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Course Archive: Management & business, undergraduate-level courses

Total records found: 332
CRS#Course NameCredits
ACCT.2010Accounting/Financial 3
ACCT.2020Accounting/Managerial 3
ACCT.2030Fundamentals of Accounting3
ACCT.301Intermediate Accounting I3
ACCT.3010Intermediate Accounting I 3
ACCT.302Intermediate Accounting II3
ACCT.3020Intermediate Accounting II 3
ACCT.303Accounting Information Systems3
ACCT.3030Accounting Information Systems 3
ACCT.3099Accounting Boot Camp1
ACCT.3100Corporate Financial Reporting I3
ACCT.3100LCorporate Financial Reporting I Lab1
ACCT.3200Corporate Financial Reporting II3
ACCT.3200LCorporate Financial Reporting II Lab1
ACCT.321Cost Accounting3
ACCT.3210Cost Accounting 3
ACCT.3300Corporate Financial Reporting III3
ACCT.331Cost Management Systems3
ACCT.401Advanced Financial Accounting I3
ACCT.4010Advanced Financial Accounting I 3
ACCT.4210Auditing 3
ACCT.431Federal Income Taxes3
ACCT.4310Federal Income Taxes 3
ACCT.432Advanced Federal Income Taxation3
ACCT.441Accounting for Not-for-Profit Institutions3
ACCT.4790Accounting Internship 3
ACCT.4800Special Topics in Accounting3
ACCT.4991Independent Studies 1
BUSI.101Principles of Banking3
BUSI.104Analyzing Financial Statements3
BUSI.105Consumer Lending3
BUSI.106Real Estate Finance3
BUSI.107Bank Investments3
BUSI.109Marketing for Bankers3
BUSI.110Bank Products: Savings Accounts to Securities3
BUSI.114Branch Banking Series (formerly Retail Banking)3
BUSI.116Commercial Bank Management3
BUSI.117Law and Banking: Principles3
BUSI.118Law and Banking: Applications3
BUSI.119Commercial Lending3
BUSI.120Residential Mortgage Lending3
BUSI.127Financial Planning3
BUSI.130Commercial Loan Documentation and Calling Skills3
BUSI.1500Business 101 3
BUSI.226Sales Management3
BUSI.231Business Finance3
BUSI.232Money and Banking3
BUSI.234Investment Management3
BUSI.251Personnel Management3
BUSI.253Introduction to Management and Organizational Behavior3
BUSI.271Operations Management3
BUSI.275Total Quality Management3
BUSI.276Entrepreneurial Management of New and Small Enterprises3
BUSI.277Leadership in Management3
BUSI.281Purchasing Principles3
BUSI.282Negotiations in Purchasing3
BUSI.3CECooperative Education Work Experience I 0
BUSI.3800Business Ethics 3
BUSI.4ACECooperative Education Experience0
BUSI.4CECooperative Education Work Experience II (USE COOP-4CE)0
BUSI.4800Current Topics in Business3
BUSI.4890Internship in Business Administration3
ENTR.1500Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Business3
ENTR.300Principles of Innovation and Entrepreneurship3
ENTR.3000Principles of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3
ENTR.361Starting a New Venture3
ENTR.3610Starting a New Venture 3
ENTR.362Corporate Entrepreneurship3
ENTR.3620Corporate Entrepreneurship 3
ENTR.410Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation - l3
ENTR.4100Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation - I 3
ENTR.4110Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation - II 3
ENTR.4150Entrepreneurial Customer Discovery3
ENTR.4200Leading Successful Entrepreneurial Teams3
ENTR.463Managing Innovation3
ENTR.4630Managing Innovation 3
ENTR.4640Finance for Emerging Business Enterprises 3
ENTR.480Current Topics3
ENTR.4800Current Topics in Entrepreneurship 3
ENTR.4890Internship in Entrepreneurship 3
ENTR.4960Entrepreneurship Strategy Implementation 3
ENTR.4991Independent Studies
FIN.301Financial Management3
FINA.2000Personal Finance3
FINA.221Introduction to Investments3
FINA.301Financial Management 3
FINA.3010Financial Management 3
FINA.3030Introduction to Financial Modeling3
FINA.311Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis 3
FINA.3110Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis 3
FINA.321Investment and Portfolio Analysis 3
FINA.3210Investment and Portfolio Analysis 3
FINA.331Principles of Corporate Finance 3
FINA.3310Principles of Corporate Finance 3
FINA.4110Financial Institutions and Markets
FINA.4210Introduction to Financial Risk Management3
FINA.422Portfolio and Security Analysis3
FINA.4220Portfolio and Security Analysis 3
FINA.4320Intermediate Corporate Finance 3
FINA.4410Introduction to Financial Derivatives 3
FINA.451Bank Management3
FINA.4510Money and Banking3
FINA.489Internship In Finance3
FINA.4890Internship In Finance 3
FINA.491International Finance 3
FINA.4910International Finance 3
FINA.497Independent Study Finance3
FINA.4970Independent Study Finance3
FINA.498Special Topics in Finance3
FINA.4980Special Topics in Finance 3
FINA.4990Independent Study in Finance3
MGMT.017Introduction to Business3
MGMT.1CO-OPCurricula Practical Training 1
MGMT.150Introduction to Business3
MGMT.210Professional Communications3
MGMT.301Organizational Behavior3
MGMT.3010Organizational Behavior 3
MGMT.310Human Resources Management3
MGMT.3100Human Resources Management 3
MGMT.3800Business Ethics 3
MGMT.410Negotiation Strategy and Process3
MGMT.4100Negotiation Strategy and Process 3
MGMT.415Managing Teams and Projects3
MGMT.4150Managing Teams and Projects 3
MGMT.420Leadership Processes3
MGMT.4200Leadership Processes 3
MGMT.425Organization Design3
MGMT.4250Business Process Management3
MGMT.430Rewards and Compensation3
MGMT.435International Management3
MGMT.4350International Management 3
MGMT.445Contemporary Management Development3
MGMT.4450Contemporary Management Development3
MGMT.450Labor, Diversity, and Human Resource Management3
MGMT.4500Managing Diversity in Organizations 3
MGMT.4550International Import/Export Management3
MGMT.480Current Topics in Management3
MGMT.4800Current Topics in Management 3
MGMT.4890Internship In Management 3
MGMT.490Strategic Management3
MGMT.4900Strategic Management 3
MGMT.4910Independent Study in Management
MGMT.496Special Topics: Entrepreneurship3
MGMT.499Independent Study in Management3
MGMT.4990Independent Study in Management3
MGT.150Intro to Business3
MIST.CAPSTONon-Credit Capstone Review0
MIST.201Business Information Systems 3
MIST.2010Business Information Systems 3
MIST.300Application Systems Development3
MIST.3030Database Management Systems 3
MIST.3040Data Communications and Networks 3
MIST.3050Business Applications Development 3
MIST.3070Current Topics in Management Information Systems3
MIST.308Enterprise Systems Management3
MIST.402Systems Analysis and Design3
MIST.4020Systems Analysis and Design 3
MIST.407Electronic Business3
MIST.4070Electronic Business 3
MIST.408Enterprise Systems Management 3
MIST.4080Enterprise Systems Management 3
MIST.4090Directed Study in Management Information Systems 3
MIST.488Current Topics in Management Information Systems3
MIST.4880Special Topics in MIS3
MIST.489Internship in Management Information Systems3
MIST.4890Internship in Management Information Systems 3
MKG.201Marketing Principles3
MKG.301Organizational Behavior3
MKTG.1CO-OPCurricula Practical Training1
MKTG.201Marketing Principles3
MKTG.2010Marketing Principles 3
MKTG.210Professional Communications3
MKTG.2100Professional Communications 3
MKTG.302Marketing Research3
MKTG.3020Marketing Research3
MKTG.303International Marketing3
MKTG.3100Digital Marketing3
MKTG.311Marketing Opportunity Analysis3
MKTG.312Marketing Tactics3
MKTG.313Sales and Customer Relations3
MKTG.3130Sales and Customer Relations 3
MKTG.315New Product & Service Management3
MKTG.3150New Product & Service Management 3
MKTG.401Marketing Communications3
MKTG.4010Advertising 3
MKTG.402Buyer Behavior3
MKTG.4020Buyer Behavior 3
MKTG.403Business Marketing3
MKTG.405Sales Management3
MKTG.406Purchasing and Materials Management3
MKTG.4070Retailing 3
MKTG.411Marketing Analytics3
MKTG.4110Marketing Analytics 3
MKTG.412Global Marketing3
MKTG.4120Global Marketing 3
MKTG.4300Social Media Marketing3
MKTG.496Current Topics in Marketing3
MKTG.4960Current Topics in Marketing 3
MKTG.4980Marketing Internship 3
MKTG.4991Independent Study in Marketing 3
OPS.201Managerial Decision Making3
POMS.201Managerial Decision Making 3
POMS.2010Introduction to Business Analytics 3
POMS.301Operations Management 3
POMS.3010Operations Management 3
POMS.401Logistics and Transportation3
POMS.4010Logistics and Transportation 3
POMS.4020Global Supply Chain Management 3
POMS.403Service Management3
POMS.4030Service Management 3
POMS.404Managerial Quality Control3
POMS.4040Managerial Quality Control 3
POMS.4050Predictive Data Analytics3
POMS.4060Simulation and Optimization for Business Analytics3
POMS.4090Directed Study in Operations Management
POMS.4890Internship in Operations Management 3
60.301Intermediate Accounting I3
60.302Intermediate Accounting II3
60.303Accounting Information Systems3
60.321Cost Accounting3
60.331Cost Management Systems3
60.431Federal Income Taxes3
60.432Advanced Federal Income Taxation3
60.441Accounting for Not-for-Profit Institutions3
61.301Business Finance3
61.302Money and Banking3
61.303Methods of Financial Analysis3
61.431Capital Planning3
61.479Current Topics in Finance3
61.489Internship in Finance3
61.491International Finance3
61.499Independent Study in Finance3
62.201Marketing Principles3
62.302Marketing Research3
62.303International Marketing3
62.311Marketing Opportunity Analysis3
62.312Marketing Tactics3
62.313Sales and Customer Relations3
62.401Marketing Communications3
62.402Buyer Behavior3
62.403Business Marketing3
62.405Sales Management3
62.406Purchasing and Materials Management3
62.496Current Topics in Marketing3
63.210Operations Analysis Techniques3
63.300Application Systems Development3
63.301Management Information Systems3
63.307Systems Analysis and Design3
63.308Enterprise Systems Management3
63.371Operations Management3
63.403Database Management Systems3
63.404Data Communications and Networking3
63.408Current Topics in Management Information Systems3
63.469Logistics and Transportation3
63.471Managerial Quality Control3
63.489Current Topics: Business Intelligence3
63.498Special Topics in MIS3
64.300Principles of Innovation and Entrepeneurship3
64.361Starting a New Venture3
64.362Corporate Entrepreneurship3
64.463Managing Innovation3
64.480Current Topics3
65.331New England Regional Economy3
66.017Introduction to Business3
66.150Introduction to Business3
66.210Professional Communications3
66.301Organizational Behavior3
66.310Human Resources Management3
66.410Negotiation Strategy and Tactics3
66.415Managing Teams and Projects3
66.420Leadership Processes3
66.425Organization Design3
66.430Rewards and Compensation3
66.435Comparative Management3
66.445Contemporary Management Development3
66.450Labor, Diversity, and Human Resource Management3
66.480Current Topics in Management3
66.490Strategic Management3
66.496Special Topics: Entrepreneurship3
66.499Independent Study in Management3
67.101Accounting Principles I3
67.102Accounting Principles II3
67.204Intermediate Accounting II3
67.205Advanced Financial Accounting3
67.206Cost Accounting3
67.209Federal Income Taxes3
67.213Financial Accounting II3
67.214Financial Accounting III3
67.215Introduction to Cost Management Systems3
67.216Survey of Personal Federal Income Taxes3
67.217Computer Applications in Accounting3
67.280Accounting for Not-for-Profit Institutions3
69.101Principles of Banking3
69.104Analyzing Financial Statements3
69.105Consumer Lending3
69.106Real Estate Finance3
69.107Bank Investments3
69.109Marketing for Bankers3
69.110Bank Products: Savings Accounts to Securities3
69.114Branch Banking Series (formerly Retail Banking)3
69.116Commercial Bank Management3
69.117Law and Banking: Principles3
69.118Law and Banking: Applications3
69.119Commercial Lending3
69.120Residential Mortgage Lending3
69.127Financial Planning3
69.130Commercial Loan Documentation and Calling Skills3
69.226Sales Management3
69.231Business Finance3
69.232Money and Banking3
69.234Investment Management3
69.251Personnel Management3
69.253Introduction to Management and Organizational Behavior3
69.271Operations Management3
69.275Total Quality Management3
69.276Entrepreneurial Management of New and Small Enterprises3
69.277Leadership in Management3
69.281Purchasing Principles3
69.282Negotiations in Purchasing3
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