Available as a mix of on-campus and online courses!


Certificate Program in Introduction to Electronic Engineering Technology

Begin your career in electronics, telecommunications and semiconductors with UMass Lowell's blended on-campus and online Certificate in Electronic Engineering Technology.

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Online Certificate in Electronic Engineering Technology Students

Blended On-Campus and Online Certificate in Electronic Engineering Technology

Take your first step toward a career designing, testing and manufacturing electrical hardware and software with UMass Lowell's Electronic Engineering Technology program, delivered through a blend of on-campus and online courses. Throughout this program, you will learn fundamental laws, conversion techniques and mathematic analysis of alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) circuits. All credits earned in this certificate program can be applied toward the Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering Technology.

Just 6 Courses

Just 6 Courses

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One of the Most Affordable Tuitions in the Nation

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Source: Lightcast, 2022

Key Takeaways

  • Learn fundamental laws, conversion techniques, and mathematic analysis of alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) circuits
  • Advance your understanding of power, passive filters, three-phase systems, transformers, theory vs. simulation and design analysis
  • Prepare to learn about the design and testing of semiconductor devices, microprocessors, and analog and logic circuits

One Success Leads to Another

Apply credits from lower credentials to higher ones. Our programs are designed to build upon themselves:

Curriculum Outline

- While most of the courses in this program are held in the traditional classroom format, INFO.2670 is typically offered as an online course.

Course Descriptions

ETEC.2130 Electric Circuits I (3cr)

Discusses: electrical circuits; voltage, current and resistance; energy, power and charge; Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Current Law and Kirchhoff's Voltage Law; simplification and conversion techniques for networks containing sources and/or resistance; Thevenin's and Norton's theorems; fundamentals of magnetism and magnetic circuits; properties of capacitance and inductance and associated transient behavior of circuits.

ETEC.2140 Circuits II and Laboratory (3cr)

This course provides a continuation of ETEC.2130. Topics include sinusoidal waveforms, phasors, impedance and network elements. Mesh and nodal analysis of AC circuits; series and parallel circuits, superposition and Wye/Delta conversions are also covered. The use of power supplies and various electrical measuring instruments will be studied. DC circuit analysis concepts studied in 17.213 will be verified by laboratory experiments. Written reports are required. Alternate lecture and laboratory sessions.


ETEC.2130 Electric Circuits I.

ETEC.2150 Circuits III and Laboratory (3cr)

This course serves as a continuation of 17.214. Topics to be discussed include maximum power transfer, real and reactive power; resonance; and polyphase systems. Oscilloscopes, voltage, current and phase measurements are demonstrated. Other topics include series and parallel sinusoidal circuits, series-parallel sinusoidal circuits, series resonance, parallel resonance and transformers. Filters, 2-port networks, computer aided circuit analysis (PSPICE). Computer terminals will be available in the laboratory and their use is expected. Written reports are required. Alternate lecture and laboratory sessions.

ETEC.2160 Circuits IV (3cr)

Advanced Circuits is a continuation of passive circuit analysis, where the student is introduced into the frequency domain. LaPlace techniques are used to analyze electric circuits using sources and elements similar to those in earlier circuit analysis courses. The concept of boundary conditions is introduced along with initial value and final value theorems. There is a brief review of mathematical concepts such as logarithm, exponential functions and partial fraction expansion to aid the student for newer analysis techniques. The S plane is introduced as a graphical technique to plot the poles and zeros of a function and acquire an insight into the time domain. The dualities of electrical elements in other engineering fields (mechanical, fluids and thermal) are introduced and analyzed using LaPlace techniques. Bode plots are used as another tool to gain insight into the time domain. The cascade interconnect is introduced along with the concept of transfer functions and the impulse response. Filter circuits are again analyzed but this time in the frequency domain using the concepts of LaPlace and Bode.

INFO.2670 C Programming (3cr)

Introduces students to the techniques of programming in C. The language syntax, semantics, its applications, and the portable library are covered. This course is an introductory course in programming. It does not assume previous programming experience.


Students may not receive credit for both the INFO.2110/INFO.2120 sequence and INFO.2670
This course qualifies for free MSDNA software!

MATH.1250 Calculus A (3cr)

Serves as a first course in calculus and provides a brief review of analytic geometry and trigonometric functions. The course progresses to the study of inverse functions, limits, continuity, derivatives, rules for differentiation of algebraic and transcendental functions, chain rule, implicit differentiation, linear approximation, differentials, and maximum and minimum values.


MA. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: MATH.1220 or MATH.1310.



Undergraduate Certificate Requirements

Students enrolled in UMass Lowell certificate programs must complete all courses and maintain a grade point average of 2.000 or better to earn the certificate. All certificate courses must be completed within a five-year period.

Certificate Completion

Students who successfully complete the certificate program should submit a Certificate Petition Form to have their certificate mailed to them.

Tuition & Fees

Tuition at UMass Lowell is typically half the cost of private colleges, and our online tuition is among the lowest in the nation. Tuition for online programs offered through the Division of Graduate, Online & Professional Studies is the same whether you live in-state, out-of-state or outside of the U.S.

Fall 2024 Tuition

Cost Per Credit Cost Per 3-Credit Course*


Online and On Campus $385 $1,155
*Tuition is priced on the listed credit hour unless the contact hour is different. Tuition is then based upon the listed contact hour.

Additional Costs

Term Registration Fee $30
Returned Check Fee $30

Please note: Tuition and fees are subject to change.

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Looking for Financial Assistance?

UMass Lowell offers a variety of financial aid and scholarship options.


Applying into an Undergraduate Certificate Program

Apply to an undergraduate certificate program using the Online Application Form or by printing and completing the Undergraduate Certificate Application Form in .pdf file format. Applicants will be required to have either their official high school transcript, HiSET®, GED® or their most recent college transcript if applicable, sent to Graduate, Online & Professional Studies at the address below. Applications, transcripts, and other correspondence should be sent to:

University of Massachusetts Lowell
Division of Graduate, Online & Professional Studies
Undergraduate Admissions
839 Merrimack Street, 2nd Floor
Lowell, MA 01854

Undergraduate certificate applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and there is no fee to apply. You will be notified upon acceptance.

Apply Now

Questions Regarding Your Undergraduate Application?

Email OCE_Admissions@uml.edu or call 978-934-2474.

For General Assistance:

Call the Advising Center at 978-934-2474 or 800-480-3190. Our academic advisors are here to help!

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