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Course Archive: Health sciences, undergraduate-level courses

Total records found: 164
CRS#Course NameCredits
EXER.3050Exercise Physiology 3
EXER.3070Exercise Physiology Laboratory 1
EXER.3150Anatomical Kinesiology 3
EXER.3170Kinesiology Laboratory 1
EXER.3560Pharmacology 3
EXER.4120Clinical Practicum I and II 4
EXER.4180Senior Seminar 3
EXER.4200Advanced Study in Exercise Physiology3
EXER.4210Directed Study Health Promotion
HSCI.1010Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3
HSCI.1011Medical Terminology for Health Professionals1
HSCI.1020Human Anatomy and Physiology II 3
HSCI.1021Introduction to Public Health3
HSCI.1030Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory I 1
HSCI.1040Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory II 1
HSCI.2060Pandemics: How Do They Occur?3
HSCI.2100Clinical Calculations1
HSCI.2110Basic Clinical Microbiology & Pathology 3
HSCI.2130Basic Clinical Microbiology & Pathology Laboratory 1
HSCI.2510Physiological Chemistry I 3
HSCI.2520Physiological Chemistry II 3
HSCI.2530Physiological Chemistry Laboratory I 1
HSCI.2540Physiological Chemistry Laboratory II 1
HSCI.3050Exercise Physiology Lecture4
HSCI.3060Introduction to Gerontology 3
HSCI.3080Global Health 3
HSCI.3090Exercise Physiology Laboratory (See 30.307)1
HSCI.3200Legal Issues in Nursing 3
HSCI.3400IPE Research Methods3
HSCI.3500Human Biochemistry 3
MLSC.3200Clinical Hematology Practicum 2
MLSC.3410Organic Structures and Reactions3
MLSC.3430Organic Structures and Reactions Laboratory1
MLSC.3610Clinical Laboratory Instrumentation 3
MLSC.3630Clinical Laboratory Instrumentation Laboratory2
MLSC.4100Clinical Microbiology Practicum 2
MLSC.4200Clinical Hematology Practicum 2
MLSC.4300Clinical Immunohematology Practicum 2
MLSC.4310Clinical Immunohematology 3
MLSC.4500Clinical Chemistry Practicum 2
NURS.1030Academic Strategies Portfolio Seminar 1
NURS.2110Nursing Assessment and Skills 2
NURS.2120Introduction to Nursing Practice 3
NURS.2120LIntroduction to Nursing Practice Laboratory 1
NURS.2120RIntroduction to Nursing Practice Medication Calcs 1
NURS.2180Pharmacology for Nursing Practice 3
NURS.3010Research in Nursing and Health Care 3
NURS.3060Health Assessment 3
NURS.3070Concepts for Baccalaureate Nursing 3
NURS.3080Health Promotion in Nursing 2
NURS.3090Health Promotion in Nursing Practice Practicum 3
NURS.3200Community-Focused Health and Policy 3
NURS.3210Independent Study
NURS.3240Community-Focused Project Implementation 2
NURS.3250Community-Focused Project Dissemination 1
NURS.4100Health Promotion and Risk Reduction of Families III 5
NURS.4110Health Promotion and Risk Reduction of Families III Practicum 4
NURS.4120Community Health and Health Policy 4
NURS.4130Role Transition4
NURS.4140Role Transition Practicum6
NURS.4150Community Health Project3
NURS.4200Leadership in Nursing 3
NURS.4210Selected Topics in Nursing 3
NUTR.1100Nutrition and Wellness )3
NUTR.2010Food Science with Lab3
NUTR.2060Human Nutrition3
NUTR.2100Nutrition and Health3
NUTR.3360Life Cycle Nutrition 3
NUTR.3710Nutrition and Metabolism(Formerly 36.371)3
NUTR.3720Obesity & Weight Control(Formerly 36.372)3
NUTR.4060Biochemistry of Lipids3
NUTR.4630Vitamins and Minerals(Formerly 36.463)3
NUTR.4720Nutrition and Gene Expression(Formerly 36.472)3
NUTR.4810Medical Nutrition Therapy I3
NUTR.4820Medical Nutrition Therapy II3
NUTR.4940Directed Research in Nutrition(Formerly 36.494)3
PHIT.2030Health Information Technology 3
PHIT.2031Intro to Pub Hlth Informatics and info Systems3
PHIT.3030Public Health Emergency Preparedness3
PUBH.1021Introduction to Public Health 3
PUBH.2010Community Health and Environment (formerly 30.201)3
PUBH.2030Technology in Public Health3
PUBH.2040Intro to Health Promotion3
PUBH.2060Research Methods in Public Health 3
PUBH.3100Infectious Disease 3
PUBH.4100Public Health Capstone 6
PUBH.9990Intercampus Graduate Researdh0
19.932Advanced Biomechanical Modeling3
19.999Intercampus Graduate Research0
30.102Introduction to Public Health3
30.160Intro. to Emergency Medical Tech.6
30.201Community Health (See 31.201)3
30.206Introduction to Gerontology3
30.208Nutrition and Culture3
30.210Clinical Calculations1
30.305Exercise Physiology Lecture4
30.306Introduction to Gerontology3
30.307Exercise Physiology Laboratory1
30.308Global Health3
30.309-IExercise Physiology Laboratory (See 30.307)1
30.309Exercise Physiology Laboratory (See 30.307)1
30.317Kinesiology Lab1
30.320Legal Issues in Nursing3
31.200Children's Health Issues3
31.201Community Health and Environment3
31.203Computer Technology in Health Care3
31.204Intro to Health Promotion3
33.103Academic Strategies: Portfolio and Seminar1
33.301Research in Nursing and Health Care3
33.306Health Assessment3
33.307Concepts for Baccalaureate Nursing3
33.308Health Promotion in Nursing2
33.320Community-Focused Health and Policy3
33.324Community-Focused Project Implementation2
33.325Community-Focused Project Dissemination1
33.343Forensic Psychology3
33.410Acute Nursing3
33.412Community Health and Health Policy4
33.413Role Transition4
33.414Role Practicum6
33.415Community Health Project3
33.420Leadership in Nursing3
33.421Selected Topics in Nursing3
34.D31PT Prin + Prac IV Lab0.1
35.101Human Anatomy and Physiology I3
35.102Human Anatomy and Physiology II3
35.103Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory I1
35.104Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory II1
35.203Basic Clinical Microbiology and Pathology Lab1
35.206Human Nutrition3
35.207Fitness and Nutrition3
35.208Nutrition and Culture3
35.209Food Sanitation, Safety, and Food-Borne Diseases3
35.210Nutrition and Health3
35.211Basic Clinical Microbiology & Pathology3
35.213Basic Clinical Microbiology & Pathology Laboratory1
35.251Physiological Chemistry I3
35.252Physiological Chemistry II3
35.253Physiological Chemistry Laboratory I1
35.254Physiological Chemistry Laboratory II1
35.307Current Perspectives in Nutrition3
35.308Food and Nutrition Engineering3
36.341Organic Reactions & Structure3
36.343Organic Reactions & Structure Laboratory1
36.350Human Biochemistry3
36.371Advanced Human Nutrition3
36.372Obesity and Weight Control3
36.406Biochemistry of Lipids3
36.414Infectious Disease3
36.463Vitamins and Minerals3
36.472Nutrition and Gene Expression3
36.481Medical Nutrition Therapy I (prev. Clinical Nutrition)3
36.483Senior Research2
36.494Directed Research in Nutrition3
38.305Exercise Physiology I4
38.317Kinesiology Laboratory1
38.420Advanced Study in Exercise Physiology3
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