contemporary public health policy in the United States and international settings. Students will gain information about the current US national health care system as it relates to emergent public health topics and priorities in the US and globally. This course will focus on competencies for designing, implementing, evaluating and advocating for evidence-based policy, program and practices.
PUBH.5061 Environmental Health (3cr)
This environmental health course explores the links between human activities and environmental systems and examines how these interactions can impact human health. The course is designed to provide knowledge and skills necessary to understand how human and industrial activities such as population growth, methods of food production, pollution of the air and water, waste, the built environment, toxic substances, pest control, and global climate change can result in human diseases and impact the environment. Understanding the links between human activities and environmental systems is essential to developing effective prevention strategies and building sustainable communities.
PUBH.5070 Leadership and Management in Public Health (3cr)
The purpose of this course is to enhance the students' ability to effectively build and lead high-performing Public Health organizations. This course will integrate fundamental principles from the behavioral and social sciences to provide students with a coherent set of strategies and techniques to effectively collaborate with internal external stakeholders as well as to influence meaningful, sustainable change. This course will also provide students opportunities to self-reflect on their own leadership styles and develop growth plans.
PUBH.5750 Epidemiology and Biostatistics (3cr)
Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of disease in human populations, and the risk factors associated with diseases. This course provides an introduction to epidemiology and the associated biostatistical methods that constitute the principal quantitative methods for disease prevention. Topics include: measures of disease frequency, measures of central tendency and spread, rates and risks, precision and validity, bias, simple linear regression, and the important study designs (population surveys, cohort, case-control and cross-sectional studies).
CSCE Graduate Restrictions
PUBH.5760 Biostatistical Programming (3cr)
This course is designed to provide familiarity with several types of statistical software commonly used in public health research. The course covers topics including: reading raw data and existing data sets; modifying data; combining data sets; applying basic statistical procedures; and sorting, summarizing, and printing data.
PUBH.5770 Biostatistics for Health Data (3cr)
This is a practical course in biostatistical methods for health research. Emphasis is placed on developing an understanding of the use and interpretation of standard biostatistical methods. Topics include probability and sampling distributions, regression and ANOVA, methods for analyzing rates and proportions, power and sample size calculations. Students will gain experience in using a statistical software package to apply and expand their data analysis skills.
PUBH.6660 MPH Practicum (3cr)
This practicum is the first of two culminating experiences in the MPH program that requires a student to apply theories and principles from coursework in a public health setting. The practicum is a planned, supervised and evaluated practice experience under the supervision of a qualified preceptor. Students meet in a seminar with a faculty member who oversees the practicum experience. Students will finish work on their final applied practice project during the practicum and integrated practical learning courses.
PUBH.6670 Integrated Practical Learning (3cr)
This course is designed as the second of two applied learning courses following PUBH.6660 MPH Practicum. It is a culminating experience for students in the MPH program. Students in this course will demonstrate the mastery of a body of public health knowledge and achievement of the MPH competencies. They will do this through completing their practicum experience and developing a high-quality written product.
PUBH.6820 Applied Epidemiology Methods (3cr)
This course emphasizes the design and conduct of epidemiology studies. Major topics covered include: casual inference in epidemiology, point and interval estimation for cohort and case control studies, exposure assessment for epidemiology, control of confounding, the identification and interpretation of effect modification, as well as cross-sectional designs and meta-analysis.
PUBH.5750 pre-req
PUBH.6870 Quantitative Models for Public Health (3cr)
This course introduces quantitative models commonly used in public health research and practice. Emphasis is placed on understanding the logic and underlying assumptions of theses models. Students will gain knowledge and skills in properly selecting and applying these models in various practical settings. Topics include probability sample surveys, quantitative risk assessment, quasi experimental design, propensity matching, interrupted time series, epidemics of infectious diseases, Monte Carlo simulations, and predictive analytics.
PUBH.6890 Advanced Regression Modeling (3cr)
This course will introduce linear, generalized linear and time-to-event regression models that are commonly used in epidemiologic research, community needs assessment and public health program/policy evaluations. Topics include regression models for continuous, binary, ordinal, multinomial, count, time-to-event, and longitudinal data.
PUBH 5750 and PUBH 5770 Pre-re