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Certificate Program in Networking and Security

Learn network and information security policies, practices and processes with UMass Lowell's online Network and Security certificate.

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Online Network and Security Certificate Student
Alarm Clock Next Start Date: October 28

Online Network and Security Certificate

Learn the basics of network management and security with UMass Lowell's 6-course Network and Security certificate. This program will prepare you for entry-level positions including network administrators, LAN technicians and system analysts responsible for networking functions in large or small companies. Many of the courses in this program can be counted toward the Associate's Degree in Information Technology and Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology.

Just 6 Courses

Just 6 Courses

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One of the Most Affordable Tuitions in the Nation

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One Success Leads to Another

Apply credits from lower credentials to higher ones. Our programs are designed to build upon themselves:

Curriculum Outline

- 6 Courses / 18 Credits

Course Descriptions

INFO.2670 C Programming (3cr)

Introduces students to the techniques of programming in C. The language syntax, semantics, its applications, and the portable library are covered. This course is an introductory course in programming. It does not assume previous programming experience.


Students may not receive credit for both the INFO.2110/INFO.2120 sequence and INFO.2670
This course qualifies for free MSDNA software!

INFO.2950 Principles of Information Security (3cr)

This course will present an overview of the issues related to information security from a computer and computer network perspective. We will cover the threats to the information security infrastructure with a focus on the detection and prevention of them. We will discuss protection of PCs, servers, associated computer services (e.g. network, browsers) and data (e.g. file systems, email) through a "defense in depth" or "layered" and most recent "Zero Trust" approach. Topics will include security management and risk assessment; software security; operating systems security; database security; cryptography algorithms and protocols; network authentication and secure network applications; malicious malware. This course will also help understanding legal, ethical issues and privacy. Anti-Req INFO.3850. Students cannot get credit for both INFO.2950 or INFO.3850.

INFO.3070 Introduction to Cloud Computing (3cr)

This course explores the services offered by major cloud services providers: Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. It introduces the core concepts of Cloud Computing with an overview of services these platforms offer. The course gives a cost-benefit analysis in comparison to more traditional models along with a detailed comparison of the providers. Event Driven Serverless Architecture and FAAS (Function As A Service) is presented with a hands-on coding exercises of creating students' own RESTful endpoints that cal non-trivial functions (AWS Lambdas/Cloud Functions) that communicate with an RDS (relational database systems). The role and importance "DevOps" is made apparent with the introduction of such tools as Ansible, Terraform and CloudFormation.


INFO.2030 Intro Programming with Python, and Co-req: INFO.2910 Introduction to HTML, or Permission of Instructor.

INFO.4570 Network Security (3cr)

This course explores the theory, mechanisms, and implementation of security in computer networks. Our goal is to provide an introduction to mathematical encryption and security protocols, and how these are applied to the infrastructure of IP (Internet Protocol) Networks. We will cover classical ciphers and cryptographic methods such as DES, 3DES, Feistel, AES, RC5, and Modern Public Key cryptography (e.g.RSA, Diffie-Hellman, ECC) and PKI ( Public Key Infrastructure). The second half of the course will introduce the principles and implementation of Kerberos, SSL/TLS (Secured Socket Layer, Transport Layer Security) IPSEC (IP Security) and Access Control. The mathematics required will be introduced in class.


Prerequisite 1: INFO.4620 TCP/IP & Network Architecture or related experience, and Prerequisite 2: INFO.3190 Introduction to Linux or INFO.3110 Introduction to the Linux/Unix Operating System, or related experience. Check prerequisites in all prerequisite courses.

INFO.4610 LAN/WAN Technologies (3cr)

This course discusses basic data communication concepts; digital and analog signaling; media and cabling systems; the OSI reference model; Physical and Data Link layer; LAN standards; Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, Switched technologies, emerging LAN standards; Bridges and Routers; and Network operating systems.


INFO.2670 or previous programming Experience

INFO.4620 TCP/IP and Network Architecture (3cr)

This course is study of the TCP/IP and Network Architecture. We will focus on the concepts and fundamental principles that have contributed to the modern networks design and implementation using TCP/IP. Topics to be addressed in this course are IP, ARP, RARP, and ICMP protocols; IP routing; TCP protocol; Telenet, FTP, SMTP; TCP/IP next-generation; OSI network protocols and standards; Client/Server networking and applications.



INFO.4640 Network Management (3cr)

This course will provide you with a general understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of network management. We will be covering the basics of network management and associated standards while also taking a look at some of the more recent technologies. We'll also augment the textbook readings with recent articles and papers that will pull real-world examples of how network management is used to help manage the ever increasing complexity of networks that we are so reliant on.

Undergraduate Certificate Requirements

Students enrolled in UMass Lowell certificate programs must complete all courses and maintain a grade point average of 2.000 or better to earn the certificate. All certificate courses must be completed within a five-year period.

Certificate Completion

Students who successfully complete the certificate program should submit a Certificate Petition Form to have their certificate mailed to them.

Tuition & Fees

Tuition at UMass Lowell is typically half the cost of private colleges, and our online tuition is among the lowest in the nation. Tuition for online programs offered through the Division of Graduate, Online & Professional Studies is the same whether you live in-state, out-of-state or outside of the U.S.

Fall 2024 Tuition

Cost Per Credit Cost Per 3-Credit Course*


Online and On Campus $385 $1,155
*Tuition is priced on the listed credit hour unless the contact hour is different. Tuition is then based upon the listed contact hour.

Additional Costs

Term Registration Fee $30
Returned Check Fee $30

Please note: Tuition and fees are subject to change.

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Applying into an Undergraduate Certificate Program

Apply to an undergraduate certificate program using the Online Application Form or by printing and completing the Undergraduate Certificate Application Form in .pdf file format. Applicants will be required to have either their official high school transcript, HiSET®, GED® or their most recent college transcript if applicable, sent to Graduate, Online & Professional Studies at the address below. Applications, transcripts, and other correspondence should be sent to:

University of Massachusetts Lowell
Division of Graduate, Online & Professional Studies
Undergraduate Admissions
839 Merrimack Street, 2nd Floor
Lowell, MA 01854

Undergraduate certificate applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and there is no fee to apply. You will be notified upon acceptance.

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Questions Regarding Your Undergraduate Application?

Email OCE_Admissions@uml.edu or call 978-934-2474.

For General Assistance:

Call the Advising Center at 978-934-2474 or 800-480-3190. Our academic advisors are here to help!

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