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Course Archive: Engineering/engineering technology, undergraduate-level courses

Total records found: 550
CRS#Course NameCredits
BMEN.1200BME Application Programming3
BMEN.2205LBioinstrumentation Lab2
BMEN.3020Biomedical Engineering II3
BMEN.3025LBiomedical Engineering Lab II1
BMEN.4910Biomedical Capstone I3
BMEN.4920Biomedical Capstone II3
BMEN.4991Directed Study: BME3
CHEN.2010Basic Principles of Chemical Engineering 3
CHEN.2020Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 3
CHEN.3030Fluid Mechanics 3
CHEN.3040Heat Transfer 3
CHEN.3060Transport Phenomena 3
CHEN.3100Separation Processes 3
CHEN.3110Phase and Chemical Reaction Equilibria 3
CHEN.3170Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering 3
CHEN.3470Elements of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer3
CHEN.4030Chemical Reaction Engineering 3
CHEN.4130Process Dynamics & Control 3
CHEN.4910Industrial Experience I 12
CIVE.2250Surveying I 3
CIVE.2860Probability and Statistics for Engineers3
CIVE.3300Soil Mechanics 3
CIVE.3330Geotechnical Laboratory 1
CIVE.3400Transportation Engineering 3
CIVE.3500Structural Analysis I 3
CIVE.3520Reinforced Concrete 3
CIVE.3720Civil Engineering Systems 3
CIVE.4310Foundation and Soil Engineering 3
CIVE.4600Water Resources Engineering 3
CIVE.4660Introduction to LEED3
CIVE.4700Engineering Economics 3
CIVE.4750Construction Management I 3
CIVE.4800Special Topics in Civil Engineering
EECE.1CO-OPCurricula Practical Training1
EECE.2010Circuit Theory I 3
EECE.2020Circuit Theory II 3
EECE.2070Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory I 2
EECE.2080Basic Electrical Engineering Lab II 2
EECE.2110Fundamentals of Electricity I3
EECE.2120Fundamentals of Electricity Laboratory1
EECE.2160ECE Application Programming 3
EECE.2460Introduction to Data Communication Networks3
EECE.2650Logic Design 3
EECE.3110Electronics I Lab 2
EECE.3120Electronics II Laboratory 2
EECE.3170Microprocessors Systems Design I 3
EECE.3220Data Structures 3
EECE.3330Electronic Materials3
EECE.3550Electromechanics 3
EECE.3600Engineering Electromagnetics I 3
EECE.3620Signals and Systems I 3
EECE.3630Introduction to Probability and Random Processes 3
EECE.3640Engineering Mathematics 3
EECE.3650Electronics I 3
EECE.3660Electronics II 3
EECE.3990Capstone Proposal3
EECE.3991Capstone Proposal 3
EECE.4090Directed Studies 3
EECE.4100Directed Studies
EECE.4120Directed Studies3
EECE.4130Linear Feedback System 3
EECE.4210Real Time D.S.P.3
EECE.4240Computational Methods for Power System Analysis 3
EECE.4270Advanced VLSI Design Techniques 3
EECE.4280Alternative Energy Sources 3
EECE.4290Electric Vehicle Technology 3
EECE.4310RF Design I3
EECE.4410Introduction to Biosensors 3
EECE.4440Power Distribution System3
EECE.4500Advanced Digital System Hardware Design 3
EECE.4510Heterogeneous Computing3
EECE.4520Microprocessor Systems II & Embedded Systems 3
EECE.4530Software Engineering 3
EECE.4550Computer System Security3
EECE.4560Fundamentals of Robotics3
EECE.4610Engineering Electromagnetics II 3
EECE.4670Special Topics: Introduction to Biometric Technology3
EECE.4680Electro-optics & Integrated Optics 3
EECE.4700VLSI Fabrication3
EECE.4730Power Electronics 3
EECE.4740Principles Of Solid State Devices 3
EECE.4760Principles Of Solid State Devices 3
EECE.4800Microprocessor Systems II & Embedded Systems 3
EECE.4810Operating Systems 3
EECE.4820Computer Architecture and Design 3
EECE.4821Computer Architecture and Design 3
EECE.4830Network Design: Principles, Protocols & Applications 3
EECE.4841Computer Vision and Digital Image Processing 3
EECE.4900Fiber Optic Communication3
EECE.4910Industrial Experience3
EECE.4920Industrial Experience II3
EECE.4930Industrial Experience3
EECE.4990Capstone Project3
EECE.4991Capstone Project 3
ENGN.1070Introduction To Engineering I 2
ENGN.1300Introduction to Nano-Engineering3
ENGN.2050Statics 3
ENGN.2060Strength of Materials 3
ENGN.2070Dynamics 3
ENGN.3CECooperative Education 0
ENGN.4ACECooperative Education Experience 0
ENGN.4CECooperative Education 0
ENGN.4910Industrial Experience I
ENGY.4190Nuclear Reactor Operator Training3
ETEC.1300Electrical Basics and Laboratory 3
ETEC.1310Electronic Basics and Laboratory 3
ETEC.1320Digital Basics and Laboratory2
ETEC.2130Electric Circuits I 3
ETEC.2140Circuits II and Laboratory 3
ETEC.2150Circuits III and Laboratory 3
ETEC.2160Circuits IV 3
ETEC.2550Electronics I and Laboratory 3
ETEC.2560Electronics II and Laboratory 3
ETEC.2570Electronics III and Laboratory 3
ETEC.2580Electronics IV and Laboratory 3
ETEC.2720Introduction to Alternative Energy 3
ETEC.3220Signals and Systems I 3
ETEC.3410Logic Design I and Laboratory 3
ETEC.3420Logic Design II and Laboratory 3
ETEC.3450Programmable Logic Controllers and Lab I 3
ETEC.3500Control Systems I 3
ETEC.3530Digital Electronics3
ETEC.3540PSPICE Simulation 3
ETEC.3550Electronics I and Laboratory 3
ETEC.3560Electronics II and Laboratory 3
ETEC.3570Electronics III and Laboratory 3
ETEC.3580Electronics IV and Laboratory 3
ETEC.3600Mathematics and Statistics/E.E.T. 3
ETEC.3610Project Laboratory A 2
ETEC.3650Applied Linear Devices 3
ETEC.3680Data Conversion and Laboratory 3
ETEC.3760Electromagnetic Theory 3
ETEC.3830Microprocessors A 3
ETEC.3840Microprocessors B 3
ETEC.3910Capstone Design 3
ETEC.3920Capstone Execution 3
ETEC.4030Foundations of Microwave Design3
ETEC.4100Systems Engineering and Analysis3
ETEC.4220GPS: Principles and Applications 3
ETEC.4270Digital Signal Processing 3
ETEC.4490Logic Design D3
ETEC.4590Power Conversion Design I 3
ETEC.4600Power Conversion II3
ETEC.4690Control Systems II3
ETEC.4770Electromagnetic Theory II3
ETEC.4850Fundamentals of Communication Systems 3
ETEC.4870Analog Filter Design3
ETEC.4960Radar Systems 3
IENG.3020Stochastic Modeling and Analysis3
MECH.1CO-OPCurricula Practical Training1
MECH.2010Computer Aided Design 2
MECH.2020Manufacturing Laboratory 2
MECH.2420Thermodynamics 3
MECH.2960Materials Science for Engineers 3
MECH.3020Instrumentation and Measurement Laboratory 3
MECH.3110Applied Strength of Materials 3
MECH.3210Kinematics of Mechanisms 3
MECH.3220Control of Mechanical Systems 3
MECH.3230Control of Automated Systems3
MECH.3410Conduction and Radiation Heat Transfer3
MECH.3420Convective Processes3
MECH.3610Mathematical Methods for Mechanical Engineers 3
MECH.3810Fluid Mechanics 3
MECH.3820Heat Transfer 3
MECH.4030Thermal Fluids Laboratory 3
MECH.4250Design of Machine Elements 3
MECH.4410Thermo-fluid Applications 3
MECH.4420Thermo-fluid Systems Design 3
MECH.4510Dynamic Systems Analysis 3
MECH.4730Design Theory and Constraints 3
MECH.4830Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics3
MECH.4991Directed Studies in Mechanical Engineering 3
MTEC.1010Engineering Graphics2
MTEC.1020Engineering Design and Graphics 3
MTEC.2000Computer Aided Drafting (CADrf) 3
MTEC.2020Thermo/Fluids Laboratory 2
MTEC.2030Introduction to Automated Control Programming3
MTEC.2040Manufacturing Technology Laboratory 2
MTEC.2060Applied Computer Aided Manufacturing3
MTEC.2110LABVIEW(TM) Programming with Engineering Applications 3
MTEC.2210Statics 3
MTEC.2220Dynamics 3
MTEC.2230Mechanics of Materials 3
MTEC.2260Technical Communications for Engineering Technology 3
MTEC.2410Elements of Thermodynamics I 3
MTEC.2420Applied Fluid Mechanics 3
MTEC.2430Elements of Thermodynamics II 3
MTEC.2620Engineering Data Analysis 3
MTEC.2850Introduction to SolidWorks 3
MTEC.2950Materials Science 3
MTEC.3010Manufacturing Technology Laboratory 2
MTEC.3020Mechanics/Materials Laboratory 2
MTEC.3050Manufacturing Processes 3
MTEC.3140Manufacturing Productivity 3
MTEC.3200Machine Design 3
MTEC.3530Forensic Engineering 3
MTEC.3540Problems in Mechanical Engineering Technology 3
MTEC.4020Engineering Measurement Laboratory 2
MTEC.4140Engineering Economics 3
MTEC.4160Statistical Quality Control3
MTEC.4190Applied Computer Aided Manufacturing3
MTEC.4320Capstone Design 3
MTEC.4440Mechanical Vibrations 3
MTEC.4750Heat Transfer 3
MTEC.4800Computer Aided Design 3
MTEC.4840Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER 3
MTEC.4850Introduction to SolidWorks 3
PLAS.2150Plastics Processing Engineering Laboratory I 1
PLAS.3CECo-op Experience 0
PLAS.3060Methods of Experimental Analysis
PLAS.3140Fluid Flow
PLAS.4ACECooperative Education Experience 0
PLAS.4CECo-op Experience 0
PLAS.4040Process Control
PLAS.4150Capstone Project I 1
PLAS.4180Product and Process Design3
PTEC.2030Plastics Material Science III -Thermosetting Resin 3
PTEC.3310Injection Molding3
PTEC.4400Commercial Development of Plastics 3
PTEC.4510Selected Topics I3
PTEC.4520Selected Topics II 3
PTEC.4530Selected Topics III 3
PTEC.4540Selected Topics IV 3
PTEC.4550Selected Topics V 3
PTEC.4560Selected Topics VI 3
PTEC.4570Selected Topics VII 3
PTEC.4580Selected Topics VIII 3
10.201Material Balances3
10.202Energy Balance & Introduction to Thermodynamics3
10.303Fluid Mechanics3
10.304Heat Transfer3
10.310Separation Processes with Mass Transfer
10.311Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics3
10.317Applied Engineering Problem Solving with Matlab
10.336Programming and Problem Solving with MATLAB3
10.347Elements of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer3
10.403Chemical Reaction Engineering3
14.203Statics (alternate 22.211)3
14.204Strength of Materials (alternate 22.212)3
14.205Dynamics (alternate 22.213)3
14.286Probability and Statistics for Engineers3
14.350Structural Analysis l3
14.431Foundation and Soil Engineering3
14.466Introduction to LEED3
14.470Engineering Economics3
15.113Computer-Aided Design and Drafting2
15.1143D Computer-Aided Design2
15.123Surveying I4
15.124Surveying II4
15.131Environmental Chemistry I3
15.132Environmental Chemistry II3
15.152Water Biology3
15.154Water Biology II3
15.224Materials/Structural Laboratory1
15.239Strength of Materials3
15.242Steel Design I3
15.246Fluid Mechanics/ Hydraulics3
15.247Hydraulics Laboratory1
15.251Structural Analysis I3
15.252Steel Design I3
15.253Reinforced Concrete I3
15.254Soil Mechanics I3
15.256Water and Wastewater Laboratory1
15.257Highway Elements3
15.261Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations I3
15.262Legal Aspects of Land Surveying3
15.263Wastewater Operations Laboratory I1
15.264Fundamentals of Land Development3
15.272Water Supply and Treatment Operations I3
15.274Water Works Operations Lab1
15.280Industrial Waste Treatment3
15.299Surveying III3
15.315Land Development Desktop3
15.340Hazardous Waste Management3
15.352Structural Analysis II3
15.353Forensic Engineering3
15.355Water Distribution Systems3
15.356Water Treatment Design3
15.358Wastewater Treatment3
15.361Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations II3
15.363Wastewater Operations Laboratory II1
15.372Water Supply and Treatment Operations II3
15.374Water Works Operations Lab II1
15.378Air Quality Monitoring3
15.383Steel Design II3
15.388Pumps and Compressors3
15.391Reinforced Concrete Design II3
15.392Soil Mechanics II3
15.394Soil Mechanics Lab1
15.396Groundwater Resources3
15.410Fundamentals of Construction Inspection 3
15.420Solid Waste Management3
15.452Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Collection Systems3
15.470Construction Project Management3
15.486Transportation Elements3
15.492Water/Wastewater Plant Management3
16.201Circuit Theory I3
16.202Circuit Theory II3
16.207Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory I2
16.208Basic Electrical Engineering Lab II2
16.210Semiconductor Basics3
16.211Fundamentals of Electricity I3
16.212Fundamentals of Electricity Laboratory1
16.213Fundamentals of Electricity for Civil Engineers3
16.216ECE Application Programming3
16.265Logic Design3
16.311Electronics I Lab2
16.312Electronics II Laboratory2
16.317Microprocessors Systems Design I3
16.333Electronic Materials3
16.360Engineering Electromagnetics I3
16.362Signals and Systems I3
16.363Introduction to Probability and Random Processes3
16.364Engineering Mathematics3
16.365Electronics I3
16.366Electronics II3
16.399Capstone Proposal3
16.409Directed Studies3
16.412Directed Studoes3
16.413Linear Feedback System3
16.421Real Time D.S.P.3
16.424Computational Methods for Power System Analysis3
16.426Power Systems Stability and Control
16.428Alternative Energy Sources3
16.429Electric Vehicle Technology3
16.431R F Design3
16.441-IIntroduction to Biosensors
16.441Introduction to Biosensors
16.443Integrated Power Systems3
16.444Power Distribution System3
16.450Advanced Digital System Design3
16.460Biomedical Instrumentation3
16.461Engineering Electromagnetics II3
16.467Special Topics: Introduction to Biometric Technology3
16.468Electro-Optics & Integrated Optics3
16.470VLSI Fabrication3
16.474Principles Of Solid State Devices3
16.475Automated Test Systems3
16.480Microprocessor Systems II & Embedded Systems3
16.483Network Design: Principles, Protocols & Applications3
16.490Fiber Optic Communication3
16.491Industrial Experience3
16.492Industrial Experience3
16.493Industrial Experience3
16.499Capstone Project3
17.130Electrical Basics and Laboratory2
17.131Electronic Basics and Laboratory2
17.132Digital Basics and Laboratory2
17.200Basic Geometrical Optics3
17.201Introduction to Fiber Optics3
17.202Introduction to Optical Systems3
17.210Semiconductor Basics3
17.213Circuits I3
17.214Circuits II and Laboratory2
17.215Circuits III and Laboratory2
17.216Circuits IV3
17.230Mathematics & Statistics/E.E.T.3
17.272Introduction to Alternative Energy3
17.300Basic Physical Optics3
17.301Math for Signal Processing3
17.302Wave Optics3
17.322Signals and Systems I3
17.323Signals and Systems II3
17.324Engineering Mathematics3
17.341Logic Design I and Laboratory 3
17.342Logic Design II and Laboratory3
17.345Programmable Logic Controllers and Lab I3
17.346Logic Design A3
17.347Logic Design B3
17.348Logic Design C & Laboratory2
17.350Control Systems I3
17.353Digital Electronics3
17.354PSPICE Simulation3
17.355Electronics I and Laboratory2
17.356Electronics II and Laboratory2
17.357Electronics III and Laboratory2
17.358Electronics IV and Laboratory2
17.360Mathematics and Statistics/E.E.T.3
17.361Project Laboratory A2
17.365Applied Linear Devices3
17.368Data Conversion and Laboratory2
17.376Electromagnetic Theory I3
17.383Microprocessors A3
17.384Microprocessors B2
17.391Project Laboratory B2
17.392Project Laboratory C2
17.403Foundations of Microwave Design3
17.410Systems Engineering and Analysis3
17.415Advanced Topics in Optical Engineering3
17.419Introduction to ITS Technologies3
17.422GPS: Principles and Applications3
17.427Digital Signal Processing3
17.428Vacuum Technology and RF3
17.431Electromagnetic Compatibility3
17.433Linear Feedback Systems3
17.447Fiber Optic Networks3
17.449Logic Design D3
17.459Power Conversion Design I3
17.460Power Conversion II3
17.461Lasers and Laser Systems3
17.462Image Signal Processing3
17.463Biomedical Optics3
17.464Industrial Optics3
17.465Infrared Optical Systems3
17.469Control Systems II3
17.474Infrared Optical Systems3
17.478Applied Electromagnetics3
17.480Electro-Optics Laboratory2
17.481Advanced Topics in Photonics3
17.483Microprocessor Hardware3
17.484Microprocessor Software3
17.485Fundamentals of Communication Systems3
17.486Digial Communications and Networks3
17.487Analog Filter Design3
17.490Advanced Microprocessors3
17.492Diagnostic Programming3
17.495Microprocessor Control3
17.496Radar Systems3
19.401Occupational Health3
22.201Mechanical Design Laboratory I2
22.202Mechanical Design Laboratory II2
22.212Strength of Materials3
22.213Dynamics (alternate 14.205)3
22.214Engineering Mechanics4
22.295Material Science & Engineering3
22.302Mechanical Engineering Laboratory I: Instrrumentation3
22.311Applied Strength of Materials3
22.321Mechanical Design I3
22.322Mechanical Design II3
22.341Conduction & Radiation Heat Transfer3
22.342Convective Processes3
22.361Mathematical Methods for Mechanical Engineers3
22.381Fluid Mechanics3
22.382Heat Transfer3
22.403Mechanical Engineering Lab II: Measurement Engineering3
22.425Design of Machine Elements3
22.441Analysis of Thermo-Fluid Processes3
22.442Design of Thermofluid Systems3
22.451Dynamic Systems Analysis3
22.473Design Theory and Constraints
22.483Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics3
22.485Special Topics in Aero Engineering3
23.101Engineering Graphics2
23.102Engineering Design and Graphics3
23.200Computer Aided Drafting3
23.202Thermo/Fluids Laboratory2
23.211LabVIEW(TM) Programming with Engineering Applications3
23.223Mechanics of Materials3
23.226Technical Communications for Engineering Technology3
23.241Elements of Thermodynamics I3
23.242Applied Fluid Mechanics3
23.243Elements of Thermodynamics II3
23.262Engineering Data Analysis3
23.295Materials Science3
23.301Manufacturing Technology Laboratory2
23.302Mechanics/Materials Laboratory2
23.305Manufacturing Processes3
23.310Industrial Safety3
23.314Manufacturing Productivity3
23.320Machine Design3
23.353Forensic Engineering3
23.354Problems in Mechanical Engineering Technology3
23.402Engineering Measurement Laboratory2
23.414Engineering Economics3
23.419Applied Computer Aided Manufacturing3
23.426Quality Systems Certification/ISO 90003
23.430Industrial Automation3
23.432Capstone Design3
23.444Mechanical Vibrations3
23.451Six Sigma3
23.474Design for Manufacture3
23.475Heat Transfer3
23.480Computer Aided Design 3
23.481Applied CAD Design3
23.484Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER3
23.485Introduction to SolidWorks3
24.419Nuclear Reactor Operator Training I 3
25.130Introduction to Nano-Engineering3
25.490Industrial Experience0
25.491Industrial Experience I1
26.203Introduction to Polymeric Materials, Processing, and Testing3
26.3CECo-op Experience0
26.3CO-OPPlastics Engineering Curricular Practical Training (CPT)1
26.306Methods of Experimental Analysis
26.314Fluid Flow
26.382Polymer Science for Engineers II3
26.418Product and Process Design3
26.492Industrial Experience II0
27.201Plastics Material Science I (Commodity Thermoplastics) 3
27.202Plastics Material Science II (Engineering Resins)3
27.203Plastics Material Science III (Thermosetting Resins)3
27.207Introduction to Plastics Processing (Replaced by 27.219)3
27.209Introduction to Plastics Processing (Replaced by 27.219)3
27.217Plastics Processing Engineering Laboratory1
27.219Introduction to Plastics Processing (Formerly 27.207)3
27.301Additives for Polymeric Materials3
27.303Reinforced Plastics and Composites3
27.311Principles of Packaging3
27.312Materials and Packages3
27.313Packaging Development3
27.314Packaging for the Environment3
27.315Design of Packaging for POP Displays3
27.331Injection Molding3
27.332Advanced Injection Molding3
27.333Polymer Processing3
27.341Extrusion Die Design3
27.342Principles of Compounding (See new course #27.343)3
27.343Principles of Extrusion3
27.345Principles of Extrusion3
27.371Plastics Part Design3
27.373Plastics Mold Design I3
27.375Injection Molding Simulation Using Moldflow(TM)3
27.376Plastics Mold Engineering II3
27.381Extrusion Dye Design3
27.401Processing Technology I3
27.402Processing Technology II3
27.403Physical Properties of Polymers I3
27.404Physical Properties of Polymers II3
27.405Polymer Characterization3
27.406Polymer Structures/Properties3
27.407Plastics Industry Organization3
27.418Plastics Product Design3
27.425Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Plastics I3
27.426Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Plastics II3
27.440Commercial Development of Plastics3
27.451Selected Topics I3
27.452Selected Topics II3
27.453Selected Topics III3
27.454Selected Topics IV3
27.455Selected Topics V3
27.456Selected Topics VI3
27.457Selected Topics VII3
27.458Selected Topics VIII3
27.465Polymeric Material Systems Selection3
Please Note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this web site. However, the Division of Graduate, Online & Professional Studies reserves the right to implement new rules and regulations and to make changes of any nature in its program, calendar, locations, tuition, and fees. Whenever possible, appropriate notice of such changes will be given before they become effective. In registering for courses, each student assumes full responsibility for knowledge of and compliance with the definitions, regulations, and procedures for the University as set forth in the appropriate publications and bulletins.