ACC.201 | Accounting/Financial | 3 |
ACC.202 | Accounting/Managerial | 3 |
ACCT.201 | Accounting/Financial | 3 |
ACCT.2010 | Accounting/Financial | 3 |
ACCT.202 | Accounting/Managerial | 3 |
ACCT.2020 | Accounting/Managerial | 3 |
ACCT.2030 | Fundamentals of Accounting | 3 |
ACCT.301 | Intermediate Accounting I | 3 |
ACCT.3010 | Intermediate Accounting I | 3 |
ACCT.302 | Intermediate Accounting II | 3 |
ACCT.3020 | Intermediate Accounting II | 3 |
ACCT.303 | Accounting Information Systems | 3 |
ACCT.3030 | Accounting Information Systems | 3 |
ACCT.3099 | Accounting Boot Camp | 1 |
ACCT.3100 | Corporate Financial Reporting I | 3 |
ACCT.3100L | Corporate Financial Reporting I Lab | 1 |
ACCT.3200 | Corporate Financial Reporting II | 3 |
ACCT.3200L | Corporate Financial Reporting II Lab | 1 |
ACCT.321 | Cost Accounting | 3 |
ACCT.3210 | Cost Accounting | 3 |
ACCT.3300 | Corporate Financial Reporting III | 3 |
ACCT.331 | Cost Management Systems | 3 |
ACCT.401 | Advanced Financial Accounting I | 3 |
ACCT.4010 | Advanced Financial Accounting I | 3 |
ACCT.421 | Auditing | 3 |
ACCT.4210 | Auditing | 3 |
ACCT.431 | Federal Income Taxes | 3 |
ACCT.4310 | Federal Income Taxes | 3 |
ACCT.432 | Advanced Federal Income Taxation | 3 |
ACCT.441 | Accounting for Not-for-Profit Institutions | 3 |
ACCT.4790 | Accounting Internship | 3 |
ACCT.4800 | Special Topics in Accounting | 3 |
ACCT.4991 | Independent Studies | 1 |
ACCT.501 | Financial Accounting | 2 |
ACCT.5010 | Financial Accounting | 2 |
ACCT.502 | Managerial Accounting | 2 |
ACCT.504 | Advanced Managerial Accounting | 1 |
ACCT.601 | Accounting Information for Management Decisions | 3 |
ACCT.6010 | Accounting Information for Management Decisions | 3 |
ACCT.602 | Advanced Management and Sustainability Accounting | 3 |
ACCT.6020 | Advanced Management and Sustainability Accounting | 3 |
ACCT.605 | Government and Non-Profit Accounting | 3 |
ACCT.6050 | Government and Non-Profit Accounting | 3 |
ACCT.612 | Advanced Cost Management | 3 |
ACCT.6120 | Advanced Cost Management | 3 |
ACCT.621 | Tax Factors in Business Decisions | 3 |
ACCT.6210 | Tax Factors in Business Decisions | 3 |
ACCT.622 | Globalization and Accounting | 3 |
ACCT.6220 | Globalization and Accounting | 3 |
ACCT.623 | Contemporary Accounting Issues | 3 |
ACCT.6230 | Contemporary Accounting Issues | 3 |
ACCT.630 | Taxation of Business Entities | 3 |
ACCT.6300 | Taxation of Business Entities | 3 |
ACCT.631 | Federal Income Taxes | 3 |
ACCT.640 | Financial Accounting Theory and Research | 3 |
ACCT.6400 | Financial Accounting Theory and Research | 3 |
ACCT.645 | Fraud Exam & Forensic Accounting | 3 |
ACCT.6450 | Fraud Examination and Forensic Accounting | 3 |
ACCT.655 | Advanced Auditing | 3 |
ACCT.6550 | Advanced Auditing | 3 |
ACCT.660 | Business and Society | 3 |
ACCT.6600 | Accounting Data Analytics | 3 |
ACCT.667 | Independent Studies | 3 |
ACCT.670 | International Law | 3 |
ACCT.677 | Directed Study: Accounting | 3 |
ACCT.6770 | Directed Study: Accounting | 3 |
ACCT.6880 | Special Topics in Accounting | 3 |
ACCT.690 | Cost Accounting | 3 |
ACCT.699 | Accounting Internship | 3 |
ACCT.6990 | Accounting Internship | 3 |
ACCT.700 | Independent Study: Accounting | 3 |
ACCT.701 | Advanced Accounting | 3 |
ACCT.707 | Intermediate Accounting I | 3 |
ACCT.708 | Intermediate Accounting II | 3 |
ACCT.709 | Advanced Accounting I | 3 |
ACCT.711 | Theory Of Financial Rp | 3 |
ACCT.712 | Controllership | 3 |
ACCT.720 | Fraud Examination | 3 |
ACCT.7200 | Fraud Examination | 3 |
ACCT.730 | Federal Taxation | 3 |
ACCT.752 | Accounting Information System | 3 |
ACCT.790 | Special Topic: Accounting | 3 |
ACCT.7960 | Doctoral Dissertation | 9 |
ACCT.799 | Independent Study: Accounting | 3 |
ACCT.801 | Accounting For Engineering Managers | 2 |
ACCT.802 | Accounting For Health Care Professionals | 4 |
ACCT.803 | Business Law For Engineering Mangement | 2 |
AERO.1010 | Foundations of the United States Air Force-Part I | 1 |
AEST.2410 | Art Serving Political, Religious, & Social Needs | 3 |
AEST.3420 | The Language and History of Animation | 3 |
AEST.3520 | Contemporary Art and Culture | 3 |
AEST.3600 | Aesthetics and Critical Studies of Graphic Design | 3 |
AMST.2480 | Perspectives American Culture | 3 |
AMST.4910 | Directed Studies in American Studies | |
AMST.4960 | Practicum Experience in American Studies | 3 |
AMST.4970 | Practicum in American Studies | |
ARCH.2090 | Special Topics in Architectural Studies | 3 |
ARCH.3140 | American Architecture (Formerly ARHI.3140) | 3 |
ARCH.3150 | Modern Architecture (Formerly ARHI.3150) | 3 |
ARHI.1010 | Art Appreciation | 3 |
ARHI.1050 | Comparative Arts | 3 |
ARHI.2030 | History of Art I: Prehistoric to Medieval Art | 3 |
ARHI.2040 | History of Art II: Renaissance to Modern Art | 3 |
ARHI.2110 | Nineteenth Century Art | 3 |
ARHI.2210 | Twentieth Century Art | 3 |
ARHI.2310 | Greek and Roman Art | 3 |
ARHI.3000 | Art History, Music and Culture | 3 |
ARHI.3020 | Studies In World Art | 3 |
ARHI.3130 | American Art | 3 |
ARHI.3140 | American Architecture | 3 |
ARHI.3151 | Islamic Art and Contemporary Society | 3 |
ARHI.3210 | Italian Renaissance Art | 3 |
ARHI.3230 | Northern Renaissance Art | 3 |
ARHI.3250 | Studies in Latin American Art | 3 |
ARHI.3300 | Italian Mannerism | 3 |
ARHI.3310 | Asian Art | 3 |
ARHI.3320 | Baroque Art in Italy | 3 |
ARHI.3350 | The Golden Age of Spanish Art | 3 |
ARHI.3360 | Arts of Sub-Saharan Africa | 3 |
ARHI.3400 | Women and Art | 3 |
ARHI.3450 | Pre-Raphaelite Art | 3 |
ARHI.3470 | French Impressionism and Post-Impressionism | 3 |
ARHI.3500 | Post Modernism (Contemporary Art) | 3 |
ARHI.3520 | Contemporary Art and Culture | 3 |
ARHI.3600 | Museum Issues | 3 |
ARHI.3700 | Art History and Film | 3 |
ARHI.4900 | Art History Seminar | 3 |
ARHI.4940 | Directed Study in Art History | 3 |
ARHI.4950 | Advanced Tutorial in Art History | 3 |
ARHI.4960 | Practicum Experience in Art History | 3 |
ARTS.1010 | Art Concepts I | 3 |
ARTS.1150 | Drawing for Non-Art Majors | 3 |
ARTS.1160 | Graphic Design for Non-Majors | 3 |
ARTS.1170 | An Introduction to the Language of Painting | 3 |
ARTS.1550 | Drawing I | 3 |
ARTS.1610 | Introduction to Photography | 3 |
ARTS.2100 | Graphic Design I | 3 |
ARTS.2200 | Website Design I | 3 |
ARTS.2210 | Practicum/Internship | 3 |
ARTS.2300 | Typography I | 3 |
ARTS.2320 | Ceramics I | 3 |
ARTS.2400 | Fundamentals of Typography | 3 |
ARTS.2450 | Desktop Publishing: Layout and Production | 3 |
ARTS.2610 | Photography I | 3 |
ARTS.2620 | Digital Imaging and Photography: Photoshop | 3 |
ARTS.2640 | Computer Graphics & Illustration | 3 |
ARTS.2650 | Computer Art I | 3 |
ARTS.2690 | Color | 3 |
ARTS.2710 | Painting I | 3 |
ARTS.2950 | Studio Workshop Abroad | 3 |
ARTS.2951 | BioArt Workshop in Portugal | 3 |
ARTS.2970 | Studio Workshop | 3 |
ARTS.3100 | Graphic Design II | 3 |
ARTS.3200 | Web Design II | 3 |
ARTS.3300 | Typography II | 3 |
ARTS.3610 | Photography II | 3 |
ARTS.3620 | Advanced Digital Imaging | 3 |
ARTS.3760 | 3D Computer Animation | 3 |
ARTS.3770 | Advanced Animation: After Effects® | 3 |
ARTS.3800 | Special Topics in Art & Design | 3 |
ARTS.3810 | Advanced Game Design | 3 |
ARTS.3850 | Streaming Media for the Web | 3 |
ARTS.4000 | Portfolio Production Seminar | 3 |
ARTS.4100 | Graphic Design III | 3 |
ARTS.4310 | Publication Design | 3 |
ARTS.4600 | The Entrepreneurial Hustle for Creatives | 3 |
ARTS.4910 | Advanced Studio | 3 |
ARTS.4940 | Directed Study | 3 |
ATMO.1410 | Weather and Climate | 3 |
ATMO.1430L | Weather and Climate Laboratory | 1 |
ATMO.4500 | Satellite and Radar Meteorology | 3 |
ATMO.5010 | Boundary Layer Meteorology | 3 |
ATMO.5020 | Advanced Synoptic Meteorology | 3 |
ATMO.5030 | Remote Sensing | 3 |
ATMO.5080 | The Climate System | 3 |
ATMO.5130 | Physical Meteorology | 3 |
ATMO.5150 | Atmospheric Structure and Dynamics | 3 |
ATMO.5180 | Forecasting and Synoptic Techniques I | 3 |
ATMO.5230 | Air Pollution Control | 3 |
ATMO.5500 | Satellite and Rad Meteorology | 3 |
ATMO.5710 | Air Pollution Phenomenology | 3 |
ATMO.5810 | Meteorology for Science Teachers | 3 |
ATMO.5910 | Directed Study in Bl Meteorology | 3 |
ATMO.6410 | Special Topics in Meteorology | 3 |
ATMO.6420 | Special Topics in Meteorology | 3 |
ATMO.7010 | Graduate Research Seminar | 1 |
ATMO.7310 | Master's Research | 1 |
ATMO.7330 | Master's Research in Atmospheric Sciences | 3 |
ATMO.7430 | Master's Thesis in Atmospheric Sciences | 3 |
ATMO.7530 | Doctoral Dissertation in Atmospheric Sciences | 3 |
ATMO.7600 | Continuing Graduate Research (PhD) | 1 |
ATMO.7630 | PhD Research in Atmospheric Sciences | 2 |
ATMO.7650 | Doctoral Dissertation | 5 |
ATMO.7680 | Doctoral Dissertation | 8 |
AV0025000 | Internetworking Fundamentals | 3 |
AV0025110 | Accelerated Router Configuration | 3 |
AV0030120 | LAN Protocol Implementation | 3 |
AV0030131 | WAN Protocols | 3 |
AV0030160 | Advanced IP Routing | 3 |
BIOL.1CO-OP | Curricula Practical Training | 1 |
BIOL.1110 | Principles of Biology I | 3 |
BIOL.1120 | Principles of Biology II | 3 |
BIOL.1130 | Introduction Experimental Biology I | 1 |
BIOL.1140 | Introduction to Experimental Biology II | 1 |
BIOL.1170L | Principles of Biology I Laboratory | 1 |
BIOL.1180L | Principles of Biology II Laboratory | 1 |
BIOL.2100 | Biology for Engineers | 3 |
BIOL.2120L | Biology for Engineers Laboratory | 1 |
BIOL.2200 | Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology | 3 |
BIOL.2330L | Experimental Methods in Biology | 2 |
BIOL.2350 | Genetics | 4 |
BIOL.2370 | Problems in Genetics | 1 |
BIOL.2400 | Evolution, Ecology and Conservation | 3 |
BIOL.2420 | Problems in Evolution, Ecology and Conservation | 1 |
BIOL.2460 | Disease Ecology and Evolution | 3 |
BIOL.2520 | Physiology | 3 |
BIOL.3060 | Invertebrate Zoology | 3 |
BIOL.3150 | Principles of Ecology | 3 |
BIOL.3170L | Principles of Ecology Laboratory | 2 |
BIOL.3200 | Botany | 3 |
BIOL.3220L | Botany Laboratory | 1 |
BIOL.3420 | Comp Vertebrate Anatomy | 3 |
BIOL.3440L | Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Laboratory | 2 |
BIOL.4110L | Senior Research Biology | |
BIOL.4190 | Biochemistry | 3 |
BIOL.4210L | Biochemistry Techniques | 2 |
BIOL.4230 | Biology of Global Change | 3 |
BIOL.4365L | Field Techniques in Ecology | 5 |
BIOL.4570 | Advanced Invertebrate Zoology | 3 |
BIOL.4760 | Cell Culture | 4 |
BIOL.4960 | Practicum Experience | 3 |
BIOL.4970 | Directed Study: Biological Science | |
BIOL.4980 | Directed Study: Biology | 2 |
BIOL.4991 | Directed Study: Biology | |
BIOL.5000 | Professional Experience | 3 |
BIOL.5080 | Cell Biology for Teachers | 3 |
BIOL.5170 | Vertebrate Animals in Biological Research | 3 |
BIOL.5190 | Biochemistry I | 3 |
BIOL.5200 | Biochemistry II | 3 |
BIOL.5210L | Biochemistry Techniques | 2 |
BIOL.5230 | Biology of Global Change | 3 |
BIOL.5365L | Field Techniques in Ecology | 5 |
BIOL.5400 | Advances in Plant Biology | 3 |
BIOL.5410 | Topics in Cell Biology | 3 |
BIOL.5420 | Cell Biology | 3 |
BIOL.5450 | Isolation and Purification | 3 |
BIOL.5470 | Evolution in Context for Teachers | 3 |
BIOL.5520 | Quantitative Physiology | 3 |
BIOL.5570 | Metazoan Parasitology | 3 |
BIOL.5590L | Metazoan Parasitology Laboratory | 1 |
BIOL.5600 | Stem Cell Biology | 3 |
BIOL.5630L | Cardiovascular Physiology Lab | 4 |
BIOL.5670 | Molecular Biology | 3 |
BIOL.5690L | Molecular Techniques | 2 |
BIOL.5720 | Virology | 3 |
BIOL.5760 | Cell Culture | 4 |
BIOL.5800 | Developmental Biology | 3 |
BIOL.5820 | Cancer Biology | 3 |
BIOL.6010 | Graduate Seminar Biology | 3 |
BIOL.6040 | Professional Communication in Science and Technology | 3 |
BIOL.7070 | Internship Biology | |
BIOL.7210 | Special Problems In Biology | 1 |
BIOL.7310L | M.S. Project in Biology | 1 |
BIOL.7430 | Master's Thesis - Biology | 3 |
BIOL.7530 | PhD Dissertation Biochemistry | 3 |
BIOL.7690 | Continued Graduate Research | 9 |
BMBT.5000 | Introduction to Biomedical Engineering & Biotechnology | 3 |
BMBT.5120 | Medical Image Processing | 3 |
BMBT.5130 | Biomedical Analytics & Informatics | |
BMBT.5160 | Basic Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging | 3 |
BMBT.5170 | Embedded System Design in Medical Systems | 3 |
BMBT.7590 | Dissertation Research | |
BMBT.7700 | CPT - Co-op Training | 1 |
BMEN.1200 | BME Application Programming | 3 |
BMEN.2100 | Thermodynamics | 3 |
BMEN.2200 | Bioinstrumentation | 3 |
BMEN.2205L | Bioinstrumentation Lab | 2 |
BMEN.3020 | Biomedical Engineering II | 3 |
BMEN.3025L | Biomedical Engineering Lab II | 1 |
BMEN.4910 | Biomedical Capstone I | 3 |
BMEN.4920 | Biomedical Capstone II | 3 |
BMEN.4991 | Directed Study: BME | 3 |
BMEN.5030 | Medical Device Development | 3 |
BMEN.5110 | Tissue Engineering | 3 |
BMEN.5130 | Neural Engineering | 3 |
BMEN.5300 | Ergonomics and Work | 3 |
BMEN.5305 | Biomechanics | 3 |
BMEN.5315 | Biomechanics II | 3 |
BMEN.5350 | Respiratory Dynamics and Devices | 3 |
BMEN.5390 | Computer Aided Design for Biomedical Engineering | 3 |
BOST.619MSIS | Systems Analysis and Design | 3 |
BOST.671CHEM | Introduction to Green Chemisty | 4 |
BUSI.101 | Principles of Banking | 3 |
BUSI.104 | Analyzing Financial Statements | 3 |
BUSI.105 | Consumer Lending | 3 |
BUSI.106 | Real Estate Finance | 3 |
BUSI.107 | Bank Investments | 3 |
BUSI.109 | Marketing for Bankers | 3 |
BUSI.110 | Bank Products: Savings Accounts to Securities | 3 |
BUSI.114 | Branch Banking Series (formerly Retail Banking) | 3 |
BUSI.116 | Commercial Bank Management | 3 |
BUSI.117 | Law and Banking: Principles | 3 |
BUSI.118 | Law and Banking: Applications | 3 |
BUSI.119 | Commercial Lending | 3 |
BUSI.120 | Residential Mortgage Lending | 3 |
BUSI.127 | Financial Planning | 3 |
BUSI.130 | Commercial Loan Documentation and Calling Skills | 3 |
BUSI.1500 | Business 101 | 3 |
BUSI.226 | Sales Management | 3 |
BUSI.231 | Business Finance | 3 |
BUSI.232 | Money and Banking | 3 |
BUSI.234 | Investment Management | 3 |
BUSI.251 | Personnel Management | 3 |
BUSI.253 | Introduction to Management and Organizational Behavior | 3 |
BUSI.271 | Operations Management | 3 |
BUSI.275 | Total Quality Management | 3 |
BUSI.276 | Entrepreneurial Management of New and Small Enterprises | 3 |
BUSI.277 | Leadership in Management | 3 |
BUSI.281 | Purchasing Principles | 3 |
BUSI.282 | Negotiations in Purchasing | 3 |
BUSI.3CE | Cooperative Education Work Experience I | 0 |
BUSI.3800 | Business Ethics | 3 |
BUSI.4ACE | Cooperative Education Experience | 0 |
BUSI.4CE | Cooperative Education Work Experience II (USE COOP-4CE) | 0 |
BUSI.4800 | Current Topics in Business | 3 |
BUSI.4890 | Internship in Business Administration | 3 |
CHEM.1010 | Applied Chemistry for Non-Scientists | 3 |
CHEM.1020 | Forensic Science for the Non-Scientist | 3 |
CHEM.1030 | Chemistry of Mind-Altering Drugs for Non-Scientists | 3 |
CHEM.1040 | Consumer Science 4-1-1: An Essential Guide | 3 |
CHEM.1110 | Survey of Chemistry I: General Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM.1120 | General Chemistry II | 3 |
CHEM.1130L | Survey of Chemistry Lab I: General Chemistry | 1 |
CHEM.1140L | General Chemistry Laboratory II | 1 |
CHEM.1150 | Principles of Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM.1210 | Chemistry I | 3 |
CHEM.1220 | Chemistry II | 3 |
CHEM.1230L | Chemistry I Laboratory | 1 |
CHEM.1240L | Chemistry II Laboratory | 1 |
CHEM.1350 | Honors Chemistry I | 3 |
CHEM.2050L | Principles Of Organic Chemistry Laboratory | 1 |
CHEM.2210 | Organic Chemistry I | 3 |
CHEM.2220 | Organic Chemistry IIA | 3 |
CHEM.2230 | Organic Chemistry IIB | 3 |
CHEM.2290L | Organic Chemistry Laboratory IB | 1 |
CHEM.2300L | Organic Chemistry Lab IIB | 1 |
CHEM.3130 | Analytical Chemistry I | 3 |
CHEM.3140 | Analytical Chemistry II | 3 |
CHEM.3150L | Analytical Chemistry Laboratory I | 2 |
CHEM.3160L | Analytical Chemistry Laboratory II | 2 |
CHEM.3390 | Physical Chemistry | 2 |
CHEM.3440 | Physical Chemistry I | 3 |
CHEM.3450 | Physical Chemistry II | 3 |
CHEM.3470L | Physical Chemistry Laboratory II | 1 |
CHEM.4500 | Introduction To Biochemistry | 3 |
CHEM.4850 | Advanced Organic Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM.5130 | Spectroscopy | 3 |
CHEM.5140 | Advanced Analytical Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM.5160 | Advanced Techniques | 3 |
CHEM.5230 | Organic Reaction Mechanisms | 3 |
CHEM.5240 | Organic Synthesis | 3 |
CHEM.5260 | Chromatography | 3 |
CHEM.5320 | Advanced Physical Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM.5380 | Biochemical Mechanisms | 3 |
CHEM.5430 | Modern Inorganic Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM.5500 | Biochemistry I | 3 |
CHEM.5510 | Biochemistry II | 3 |
CHEM.5600 | Advanced Physical Biochemistry | 3 |
CHEM.5630 | Chemistry Of Natural Products | 3 |
CHEM.5670 | Bioinformatics | 3 |
CHEM.5680 | Structural Analysis | 3 |
CHEM.5700 | Protein Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM.5800 | Bioanalytical Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM.5850 | Modern Organic Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM.6010 | Chemistry Seminar | 2 |
CHEM.6020 | Chemistry Seminar | 2 |
CHEM.6030 | Chemistry Colloquium | 1 |
CHEM.6040 | Chemistry Colloquium | 1 |
CHEM.6310 | Principles of Medicinal Chemistry l | 3 |
CHEM.6410 | Co-Op Internship | 1 |
CHEM.6510 | Selected Topics: Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM.6520 | Selected Topics: Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM.6530 | Chemical Oceanography | 3 |
CHEM.6720 | Surface and Colloid Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM.7050 | Supervised Teaching Ch & Ps | 0 |
CHEM.7310 | Graduate Project in Chemistry | |
CHEM.7330L | Graduate Project - Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM.7410 | Master's Thesis - Chemistry | 1 |
CHEM.7430 | Master's Thesis - Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM.7460 | Master's Thesis - Chemistry | 6 |
CHEM.7490 | Master's Thesis - Chemistry | 9 |
CHEM.7530 | Doctoral Dissertation/Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM.7560 | Doctoral Dissertation/Chemistry | 6 |
CHEM.7590 | Doctoral Dissertation /Chemistry | 9 |
CHEM.7630 | Continued Graduate Research | 3 |
CHEM.7690 | Continued Graduate Research | 9 |
CHEN.2010 | Basic Principles of Chemical Engineering | 3 |
CHEN.2020 | Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics | 3 |
CHEN.3030 | Fluid Mechanics | 3 |
CHEN.3040 | Heat Transfer | 3 |
CHEN.3060 | Transport Phenomena | 3 |
CHEN.3100 | Separation Processes | 3 |
CHEN.3110 | Phase and Chemical Reaction Equilibria | 3 |
CHEN.3170 | Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering | 3 |
CHEN.3470 | Elements of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer | 3 |
CHEN.4030 | Chemical Reaction Engineering | 3 |
CHEN.4130 | Process Dynamics & Control | 3 |
CHEN.4910 | Industrial Experience I | 12 |
CHEN.5010 | Paper Industry Processes | 3 |
CHEN.5020 | Principles of Chemical Engineering | 3 |
CHEN.5060 | Colloidal, Interfacial and Nanomaterials Science and Engineering | 3 |
CHEN.5080 | Material Science and Engineering | 3 |
CHEN.5100 | Advanced Separation Processes | 3 |
CHEN.5180 | Microprocessor Control | 3 |
CHEN.5200 | Advanced Thermodynamics | 3 |
CHEN.5220 | Chemical Process Design | 3 |
CHEN.5230 | Nanodevices and Electronics Materials Processing | 3 |
CHEN.5240 | Self Assembly and Nanotechnology | 3 |
CHEN.5250 | Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering | 3 |
CHEN.5280 | Advanced Transport Phenomena | 3 |
CHEN.5290 | Recent Advances in Nanotechnology and Green Chemistry | 3 |
CHEN.5300 | Advanced Control Strategies | 3 |
CHEN.5320 | Principles of Chemical Engineering II | 3 |
CHEN.5330 | Macromolecular Colloidal Science and Engineering | 3 |
CHEN.5350 | Cell and Microbe Cultivation | 3 |
CHEN.5370 | Nanomaterials Characterization I | 3 |
CHEN.5380 | Advanced Separations in Biotechnology | 3 |
CHEN.5390 | Mathematical Methods for Engineers | 3 |
CHEN.5400 | Adhesion and Adhesives | 3 |
CHEN.5410 | Nanomaterials Characterization II | 3 |
CHEN.5420 | Metabolic Engineering | 3 |
CHEN.5440 | Formulation of Biotherapeutics | 3 |
CHEN.5480 | Engineering Process Analytics | 3 |
CHEN.5520 | Directed Study: Chemical Engineering | 3 |
CHEN.5550 | Biopharmaceutical Regulatory Compliance | 3 |
CHEN.5860 | Biotechnology Processing Projects Laboratory | 3 |
CHEN.5930 | Cooperative Education | 0 |
CHEN.6010 | Seminar | 1 |
CHEN.6020 | Graduate Seminar | 1 |
CHEN.7CPT | Curricular Practical Training for Engineering Doctoral Candidates | 1 |
CHEN.7200 | Special Projects in Chemical Engineering | 3 |
CHEN.7330 | Graduate Project - Chemical Engineering | 3 |
CHEN.7360 | Graduate Project - Chemical Engineering | 6 |
CHEN.7410 | Thesis Review | |
CHEN.7430 | Master's Thesis - Chemical Engineering | 3 |
CHEN.7460 | Master's Thesis - Chemical Engineering | 6 |
CHEN.7530 | Doctoral Dissertation/Chemical Engineering | 3 |
CHEN.7560 | Doctoral Dissertation/Chemical Engineering | 6 |
CHEN.7590 | Doctoral Dissertation/Chemical Engineering | 9 |
CIVE.2250 | Surveying I | 3 |
CIVE.2860 | Probability and Statistics for Engineers | 3 |
CIVE.3300 | Soil Mechanics | 3 |
CIVE.3330 | Geotechnical Laboratory | 1 |
CIVE.3400 | Transportation Engineering | 3 |
CIVE.3500 | Structural Analysis I | 3 |
CIVE.3520 | Reinforced Concrete | 3 |
CIVE.3720 | Civil Engineering Systems | 3 |
CIVE.4310 | Foundation and Soil Engineering | 3 |
CIVE.4600 | Water Resources Engineering | 3 |
CIVE.4660 | Introduction to LEED | 3 |
CIVE.4700 | Engineering Economics | 3 |
CIVE.4750 | Construction Management I | 3 |
CIVE.4800 | Special Topics in Civil Engineering | |
CIVE.5CO-OP | Curricula Practical Training | 1 |
CIVE.5030 | Computer Based Analysis of Structures | 3 |
CIVE.5040 | Advanced Strength Of Material | 3 |
CIVE.5050 | Construction Safety | 3 |
CIVE.5110 | Inspection and Monitoring of Civil Infrastructure | 3 |
CIVE.5120 | Structural Stability | 3 |
CIVE.5150 | Cementitious Materials for Sustainable Concrete | 3 |
CIVE.5210 | Reliability Analysis | 3 |
CIVE.5270 | Geotechnical and Environmental Site Characterization | 3 |
CIVE.5280 | Drilled Deep Foundations | 3 |
CIVE.5290 | Engineering with Geosynthetics | 3 |
CIVE.5300 | Driven Deep Foundations | 3 |
CIVE.5310 | Advanced Soil Mechanics | 3 |
CIVE.5320 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 3 |
CIVE.5330 | Advanced Foundation Engineering | 3 |
CIVE.5340 | Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering | 3 |
CIVE.5360 | Soil Engineering | 3 |
CIVE.5370 | Experimental Soil Mechanics | 3 |
CIVE.5390 | Ground Improvement | 3 |
CIVE.5400 | Urban Transportation Planning | 3 |
CIVE.5405 | Advanced Highway Geometric Design | 3 |
CIVE.5410 | Traffic Engineering | 3 |
CIVE.5415 | Hazardous Materials Transportation | 3 |
CIVE.5420 | Transportation Network Analysis | 3 |
CIVE.5430 | Traffic Principles for Intelligent Transportation Systems | 3 |
CIVE.5440 | Transportation Economics and Project Evaluation | 3 |
CIVE.5450 | Public Transit Plan and Design | 3 |
CIVE.5460 | Pavement Design | 3 |
CIVE.5470 | Airport Planning and Design | 3 |
CIVE.5480 | Traffic Management and Control | 3 |
CIVE.5490 | Traffic Flow Theory | 3 |
CIVE.5500 | Behavior of Structures | 3 |
CIVE.5510 | Advanced Steel Design | 3 |
CIVE.5520 | Behavior - Concrete Structure | 3 |
CIVE.5530 | Wood Structures | 3 |
CIVE.5560 | Finite Element Analysis | 3 |
CIVE.5570 | Structural Dynamics | 3 |
CIVE.5580 | Bridge Design | 3 |
CIVE.5590 | Design of Masonry Structures | 3 |
CIVE.5610 | Physical Chemical Treatment Processes | 3 |
CIVE.5620 | Physical and Chemical Hydrology Geology | 3 |
CIVE.5640 | Hydrology & Hydraulics | 3 |
CIVE.5670 | Environmental Aquatic Chemistry | 3 |
CIVE.5680 | Environmental Fate and Transport | 3 |
CIVE.5700 | Wastewater Treatment and Storm Water Management Systems | 3 |
CIVE.5710 | Surface Water Quality Modeling | 3 |
CIVE.5720 | Marine and Coastal Processes | 3 |
CIVE.5730 | Solid Waste Engineering | 3 |
CIVE.5750 | Groundwater Modeling | 3 |
CIVE.5760 | GIS Applications in Civil and Environmental Engineering | 3 |
CIVE.5780 | Biological Wastewater Treatment | 3 |
CIVE.5800 | Construction Law | 3 |
CIVE.5810 | Engineering Systems Analysis | 3 |
CIVE.5850 | Transportation Safety | 3 |
CIVE.5950 | Hazardous Waste Site Remediation | 3 |
CIVE.5960 | Grad Industrial Exposure | 0 |
CIVE.6510 | Special Topics in Civil Engineering | 3 |
CIVE.6930 | Civil Engineering Individual Project | 3 |
CIVE.7050 | Supervised Teaching in Civil Engineering | 0 |
CIVE.7330 | Masters Project in Civil Engineering | 3 |
CIVE.7360 | Masters Project in Civil Engineering | 6 |
CIVE.7410 | Master's Thesis-Civil Enginnering | 1 |
CIVE.7430 | Master's Thesis - Civil Engineering | 3 |
CIVE.7460 | Master's Thesis - Civil Engineering | 6 |
CIVE.7490 | Master's Thesis - Civil Engineering | 9 |
CIVE.7510 | Doctoral Dissertation | |
CIVE.7520 | Independent Study in Civil Engineering | 3 |
CIVE.7530 | Doctoral Dissertation | 3 |
CIVE.7560 | Doctoral Dissertation/Civil Engineering | 6 |
CIVE.7570 | Doctoral Dissertation | 7 |
CIVE.7590 | Doctoral Dissertation | 9 |
CIVE.7630 | Continued Graduate Research | 3 |
CIVE.7660 | Continued Graduate Research | 6 |
CIVE.7690 | Continued Graduate Research | 9 |
COMP.1000 | Media Computing | 1 |
COMP.1010 | Computing I | 3 |
COMP.1020 | Computing II | 3 |
COMP.1030L | Computing I Lab | 1 |
COMP.1040L | Computing II Lab | 1 |
COMP.1130 | Exploring the Internet | 3 |
COMP.2010 | Computing III | 3 |
COMP.2010L | Computing III Lab | 1 |
COMP.2010R | Computing III Lab | 1 |
COMP.2030 | Assembly Language Programming | 3 |
COMP.2030L | Assembly Language Programming Lab | 1 |
COMP.2030R | Assembly Language Programming Lab | 1 |
COMP.2040 | Computing IV | 3 |
COMP.3010 | Organization of Programming Languages | 3 |
COMP.3040 | Foundations of Computer Science | 3 |
COMP.3050 | Computer Architecture | 3 |
COMP.3080 | Operating Systems | 3 |
COMP.4010 | Software Project I | 3 |
COMP.4020 | Software Project II | 3 |
COMP.4040 | Analysis of Algorithms | 3 |
COMP.4060 | Compiler Construction | 3 |
COMP.4200 | Artificial Intelligence | 3 |
COMP.4270 | Computer Graphics I | 3 |
COMP.4610 | Graphical User Interface Programming I | 3 |
COMP.4620 | Graphical User Interface Programming II | 3 |
COMP.4800 | Honors Project I | 3 |
COMP.4810 | Honors Project II | 3 |
COMP.4900 | Directed Studies in Computer Science | 4 |
COMP.4930 | Cooperative Education in Computer Science | 1 |
COMP.5000 | Fundamental of Computer Science | 3 |
COMP.5020 | Foundations of Computer Science | 3 |
COMP.5030 | Algorithms | 3 |
COMP.5040 | Advance Algorithms: Computational Geometry | 3 |
COMP.5080 | Analysis Of Algorithms | 3 |
COMP.5100 | Topics: Computer Science Fundamentals | 3 |
COMP.5130 | Internet And Web Systems I | 3 |
COMP.5140 | Internet & Web Systems II | 3 |
COMP.5150 | Operating Systems I | 3 |
COMP.5160 | Operating Systems II | 3 |
COMP.5200 | Digital Storage Architectures | 3 |
COMP.5220 | Object Oriented Analysis | 3 |
COMP.5270 | Human Computer Interaction | 3 |
COMP.5280 | Evaluation of Human-Computer Interaction | 3 |
COMP.5300 | Special Topics | 3 |
COMP.5310 | Design of Program Languages | 3 |
COMP.5340 | Compiler Construction I | 3 |
COMP.5400 | Topics: Language And Compilation | 3 |
COMP.5411 | Scientific Visualization | 3 |
COMP.5430 | Artificial Intelligence | 3 |
COMP.5440 | Data Mining | 3 |
COMP.5450 | Machine Learning (91.545) | 3 |
COMP.5460 | Computer Graphics I | 3 |
COMP.5470 | Computer Graphics II | 3 |
COMP.5480 | Robot Design | 3 |
COMP.5490 | Mobile Robots | 3 |
COMP.5500 | Topics | 3 |
COMP.5530 | Parallel Processing | 3 |
COMP.5610 | Computer & Network Security I | 3 |
COMP.5620 | Computer And Network Security II | 3 |
COMP.5630 | Data Communications I | 3 |
COMP.5640 | Data Communications II | 3 |
COMP.5680 | Seminar in Human-Computer Interaction | 3 |
COMP.5700 | Topics | 3 |
COMP.5730 | Data Base I | 3 |
COMP.5740 | Data Base II | 3 |
COMP.5800 | Topics in Computer Science | 3 |
COMP.5870 | Computer Science Education in Secondary School | 3 |
COMP.5920 | Special Topics: Computer Science | 3 |
COMP.5930 | Internship Education | 1 |
COMP.7010 | Computer Science Research | 3 |
COMP.7020 | Computer Science Research | 6 |
COMP.7030L | Computer Science Research | 3 |
COMP.7060L | Directed Research | 6 |
COMP.7430 | Master's Thesis - Computer Science | 3 |
COMP.7460 | Master's Thesis - Computer Science | 6 |
COMP.7490 | Master's Thesis - Computer Science | 9 |
COMP.7510 | Doctoral Thesis Research | 3 |
COMP.7530 | Doctoral Dissertation/Computer Science | 3 |
COMP.7560 | Doctoral Dissertation/Computer Science | 6 |
COMP.7590 | Doctoral Dissertation/Computer Science | 9 |
COMP.7690L | Continued Graduate Research | 9 |
CONT.6010 | Continued Matriculation (Master candidates) | 0 |
COOP.3CE | Cooperative Education Work Experience I | 0 |
COOP.4ACE | Cooperative Education Experience | 0 |
COOP.4CE | Cooperative Education Work Experience II | 0 |
CRIM.1010 | The Criminal Justice System | 3 |
CRIM.1110 | Introduction to Industrial Security | 3 |
CRIM.1150 | Introduction to Homeland Security | 3 |
CRIM.1410 | Introduction to Policing | 3 |
CRIM.1510 | Introduction to Corrections | 3 |
CRIM.2010 | Systemic Issues in Criminal Justice | 3 |
CRIM.2030 | Technology and the Criminal Justice System | 3 |
CRIM.2120 | Weapons of Mass Destruction | 3 |
CRIM.2130 | Emergency Management | 3 |
CRIM.2210 | Criminology | 3 |
CRIM.2230 | Crime and the Media | 3 |
CRIM.2330 | Criminal Procedure | 3 |
CRIM.2340 | Criminal Law | 3 |
CRIM.2350 | Introduction to the Law and Politics of Constitutional Development | 3 |
CRIM.2410 | Physical Security | 3 |
CRIM.2430 | Criminalistics I | 3 |
CRIM.2440 | Criminalistics II | 3 |
CRIM.2480 | Terrorism (international and domestic) | 3 |
CRIM.2510 | Institutional Corrections | 3 |
CRIM.2610 | Juvenile Delinquency | 3 |
CRIM.2800 | Criminal Justice Ethics | 3 |
CRIM.3120 | Security Management | 3 |
CRIM.3260 | Hate Crime | 3 |
CRIM.3270 | Violence in America | 3 |
CRIM.3410 | International Perspectives on Crime and Crime Control | 3 |
CRIM.3420 | Criminal Profiling | 3 |
CRIM.3430 | Forensic Psychology | 3 |
CRIM.3450 | The Role of Women in Terrorism and War | 3 |
CRIM.3460 | Critical Infrastructure Protection | 3 |
CRIM.3470 | Police Innovations | 3 |
CRIM.3480 | Advanced Seminar on Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism | 3 |
CRIM.3490 | Intelligence & National Security | 3 |
CRIM.3510 | Community -Based Corrections | 3 |
CRIM.3520 | Decision Making Under Uncertainty | 3 |
CRIM.3600 | Gender, Race, and Crime | 3 |
CRIM.3650 | Hate Crimes | 3 |
CRIM.3700 | Criminal Justice Management | 3 |
CRIM.3730 | Issues in Police Administration | 3 |
CRIM.3800 | Selected Topics in Criminal Justice | 3 |
CRIM.3850 | Crime and Mental Illness | 3 |
CRIM.3870 | Criminal Mind and Behavior | 3 |
CRIM.3880 | Forensic Psychopathology | 3 |
CRIM.3900 | Criminal Justice Research Methods | 3 |
CRIM.3950 | Statistics in Criminal Justice | 3 |
CRIM.3970 | Crime Mapping | 3 |
CRIM.3980 | Criminal Justice Data Analysis | 3 |
CRIM.4010 | Substance Abuse and Crime | 3 |
CRIM.4220 | Victimology | 3 |
CRIM.4770 | Intimate Partner Violence | 3 |
CRIM.4780 | Child Maltreatment | 3 |
CRIM.4890 | Capstone Seminar in Criminology & Criminal Justice | 3 |
CRIM.4900 | Criminal Justice Honors Seminar | 3 |
CRIM.4910 | Directed Study - Criminal Justice | |
CRIM.4930 | Issues in Technology and Security | 3 |
CRIM.4950 | Criminal Justice Field Studies | 6 |
CRIM.4960 | Criminal Justice Internship | 3 |
CRIM.4970 | Paralegal Prcacticum/Internship | 3 |
CRIM.5CO-OP | Curricula Practical Training (Never Offered) | 1 |
CRIM.5010 | Criminological Theory: Foundations | 3 |
CRIM.5200 | Administration of Justice | 3 |
CRIM.5210 | Managing Justice Organizations | 3 |
CRIM.5220 | Issues in Policing | 3 |
CRIM.5230 | Issues in Policing | 3 |
CRIM.5240 | Issues in Corrections | 3 |
CRIM.5250 | Juvenile, Justice and Youth Crime | 3 |
CRIM.5260 | Economic Crime | 3 |
CRIM.5400 | Criminal Profiling | 3 |
CRIM.5410 | Forensic Psychology | 3 |
CRIM.5600 | Gender, Race and Crime | 3 |
CRIM.5660 | Transportation Systems Safety and Security | 3 |
CRIM.5700 | Crisis and Emergency Management | 3 |
CRIM.5710 | Domestic Terrorism and Violent Extremism | 3 |
CRIM.5720 | Comparative Terrorism and Counterterrorism | 3 |
CRIM.5730 | Threat Assessment and Risk Management | 3 |
CRIM.5740 | Overview of Homeland Security | 3 |
CRIM.5750 | Contemporary Security Studies | 3 |
CRIM.5760 | Criminal Justice Intelligence and Information Sharing | 3 |
CRIM.5780 | Intelligence Analysis Policy and Practice | 3 |
CRIM.5790 | Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience | 3 |
CRIM.5800 | Criminal Justice Scholarship | 3 |
CRIM.5830 | Master's Thesis - Criminal Justice | 3 |
CRIM.5860 | Master's Thesis - Criminal Justice | 6 |
CRIM.5880 | Strategic Intelligence and Homeland Security | 3 |
CRIM.5900 | Descriptive & Inferential Statistics | 3 |
CRIM.5910 | Research Design | 3 |
CRIM.5920 | From Data to Practice and Policy | 3 |
CRIM.5950 | Program Evaluation | 3 |
CRIM.6040 | Women and Crime | 3 |
CRIM.6130 | Law and Public Policy | 3 |
CRIM.6260 | Community Based Correction | 3 |
CRIM.6300 | Victimology | 3 |
CRIM.6310 | Intimate Partner Violence | 3 |
CRIM.6320 | Responding to Child Maltreatment | 3 |
CRIM.6400 | Criminal Mind and Behavior | 3 |
CRIM.6410 | Mental Health & Criminal Justice | 3 |
CRIM.6420 | Sex Crimes and Offenders | 3 |
CRIM.6500 | Violence in America | 3 |
CRIM.6510 | Criminal Homicide | 3 |
CRIM.6520 | Crime and Community | 3 |
CRIM.6540 | Elite Deviance and Crime | 3 |
CRIM.6550 | Substance Abuse and Crime | 3 |
CRIM.6580 | Issues in Computer Crime and Cyber Security | 3 |
CRIM.6600 | International Persp Crime | 3 |
CRIM.6610 | International Criminology | 3 |
CRIM.6640 | Weapons of Mass Destruction | 3 |
CRIM.6650 | Global Trafficking and Criminal Networks | 3 |
CRIM.6660 | Terrorism Networks | 3 |
CRIM.6670 | Advanced Security Studies | 3 |
CRIM.6680 | Scientific & Technological Dimensions of National Security | 3 |
CRIM.6690 | Counterterrorism Policies and Strategies | 3 |
CRIM.6800 | Selected Topics | 3 |
CRIM.6830 | Directed Study | 3 |
CRIM.6860 | Directed Study | |
CRIM.6919 | Directed Study in Criminal Justice | 3 |
CRIM.6940 | Crime Analysis and Mapping | 3 |
CRIM.6960 | Program Evaluation Methods | 3 |
CRIM.6970 | Security Studies Project Design and Defense | 3 |
CRIM.6990 | Security Studies Capstone Research Paper | 3 |
CRIM.7100 | Advanced Research in Terrorism | 3 |
DGMD.1000 | Introduction to Digital Media | 3 |
DGMD.1210 | Introduction to Audio Production | 3 |
DGMD.2200 | Screenwriting | 3 |
DGMD.2310 | Media, Law and Ethics | 3 |
DGMD.2510 | Video Production for Digital Media | 3 |
DGMD.3050 | Slow Cinema | 3 |
DGMD.340 | Lighting Principles | 3 |
DGMD.410 | TV Studio Production | 3 |
DGMD.4750 | Internship in Digital Media | 3 |
DPTH.5010 | Pharmacology | 2 |
DPTH.5100 | Models and Measurement in Disability | 3 |
DPTH.6010 | Clinical Anatomy | 3 |
DPTH.6020 | Neuroscience: Anatomy | 3 |
DPTH.6030 | Anatomy Laboratory | 1 |
DPTH.6040 | Neuroscience: Physiology/Neurology | 3 |
DPTH.6050 | Physical Therapy Interventions I Lecture | 3 |
DPTH.6060 | Neuroscience Laboratory | 1 |
DPTH.6070 | Physical Therapy Interventions I Laboratory | 1 |
DPTH.6080 | Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy I | 3 |
DPTH.6090 | Medical/Surgical Pathology | 3 |
DPTH.6100 | Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy I Laboratory | 1 |
DPTH.6110 | Professional Issues/Clinical Practice | 3 |
DPTH.6120 | Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy I | 3 |
DPTH.6140 | Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy I Laboratory | 1 |
DPTH.6150 | Clinical Education I Seminar | 1 |
DPTH.6160 | Research Methods | 3 |
DPTH.6170 | Neurological Physical Therapy Lecture I | 3 |
DPTH.6190 | Neurological Physical Therapy Laboratory I | 1 |
DPTH.6200 | Neurological Physical Therapy II | 3 |
DPTH.6210 | Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy II Lecture | 3 |
DPTH.6220 | Neurological Physical Therapy II Laboratory | 1 |
DPTH.6230 | Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy II Laboratory | 1 |
DPTH.6250 | Physical Therapy Interventions II | 3 |
DPTH.6260 | Geriatric Physical Therapy | 3 |
DPTH.6270 | Physical Therapy Interventions II Laboratory | 1 |
DPTH.6280 | Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy III | 3 |
DPTH.6290 | Directed Research | 1 |
DPTH.6300 | Musculoskeletal III Laboratory | 1 |
DPTH.6310 | Pediatric Physical Therapy Lecture | 3 |
DPTH.6330 | Pediatric Physical Therapy Laboratory | 1 |
DPTH.6350 | Clinical Education II Seminar | 1 |
DPTH.6370 | Integrating Clinical Practice | 3 |
DPTH.6390 | Medical/Surgical -Orthopedics | 3 |
DPTH.6400 | Professional Prep in PT | 3 |
DPTH.6410 | Business Skills In Physical Therapy | 2 |
DPTH.6420 | Health Policy & Admin | 2 |
DPTH.6430 | Evidence Directed Care | 1 |
DPTH.6440 | Clinical Education Fieldwork II | 3 |
DPTH.6450 | Physical Interventions III | 3 |
DPTH.6460 | Complex Cases in Physical Therapy | 3 |
DPTH.6470 | PT Interventions III Lab | 1 |
DPTH.6480 | Service Learning in Physical Therapy | 1 |
DPTH.6500 | Clinical Education Experience I | 3 |
DPTH.6510 | Sectional Human Anatomy | 3 |
DPTH.6520 | Clinical Education Experience II | 3 |
DPTH.6530 | Clinical Education Experience III | 3 |
DPTH.6540 | Clinical Education Experience IV | 3 |
DPTH.6580 | Independent Studies | 3 |
DPTH.6590 | Sectional Human Anatomy Laboratory | 1 |
ECON.1010 | Economics of Social Issues | 3 |
ECON.2010 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
ECON.2020 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
ECON.2110 | Statistics for Business and Economics I | 3 |
ECON.2120 | Statistics for Business and Economics II | 3 |
ECON.3020 | Labor Economics | 3 |
ECON.3030 | Microeconomic Theory | 3 |
ECON.3040 | Macroeconomic Theory | 3 |
ECON.3120 | Managerial Economics | 3 |
ECON.3150 | Sports Economics | 3 |
ECON.3160 | Investments: Instruments and Strategies | 3 |
ECON.3180 | Financial Markets and Monetary Policy | 3 |
ECON.3190 | Public Finance | 3 |
ECON.3250 | United States Economic History | 3 |
ECON.3450 | Health Economics | 3 |
ECON.4010 | Special Topics in Economics | 3 |
ECON.4030 | International Economics | 3 |
ECON.4060 | International Macroeconomics | 3 |
ECON.4150 | Introduction to Environmental Economics | 3 |
ECON.4991 | Independent Studies | 3 |
EDUC.1100 | Introduction to teaching in Inclusive Classrooms | 3 |
EDUC.3050 | Directed Study | 3 |
EDUC.3710 | Educational Psychology | 3 |
EDUC.5000 | Contemporary American Culture | 3 |
EDUC.5010 | Teaching Diverse Populations | 3 |
EDUC.5011 | First and Second Language Acquisition | 3 |
EDUC.5012 | Inproving Elementary Mathematics | 1 |
EDUC.5013 | Introduction to Leading Professional Learning Communities | 1 |
EDUC.5020 | Adolescent Development and Behavior | 3 |
EDUC.5021 | Issues, Mandates and Ethics in Special Education | 3 |
EDUC.5022 | Sociocultural Perspecties English as Second Language | 3 |
EDUC.5023 | Improving Elementary Science | 1 |
EDUC.5024 | Student Development and Engagement | 3 |
EDUC.5032 | Improving Elementary Mathematics and Science | 1 |
EDUC.5040 | Methods of Teaching Students with Moderate Disabilities | 3 |
EDUC.5041 | Curriculum Design: English as Second Language | 3 |
EDUC.5042 | Using Arts: Inclusion | 3 |
EDUC.5043 | Methods of Teaching Students with Moderate Disabilities-Secondary | 3 |
EDUC.5051 | Language Arts English as Second Language | 3 |
EDUC.5052 | Intergrating The Arts | 1 |
EDUC.5053 | Survey Research | 3 |
EDUC.5060 | Oral Comm.for English Lang.Users I: Pronunciation for List. & Speaking | 3 |
EDUC.5061 | Chrildren's Literature | 3 |
EDUC.5071 | Epidemics In History | 3 |
EDUC.5080 | Second Language Testing | 3 |
EDUC.5081 | Political Leadership | 3 |
EDUC.5090 | Bilingual Child with Special Needs | 3 |
EDUC.5091 | Science and Modern World | 3 |
EDUC.5100 | Culture, Linguistics and Diversity | 3 |
EDUC.5101 | Foundations of Social Justice Education | 3 |
EDUC.5102 | Critical Literacies | 3 |
EDUC.5103 | Ancient History for Teachers | 3 |
EDUC.5104 | Early Childhood Literacy | 3 |
EDUC.5105 | Teachers as Researchers | 3 |
EDUC.5110 | Reading Theory & Instr. in Young Adult Literature | 3 |
EDUC.5111 | Education Of Newcomers In America | 3 |
EDUC.5112 | Macintosh - English as Second Language Teachers | 3 |
EDUC.5113 | Teaching Lowell History | 3 |
EDUC.5114 | Issues: Women In Education Administration | 3 |
EDUC.5120 | History for Teachers | 3 |
EDUC.5121 | Linguistics English as Second Language Teachers | 3 |
EDUC.5122 | Technology for English as Second Language Teachers | 3 |
EDUC.5130 | Teaching World History | 3 |
EDUC.5131 | Contemporary American Values | 3 |
EDUC.5133 | Teaching Content with Technology | 3 |
EDUC.5134 | Understanding School Community | 3 |
EDUC.5140 | Differentiation of Instruction | 3 |
EDUC.5141 | Education Culture and Linguistic Diversity | 3 |
EDUC.5142 | Accommodation and Differentiated Instruction | 3 |
EDUC.5150 | Internship in English as a Second Language PreK-6 | 3 |
EDUC.5151 | Education and Urban School | 3 |
EDUC.5160 | Internship in English as a Second Language 5-12 | 3 |
EDUC.5170 | Community Organization and Parental Partnership | 3 |
EDUC.5180 | Teaching Gifted Students | 3 |
EDUC.5181 | Resources Bilingual Education | 3 |
EDUC.5190 | Difference in Instruction Second Language | 3 |
EDUC.5200 | Teaching Reading and Writing in English | 3 |
EDUC.5201 | Curriculum Planning Perspectives | 3 |
EDUC.5202 | Information Source Ed/rel Disc | 3 |
EDUC.5203 | Standard Based Education I | 3 |
EDUC.5204 | Observation Research | 3 |
EDUC.5210 | Teaching with Standards II | 3 |
EDUC.5211 | Design Of Curriculum English as Second Language | 3 |
EDUC.5212 | Standards Based Education II | 3 |
EDUC.5220 | Young Adult Literature (06.522) | 3 |
EDUC.5221 | Teaching Reading In English: Bilingual | 3 |
EDUC.5222 | Curriculum Design Assess | 3 |
EDUC.5223 | Literature-Young Adult | 3 |
EDUC.5230 | Curriculum Design and Assessment II | 3 |
EDUC.5240 | Educational Assessments of Students with Moderate Disabilities | 3 |
EDUC.5241 | Systems Think Education | 3 |
EDUC.5242 | Academic Language Development | 3 |
EDUC.5250 | Science for Science Teachers 7-12 | 3 |
EDUC.5251 | School To Work | 3 |
EDUC.5252 | Bilingual Field Work | 3 |
EDUC.5253 | Teaching Writing InHigh School | 3 |
EDUC.5260 | English Literature For Teachers | 3 |
EDUC.5270 | Language Acquisition | 3 |
EDUC.5271 | Teach Physical Education (prekindergarten-9) | 3 |
EDUC.5280 | Assessment of Reading and Language Disabilities | 3 |
EDUC.5281 | Education Foundation For Health Promotion | 3 |
EDUC.5290 | Treatment Reading and Language Disabilities | 3 |
EDUC.5291 | School Health Issues | 3 |
EDUC.5293 | Science For Elementary School | 3 |
EDUC.5300 | Interactions and Assessment in Science | 3 |
EDUC.5301 | Reading and Thinking: Secondary School | 3 |
EDUC.5303 | Teaching Reading Elementary School | 3 |
EDUC.5304 | Child Health - Community | 3 |
EDUC.5310 | Genetics and Evolution | 6 |
EDUC.5311 | Organize and Supervision Reading and Language | 3 |
EDUC.5320 | Inquiry and Interactions Seminar | 3 |
EDUC.5330 | Mathematics for Elementary Teachers | 3 |
EDUC.5340 | Mathematics for Teachers I | 3 |
EDUC.5350 | Mathematics for Teachers II | 3 |
EDUC.5351 | Mathematics For Secondary Teachers | 3 |
EDUC.5360 | Planning and Assessment In Mathematics | 3 |
EDUC.5370 | Mathematics Curriculum, Assessment Secondary School | 3 |
EDUC.5380 | Inquiry in Mathematics Education | 3 |
EDUC.5401 | Research Method Practitioners | 3 |
EDUC.5402 | Pre-Practicum | 3 |
EDUC.5410 | Teaching Emergent Bilingual Students | 3 |
EDUC.5411 | Newspaper/Curriculum Tool | 3 |
EDUC.5412 | World Modernism | 3 |
EDUC.5413 | Practitioner Action Research | 3 |
EDUC.5421 | Collegiality: Staff Development | 3 |
EDUC.5430 | Classroom Management and Integrative Techniques | 3 |
EDUC.5431 | Teaching Of Thinking | 3 |
EDUC.5440 | Analysis Of Teaching | 3 |
EDUC.5441 | Intergrated Arts Education | 3 |
EDUC.5450 | Museum Education and Interpretation | 3 |
EDUC.5470 | Using Material Culture in Class | 3 |
EDUC.5480 | Using Local History | 3 |
EDUC.5481 | Practicum: Reading Specialists | 3 |
EDUC.5490 | Theory and Research: Reading and Language | 3 |
EDUC.5491 | Roots Of Industrial Revolution | 3 |
EDUC.5500 | Reading Specialist: Practicum I | 3 |
EDUC.5501 | Reading Education: Elementary | 3 |
EDUC.5502 | History Sources Curriculum | 3 |
EDUC.5503 | Women in Higher Education | 3 |
EDUC.5510 | Elementary Math Methods | 3 |
EDUC.5511 | Literacy Coach: Practicum II | 3 |
EDUC.5512 | Two American Revolutions | 3 |
EDUC.5520 | Social Studies and Science: Elementary | 3 |
EDUC.5521 | Cross Disciplinary Curriculum | 3 |
EDUC.5530 | Language Arts and Childrens Literature | 3 |
EDUC.5531 | Lowell and Industrial Revolution | 3 |
EDUC.5540 | Creation Of A Nation | 3 |
EDUC.5541 | Analysis Of Teaching | 3 |
EDUC.5550 | Foundation/Theory Bilingual Education | 3 |
EDUC.5551 | Literature For Children | 3 |
EDUC.5552 | Science, Technology and Revolution | 3 |
EDUC.5560 | Reading and Reading Disabilities | 3 |
EDUC.5561 | History Content and Curriculum Devleopment | 3 |
EDUC.5570 | Reading: Middle/Sec | 3 |
EDUC.5571 | Teaching Early American History | 3 |
EDUC.5580 | Becoming A Nation | 3 |
EDUC.5581 | Measurement and Evaluation | 3 |
EDUC.5590 | Introduction to Education Statistics | 3 |
EDUC.5591 | Diversity and the Psychology of Human Development | 3 |
EDUC.5592 | Teaching Founding Documents | 3 |
EDUC.5593 | Research and Evaluation Special Topics | 3 |
EDUC.5600 | Curr Dev Middle-Secondary | 3 |
EDUC.5610 | Arts in Curriculum | 3 |
EDUC.5620 | Elementary Social Studies | 3 |
EDUC.5630 | Elementary Science Methods | 3 |
EDUC.5640 | History Of Amer Ed | 3 |
EDUC.5650 | Issues of Education: Minority | 3 |
EDUC.5651 | Mentoring and Teacher Development | 3 |
EDUC.5652 | Mentor Teaching | 3 |
EDUC.5660 | Early Field Seminar | 3 |
EDUC.5661 | The Middle School Child | 3 |
EDUC.5670 | Teachng Physical Education (9 - 12) | 6 |
EDUC.5671 | Middle School Curriculum | 3 |
EDUC.5680 | Internship in Moderate Disabilities 5-12 | 3 |
EDUC.5691 | Analysis & Pedagogy | 3 |
EDUC.5700 | Trends In Prekindergarten and Primary Education | 3 |
EDUC.5710 | Curriculum and Teachng: Beh Science | 3 |
EDUC.5720 | Curriculum and Teaching: English | 3 |
EDUC.5721 | Exploring the Nature of Science | 3 |
EDUC.5730 | Curriculum and Teaching History | 3 |
EDUC.5740 | The Teaching of Spanish | 3 |
EDUC.5750 | Curriculum and Teaching Math | 3 |
EDUC.5760 | Curriculum and Teaching Science | 3 |
EDUC.5761 | Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Among Students | 3 |
EDUC.5770 | Curriculum and Teachng: Social Studies | 3 |
EDUC.5771 | Comparative Education | 3 |
EDUC.5780 | Teaching Elementary Education and Seminar | 9 |
EDUC.5790 | Internship in Moderate Disabilities PreK - 8 | 3 |
EDUC.5791 | Earth Science for Teachers | 3 |
EDUC.5800 | Curriculum and Instruction: Interdiscp | 6 |
EDUC.5801 | Science Education Program and Leadership | 3 |
EDUC.5810 | Teaching Art 5 - 12 | 12 |
EDUC.5811 | Science Education Program Leadership Life Science | 3 |
EDUC.5820 | Teaching Behavioral Science: Sec | 12 |
EDUC.5821 | Topics: Physical Geology | 3 |
EDUC.5830 | Teaching English and Seminar | 9 |
EDUC.5831 | Earth Vision 2000 | 3 |
EDUC.5832 | Teaching English and Seminar | 6 |
EDUC.5840 | Teaching History and Seminar | 9 |
EDUC.5841 | Young Child with Special Needs | 3 |
EDUC.5842 | Teaching History and Seminar | 6 |
EDUC.5850 | Intensive Spanish Instruction | 3 |
EDUC.5851 | Teachng Social Studies: Secondary | 9 |
EDUC.5852 | Early Childhood Education | 3 |
EDUC.5860 | Tching French Sec | 12 |
EDUC.5870 | Teaching Spanish: Secondary | 12 |
EDUC.5880 | Tchng Math:secondary | 6 |
EDUC.5890 | Teaching Mathematics and Seminar | 9 |
EDUC.5892 | Teaching Mathematics and Seminar | 6 |
EDUC.5900 | Teaching Biology and Seminar | 9 |
EDUC.5901 | Physics Topics For Education | 3 |
EDUC.5902 | Practicum I, Supervisor/Director | 1 |
EDUC.5903 | Teaching Biology and Seminar (Practicum) | 6 |
EDUC.5910 | Teaching Chemistry and Seminar | 9 |
EDUC.5912 | Advance Physics Topics I | 3 |
EDUC.5913 | Teaching Chemistry and Seminar (Practicum) | 6 |
EDUC.5920 | Teaching Earth Science and Seminar | 9 |
EDUC.5922 | Principalship: Practicum I | 3 |
EDUC.5930 | Teaching Physics and Seminar | 9 |
EDUC.5932 | Principalship: Practicum II | 3 |
EDUC.5933 | Teaching Physics and Seminar (Practicum) | 6 |
EDUC.5940 | Teaching General Science and Seminar | 9 |
EDUC.5942 | Practicum I, Middle School Principal 5-8 | 1 |
EDUC.5950 | Practicum II: Middle School Principal 5-8 | 2 |
EDUC.5951 | Seminar: Art Education | 3 |
EDUC.5952 | Advanced Physics Topics Teaching III | 3 |
EDUC.5960 | Practicum I, High School Principal 9-12 | 1 |
EDUC.5961 | Seminar: Middle/Secondary Education | 3 |
EDUC.5970 | Practicum II: High School Principal 9-12 | 2 |
EDUC.5971 | Teaching Middle School | 9 |
EDUC.5972 | Microcomputer/Classroom | 3 |
EDUC.5980 | Teaching Early Childhood | 9 |
EDUC.6002 | Teaching About Peace | 3 |
EDUC.6010 | Leadership, Law & Policy in Higher Education | 3 |
EDUC.6013 | Measurement + Evaluation | 3 |
EDUC.6014 | Logo: Applications Curriculum | 3 |
EDUC.6015 | Advanced Science Mathematics Techniques | 3 |
EDUC.6016 | Develop Reading: Elementary | 3 |
EDUC.6021 | Software Application Classroom II | 3 |
EDUC.6022 | Issues:Science Mathematics and Techniques II | 3 |
EDUC.6023 | Develop Reading: Secondary | 3 |
EDUC.6024 | Learning-cen. Teaching Health Education | 3 |
EDUC.6031 | Issues: Science Mathematics and Techniques III | 1 |
EDUC.6032 | Teaching Reading To Adults | 3 |
EDUC.6041 | Perspectives in Urban Education | 3 |
EDUC.6042 | Inquiry In Mathematics Teaching | 3 |
EDUC.6043 | Teach Read: Great Debate | 3 |
EDUC.6051 | Inquiry In Science Teaching | 3 |
EDUC.6061 | Philosophy Of Education | 3 |
EDUC.6062 | Science Curriculum K-8 | 3 |
EDUC.6063 | Professional Development for Writing | 3 |
EDUC.6070 | The Adult Learner | 3 |
EDUC.6072 | Science Curriculum 7-12 | 3 |
EDUC.6074 | Methods of Sheltered Language Instruction | 3 |
EDUC.6076 | Data Management and Visualization | 3 |
EDUC.6080 | Student Development Theory | 3 |
EDUC.6082 | Mathematics Curriculum K-8 | 6 |
EDUC.6091 | Mathematics Curriculum Post Secondary | 3 |
EDUC.6092 | Self Perceptions In Education | 3 |
EDUC.6100 | Teaching Reading in Content Area | 3 |
EDUC.6101 | Theories of Learning | 3 |
EDUC.6102 | Instructor Stratergies in Mathematics and Science | 3 |
EDUC.6104 | Reading and writing Instruction for Middle and Secondary Teachers | 3 |
EDUC.6110 | Introduction to Higher Education | 3 |
EDUC.6111 | Cognition and Instruction | 3 |
EDUC.6112 | Instructional Stratergies:Mathematics Education | 3 |
EDUC.6113 | Early Literacy: British Perspective | 3 |
EDUC.6114 | Research Seminar Adult Learners | 3 |
EDUC.6120 | Topics in Language Arts and Literacy | 3 |
EDUC.6121 | Reasoning/Communication | 3 |
EDUC.6122 | Computer in Classroom | 3 |
EDUC.6123 | Politics-Education and Human Services | 3 |
EDUC.6124 | Measure and Evaluation High Order Learning | 3 |
EDUC.6125 | Global Perspectives on Higher Education | 3 |
EDUC.6130 | Leading the Professional Learning Community | 3 |
EDUC.6131 | Computer Application II | 3 |
EDUC.6132 | Environmental Education:Elementary | 3 |
EDUC.6140 | Issues History and Philosophy of Education | 3 |
EDUC.6142 | Education and Human Service Organization | 3 |
EDUC.6151 | Issues: Philosophy Of Education | 3 |
EDUC.6152 | Geometry Via Technology | 3 |
EDUC.6160 | Issues in Sociology Education | 3 |
EDUC.6161 | Educational Technology Foundations | 3 |
EDUC.6162 | Environmental Education: Elementary | 3 |
EDUC.6171 | Contemporary Issues in Education | 3 |
EDUC.6172 | Iss & Mand-bilingual Ed | 3 |
EDUC.6173 | Advances in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education | 3 |
EDUC.6180 | Economic Eduation II | 3 |
EDUC.6181 | Time Quality Managemen In Public Schools | 3 |
EDUC.6190 | Moral/Ethical Issues Science | 3 |
EDUC.6191 | Economic Education III | 3 |
EDUC.6192 | Curriculum Design -Instruction Language Arts | 3 |
EDUC.6193 | Curriculum Design - Instructing Lanaguage Arts I | 3 |
EDUC.6200 | Thinking, Problem Solving, Creativity | 3 |
EDUC.6201 | Models of Integration of Techology in the Curriculum | 3 |
EDUC.6202 | Introduction Education and Human Service Administration | 3 |
EDUC.6203 | Curriculum Design-Instructing Language Arts II | 3 |
EDUC.6204 | Principles & Practices of Effective Literacy Programs | 3 |
EDUC.6210 | Moral Character and Civic Education | 3 |
EDUC.6211 | Techology and Construction Learning | 3 |
EDUC.6213 | Communication: Education Leaders | 3 |
EDUC.6214 | Literature For Children | 3 |
EDUC.6220 | Managing Resources and Finances | 3 |
EDUC.6221 | Science, Mathematics and the Educated Mind | 3 |
EDUC.6222 | Contempempory World Event/Culture | 3 |
EDUC.6224 | Young Adult Literature | 3 |
EDUC.6225 | Education Reform in Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics | 3 |
EDUC.6226 | Leadership and Research in STEM Education | 3 |
EDUC.6227 | Foundations of Student Learning in STEM fields | 3 |
EDUC.6230 | School Policy and Law | 3 |
EDUC.6231 | Policy & Practice in Sci.,Tech.,Eng., & Mathematics Education | 3 |
EDUC.6232 | Commercial Television Instruction | 3 |
EDUC.6233 | Inventiveness in Education | 3 |
EDUC.6240 | Assessment of Learning | 3 |
EDUC.6241 | John Dewey on Education | 3 |
EDUC.6242 | Directed Study Legal Policy Human Services | 3 |
EDUC.6243 | Teaching Reading Comprehension | 3 |
EDUC.6250 | Organization of Schools and School Systems | 3 |
EDUC.6251 | Teaching of Writing | 3 |
EDUC.6252 | Teaching Of Writing | 3 |
EDUC.6260 | Development of Concepts in Science | 3 |
EDUC.6261 | Law, Policy and Diversity Issues | 3 |
EDUC.6262 | Educational Response To Cultural Diversity | 3 |
EDUC.6263 | Teaching Study Skills | 3 |
EDUC.6270 | Second Language Acquisition and Assessment | 3 |
EDUC.6271 | Development of Mathematics Concepts | 3 |
EDUC.6272 | Citizen Participation | 3 |
EDUC.6280 | Reasoning and Problem Solving in Science | 0 |
EDUC.6281 | Clinical Assessment and Treatment | 3 |
EDUC.6290 | Reasoning and Problem Solving In Math | 3 |
EDUC.6291 | Poltics Of Education and Human Service | 3 |
EDUC.6292 | Educational Treatment Reading and Language Disability | 3 |
EDUC.6300 | Educating Diverse Populations | 3 |
EDUC.6301 | Reasoning and Problem Solving | 3 |
EDUC.6302 | Leadership and Educational Policy | 3 |
EDUC.6303 | Reading Thinking Listening | 3 |
EDUC.6304 | Analysis of Education Reform | 3 |
EDUC.6310 | Cognition & Instruction | 3 |
EDUC.6311 | Testing & Evaluating-Mathematics Education | 3 |
EDUC.6312 | Human Service Administration | 3 |
EDUC.6313 | Organize and Supervise - Reading and Language | 3 |
EDUC.6320 | The Inclusive School | 3 |
EDUC.6322 | Human Service Administration: Law | 3 |
EDUC.6323 | Writers' Workshop | 3 |
EDUC.6330 | Collaborative Class | 3 |
EDUC.6331 | Educational Response Cultural Diversity | 3 |
EDUC.6340 | Constructivism | 3 |
EDUC.6341 | Financial Aspects Education -Human Services Administration | 3 |
EDUC.6350 | Dynamics of Curricular Change | 3 |
EDUC.6351 | Culture Of The School | 3 |
EDUC.6352 | Culture Of The School | 3 |
EDUC.6353 | Legal Polcy Education Human Services | 3 |
EDUC.6360 | Sociocultural Contexts of Educational Communities | 3 |
EDUC.6361 | Reading Institute | 3 |
EDUC.6362 | Reading Institute | 3 |
EDUC.6363 | Theory and Research Curriculum | 3 |
EDUC.6364 | Principles Of Supervision | 3 |
EDUC.6370 | History & Theory of Curriculum | 3 |
EDUC.6372 | Personnel Administration | 3 |
EDUC.6380 | Curriculum Design K-12 | 3 |
EDUC.6381 | Planning,Technology and School Improvement | 3 |
EDUC.6391 | Planning Process: Curriculum | 3 |
EDUC.6392 | Planning Process | 3 |
EDUC.6393 | Reading Institute | 3 |
EDUC.6400 | Management/Training ITV Dir | 3 |
EDUC.6401 | Program Evaluation | 3 |
EDUC.6402 | Analysis Of Education and Human Service | 3 |
EDUC.6403 | Teaching Reading Comprehension | 3 |
EDUC.6404 | Introduction to Research Methods | 3 |
EDUC.6410 | Issues in Staff Development | 3 |
EDUC.6411 | Fostering a Learning Organization in Higher Education | 3 |
EDUC.6412 | History of American Curriculum | 3 |
EDUC.6413 | Reading Institute | 3 |
EDUC.6414 | Measurement & Assessment | 3 |
EDUC.6420 | Sem:Technology and American Mat Culture | 3 |
EDUC.6421 | Principles of Supervision | 3 |
EDUC.6423 | Program Evaluation | 3 |
EDUC.6424 | Reading Institute '93 | 3 |
EDUC.6425 | Politics of Curriculum Change | 3 |
EDUC.6430 | The Skillful Teacher | 3 |
EDUC.6431 | Principalship PK - 12 | 3 |
EDUC.6432 | Work Technology and Schooling | 3 |
EDUC.6433 | Introduction to Quality Research | 3 |
EDUC.6440 | Foundations for Practitioner Scholars | 3 |
EDUC.6441 | Models of Teaching | 3 |
EDUC.6442 | Capstone: Educational Administration | 3 |
EDUC.6450 | Perspectives and Visions of Schooling I | 3 |
EDUC.6451 | Directed Study Curriculum and Instruction | 3 |
EDUC.6452 | Practicum: Human Services Administration | 3 |
EDUC.6453 | Introduction to Using Computers | 3 |
EDUC.6460 | Perspectives and Visions of Schooling II | 3 |
EDUC.6461 | Influence Of Gender | 3 |
EDUC.6462 | Practicum: School Principal N-6 | 3 |
EDUC.6470 | Practicum School Principal 5-9 | 3 |
EDUC.6471 | Direct Study | 3 |
EDUC.6472 | Leadership for Educational Inclusion & Integration | 3 |
EDUC.6480 | International Comparative Education | 3 |
EDUC.6481 | Standard Certification | 3 |
EDUC.6482 | Practicum School Principal 9-12 | 3 |
EDUC.6483 | Practicum Reading and Language | 6 |
EDUC.6490 | Directed Study: Administration | 3 |
EDUC.6491 | C.A.G.S. Seminar: Reading and Language | 3 |
EDUC.6492 | Developing Data Bases for Education | 3 |
EDUC.6501 | Capstone Project: Advanced Programs | 3 |
EDUC.6502 | Educational Reform | 3 |
EDUC.6503 | Politics Of Literacy | 3 |
EDUC.6504 | Technology, Schools and Society | 3 |
EDUC.6505 | Politics Of Literacy | 3 |
EDUC.6506 | Computer Literacy | 3 |
EDUC.6510 | Web-based Tech. in the Learning Environment:Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EDUC.6511 | Transformative Leadership for Schools | 3 |
EDUC.6512 | Prog Delevopment and Imp Science Education | 6 |
EDUC.6513 | Teaching Reading Comprehension | 3 |
EDUC.6514 | Computer Literature /Research | 3 |
EDUC.6515 | History and Philosophy Of Higher Education | 3 |
EDUC.6520 | Change and Conflict in Higher Education | 3 |
EDUC.6521 | Technology: Schools Of Future | 3 |
EDUC.6522 | Prog Development and Imp Mathematics Education | 6 |
EDUC.6523 | Seminar: Assessment of Writing | 3 |
EDUC.6524 | Core Curriculum -Undergradraduate | 3 |
EDUC.6530 | Capstone Alternative | 3 |
EDUC.6531 | Theories of Reading and Writing | 3 |
EDUC.6532 | Personnel Policies Higher Education | 3 |
EDUC.6540 | Student Services - Higher Education | 3 |
EDUC.6541 | Exploring the Internet | 3 |
EDUC.6542 | The Influence of Gender | 3 |
EDUC.6543 | Evaluative Reading and Literature | 3 |
EDUC.6550 | Directed Study Curriculum and Instruction | 3 |
EDUC.6551 | Research and Publication, Network Environment | 3 |
EDUC.6552 | History and Development of Reading Instruction | 3 |
EDUC.6553 | Accreditation Process | 3 |
EDUC.6560 | Ed.S Seminar | 3 |
EDUC.6561 | Multimedia Application in Education | 3 |
EDUC.6562 | Language Arts and Creativity | 3 |
EDUC.6563 | Language Arts and Creativity | 3 |
EDUC.6570 | Early Childhood Education | 3 |
EDUC.6571 | Readers Responses to Literature (Last Term 2009 Spring)(Formerly 06.657) | 3 |
EDUC.6572 | Role of Professional Educators | 3 |
EDUC.6580 | Role of the Curriculum and Instructional Leader | 3 |
EDUC.6581 | The Gifted Child | 3 |
EDUC.6582 | Scientific Literacy Seminar | 3 |
EDUC.6590 | Strategies for Instruction in Higher Education | 3 |
EDUC.6591 | Teaching In The Media Age | 3 |
EDUC.6592 | Seminar: Issues Themes Children/Young Adult Literature | 3 |
EDUC.6600 | Ethnographic Inquiry | 3 |
EDUC.6601 | Diversity in Higher Education 08.660) | 3 |
EDUC.6602 | Television as Tool of Instruction | 3 |
EDUC.6603 | Secondary Schools in United States | 3 |
EDUC.6604 | Citizen Participation in Education and Community | 3 |
EDUC.6605 | Techniques in Language Arts/Literature | 3 |
EDUC.6610 | Curriculum Development: Technology | 3 |
EDUC.6611 | Politics Of Curriculum Change | 3 |
EDUC.6612 | Dimensions Of Superintendicy | 3 |
EDUC.6613 | Organization and Supervision of Langauage Arts and Literacy | 3 |
EDUC.6620 | Issues In Teacher Education | 3 |
EDUC.6621 | Educational Issues Facing Superintendent | 3 |
EDUC.6622 | Literature for Young Adults | 3 |
EDUC.6630 | Superintendent Decisions | 3 |
EDUC.6640 | History and Development of Reading Instruction in United States | 3 |
EDUC.6650 | Professional Organization Of Educational Careers | 3 |
EDUC.6660 | Issues: Distance and Distribution Education | 3 |
EDUC.6670 | Open and Flexible Learning | 3 |
EDUC.6690 | Superintendency Practicum | 3 |
EDUC.6691 | Advanced Clinical Assessment | 3 |
EDUC.6700 | CAGS Seminar I Administration | 3 |
EDUC.6701 | Practicum I: Higher Education Option | 3 |
EDUC.6702 | Issues In Curriculum and Instruction | 3 |
EDUC.6703 | Issues in Reading and Language Instruction | 3 |
EDUC.6710 | Practicum II: Higher Education | 3 |
EDUC.6711 | Research Sem I Curriculum and Instruction | 3 |
EDUC.6712 | CAGS Seminar II: Administration | 3 |
EDUC.6713 | CAGS Seminar I: Reading and Language | 3 |
EDUC.6720 | Research Sem II Curriculum and Instruction | 3 |
EDUC.6721 | Seminar: Administrative Planning and Policy | 3 |
EDUC.6722 | CAGS Seminar II: Reading and Language | 3 |
EDUC.6731 | Curriculum Design for Science Teachers | 3 |
EDUC.6732 | Curriculum Designs: English and Language Arts | 3 |
EDUC.6733 | Ethics and Decision-Making in Higher Education | 3 |
EDUC.6740 | Research Into Learning in Science | 3 |
EDUC.6741 | Organizational Development and Decision Making | 3 |
EDUC.6742 | Current Design : English/Language Arts II | 3 |
EDUC.6750 | Leadership in Science Education | 3 |
EDUC.6751 | History, Research and Theory of Curriculum Design in Language Arts | 3 |
EDUC.6752 | Leadership Contemporary Thought | 3 |
EDUC.6760 | Exploring the Nature of Science | 3 |
EDUC.6761 | History, Theory, and Research in the Teaching of Writing | 3 |
EDUC.6770 | Theories of Verbal Communication | 3 |
EDUC.6771 | Investigating Science Classrooms | 3 |
EDUC.6780 | History, Research and Contemporary Issues in Reading Instruction | 3 |
EDUC.6801 | Research: Education Technology | 3 |
EDUC.6851 | Evaluation Of Technical Curriculum | 3 |
EDUC.6900 | Action Research | 3 |
EDUC.6910 | Developing Inclusive School Contexts | 3 |
EDUC.6911 | Applied Research Design | 3 |
EDUC.6912 | Contemporary Issues In Education | 3 |
EDUC.6913 | Policy Issues Related to Technology | 3 |
EDUC.6920 | Law, Policy, and Finance | 3 |
EDUC.6921 | Quantitative Data Analysis for Practitioner Leaders | 3 |
EDUC.6922 | Qualitative Research Methods Practitioner Leaders | 3 |
EDUC.6930 | Organizational Learning | 3 |
EDUC.6931 | Data Analysis for Practitioner Leaders | 3 |
EDUC.6940 | Systems Leadership I | 3 |
EDUC.6950 | Systems Leadership II | 3 |
EDUC.6960 | Strategic Partnering with Families and Communities | 3 |
EDUC.6991 | Reading and Applying Educational Research | 3 |
EDUC.7001 | Intro 2nd Lang Acquis | 3 |
EDUC.7010 | Cognitive and Information Processing Theories of Learning, Development and Instruction | 3 |
EDUC.7012 | Data Analysis | 3 |
EDUC.7013 | Issues Second Language Acquistion | 3 |
EDUC.7020 | Research Methods and Design | 3 |
EDUC.7023 | Contemporary Issues - Language | 3 |
EDUC.7031 | Methods 2nd Language Inst | 3 |
EDUC.7032 | Seminar in the Design Of Research Projects | 3 |
EDUC.7040 | Qualitative Research Methods | 3 |
EDUC.7041 | Current Mat Dev Adpt ESL | 3 |
EDUC.7050 | Survey Research | 3 |
EDUC.7051 | Field Wk/internship | 3 |
EDUC.7052 | Supervised Teaching-Education | 0 |
EDUC.7053 | Supervised Teaching-Education | 3 |
EDUC.7060 | Intermediate/Advanced Data Analysis | 3 |
EDUC.7061 | Approach To Lang Testing | 3 |
EDUC.7070 | Writing For Professional Publication | 3 |
EDUC.7071 | Biling Child W/spch Nds | 3 |
EDUC.7080 | Second Lang Testing | 3 |
EDUC.7081 | Analyze, Interpret, Report Data | 3 |
EDUC.7082 | Introduction to Discourse Analysis | 3 |
EDUC.7090 | Measurement & Evaluation | 3 |
EDUC.7091 | Bilingual Child: Special Needs | 3 |
EDUC.7100 | Research Planning: Leadership | 3 |
EDUC.7101 | Qualitative Research: Advanced Topics in Analysis | 3 |
EDUC.7130 | Research Writing Seminar | 3 |
EDUC.7150 | Internship English as a Second Language | 3 |
EDUC.7280 | Research in Science and Mathematics Education | 3 |
EDUC.7290 | Directed Study : Leadership in Schooling | 3 |
EDUC.7291 | Directed Study: Language and Literature | 3 |
EDUC.7292 | Directed Study: Mathematics and Science Education | 3 |
EDUC.7293 | Directed St:udy: Techology and Learning English | 3 |
EDUC.7294 | Dir St: Leadership | 3 |
EDUC.7300 | Graduate Project: Mathematics and Science | 3 |
EDUC.7301 | Advanced Research Seminar I: Leadership in Schooling | 3 |
EDUC.7302 | Advanced Research Seminar I-Language Arts and Literature | 3 |
EDUC.7310 | Advanced Research Seminar: Math & Science | 3 |
EDUC.7311 | Advanced Research Seminar II: Leadership in Schooling | 3 |
EDUC.7312 | Adanced Research Seminar II:Language | 3 |
EDUC.7330 | Graduate Project - Education | 3 |
EDUC.7331 | Graduate Project - Education | 3 |
EDUC.7360 | Graduate Project - Education | 6 |
EDUC.7361 | Graduate Project - Education | 6 |
EDUC.7390 | Graduate Project - Education | 9 |
EDUC.7391 | Graduate Project - Education | 9 |
EDUC.7420 | Foundations of Program Evaluation | 3 |
EDUC.7430 | Program Evaluation: Advanced Topics | 3 |
EDUC.7440 | Program Evaluation and Public Policy | 3 |
EDUC.7460 | Masters Thesis | 6 |
EDUC.7500 | Culture of Carribean Southeast Asia | 3 |
EDUC.7501 | Dissertation in Practice | 3 |
EDUC.7502 | Dissertation in Practice: Data Collection and Analysis | 3 |
EDUC.7503 | Dissertation in Practice: Dissertation Completion | 3 |
EDUC.7510 | Comm Org & Parental Part | 3 |
EDUC.7520 | Res & Tech-bilungual Ed | 3 |
EDUC.7530 | Doctoral Dissertation/Education | 3 |
EDUC.7531 | Doctoral Dissertation/Education | 3 |
EDUC.7532 | Doctoral Dissertation/Education | 3 |
EDUC.7533 | Meth Content/lang Acq | 3 |
EDUC.7540 | Tchng Reading: Bilingual | 3 |
EDUC.7550 | Desc And Imat: Bilingual | 3 |
EDUC.7560 | Doctoral Dissertation/Education | 6 |
EDUC.7561 | Doctoral Dissertation/Education | 6 |
EDUC.7562 | Doctoral Dissertation/Education | 6 |
EDUC.7563 | Tchng Rdg In Eng To Bil | 3 |
EDUC.7570 | Asmt/diag Abil Bil Std | 3 |
EDUC.7590 | Doctoral Dissertation/Education | 9 |
EDUC.7591 | Doctoral Dissertation/Education | 9 |
EDUC.7592 | Doctoral Dissertation | 9 |
EDUC.7610 | SI Teach Lang + Cult | 3 |
EDUC.7630 | Continued Graduate Research | 3 |
EDUC.7631 | Continued Graduate Research | 3 |
EDUC.7632 | Continued Graduate Research | 3 |
EDUC.7650 | Fieldwork/intership | 3 |
EDUC.7660 | Continued Graduate Research | 6 |
EDUC.7661 | Continued Graduate Research | 6 |
EDUC.7662 | Continued Graduate Research | 6 |
EDUC.7690 | Continued Grad Research | 9 |
EDUC.7691 | Continued Graduate Research | 9 |
EDUC.7692 | Continued Graduate Research | 9 |
EDUC.7910 | Advanced Research Seminar Language and Literature | 3 |
EDUC.7920 | Directed Study | 3 |
EECE.1CO-OP | Curricula Practical Training | 1 |
EECE.2010 | Circuit Theory I | 3 |
EECE.2020 | Circuit Theory II | 3 |
EECE.2070 | Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory I | 2 |
EECE.2080 | Basic Electrical Engineering Lab II | 2 |
EECE.2110 | Fundamentals of Electricity I | 3 |
EECE.2120 | Fundamentals of Electricity Laboratory | 1 |
EECE.2160 | ECE Application Programming | 3 |
EECE.2460 | Introduction to Data Communication Networks | 3 |
EECE.2650 | Logic Design | 3 |
EECE.3110 | Electronics I Lab | 2 |
EECE.3120 | Electronics II Laboratory | 2 |
EECE.3170 | Microprocessors Systems Design I | 3 |
EECE.3220 | Data Structures | 3 |
EECE.3330 | Electronic Materials | 3 |
EECE.3550 | Electromechanics | 3 |
EECE.3600 | Engineering Electromagnetics I | 3 |
EECE.3620 | Signals and Systems I | 3 |
EECE.3630 | Introduction to Probability and Random Processes | 3 |
EECE.3640 | Engineering Mathematics | 3 |
EECE.3650 | Electronics I | 3 |
EECE.3660 | Electronics II | 3 |
EECE.3990 | Capstone Proposal | 3 |
EECE.3991 | Capstone Proposal | 3 |
EECE.4090 | Directed Studies | 3 |
EECE.4100 | Directed Studies | |
EECE.4120 | Directed Studies | 3 |
EECE.4130 | Linear Feedback System | 3 |
EECE.4210 | Real Time D.S.P. | 3 |
EECE.4240 | Computational Methods for Power System Analysis | 3 |
EECE.4270 | Advanced VLSI Design Techniques | 3 |
EECE.4280 | Alternative Energy Sources | 3 |
EECE.4290 | Electric Vehicle Technology | 3 |
EECE.4310 | RF Design I | 3 |
EECE.4410 | Introduction to Biosensors | 3 |
EECE.4440 | Power Distribution System | 3 |
EECE.4500 | Advanced Digital System Hardware Design | 3 |
EECE.4510 | Heterogeneous Computing | 3 |
EECE.4520 | Microprocessor Systems II & Embedded Systems | 3 |
EECE.4530 | Software Engineering | 3 |
EECE.4550 | Computer System Security | 3 |
EECE.4560 | Fundamentals of Robotics | 3 |
EECE.4610 | Engineering Electromagnetics II | 3 |
EECE.4670 | Special Topics: Introduction to Biometric Technology | 3 |
EECE.4680 | Electro-optics & Integrated Optics | 3 |
EECE.4700 | VLSI Fabrication | 3 |
EECE.4730 | Power Electronics | 3 |
EECE.4740 | Principles Of Solid State Devices | 3 |
EECE.4760 | Principles Of Solid State Devices | 3 |
EECE.4800 | Microprocessor Systems II & Embedded Systems | 3 |
EECE.4810 | Operating Systems | 3 |
EECE.4820 | Computer Architecture and Design | 3 |
EECE.4821 | Computer Architecture and Design | 3 |
EECE.4830 | Network Design: Principles, Protocols & Applications | 3 |
EECE.4841 | Computer Vision and Digital Image Processing | 3 |
EECE.4900 | Fiber Optic Communication | 3 |
EECE.4910 | Industrial Experience | 3 |
EECE.4920 | Industrial Experience II | 3 |
EECE.4930 | Industrial Experience | 3 |
EECE.4990 | Capstone Project | 3 |
EECE.4991 | Capstone Project | 3 |
EECE.5040 | VLSI Fabrication | 3 |
EECE.5050 | Microwave Electronics | 3 |
EECE.5060 | Antenna Theory and Design | 3 |
EECE.5070 | Electromagnetic Materials and Waves | 3 |
EECE.5080 | Quantum Electronics for Engineers | 3 |
EECE.5090 | Linear Systems Analysis | 3 |
EECE.5100 | Digital Signal Processing | 3 |
EECE.5110 | Medical Diagnostic Imaging | 3 |
EECE.5130 | Control Systems | 3 |
EECE.5140 | Integrated Power Systems | 3 |
EECE.5150 | Power Electronics | 3 |
EECE.5170 | MMIC Design and Fabrication | 3 |
EECE.5190 | Engineering of Submicron Machines | 3 |
EECE.5200 | Computer Aided Engineering Analysis | 3 |
EECE.5220 | Printed Circuit Board Design | 3 |
EECE.5230 | Introduction to Solid State Electronics | 3 |
EECE.5240 | Computational Methods for Power System Analysis | 3 |
EECE.5250 | Power Distribution Systems | 3 |
EECE.5260 | Power Systems Stability and Control | |
EECE.5270 | Advanced VLSI Design Techniques | 3 |
EECE.5280 | Alternative Energy Sources | 3 |
EECE.5290 | Electric Vehicle Technology | 3 |
EECE.5310 | RF Design | 3 |
EECE.5320 | Computational Electromagnetics | 3 |
EECE.5330 | Microwave Engineering | 3 |
EECE.5340 | Microwave Engineering Lab | 1 |
EECE.5350 | Microwave Metrology | 3 |
EECE.5360 | Microwave Metrology Lab | 1 |
EECE.5370 | Microwave Systems Engineering | 3 |
EECE.5380 | Microwave Systems Engineering Lab | 1 |
EECE.5410 | Introduction to Biosensors | 3 |
EECE.5430 | Theory of Communication | 3 |
EECE.5460 | Communication Networks | 3 |
EECE.5480 | Coding and Information Theory | 3 |
EECE.5492 | Systems, Modeling and Simulations for Digital Eng | 3 |
EECE.5494 | Model-Based Systems Engineering | 3 |
EECE.5496 | Cyber-Physical Systems Modeling and Simulation | 3 |
EECE.5498 | Data-Driven Models, Decision Making, and Risk Mgmt | 3 |
EECE.5500 | Advanced Digital System Hardware Design | 3 |
EECE.5510 | Heterogeneous Computing | 3 |
EECE.5520 | Microprocessor Systems II & Embedded Systems | 3 |
EECE.5530 | Software Engineering | 3 |
EECE.5550 | Computer System Security | 3 |
EECE.5560 | Robotics | 3 |
EECE.5600 | Biomedical Instrumentation | 3 |
EECE.5610 | Computer Architecture and Design | 3 |
EECE.5620 | VHDL/Verilog Synthesis & Design | 3 |
EECE.5625L | VHDL/Verilog Synthesis & Design Lab | 1 |
EECE.5680 | Electro Optic Systems | 3 |
EECE.5690 | VLSI Design | 3 |
EECE.5700 | Radar Systems Lab | 1 |
EECE.5710 | Radar Systems | 3 |
EECE.5720 | Embedded Real Time Systems | 3 |
EECE.5730 | Operating Systems | 3 |
EECE.5740 | Advanced Logic Design | 3 |
EECE.5750 | Field Programmable Gate Arrays Logic Design Techniques | 3 |
EECE.5755 | FPGA Logic Design Techniques Lab | 1 |
EECE.5760 | Principles of Solid State Devices | 3 |
EECE.5770 | Verification of Very Large Digital Designs | 3 |
EECE.5775L | Verification of Digital Systems Lab | 1 |
EECE.5780 | Modeling and Implementation of Digital Systems using MATLAB | 3 |
EECE.5810 | Computer Vision and Digital Image Processing | 3 |
EECE.5820 | Wireless Communications | 3 |
EECE.5821 | Computer Architecture and Design | 3 |
EECE.5830 | Network Design: Principles, Protocols and Applications | 3 |
EECE.5840 | Probability and Random Processes | 3 |
EECE.5841 | Computer Vision and Digital Image Processing | 3 |
EECE.5850 | Fundamentals of Network and Cyber Security | 3 |
EECE.5900 | Fiber Optic Communication | 3 |
EECE.5930 | Industrial Experience | 0 |
EECE.5950 | Solid State Electronics | 3 |
EECE.6010 | Graduate Seminar | 3 |
EECE.6020 | Graduate Seminar | 3 |
EECE.6120 | Converged Voice and Data Network | 3 |
EECE.6160 | Computational Power Systems Analysis | 3 |
EECE.6170 | Modelling Of Communication Networks | 3 |
EECE.6500 | Advanced Computing Systems Hardware Architecture | 3 |
EECE.6510 | Advanced Embedded System Design with FPGA | 3 |
EECE.6520 | Parallel & Mp Architect | 3 |
EECE.6530 | AI and Machine Learning | 3 |
EECE.6540 | Heterogeneous Computing | 3 |
EECE.6570 | High Speed Integrated Network (Last Term 2004 Fall) | |
EECE.6580 | Computer Network Security | 3 |
EECE.6590 | Distributed Systems | 3 |
EECE.6600 | Mobile Communication Networks | 3 |
EECE.6660 | Storage Area Newtorks | 3 |
EECE.6690 | Opto Electronic Devices | 3 |
EECE.6870 | Applied Stochastic Estimation | 3 |
EECE.6880 | Theoretical Acoustics | 3 |
EECE.6920 | Directed Studies/Electrical Engineering | 3 |
EECE.7CPT | Curricular Practical Training for Engineering Doctoral Candidates | 1 |
EECE.7100 | Selected Topics | 3 |
EECE.7110 | Special Topics | 3 |
EECE.7120 | Special Topics in Electrical Engineering | 3 |
EECE.7150 | Special Topics: Solar Terr Emag | 3 |
EECE.7290 | Selected Topics in Electrical Engineering | 3 |
EECE.7300 | Thesis - Electrical Engineering | 6 |
EECE.7310 | Thesis - Computing Engineering | 3 |
EECE.7320 | Systems Engineering Thesis | 3 |
EECE.7330 | Advance Graduate Project | 3 |
EECE.7360 | Graduate Project - Electrical Engineering | 6 |
EECE.7390 | Graduate Project - Electrical Engineering | 9 |
EECE.7400 | Advanced Project In Electrical Engineering | 3 |
EECE.7430 | Master's Thesis in Electrical Engineering | 3 |
EECE.7460 | Master's Thesis in Electrical Engineering | 6 |
EECE.7490 | Master's Thesis - Electrical Engineering | 9 |
EECE.7510 | Doctoral Thesis | 1 |
EECE.7520 | PhD Thesis | 2 |
EECE.7530 | Doctoral Dissertation/EE | 3 |
EECE.7540 | Doctoral Thesis - Electrical Engineering | 4 |
EECE.7550 | Doctoral Dissertation | 5 |
EECE.7560 | Doctoral Dissertation/Electrical Engineering | 6 |
EECE.7570 | Doctoral Dissertation | 7 |
EECE.7590 | Doctoral Dissertation/Electrical Engineering | 9 |
EECE.7660 | Continued Grad Research | 6 |
EECE.7710 | Eng Sys Analysis I | 3 |
EECE.7720 | Eng Sys Analysis II | 3 |
EECE.7730 | Eng Sys Analysis III | 3 |
ENGL.1010 | College Writing I | 3 |
ENGL.1010SI | Intensive Writing Lab - Supplemental Instruction | |
ENGL.1020 | College Writing II | 3 |
ENGL.1020SI | Intensive Writing Lab 2 | 2 |
ENGL.1100 | College Writing Workshop | 3 |
ENGL.1810 | Introduction to Literature | 3 |
ENGL.2010 | Classical Mythology | 3 |
ENGL.2020 | Great Books of the Modern Period | 3 |
ENGL.2070 | English Studies in a Digital Environment | 3 |
ENGL.2100 | Drama | 3 |
ENGL.2110 | Poetry | 3 |
ENGL.2120 | The Short Story | 3 |
ENGL.2150 | The Modern Essay | 3 |
ENGL.2160 | Monsters, Apes & Nightmares | 3 |
ENGL.2170 | The Horror Story | 3 |
ENGL.2180 | Comedy | 3 |
ENGL.2200 | Oral & Written Communication for Computer Science | 3 |
ENGL.2220 | Oral Communication | 3 |
ENGL.2240 | Business Writing | 3 |
ENGL.2260 | Scientific and Technical Communication | 3 |
ENGL.2270 | Essay Writing for English Majors | 3 |
ENGL.2290 | Essay Writing for Non-English Majors | 3 |
ENGL.2320 | Turning Fiction into Film | 3 |
ENGL.2360 | Science Fiction and Fantasy | 3 |
ENGL.2380 | Introduction to Creative Writing | 3 |
ENGL.2390 | Introduction to Professional Writing | 3 |
ENGL.2400 | Literature and Women | 3 |
ENGL.2420 | The Heroine in Modern Fiction | 3 |
ENGL.2430 | Contemporary Women Writers | 3 |
ENGL.2460 | Gay & Lesbian Literature | 3 |
ENGL.2500 | The Bible as Literature | 3 |
ENGL.2510 | War in Literature | 3 |
ENGL.2530 | The Culture of American Sport | 3 |
ENGL.2570 | The Family in American Literature | 3 |
ENGL.2580 | Disability in Literature | 3 |
ENGL.2670 | Introduction to Shakespeare | 3 |
ENGL.2673 | Robin Hood: From Outlaw to Icon | 3 |
ENGL.2675 | Vikings | 3 |
ENGL.2720 | Modern European Fiction | 3 |
ENGL.2740 | The Literature of the Beat Movement | 3 |
ENGL.2760 | First-Generation Stories | 3 |
ENGL.2770 | American Ethnic Literature | 3 |
ENGL.2810 | British Literary Traditions | 3 |
ENGL.2820 | American Literary Traditions | 3 |
ENGL.2850 | Crime in Literature | 3 |
ENGL.2910 | History of English Literature I | 3 |
ENGL.2920 | History of English Literature II | 3 |
ENGL.2940 | History of American Literature I | 3 |
ENGL.2950 | History of American Literature II | 3 |
ENGL.2980 | Children's Literature | 3 |
ENGL.3000 | Intro to Journalism | 3 |
ENGL.3020 | Creative Writing: Fiction | 3 |
ENGL.3030 | Creative Writing: Poetry | 3 |
ENGL.3040 | Creative Writing: Screenwriting | 3 |
ENGL.3050 | Reviewing the Arts | 3 |
ENGL.3060 | Intermediate Professional Writing | 3 |
ENGL.3070 | History of the English Language | 3 |
ENGL.3080 | Analysis of Modern English | 3 |
ENGL.3100 | Writing Popular Fiction | 3 |
ENGL.3110 | The South in American Literature | 3 |
ENGL.3140 | Mystery Writing | 3 |
ENGL.3150 | Old English Language and Literature | 3 |
ENGL.3170 | British Literature of the Twentieth Century | 3 |
ENGL.3200 | Personal and Reflective Writing | 3 |
ENGL.3220 | Creative Writing: Creative Non-fiction I | 3 |
ENGL.3230 | Writing About People | 3 |
ENGL.3240 | Writing About Place | 3 |
ENGL.3245 | Writing about the Environment | 3 |
ENGL.3250 | The Rise of the Novel | 3 |
ENGL.3300 | Twentieth Century British Novel | 3 |
ENGL.3330 | American Autobiography | 3 |
ENGL.3332 | Autobiographies of Paris Modernism | 3 |
ENGL.3350 | American Women Novelists | 3 |
ENGL.3370 | The Gothic Tradition in Literature | 3 |
ENGL.3410 | Studies in Film | 3 |
ENGL.3411 | International Cinema Studies: French New Wave | 3 |
ENGL.3420 | Women Writers and the Past | 3 |
ENGL.3440 | Women in Theatre | 3 |
ENGL.3450 | British Women Novelists | 3 |
ENGL.3480 | Modern American Drama | 3 |
ENGL.3490 | Arthurian Literature | 3 |
ENGL.3510 | Literature of the Middle Ages | 3 |
ENGL.3520 | Renaissance Literature | 3 |
ENGL.3530 | Literature of the Seventeenth Century | 3 |
ENGL.3560 | Literature of the Victorian Period | 3 |
ENGL.3590 | | |
ENGL.3620 | Modern Drama | 3 |
ENGL.3640 | African American Drama | 3 |
ENGL.3660 | Creative Writing: Poetry II | 3 |
ENGL.3680 | Feature Writing | 3 |
ENGL.3690 | Reading and Writing New Media | 3 |
ENGL.3700 | Contemporary American Fiction | 3 |
ENGL.3710 | The Literature of the Beat Movement | 3 |
ENGL.3730 | Modern Poetry | 3 |
ENGL.3760 | African-American Literature | 3 |
ENGL.3765 | Native American Renaissance | 3 |
ENGL.3770 | Theories of Rhetoric and Composition | 3 |
ENGL.3780 | Asian American Literature | 3 |
ENGL.3790 | Post Colonial Literature | 3 |
ENGL.3800 | Travel Literature | 3 |
ENGL.3820 | Theatre History I: Ancient Greece through the 18th Century | 3 |
ENGL.3830 | World Theatre II: 19th Century to the Present | 3 |
ENGL.3880 | Undergraduate Seminar on the Teaching of Writing | 3 |
ENGL.3920 | Visual Rhetoric | 3 |
ENGL.3950 | Special Topics in English | 3 |
ENGL.4010 | Selected Authors | 3 |
ENGL.4020 | Topics in Writing | 3 |
ENGL.4080 | Principles of Technical Writing | 3 |
ENGL.4120 | Software Writing | 3 |
ENGL.4130 | Advanced Software Writing (Formerly 42.403) | 3 |
ENGL.4150 | Young Adult Literature-Critical Methods | 3 |
ENGL.4180 | Creative Writing: Creative Non-fiction II | 3 |
ENGL.4210 | Chaucer | 3 |
ENGL.4230 | Shakespeare I | 3 |
ENGL.4240 | Shakespeare II | 3 |
ENGL.4270 | Virginia Woolf | 3 |
ENGL.4280 | The Harlem Renaissance | 3 |
ENGL.4290 | Introduction to Literary Theory | 3 |
ENGL.4375 | Writing a Book | 3 |
ENGL.4790 | Literature Seminar | 3 |
ENGL.4900 | Directed Studies in Writing | 3 |
ENGL.4910 | Directed Study in Literature | 3 |
ENGL.4930 | Directed Study in Creative Writing | 3 |
ENGL.4960 | Internship I | 3 |
ENGL.4970 | Practicum | 3 |
ENGL.4980 | Practicum-English Study | |
ENGL.5060 | Writing in the Community | 3 |
ENGN.1070 | Introduction To Engineering I | 2 |
ENGN.1300 | Introduction to Nano-Engineering | 3 |
ENGN.2050 | Statics | 3 |
ENGN.2060 | Strength of Materials | 3 |
ENGN.2070 | Dynamics | 3 |
ENGN.3CE | Cooperative Education | 0 |
ENGN.4ACE | Cooperative Education Experience | 0 |
ENGN.4CE | Cooperative Education | 0 |
ENGN.4910 | Industrial Experience I | |
ENGN.5010 | Engineering for Teachers | 3 |
ENGN.5400 | Designing Sustainable Products | 3 |
ENGN.5500 | Introduction to Nanotechnology | 3 |
ENGN.5700 | Selected Issues in Nanomanfacturing | 0 |
ENGN.5900 | Graduate Industrial Cooperative Educational Experience I | 1 |
ENGN.5910 | Graduate Industrial Cooperative Educational Experience II | 1 |
ENGN.6020 | Graduate Professional Development for Engineers | 1 |
ENGN.6030 | Graduate Cooperative Experience | 1 |
ENGN.6040 | Workforce Development | 1 |
ENGY.4190 | Nuclear Reactor Operator Training | 3 |
ENGY.5040 | Energy Engineering Workshop | 3 |
ENGY.5050 | Reactor Physics | 3 |
ENGY.5070 | Reactor Engineering and Safety | 3 |
ENGY.5090 | Dynamic Systems Analysis | 3 |
ENGY.5100 | Nuclear Fuel Cycle | 3 |
ENGY.5140 | Chemical and Nuclear Waste | 3 |
ENGY.5190 | Reactor Operator Training | 3 |
ENGY.5200 | Reactor Operator Training | 3 |
ENGY.5310 | Selected Topics in Engineering | 3 |
ENGY.5320 | Selected Topics: Energy Science | 3 |
ENGY.6010 | Graduate Research Seminar | 0 |
ENGY.6510 | Selected Topics in Energy Engineering | 3 |
ENGY.7CPT | Curricular Practical Training for Engineering Doctoral Candidates | 1 |
ENGY.7050 | Supervised Teaching - Nuclear Engineering | 0 |
ENGY.7330 | Graduate Project - Energy Engineering | 3 |
ENGY.7390 | Graduate Project - Energy Engineering | 9 |
ENGY.7410 | Master's Research-Energy Engineering | 1 |
ENGY.7430 | Master's Thesis - Nuclear Engineering | 3 |
ENGY.7460 | Master's Thesis - Energy Engineering | 6 |
ENGY.7490 | Master's Thesis - Energy Engineering | 9 |
ENGY.7530 | Doctoral Dissertation/Energy Engineering | 3 |
ENGY.7560 | Graduate Research - Nuclear Engineering | 6 |
ENGY.7590 | Doctoral Dissertation/Energy | 9 |
ENGY.7660 | Continued Graduate Research | 6 |
ENGY.7690 | Continued Graduate Research | 9 |
ENTR.1500 | Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Business | 3 |
ENTR.300 | Principles of Innovation and Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENTR.3000 | Principles of Innovation and Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENTR.361 | Starting a New Venture | 3 |
ENTR.3610 | Starting a New Venture | 3 |
ENTR.362 | Corporate Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENTR.3620 | Corporate Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENTR.410 | Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation - l | 3 |
ENTR.4100 | Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation - I | 3 |
ENTR.4110 | Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation - II | 3 |
ENTR.4150 | Entrepreneurial Customer Discovery | 3 |
ENTR.4200 | Leading Successful Entrepreneurial Teams | 3 |
ENTR.463 | Managing Innovation | 3 |
ENTR.4630 | Managing Innovation | 3 |
ENTR.4640 | Finance for Emerging Business Enterprises | 3 |
ENTR.480 | Current Topics | 3 |
ENTR.4800 | Current Topics in Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENTR.4890 | Internship in Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENTR.4960 | Entrepreneurship Strategy Implementation | 3 |
ENTR.4991 | Independent Studies | |
ENTR.5CO-OP | Curricular Practical Training | 1 |
ENTR.565 | Technological Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENTR.5650 | Technological Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENTR.591 | Independent Study | 1 |
ENTR.5910 | Independent Study | 1 |
ENTR.592 | Independent Activity | 2 |
ENTR.593 | Independent Activity | 3 |
ENTR.600 | Mathematics For Business Administration | 3 |
ENTR.601 | Operations Management | 3 |
ENTR.603 | Managerial Economics | 3 |
ENTR.605 | Japanese Economy | 3 |
ENTR.608 | Economics Of Location | 3 |
ENTR.610 | Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation l | 3 |
ENTR.6100 | Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation I | 3 |
ENTR.611 | Enterprise And Management | 3 |
ENTR.6110 | Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation II | 3 |
ENTR.612 | Dynamics Of Competition | 3 |
ENTR.620 | Public Finance Amd Monetary Policy | 3 |
ENTR.621 | Quantitative Decision Model and Application | 3 |
ENTR.630 | Market Research for Entrepreneurs | 3 |
ENTR.631 | Corporate Finance | 3 |
ENTR.635 | Financing Innovation and Technology Ventures | 3 |
ENTR.6350 | Financing Innovation and Technology Ventures | 3 |
ENTR.640 | New Venture Creation | 3 |
ENTR.6400 | New Venture Creation | 3 |
ENTR.641 | Customer And Markets | 3 |
ENTR.645 | New Product Development | 3 |
ENTR.6450 | New Product Development | 3 |
ENTR.650 | Innovation and Emerging Technology | 3 |
ENTR.6500 | Innovation and Emerging Technology | 3 |
ENTR.651 | World Class Operations | 3 |
ENTR.6510 | Technological Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENTR.655 | Corporate Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENTR.6550 | Corporate Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENTR.6600 | Entrepreneurial Teams | 3 |
ENTR.670 | Global Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENTR.6700 | Global Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENTR.680 | Capstone I - New Venture Planning | 3 |
ENTR.6800 | Capstone I - New Venture Planning | 3 |
ENTR.681 | Capstone II - New Venture Implementation | 3 |
ENTR.6810 | Capstone II - New Venture Implementation | 3 |
ENTR.688 | Current Topics in Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENTR.6880 | Current Topics in Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENTR.690 | Creation and Leadership - Change | 3 |
ENTR.691 | Strategy I | 3 |
ENTR.692 | Strategy II | 3 |
ENTR.699 | Independent Study | 3 |
ENTR.6990 | Independent Study | 3 |
ENTR.6991 | Entrepreneurship Internship | 3 |
ENTR.700 | Independent Study In Economics | 3 |
ENTR.736 | Graduate Project | 6 |
ENTR.7960 | Doctoral Dissertation | |
ENTR.801 | Structure and Dynamics Enterprise | 3 |
ENTR.802 | Quantitative Methods | 3 |
ENTR.803 | Manufacturing Strategy | 3 |
ENTR.804 | Market And Customer Values | 3 |
ENTR.805 | Global Strategy | 3 |
ENVI.1100 | Global Environmental Studies | 3 |
ENVI.1120L | Global Environmental Studies Lab | 1 |
ENVI.1150 | Astronomy | 3 |
ENVI.1170L | Astronomy Lab | 1 |
ENVI.3010 | GIS in Earth and Environmental Sciences | 3 |
ENVI.5040 | Geographic Information Systems | 3 |
ENVI.5720 | Energy and Environment | 3 |
ENVI.5810 | Understanding Massachusetts Contingency Plan | 3 |
ENVI.5850 | Climate Change in the Classroom | 3 |
ENVS.5010 | Wetlands Ecology | 3 |
ENVS.5020 | Freshwater Ecology | 3 |
ENVS.5810 | Understanding Massachusetts Contingency Plan | 3 |
ETEC.1300 | Electrical Basics and Laboratory | 3 |
ETEC.1310 | Electronic Basics and Laboratory | 3 |
ETEC.1320 | Digital Basics and Laboratory | 2 |
ETEC.2130 | Electric Circuits I | 3 |
ETEC.2140 | Circuits II and Laboratory | 3 |
ETEC.2150 | Circuits III and Laboratory | 3 |
ETEC.2160 | Circuits IV | 3 |
ETEC.2550 | Electronics I and Laboratory | 3 |
ETEC.2560 | Electronics II and Laboratory | 3 |
ETEC.2570 | Electronics III and Laboratory | 3 |
ETEC.2580 | Electronics IV and Laboratory | 3 |
ETEC.2720 | Introduction to Alternative Energy | 3 |
ETEC.3220 | Signals and Systems I | 3 |
ETEC.3410 | Logic Design I and Laboratory | 3 |
ETEC.3420 | Logic Design II and Laboratory | 3 |
ETEC.3450 | Programmable Logic Controllers and Lab I | 3 |
ETEC.3500 | Control Systems I | 3 |
ETEC.3530 | Digital Electronics | 3 |
ETEC.3540 | PSPICE Simulation | 3 |
ETEC.3550 | Electronics I and Laboratory | 3 |
ETEC.3560 | Electronics II and Laboratory | 3 |
ETEC.3570 | Electronics III and Laboratory | 3 |
ETEC.3580 | Electronics IV and Laboratory | 3 |
ETEC.3600 | Mathematics and Statistics/E.E.T. | 3 |
ETEC.3610 | Project Laboratory A | 2 |
ETEC.3650 | Applied Linear Devices | 3 |
ETEC.3680 | Data Conversion and Laboratory | 3 |
ETEC.3760 | Electromagnetic Theory | 3 |
ETEC.3830 | Microprocessors A | 3 |
ETEC.3840 | Microprocessors B | 3 |
ETEC.3910 | Capstone Design | 3 |
ETEC.3920 | Capstone Execution | 3 |
ETEC.4030 | Foundations of Microwave Design | 3 |
ETEC.4100 | Systems Engineering and Analysis | 3 |
ETEC.4220 | GPS: Principles and Applications | 3 |
ETEC.4270 | Digital Signal Processing | 3 |
ETEC.4490 | Logic Design D | 3 |
ETEC.4590 | Power Conversion Design I | 3 |
ETEC.4600 | Power Conversion II | 3 |
ETEC.4690 | Control Systems II | 3 |
ETEC.4770 | Electromagnetic Theory II | 3 |
ETEC.4850 | Fundamentals of Communication Systems | 3 |
ETEC.4870 | Analog Filter Design | 3 |
ETEC.4960 | Radar Systems | 3 |
EXER.3050 | Exercise Physiology | 3 |
EXER.3070 | Exercise Physiology Laboratory | 1 |
EXER.3150 | Anatomical Kinesiology | 3 |
EXER.3170 | Kinesiology Laboratory | 1 |
EXER.3560 | Pharmacology | 3 |
EXER.4120 | Clinical Practicum I and II | 4 |
EXER.4180 | Senior Seminar | 3 |
EXER.4200 | Advanced Study in Exercise Physiology | 3 |
EXER.4210 | Directed Study Health Promotion | |
FAHS.1050 | Comparative Arts | 3 |
FAHS.1090 | First Year Experience Seminar | 1 |
FAHS.1400 | College Exploration Seminar | 1 |
FAHS.1500 | Major Exploration Seminar | 1 |
FAHS.2000 | Job Search Seminar | 1 |
FAHS.2130 | Foundations in Liberal Studies | 3 |
FAHS.3630 | Introduction to Disability Studies | 3 |
FAHS.3700 | Washington Center Term | 12 |
FAHS.4130 | BLA Capstone | 3 |
FAHS.4800 | Integrative Fieldwork in Developmental Disabilities I | 3 |
FAHS.4810 | Integrative Fieldwork in Developmental Disabilities II | 3 |
FAHS.4910 | Directed Studies - Intercollegiate FAHSS | 3 |
FIN.301 | Financial Management | 3 |
FINA.2000 | Personal Finance | 3 |
FINA.221 | Introduction to Investments | 3 |
FINA.2210 | Investments | 3 |
FINA.301 | Financial Management | 3 |
FINA.3010 | Financial Management | 3 |
FINA.3030 | Introduction to Financial Modeling | 3 |
FINA.311 | Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis | 3 |
FINA.3110 | Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis | 3 |
FINA.321 | Investment and Portfolio Analysis | 3 |
FINA.3210 | Investment and Portfolio Analysis | 3 |
FINA.331 | Principles of Corporate Finance | 3 |
FINA.3310 | Principles of Corporate Finance | 3 |
FINA.4110 | Financial Institutions and Markets | |
FINA.4210 | Introduction to Financial Risk Management | 3 |
FINA.422 | Portfolio and Security Analysis | 3 |
FINA.4220 | Portfolio and Security Analysis | 3 |
FINA.4320 | Intermediate Corporate Finance | 3 |
FINA.4410 | Introduction to Financial Derivatives | 3 |
FINA.451 | Bank Management | 3 |
FINA.4510 | Money and Banking | 3 |
FINA.489 | Internship In Finance | 3 |
FINA.4890 | Internship In Finance | 3 |
FINA.491 | International Finance | 3 |
FINA.4910 | International Finance | 3 |
FINA.497 | Independent Study Finance | 3 |
FINA.4970 | Independent Study Finance | 3 |
FINA.498 | Special Topics in Finance | 3 |
FINA.4980 | Special Topics in Finance | 3 |
FINA.4990 | Independent Study in Finance | 3 |
FINA.5CO-OP | Curricula Practical Training | 1 |
FINA.501 | Business Financial Analysis | 2 |
FINA.5010 | Fundamentals of Finance | 2 |
FINA.600 | Financial Markets | 3 |
FINA.601 | Corporate Finance | 3 |
FINA.6010 | Corporate Finance | 3 |
FINA.602 | Advanced Corporate Finance | 3 |
FINA.6020 | Advanced Corporate Finance | 3 |
FINA.6050 | Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructuring | 3 |
FINA.610 | Global Financial Markets and Monetary Policy | 3 |
FINA.6100 | Global Financial Markets and Monetary Policy | 3 |
FINA.611 | Financial Statements Analysis | |
FINA.6110 | Financial Statement Analysis | 3 |
FINA.621 | Security Analysis and Portfolio Management | 3 |
FINA.6210 | Securities and Portfolio Management | 3 |
FINA.622 | Advanced Portfolio Management | 3 |
FINA.6220 | Advanced Portfolio Management | 3 |
FINA.6230 | Security Analysis - Student Managed Fund | 3 |
FINA.624 | Fixed Income Securities | 3 |
FINA.6240 | Fixed Income Securities | 3 |
FINA.6310 | Empirical Methods in Finance | 3 |
FINA.632 | Business Financial Analysis | 3 |
FINA.6350 | Programming for Finance | 3 |
FINA.640 | Financing Innovation and Technology | 3 |
FINA.6410 | Cryptocurrency | 3 |
FINA.6420 | Decentralized Finance (DeFi) | 3 |
FINA.6510 | Bank Management | |
FINA.653 | Financial Institutions and Markets | 3 |
FINA.6530 | Financial Institutions and Markets | 3 |
FINA.6550 | Global Financial Regulation and Compliance | 3 |
FINA.661 | Financial Risk Management | 3 |
FINA.6610 | Financial Risk Management | 3 |
FINA.6710 | CFA Exam Review | 3 |
FINA.675 | Financial Derivatives | 3 |
FINA.6750 | Financial Derivatives | 3 |
FINA.677 | Independent Study: Finance | 3 |
FINA.6770 | Independent Study: Finance | 3 |
FINA.688 | Current Topics in Finance | 3 |
FINA.6880 | Current Topics in Finance | 3 |
FINA.691 | International Financial Management | 3 |
FINA.6910 | International Financial Management | 3 |
FINA.6990 | Finance Seminar | |
FINA.700 | Independent Study - Finance | 3 |
FINA.725 | Options And Futures | 3 |
FINA.731 | Financial Management | 3 |
FINA.732 | Financial Institutions and Markets | 3 |
FINA.736 | Portfolio And Security Analysis | 3 |
FINA.737 | Current Topics: Financial Management | 3 |
FINA.738 | International Financial Managementt | 3 |
FINA.739 | Independent Study: Finance | 3 |
FINA.760 | International Financial Management | 3 |
FINA.790-I | Financial Marktes/Monetary Policy | 3 |
FINA.790 | Financial Marktes/Monetary Policy | 3 |
FINA.799 | Directed Study: Finance | 3 |
FINA.802 | Quantitative Methods for Decision Evaluation | 3 |
GEOL.1010 | General Geology | 3 |
GEOL.1030L | General Geology Laboratory | 1 |
GEOL.2150 | Forensic Geology | 3 |
GEOL.3420L | Geology of North America - field experience | 1 |
GEOL.4930 | Internship: Environmental Geoscience | 3 |
GEOL.5100 | Glacial and Pleistocene Geology | 3 |
GEOL.5240 | Regional Hydrogeology | 3 |
GEOL.5850 | Oceanography for Teachers | 3 |
GLST.7210 | Curricular Practical Training | 1 |
GLST.7610 | Dissertation Review/Global Studies | 1 |
GLST.7910 | Global Studies Directed Studies | 3 |
GNDR.2200 | Introduction to Queer Studies | 3 |
GNDR.2400 | Introduction to Gender Studies | 3 |
GRFX.200 | Introduction to Graphic Design | 3 |
GRFX.2000 | Introduction to Graphic Design | 3 |
GRFX.202 | Fundamentals of Typography | 3 |
GRFX.2020 | Fundamentals of Typography | 3 |
GRFX.203 | Photographic Imaging | 3 |
GRFX.2030 | Photographic Imaging | 3 |
GRFX.204 | Computer Graphics & Illustration | 3 |
GRFX.2040 | Computer Graphics & Illustration | 3 |
GRFX.211 | Desktop Publishing: Print Production | 3 |
GRFX.2110 | Desktop Publishing: Print Production | 3 |
GRFX.212 | Website Design | 3 |
GRFX.2120 | Website Design | 3 |
GRFX.300 | Advanced Graphic Design | 3 |
GRFX.3000 | Advanced Graphic Design | 3 |
GRFX.3020 | Advanced Typography | 3 |
GRFX.303 | Advanced Photographic Imaging | 3 |
GRFX.3030 | Advanced Photographic Imaging | 3 |
GRFX.312 | Advanced Website Design | 3 |
GRFX.3120 | Advanced Website Design | 3 |
GRFX.315 | Design for Advertising | 3 |
GRFX.3150 | Design for Advertising | 3 |
GRFX.320 | Introduction to 3D Computer Animation | 3 |
GRFX.3200 | Introduction to 3D Computer Animation | 3 |
GRFX.330 | Special Effects for Digital Video | 3 |
GRFX.3300 | Special Effects for Digital Video: Adobe® After Effects | 3 |
GRFX.3500 | User Interface Prototyping for Apps and Web | 3 |
GRFX.400 | Portfolio Production Seminar | 3 |
GRFX.4000 | Portfolio Production Seminar | 3 |
HIST.1010 | Classical Civilization | 3 |
HIST.1050 | Western Civilization I | 3 |
HIST.1060 | The Modern World | 3 |
HIST.1070 | World History to 1500 | 3 |
HIST.1080 | World Civilizations Since 1500 | 3 |
HIST.1110 | United States History to1877 | 3 |
HIST.1120 | United States History since 1877 | 3 |
HIST.2000 | Early Christianity | 3 |
HIST.2110 | Historical Dimensions of Globalization | 3 |
HIST.2120 | Modern Latin America | |
HIST.2250 | Ancient Greek History | 3 |
HIST.2270 | Europe in the Middle Ages | 3 |
HIST.2310 | Renaissance and Reformation | 3 |
HIST.2370 | Europe in the Twentieth Century | 3 |
HIST.2400 | World War I | 3 |
HIST.2420 | World War II | 3 |
HIST.2485 | United States Military History | 3 |
HIST.2490 | The Vietnam War | 3 |
HIST.2580 | Russia to 1796 | 3 |
HIST.2700 | Women in American History | 3 |
HIST.2740 | Native American History | 3 |
HIST.2750 | African-American History | 3 |
HIST.2800 | Pandemics: A Global History | 3 |
HIST.2810 | Sub--Saharan Africa | 3 |
HIST.2950 | Japan Since 1600 | 3 |
HIST.2960 | United States Diplomatic History | 3 |
HIST.2980 | Introduction to Historical Methods | 3 |
HIST.3040 | European Economic & Social History | 3 |
HIST.3080 | History of Crime and Social Control | 3 |
HIST.3100 | History of New England | 3 |
HIST.3140 | U.S. Social History Since 1880 | 3 |
HIST.3210 | The Holocaust | 3 |
HIST.3270 | England: The Middle Ages | 3 |
HIST.3300 | Tudor and Stuart England, 1485-1714 | 3 |
HIST.3320 | Warfare in the Ancient World | 3 |
HIST.3340 | The French Revolution and Napoleon | 3 |
HIST.3360 | Modern Ireland | 3 |
HIST.3370 | Germany Since 1871 | 3 |
HIST.3440 | Revolutions in the Modern World | 3 |
HIST.3450 | History of Documentary and Film | 3 |
HIST.3490 | The Cuban Revolution | 3 |
HIST.3500 | Colonial America: History and Culture | 3 |
HIST.3510 | Captivity Narratives and Colonial Societies | 3 |
HIST.3520 | The Coming of the American Revolution | 3 |
HIST.3530 | The French and Indian and Revolutionary Wars | 3 |
HIST.3550 | Jacksonian America | 3 |
HIST.3560 | Civil War and Reconstruction | 3 |
HIST.3570 | The New South: Reconstruction to the Present | 3 |
HIST.3620 | The Twenties and the Thirties | 3 |
HIST.3650 | United States History since 1960 | 3 |
HIST.3690 | Russia 1796 to the Present | 3 |
HIST.3710 | Medieval Institutions (correct course number is 43.370) | 3 |
HIST.3720 | Women in the Middle Ages | 3 |
HIST.3730 | Nazi Germany | 3 |
HIST.3740 | Stalin's Russia | 3 |
HIST.3760 | 20th Century Irish History in Film | 3 |
HIST.3800 | Work and Society | 3 |
HIST.3810 | United States in the 1960s | 3 |
HIST.3820 | The American West | 3 |
HIST.3840 | Radicalism in American History | 3 |
HIST.3890 | Ancient History in Film | 3 |
HIST.3900 | Topics in History | 3 |
HIST.3910 | America and the World | 3 |
HIST.3930 | History of the Middle East and Islamic World | 3 |
HIST.4910 | Directed Study | |
HIST.5360 | Readings on the Great Depression and the New Deal | 3 |
HIST.5910 | Directed Study | 4 |
HON.110 | First Year Seminar in Honors: Text in the City | 3 |
HON.320 | Seminar: Special Topics in Honors | 3 |
HONR.1100 | First Year Seminar in Honors: Text in the City | 3 |
HONR.1200 | Designing Your College Experience | 3 |
HONR.3200 | Seminar: Special Topics in Honors | 3 |
HONR.3300 | Seminar: Special Topic in Honors (Arts & Humanities Perspective) | 3 |
HONR.3400 | Seminar: Special Topic in Honors (Social Science Perspective) | 3 |
HONR.3500 | Seminar: Special Topic in Honors (STEM Perspective) | 3 |
HONR.4900 | Honors Capstone Project | 3 |
HONR.4992 | Honors College Directed Study | 3 |
HSCI.1010 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 3 |
HSCI.1011 | Medical Terminology for Health Professionals | 1 |
HSCI.1020 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II | 3 |
HSCI.1021 | Introduction to Public Health | 3 |
HSCI.1030 | Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory I | 1 |
HSCI.1040 | Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory II | 1 |
HSCI.2060 | Pandemics: How Do They Occur? | 3 |
HSCI.2100 | Clinical Calculations | 1 |
HSCI.2110 | Basic Clinical Microbiology & Pathology | 3 |
HSCI.2130 | Basic Clinical Microbiology & Pathology Laboratory | 1 |
HSCI.2190 | Emergency Medical Technician | 6 |
HSCI.2510 | Physiological Chemistry I | 3 |
HSCI.2520 | Physiological Chemistry II | 3 |
HSCI.2530 | Physiological Chemistry Laboratory I | 1 |
HSCI.2540 | Physiological Chemistry Laboratory II | 1 |
HSCI.3050 | Exercise Physiology Lecture | 4 |
HSCI.3060 | Introduction to Gerontology | 3 |
HSCI.3080 | Global Health | 3 |
HSCI.3090 | Exercise Physiology Laboratory (See 30.307) | 1 |
HSCI.3200 | Legal Issues in Nursing | 3 |
HSCI.3400 | IPE Research Methods | 3 |
HSCI.3500 | Human Biochemistry | 3 |
HSCI.5020 | Graduate Global Health Experience | 3 |
HSCI.5500 | Human Development and Pathophysiology | 3 |
HSCI.5510 | Clinical Pathophysiology | 3 |
IB.500 | Introduction to Biomedical Engineering & Biotechnology | 3 |
IB.512 | Medical Image Processing | 3 |
IB.520 | Ethical Issues in Biomedical Research | 1 |
IB.521 | Real Time Digital Signal Processing | 3 |
IB.560 | Biomedical Instrumentation | 3 |
IB.600 | Capstone Project | 3 |
IENG.3020 | Stochastic Modeling and Analysis | 3 |
IENG.5010 | Adv. Deterministic Modeling and Analysis | 3 |
IENG.7410 | Masters Thesis | 9 |
INFO.1600 | Introduction to Information Systems | 3 |
INFO.1710 | Applications Software: Microsoft Access | 3 |
INFO.1800 | Applications Software: Microsoft Excel | 3 |
INFO.2020 | Microsoft Office | 3 |
INFO.2030 | Introduction to Programming with Python | 3 |
INFO.2110 | Introduction to Programming W/C I | 3 |
INFO.2120 | Introduction to Programming with C - Part II | 3 |
INFO.2200 | Visual Basic | 3 |
INFO.2200L | Visual Basic | 3 |
INFO.2240 | Advanced Visual Basic® | 3 |
INFO.2250 | Survey of Programming Languages | 3 |
INFO.2260 | Intro to Blockchain Technology and Applications | 3 |
INFO.2270 | Developing Interactive Help Systems | 3 |
INFO.2300 | Introduction to Multimedia | 3 |
INFO.2310 | Graphics for Multimedia and the World Wide Web | 3 |
INFO.2320 | Desktop Video Production | 3 |
INFO.2320L | Desktop Video Production | 3 |
INFO.2380 | Website Development | 3 |
INFO.2450 | Website Server Administration | 3 |
INFO.2460 | Active Server Pages .NET | 3 |
INFO.2460L | Active Server Pages .NET | 3 |
INFO.2470 | Web Authoring | 3 |
INFO.2480 | Website Database Implementation | 3 |
INFO.2500 | E-Commerce | 3 |
INFO.2670 | C Programming | 3 |
INFO.2680 | C++ Programming | 3 |
INFO.2690 | Advanced C++ | 3 |
INFO.2700 | Visual C++ .NET | 3 |
INFO.2710 | C# Programming | 3 |
INFO.2750 | Introduction to Networking | 3 |
INFO.2785 | Introduction to Operating Systems | 3 |
INFO.2810 | Introduction to the Internet of Things | 3 |
INFO.2820 | Python Programming | 3 |
INFO.2910 | Introduction to HTML | 3 |
INFO.2920 | Advanced DHTML | 3 |
INFO.2930 | Data analysis and Visualization with Python | 3 |
INFO.2950 | Principles of Information Security | 3 |
INFO.2970 | Introduction to Java Programming | 3 |
INFO.3010 | JAVA Programming | 3 |
INFO.3020 | JavaScript | 3 |
INFO.3030 | Advanced Java Programming | 3 |
INFO.3040 | Introduction to Java Web Development | 3 |
INFO.3050 | Survey of Perl/Python/PHP | 3 |
INFO.3060 | Introduction to XML | 3 |
INFO.3070 | Introduction to Cloud Computing | 3 |
INFO.3080 | Agile Software Development with Java | 3 |
INFO.3085 | Introduction to Data Mining | 3 |
INFO.3090 | Introduction to Data Management | 3 |
INFO.3110 | Introduction to the Linux/Unix Operating System | 3 |
INFO.3120 | Shell Scripting | 3 |
INFO.3130 | Linux/UNIX Internals Overview | 3 |
INFO.3160 | UNIX System Administration | 3 |
INFO.3180 | Advanced UNIX Internals/Tuning | 3 |
INFO.3190 | Introduction to Linux | 3 |
INFO.3210 | Linux/Unix System Administration | 3 |
INFO.3420 | Web-Enabled Database Development | 3 |
INFO.3460 | Digital Media Delivery | 3 |
INFO.3470 | Rich Web Development: Advanced Flash® | 3 |
INFO.3480 | Developing Dynamic Websites with ColdFusion® | 3 |
INFO.3600 | Intro. to Data Structures with C | 3 |
INFO.3640 | Problem Solving with C | 3 |
INFO.3850 | Introduction to Information Security | 3 |
INFO.4430 | Introduction to Client/Server Computing | 3 |
INFO.4490 | Oracle 11g Forms and Reports | 3 |
INFO.4500 | Database Administration I: Introduction to Oracle 11g | 3 |
INFO.4510 | Oracle Database Design | 3 |
INFO.4530 | Database Administration II: Advanced Oracle 11g | 3 |
INFO.4540 | Oracle 11g SQL Development | 3 |
INFO.4550 | Database Administration III: Oracle 11g Projects | 3 |
INFO.4570 | Network Security | 3 |
INFO.4590 | PL/SQL I: Introduction to Oracle 11g PL/SQL | 3 |
INFO.4600 | Computer Ethics | 3 |
INFO.4610 | LAN/WAN Technologies | 3 |
INFO.4620 | TCP/IP and Network Architecture | 3 |
INFO.4640 | Network Management | 3 |
INFO.4660 | Oracle 11g Data Warehousing | 3 |
INFO.4670 | PL/SQL II: Advanced Oracle 11g PL/SQL | 3 |
INFO.4680 | Advanced IP Routing | 3 |
INFO.4690 | Oracle 11gR2 High Performance and Internals | 3 |
INFO.4740 | Relational Database Concepts | 3 |
INFO.4770 | Project Based Information Systems - Part I | 3 |
INFO.4780 | Project Based Information Systems - Part II | 3 |
INFO.4790 | Oracle 12i Applications DBA | 3 |
INFO.4800 | Project-Based Information Systems | 6 |
INFO.4910 | Directed Study in Information Technology | |
JMS.100 | Introduction to Digital Media | 3 |
JMS.340 | Lighting Principles | 3 |
JMS.410 | TV Studio Production | 3 |
LABR.4100 | Internship in Work, Labor and Society | 3 |
LGST.1030 | Introduction to Paralegal Studies | 3 |
LGST.2100 | Restorative Justice | 3 |
LGST.2340 | Criminal Law | 3 |
LGST.2500 | Disability and the Law: Legal Rights of People with Disabilities | 3 |
LGST.2610 | Introduction to Legal Concepts | 3 |
LGST.2620 | Introduction to Business Law | 3 |
LGST.2870 | Legal Writing | 3 |
LGST.3600 | Legal Issues in Racism | 3 |
LGST.3630 | Corporate and Property Law | 3 |
LGST.3650 | The Legal Environment of Business | 3 |
LGST.3660 | International Law | 3 |
LGST.3670 | Environmental Law | 3 |
LGST.3700 | Real Estate Law | 3 |
LGST.3720 | Sports, Entertainment and Art Law | 3 |
LGST.3760 | Family Law | 3 |
LGST.3770 | Elder Law | 3 |
LGST.3790 | The Relationship of Law, Logic, and Ethics | 3 |
LGST.3810 | Women and the Law | 3 |
LGST.3830 | Alternative Dispute Resolution | 3 |
LGST.3850 | Immigration Law | 3 |
LGST.3860 | Intellectual Property | 3 |
LGST.3870 | Legal Research Methods | 3 |
LGST.3900 | Litigation | 3 |
LGST.3920 | Wills,Trusts and Estates | 3 |
LGST.4800 | Bankruptcy, Debtor & Creditor Law | 3 |
LGST.4890 | Seminar in Law | 3 |
LGST.4900 | Legal Aspects of Cyberspace | 3 |
LGST.4970 | Legal Studies Practicum | 3 |
LIFE.1000 | Introduction to Biology | 3 |
LIFE.1010 | Life Science I | 3 |
LIFE.1020 | Life Science II | 3 |
LIFE.1030L | Life Science I Laboratory | 1 |
LIFE.1040L | Life Science II Laboratory | 1 |
LIFE.1050L | Introduction to Biology Lab | 1 |
LIFE.1060 | Human Biology | 3 |
LIFE.1070L | Human Biology Laboratory | 1 |
LIFE.1100 | Microbes and Society: Good, Bad and Ugly | 3 |
LIFE.1230 | Nutrition and Disease | 3 |
LIFE.1250 | Plants and Human Society | 3 |
LIFE.1270 | Plants & Human Society Lab | 1 |
LIFE.2140 | Human Ecology | 3 |
MATH.1020 | Freshman Seminar in Mathematics | 1 |
MATH.1070 | Elementary Math for Teaching: Numbers and Operations | 3 |
MATH.1080 | Elementary Math for Teaching: Algebra and Data Analysis | 3 |
MATH.1110 | Quantitative Reasoning | 3 |
MATH.1115 | Fundamentals of Algebra | 3 |
MATH.1200 | Precalculus Mathematics I | 3 |
MATH.1200SI | Supplemental Instruction - Precalculus Mathematics I | 0 |
MATH.1205 | Applied Precalculus | 3 |
MATH.1210 | Management Precalculus | 3 |
MATH.1210SI | Supplemental Instruction - Management Pre-Calculus | 0 |
MATH.1220 | Management Calculus | 3 |
MATH.1225 | Precalculus Mathematics I | 3 |
MATH.1230 | Precalculus Mathematics II | 3 |
MATH.1250 | Calculus A | 3 |
MATH.1260 | Calculus B | 3 |
MATH.1270 | Preparation for Calculus | 4 |
MATH.1280 | Calculus IA | 4 |
MATH.1290 | Calculus IB | 4 |
MATH.1310 | Calculus I | 4 |
MATH.1320 | Calculus II | 4 |
MATH.1380 | Calculus for the Life Sciences I | 4 |
MATH.1510 | Explorations in Mathematics | 3 |
MATH.2190 | Discrete Structures I | 3 |
MATH.2195 | Discrete Math for IT | 3 |
MATH.2210 | Introduction to Linear Algebra | 3 |
MATH.2220 | Linear Algebra | 3 |
MATH.2250 | Calculus C | 3 |
MATH.2260 | Calculus D | 3 |
MATH.2310 | Calculus III | 4 |
MATH.2320L | Math Lab I | |
MATH.2340 | Differential Equations | 3 |
MATH.2360 | Engineering Differential Equations | 3 |
MATH.2720 | Introduction to Programming with MATLAB | |
MATH.2830 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
MATH.3010 | Introduction to Applied Mathematics I | 3 |
MATH.3020 | Introduction to Applied Mathematics II | 3 |
MATH.3050 | Introduction to Real Analysis I | 3 |
MATH.3210 | Discrete Structures I | 3 |
MATH.3220 | Discrete Structures II | 3 |
MATH.3230 | Introduction to Proofs | 3 |
MATH.3600 | Mathematic Structure for Computer Engineers | |
MATH.3620 | Numerical Analysis I | 3 |
MATH.3630 | Intro to Data Analysis | 3 |
MATH.3750 | Senior Seminar I | 1 |
MATH.3810 | Mathematical Physics | 3 |
MATH.3850 | Applied Statistics | 3 |
MATH.3860 | Probability and Statistics I | 3 |
MATH.4030 | Mathematical Analysis | 3 |
MATH.4070 | Probability and Mathematical Statistics I | 3 |
MATH.4100 | Computers and Calculators in the Classroom | 3 |
MATH.4110 | Complex Variables I | 3 |
MATH.4130 | Number Theory | 3 |
MATH.4190 | Mathematica | 3 |
MATH.4200 | Mathematical Problem Solving | 3 |
MATH.4210 | Abstract Algebra I | 3 |
MATH.4270 | Geometry | 3 |
MATH.4350 | History of Mathematics | 3 |
MATH.4450 | Partial Differential Equations | 3 |
MATH.4480 | Mathematics of Signal Processing | 3 |
MATH.4500 | Mathematical Modeling | 3 |
MATH.4660 | Stat Program Using SAS | 3 |
MATH.4750 | Senior Seminar II | 3 |
MATH.4760 | Senior Seminar III | 3 |
MATH.4860 | Probability and Math Statistics II | 3 |
MATH.4900 | Selected Topics | 3 |
MATH.4910 | Directed Studies in Analysis | 3 |
MATH.4940 | Directed Study in Statistics | 3 |
MATH.5000 | Discrete Structures | 3 |
MATH.5010 | Real Analysis | 3 |
MATH.5030 | Mathematical Analysis | 3 |
MATH.5070 | Applied Functional Analysis I | 3 |
MATH.5090 | Probability and Mathematical Statistics | 3 |
MATH.5100 | Computers and Calculators in Classroom | 3 |
MATH.5110 | Complex Variables I | 3 |
MATH.5130 | Number Theory | 3 |
MATH.5190 | Introduction to Probability and Statistics II | 3 |
MATH.5200 | Mathematical Problem Solving | 3 |
MATH.5210 | Abstract Algebra I | 3 |
MATH.5230 | Linear Algebra | 3 |
MATH.5260 | Topology | 3 |
MATH.5270 | Geometry | 3 |
MATH.5300 | Applied Mathematics I | 3 |
MATH.5310 | Applied Mathematics II | 3 |
MATH.5350 | History of Mathematics | 3 |
MATH.5430 | Ordinary Differential Equations | 3 |
MATH.5450 | Partial Diff Equations | 3 |
MATH.5480 | Mathematics Of Signal Processing | 3 |
MATH.5500 | Mathematical Modeling | 3 |
MATH.5510 | Calculus of Variations | 3 |
MATH.5520 | Wavelet Analysis | 3 |
MATH.5550 | Applied Math for Life Scientists | 3 |
MATH.5630 | Computational Mathematics | 3 |
MATH.5640 | Applied Linear Algebra | 3 |
MATH.5650 | Special Functions | 3 |
MATH.5700 | Probability and Statistics | 3 |
MATH.5720 | Optimization | 3 |
MATH.5750 | Applied Statistics with R | 3 |
MATH.5760 | Statistical Programming using SAS | 3 |
MATH.5780 | Statistical Inference and Data Mining | 3 |
MATH.5820 | Time Series Analysis | 3 |
MATH.5840 | Stochastic Process | 3 |
MATH.5870 | Measure and Probability Theory | 3 |
MATH.5880 | Mathematical Statistics | 3 |
MATH.5900 | Statistical Quality Control | 3 |
MATH.5910 | Linear Statistics Modeling and Regression | 3 |
MATH.5920 | Multivariate Statistics | 3 |
MATH.5930 | Experimental Design | 3 |
MATH.6510 | Selected Topics in Mathematics | 3 |
MATH.7430 | Graduate Research/Math | 3 |
MECH.1CO-OP | Curricula Practical Training | 1 |
MECH.2010 | Computer Aided Design | 2 |
MECH.2020 | Manufacturing Laboratory | 2 |
MECH.2420 | Thermodynamics | 3 |
MECH.2960 | Materials Science for Engineers | 3 |
MECH.3020 | Instrumentation and Measurement Laboratory | 3 |
MECH.3110 | Applied Strength of Materials | 3 |
MECH.3210 | Kinematics of Mechanisms | 3 |
MECH.3220 | Control of Mechanical Systems | 3 |
MECH.3230 | Control of Automated Systems | 3 |
MECH.3410 | Conduction and Radiation Heat Transfer | 3 |
MECH.3420 | Convective Processes | 3 |
MECH.3610 | Mathematical Methods for Mechanical Engineers | 3 |
MECH.3810 | Fluid Mechanics | 3 |
MECH.3820 | Heat Transfer | 3 |
MECH.4030 | Thermal Fluids Laboratory | 3 |
MECH.4250 | Design of Machine Elements | 3 |
MECH.4410 | Thermo-fluid Applications | 3 |
MECH.4420 | Thermo-fluid Systems Design | 3 |
MECH.4510 | Dynamic Systems Analysis | 3 |
MECH.4730 | Design Theory and Constraints | 3 |
MECH.4830 | Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics | 3 |
MECH.4991 | Directed Studies in Mechanical Engineering | 3 |
MECH.5CO-OP | Curricula Practical Training | 1 |
MECH.5040 | Energy Engineering Workshop | 3 |
MECH.5050 | Directed Studies - ME | 3 |
MECH.5120 | Applied Finite Element Analysis | 3 |
MECH.5130 | Theory of Finite Element Analysis | 3 |
MECH.5140 | Finite Element Analysis | 3 |
MECH.5150 | Structural Dynamic Modeling Techniques | 3 |
MECH.5160 | Experimental Modal Analysis | 3 |
MECH.5180 | Signal Proc Techniques | 3 |
MECH.5190 | Engineering Spectral Analysis | 3 |
MECH.5210 | Solar Fundamentals | 3 |
MECH.5220 | Wind Energy Fundamentals | 3 |
MECH.5240 | Fund of Acoustics | 3 |
MECH.5250 | Grid-Connected Solar Electric Systems | 3 |
MECH.5260 | Transport Processes in Energy Systems | 3 |
MECH.5270 | Solar Energy Engineering | 3 |
MECH.5280 | Photovoltaics Manufacturing | 3 |
MECH.5290 | Fuel Cell Fundamentals | 3 |
MECH.5310 | Math Methods In Mechanical Engineering | 3 |
MECH.5320 | Off-Grid Solar Electric System | 3 |
MECH.5330 | Nanomaterials for Energy | 3 |
MECH.5350 | Fundamentals of Sustainable Energy | 3 |
MECH.5420 | Convective Heat/Mass Transfer | 3 |
MECH.5450 | Advanced Industrial Heat and Mass Transfer | 3 |
MECH.5490 | Cooling of Electronic Equipment | 3 |
MECH.5500 | Vibrations | 3 |
MECH.5530 | MEMS & Microsystems | 3 |
MECH.5540 | Dynamic Systems and Controls | 3 |
MECH.5570 | Microsystem Design | 3 |
MECH.5580 | Aero/Wind Eng | 3 |
MECH.5590 | Multi-Scale Computational Fluid Dynamics I | 3 |
MECH.5620 | Solid Mechanics I | 3 |
MECH.5710 | Quality Engineering | 3 |
MECH.5720 | Manufacturing Processes | 3 |
MECH.5740 | Design For Reliability Engineering | 3 |
MECH.5750 | Industrial Design of Experiment | 3 |
MECH.5760 | Engineering Project Management | 3 |
MECH.5790 | Robotics | 3 |
MECH.5810 | Advanced Fluid Mechanics | 3 |
MECH.5830 | Advanced Aerodynamics | 3 |
MECH.5840 | Ocean Engineering | 3 |
MECH.5890 | Finite Element in Thermofluids | 2 |
MECH.5910 | Mechanical Behavior of Materials | 3 |
MECH.5930 | Graduate Co-op Education | 0 |
MECH.5950 | Graduate Co-op II | 0 |
MECH.5960 | Mechanics of Composite Materials | 3 |
MECH.5970 | Processing of Composites | 3 |
MECH.6020 | SpecialTopic: Thermo-Fluids | 3 |
MECH.6030 | Special Topic: Vibration Dynamics | 3 |
MECH.6110 | Matrix Methods | 3 |
MECH.6140 | Advanced Finite Element Methods | 3 |
MECH.7410 | Master's Thesis - Mechanical Engineering | 1 |
MECH.7420 | Master's Thesis - Mechanical Engineering | 2 |
MECH.7430 | Master's Thesis - ME | 3 |
MECH.7460 | Master's Thesis - ME | 6 |
MECH.7490 | Master's Thesis - Mechanical Engineering | 9 |
MECH.7510 | Advanced Projects in Mechanical Engineering | 3 |
MECH.7530 | Doctoral Dissertation/Mechanical Engineering | 3 |
MECH.7560 | Doctoral Dissertation/Mechanical Engineering | 6 |
MECH.7590 | Doctoral Dissertation/Mechanical Engineering | 9 |
MECH.7610 | Continued Grad Research | |
MECH.7630 | Continued Graduate Research | 3 |
MECH.7660 | Continued Graduate Research | 6 |
MECH.7690 | Continued Graduate Research | 9 |
MECH.7710 | Systems Analysis I | 3 |
MECH.7720 | Systems Analysis II | 3 |
MECH.7730 | Systems Analysis III | 3 |
MGMT.017 | Introduction to Business | 3 |
MGMT.1CO-OP | Curricula Practical Training | 1 |
MGMT.150 | Introduction to Business | 3 |
MGMT.210 | Professional Communications | 3 |
MGMT.301 | Organizational Behavior | 3 |
MGMT.3010 | Organizational Behavior | 3 |
MGMT.310 | Human Resources Management | 3 |
MGMT.3100 | Human Resources Management | 3 |
MGMT.3800 | Business Ethics | 3 |
MGMT.410 | Negotiation Strategy and Process | 3 |
MGMT.4100 | Negotiation Strategy and Process | 3 |
MGMT.415 | Managing Teams and Projects | 3 |
MGMT.4150 | Managing Teams and Projects | 3 |
MGMT.420 | Leadership Processes | 3 |
MGMT.4200 | Leadership Processes | 3 |
MGMT.425 | Organization Design | 3 |
MGMT.4250 | Business Process Management | 3 |
MGMT.430 | Rewards and Compensation | 3 |
MGMT.435 | International Management | 3 |
MGMT.4350 | International Management | 3 |
MGMT.440 | International Business | 3 |
MGMT.4400 | International Business | 3 |
MGMT.445 | Contemporary Management Development | 3 |
MGMT.4450 | Contemporary Management Development | 3 |
MGMT.450 | Labor, Diversity, and Human Resource Management | 3 |
MGMT.4500 | Managing Diversity in Organizations | 3 |
MGMT.4550 | International Import/Export Management | 3 |
MGMT.480 | Current Topics in Management | 3 |
MGMT.4800 | Current Topics in Management | 3 |
MGMT.4890 | Internship In Management | 3 |
MGMT.490 | Strategic Management | 3 |
MGMT.4900 | Strategic Management | 3 |
MGMT.4910 | Independent Study in Management | |
MGMT.496 | Special Topics: Entrepreneurship | 3 |
MGMT.499 | Independent Study in Management | 3 |
MGMT.4990 | Independent Study in Management | 3 |
MGMT.5CO-OP | Curricular Practical Training | 1 |
MGMT.501 | Organizational Behavior | 2 |
MGMT.5010 | Organizational Behavior | 2 |
MGMT.510 | Organizational Behavior | 3 |
MGMT.511 | Global Enterprise and Competition | 2 |
MGMT.5110 | Global Enterprise and Competition | 2 |
MGMT.512 | Global Dynamics | 1 |
MGMT.5750 | Business Fundamentals for Scientists and Engineers | 3 |
MGMT.577 | Labor Diversity and Human Resources Management | 3 |
MGMT.588 | Special Topics: Management of Diversity | 3 |
MGMT.601 | Managing Organizational Change | 3 |
MGMT.6010 | Managing Organizational Change | 3 |
MGMT.602 | Law and Society | 3 |
MGMT.603 | AdvancedTopics In Information Systems | 3 |
MGMT.607-I | MBA/Finance Independent Study | 2 |
MGMT.607 | MBA/Finance Independent Study | 2 |
MGMT.6070 | MBA/Finance Independent Study | 2 |
MGMT.610 | Regulatory Environment | 3 |
MGMT.6100 | Managerial Leadership | 3 |
MGMT.611 | Enterprise and Management | 3 |
MGMT.612 | Dynamics Of Competition | 3 |
MGMT.6150 | International Business | 3 |
MGMT.617 | New Venture Practicum II - Implementation through Investment | 3 |
MGMT.622 | Marketing | 3 |
MGMT.625 | Negotiations | 3 |
MGMT.6250 | Negotiations | 3 |
MGMT.630 | New Product Development | 3 |
MGMT.6301 | Management Consulting | 3 |
MGMT.632 | Business Financial Analysis | 3 |
MGMT.6350 | Project Management | 3 |
MGMT.640 | Building and Managing Teams | 3 |
MGMT.6400 | Building and Managing Teams | 3 |
MGMT.645 | Advanced Professional Communication | 3 |
MGMT.6450 | Advanced Professional Communication | 3 |
MGMT.6500 | Workforce Analytics | 3 |
MGMT.651 | Organizational Behavior | 3 |
MGMT.652 | Human Resources Management | 3 |
MGMT.6520 | Human Resources Management | 3 |
MGMT.6530 | Ethical Leadership in the Global Economy | 3 |
MGMT.6540 | Managing Global and workforce Diversity | 3 |
MGMT.655 | Mid-Management Skills for the New Business Environment | 3 |
MGMT.6550 | Mid-Management Skills for the New Business Environment | 3 |
MGMT.660 | Law and Society | 3 |
MGMT.6600 | The Future of Work: Understanding the Global, Strategic and Managerial Implications | 3 |
MGMT.667 | Independent Study In Management | 3 |
MGMT.670 | International Law | 3 |
MGMT.672 | Operations Management | 3 |
MGMT.673 | Operations Research | 3 |
MGMT.677 | Independent Study: Management | 3 |
MGMT.6770 | Independent Study: Management | 3 |
MGMT.680 | St Mg:Adv Prof'l Comm | 3 |
MGMT.688 | Current Topics in Management | 3 |
MGMT.6880 | Current Topics in Management | 3 |
MGMT.690 | Current Topics - Business Law | 3 |
MGMT.691 | Strategy Formation and Implementation | 3 |
MGMT.6910 | Strategy Formation and Implementation | 3 |
MGMT.692 | Strategy II | 3 |
MGMT.701 | Starting New Ventures | 3 |
MGMT.704 | Consulting Strategies and Practice | 3 |
MGMT.705 | Human Resources Management | 3 |
MGMT.706 | Human Resource Management Project | 1 |
MGMT.710 | Management for Competitiveness | 3 |
MGMT.720 | Management Competitiveness II | 3 |
MGMT.723 | Marketing Analysis and Plng | 3 |
MGMT.724 | Marketing Research | 0 |
MGMT.725 | Negotiations | 3 |
MGMT.727 | International Marketing | 3 |
MGMT.729 | Ind-study Marketing | 3 |
MGMT.731 | Financial Management | 3 |
MGMT.732 | Financial Institutions and Markets | 3 |
MGMT.736 | Portfolio and Sec Analysis | 3 |
MGMT.737 | Current Topic:Financial Management | 3 |
MGMT.738 | International Financial Management | 3 |
MGMT.739 | Independent Study Finance | 3 |
MGMT.752 | Organizational Design and Change | 3 |
MGMT.753 | Compensation Management | 3 |
MGMT.754 | Planning Management Careers | 3 |
MGMT.755 | Human Resourse Planning | 3 |
MGMT.759 | Independent Study:Human Resource Mangement | 3 |
MGMT.772 | Opns Plng + Control | 3 |
MGMT.773 | Advanced Operations Research | 3 |
MGMT.774 | Industrial Relations | 3 |
MGMT.775 | The Practice Of Operations Management | 3 |
MGMT.779 | Independent Study-Operations Management | 3 |
MGMT.781 | Corporate Strategy | 3 |
MGMT.783 | International Business | 3 |
MGMT.789 | Independent Study in Management | 3 |
MGMT.790 | Special Topics in Management | 3 |
MGMT.791 | Topic: Comp. Study Business Relations | 3 |
MGMT.799 | Special Topics in Management | 3 |
MGMT.801 | Organizational Behavior For Engineer Managers | 2 |
MGMT.802 | Finance For Engineer Managers | 2 |
MGMT.803 | Manufacturing Management For Engineer Manager | 2 |
MGMT.804 | Business Policy - Engineering Managers | 2 |
MGMT.805 | Start New Tech Ventures | 2 |
MGMT.832 | Finance For Health Care Professionals | 2 |
MGT.150 | Intro to Business | 3 |
MIST.CAPSTO | Non-Credit Capstone Review | 0 |
MIST.201 | Business Information Systems | 3 |
MIST.2010 | Business Information Systems | 3 |
MIST.300 | Application Systems Development | 3 |
MIST.3030 | Database Management Systems | 3 |
MIST.3040 | Data Communications and Networks | 3 |
MIST.3050 | Business Applications Development | 3 |
MIST.3070 | Current Topics in Management Information Systems | 3 |
MIST.308 | Enterprise Systems Management | 3 |
MIST.402 | Systems Analysis and Design | 3 |
MIST.4020 | Systems Analysis and Design | 3 |
MIST.4060 | Data Mining for Business Intelligence | 3 |
MIST.407 | Electronic Business | 3 |
MIST.4070 | Electronic Business | 3 |
MIST.408 | Enterprise Systems Management | 3 |
MIST.4080 | Enterprise Systems Management | 3 |
MIST.4090 | Directed Study in Management Information Systems | 3 |
MIST.488 | Current Topics in Management Information Systems | 3 |
MIST.4880 | Special Topics in MIS | 3 |
MIST.489 | Internship in Management Information Systems | 3 |
MIST.4890 | Internship in Management Information Systems | 3 |
MIST.5CO-OP | Curricular Practical Training | 1 |
MIST.601 | Management Information Systems | 3 |
MIST.6010 | Management Information Systems | 3 |
MIST.602 | Management Information Systems | 3 |
MIST.603 | Advanced Topics : Information Systems | 3 |
MIST.6030 | Database Management | 3 |
MIST.6060 | Business Intelligence and Data Mining | 3 |
MIST.607 | Electronic Business | 3 |
MIST.6070 | Electronic Business | 3 |
MIST.608 | Enterprise System Management | 3 |
MIST.6080 | Enterprise System Management | 3 |
MIST.6090 | Independent Study in MIST | |
MIST.610 | Information Technology Infrastructure | 3 |
MIST.6100 | Information Technology Infrastructure | 3 |
MIST.6140 | Social and Economic Networks | 3 |
MIST.6150 | Data Quality for Business Analytics | 3 |
MIST.616 | Independent Study in Management Information Systems | 3 |
MIST.6160 | Advanced Data Mining | 3 |
MIST.6170 | Advanced Machine Learning | 3 |
MIST.635 | Project Management | 3 |
MIST.6350 | Project Management | 3 |
MIST.6360 | Global Information Technology Governance | 3 |
MIST.645 | Information Technology Project Management | 3 |
MIST.6450 | Information Technology Project Management | 3 |
MIST.6490 | Business Analytics Capstone Project | 3 |
MIST.688 | Current Topics in Management Information Systems | 3 |
MIST.6880 | Current Topics in Management Information Systems | 3 |
MIST.6890 | Internship in Business Analytics | 3 |
MIST.7070 | Electronic Commerce | |
MIST.709 | Independent Study in Management Information Systems | 1 |
MIST.7090 | Independent Study in Management Information Systems | 1 |
MIST.7900 | Doctoral Dissertation | 9 |
MKG.201 | Marketing Principles | 3 |
MKG.301 | Organizational Behavior | 3 |
MKTG.1CO-OP | Curricula Practical Training | 1 |
MKTG.201 | Marketing Principles | 3 |
MKTG.2010 | Marketing Principles | 3 |
MKTG.210 | Professional Communications | 3 |
MKTG.2100 | Professional Communications | 3 |
MKTG.302 | Marketing Research | 3 |
MKTG.3020 | Marketing Research | 3 |
MKTG.303 | International Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.3100 | Digital Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.311 | Marketing Opportunity Analysis | 3 |
MKTG.312 | Marketing Tactics | 3 |
MKTG.313 | Sales and Customer Relations | 3 |
MKTG.3130 | Sales and Customer Relations | 3 |
MKTG.315 | New Product & Service Management | 3 |
MKTG.3150 | New Product & Service Management | 3 |
MKTG.401 | Marketing Communications | 3 |
MKTG.4010 | Advertising | 3 |
MKTG.402 | Buyer Behavior | 3 |
MKTG.4020 | Buyer Behavior | 3 |
MKTG.403 | Business Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.405 | Sales Management | 3 |
MKTG.406 | Purchasing and Materials Management | 3 |
MKTG.407 | Retailing | 3 |
MKTG.4070 | Retailing | 3 |
MKTG.411 | Marketing Analytics | 3 |
MKTG.4110 | Marketing Analytics | 3 |
MKTG.412 | Global Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.4120 | Global Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.4300 | Social Media Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.496 | Current Topics in Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.4960 | Current Topics in Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.4980 | Marketing Internship | 3 |
MKTG.4991 | Independent Study in Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.5CO-OP | Curricula Practical Training | 1 |
MKTG.501 | Marketing Fundamentals | 2 |
MKTG.5010 | Marketing Fundamentals | 2 |
MKTG.505 | Advanced Marketing Fund | 2 |
MKTG.5450 | Professional and Scientific Communication | 3 |
MKTG.601 | Customers and Markets | 3 |
MKTG.6010 | Customers and Markets | 3 |
MKTG.603 | Global Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.610 | Marketing Research | 3 |
MKTG.6150 | New Product Development | 3 |
MKTG.6200 | Sales Management | 3 |
MKTG.621 | Customers And Markets | 3 |
MKTG.622 | Marketing Fundamentals | 3 |
MKTG.6250 | Digital Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.630 | Market Research | 3 |
MKTG.6300 | Market Research | 3 |
MKTG.6350 | Marketing Analytics | 3 |
MKTG.640 | Marketing For Engineering Managers | 3 |
MKTG.6410 | Marketing Analytics | |
MKTG.650 | Industrial Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.6510 | Sustainable/Green Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.660 | Marketing Communications | 3 |
MKTG.670 | International Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.6700 | International Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.677 | Independent Study: Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.6770 | Independent Study: Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.680 | Marketing Analysis And Planning | 3 |
MKTG.688 | Current Topics in Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.6880 | Current Topics in Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.690 | Internship in Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.698 | Spec Top:strategy Pricng | 3 |
MKTG.699 | Marketing Internship | 3 |
MKTG.700 | Special Topic: Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.710 | Marketing Research | 3 |
MKTG.723 | Marketing Analysis And Planning | 3 |
MKTG.724 | Marketing Research | 3 |
MKTG.725 | Marketing Communication | 3 |
MKTG.726 | Consumer Behavior | 3 |
MKTG.727 | International Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.728 | Industrial Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.729 | Independent Study Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.750 | Industrial Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.760 | Marketing Communications | 3 |
MKTG.781 | New Products | 3 |
MKTG.790 | Special Topic: Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.799 | Independent Study In Marketing | 3 |
MKTG.801 | Marketing Engineering Manager | 2 |
MKTG.804 | Market And Customer Values | 3 |
MLSC.3200 | Clinical Hematology Practicum | 2 |
MLSC.3410 | Organic Structures and Reactions | 3 |
MLSC.3430 | Organic Structures and Reactions Laboratory | 1 |
MLSC.3610 | Clinical Laboratory Instrumentation | 3 |
MLSC.3630 | Clinical Laboratory Instrumentation Laboratory | 2 |
MLSC.4100 | Clinical Microbiology Practicum | 2 |
MLSC.4200 | Clinical Hematology Practicum | 2 |
MLSC.4300 | Clinical Immunohematology Practicum | 2 |
MLSC.4310 | Clinical Immunohematology | 3 |
MLSC.4500 | Clinical Chemistry Practicum | 2 |
MLSC.5310 | Clinical Immunohematology | 3 |
MLSC.5410 | Introduction to Public Health and the Public Health Laboratory | 3 |
MLSC.5500 | Foundations of Biomedical Research | 3 |
MLSC.5510 | Advanced Pathophysiology | 3 |
MLSC.5530 | Advanced Clinical Chemistry | 3 |
MLSC.5600 | Molecular Pathology | 3 |
MLSC.5750 | Topics in Clinical Laboratory Science I | 3 |
MLSC.5800 | Clinical Applications of Molecular Genetics | 3 |
MLSC.6100 | Clinical Toxicology | 3 |
MLSC.6101 | Clinical Toxicology Lab | 1 |
MLSC.6130 | Infectious Disease | 3 |
MLSC.6150 | Medical Mycology and Parasitology | 3 |
MLSC.6400 | Quality Assurance, Control and Improvement in the Clinical and Public Health Lab | 3 |
MLSC.7330 | Graduate Project - Clinical Laboratory Sciences | 3 |
MLSC.7340 | Graduate Project - Clinical Laboratory Sciences | 4 |
MLSC.7430 | Master's Thesis - Clinical Lab Sciences | 3 |
MLSC.7440 | Master's Thesis - Clinical Laboratory Science | 4 |
MLSC.7530 | Doctoral Research | 3 |
MLSC.7560 | Doctoral Research | 6 |
MLSC.7590 | Doctoral Research | 9 |
MPAD.5010 | Foundations of Public Administration | 3 |
MPAD.5020 | Public and Non-Profit Budgeting and Financial Management | 3 |
MPAD.5030 | Public and Non-Profit Management and Leadership | 3 |
MPAD.5040 | Data Analysis | 3 |
MPAD.5045 | Advanced Research with Survey Data | 3 |
MPAD.5120 | Communication for Public and Non-Profit Managers | 3 |
MPAD.5150 | Public and Non-Profit Personnel Management | 3 |
MPAD.5300 | Gender and Administration | 3 |
MPAD.5400 | Public Finance | 3 |
MPAD.5500 | Grant Writing | 3 |
MPAD.6000 | Independent Study: Public Administration | |
MPAD.6010 | Capstone Experience | 3 |
MSIT.3010 | Organization of Programming Languages | 3 |
MSIT.3040 | Foundations of Computer Science | 3 |
MSIT.3050 | Computer Architecture | 3 |
MSIT.3080 | Introduction to Operating Systems | 3 |
MSIT.4040 | Analysis of Algorithms | 3 |
MSIT.5110 | Network and Systems Administration | 3 |
MSIT.5140 | Systems Security and Auditing | 3 |
MSIT.5170 | Operating Systems Foundations | 3 |
MSIT.5180 | Large Scale Application Deployment | 3 |
MSIT.5190 | Virtual Systems | 3 |
MSIT.5200 | Digital Storage Architectures | 3 |
MSIT.5310 | Project Management | 3 |
MSIT.5320 | Managing Large Data Sets | 3 |
MSIT.5330 | Developer Operations (DevOps) | 3 |
MSIT.5350 | Agile and Iterative Project Management | 3 |
MSIT.5360 | Data Mining | 3 |
MSIT.5410 | Information Security, Privacy and Regulatory Compliance | 3 |
MSIT.5430 | Intrusion Detection Systems | 3 |
MSIT.5450 | Designing and Building a Cybersecurity Program | 3 |
MSIT.5460 | Introduction to Malware Analysis | 3 |
MSIT.5470 | Protecting against Ransomware Attacks | 3 |
MSIT.5600 | Network Infrastructures | 3 |
MSIT.5610 | Computer Network Security | 3 |
MSIT.5620 | Digital Forensics | 3 |
MSIT.5630 | Secure Mobile Networks | 3 |
MSIT.5650 | Cloud Computing | 3 |
MSIT.5660 | Advanced Cloud Computing | 3 |
MSIT.5670 | Text Analytics and Information Retrievals | 3 |
MTEC.1010 | Engineering Graphics | 2 |
MTEC.1020 | Engineering Design and Graphics | 3 |
MTEC.2000 | Computer Aided Drafting (CADrf) | 3 |
MTEC.2020 | Thermo/Fluids Laboratory | 2 |
MTEC.2030 | Introduction to Automated Control Programming | 3 |
MTEC.2040 | Manufacturing Technology Laboratory | 2 |
MTEC.2060 | Applied Computer Aided Manufacturing | 3 |
MTEC.2110 | LABVIEW(TM) Programming with Engineering Applications | 3 |
MTEC.2210 | Statics | 3 |
MTEC.2220 | Dynamics | 3 |
MTEC.2230 | Mechanics of Materials | 3 |
MTEC.2260 | Technical Communications for Engineering Technology | 3 |
MTEC.2410 | Elements of Thermodynamics I | 3 |
MTEC.2420 | Applied Fluid Mechanics | 3 |
MTEC.2430 | Elements of Thermodynamics II | 3 |
MTEC.2620 | Engineering Data Analysis | 3 |
MTEC.2850 | Introduction to SolidWorks | 3 |
MTEC.2950 | Materials Science | 3 |
MTEC.3010 | Manufacturing Technology Laboratory | 2 |
MTEC.3020 | Mechanics/Materials Laboratory | 2 |
MTEC.3050 | Manufacturing Processes | 3 |
MTEC.3140 | Manufacturing Productivity | 3 |
MTEC.3200 | Machine Design | 3 |
MTEC.3530 | Forensic Engineering | 3 |
MTEC.3540 | Problems in Mechanical Engineering Technology | 3 |
MTEC.4020 | Engineering Measurement Laboratory | 2 |
MTEC.4140 | Engineering Economics | 3 |
MTEC.4160 | Statistical Quality Control | 3 |
MTEC.4190 | Applied Computer Aided Manufacturing | 3 |
MTEC.4320 | Capstone Design | 3 |
MTEC.4440 | Mechanical Vibrations | 3 |
MTEC.4750 | Heat Transfer | 3 |
MTEC.4800 | Computer Aided Design | 3 |
MTEC.4840 | Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER | 3 |
MTEC.4850 | Introduction to SolidWorks | 3 |
MUAP.5010 | Graduate Applied Keyboard I | 2 |
MUAP.5020 | Graduate Applied Keyboard 2 | 2 |
MUAP.5110 | Graduate Applied Voice I | 2 |
MUAP.5120 | Graduate Applied Voice 2 | 2 |
MUAP.5210 | Graduate Applied Woodwinds 1 | 2 |
MUAP.5220 | Graduate Applied Woodwinds 2 | 2 |
MUAP.5310 | Graduate Applied Brass And Percussion 1 | 2 |
MUAP.5320 | Graduate Applied Brass And Percussion 2 | 2 |
MUAP.5410 | Graduate Applied Strings 1 | 2 |
MUAP.5420 | Graduate Applied Strings 2 | 2 |
MUBU.4990 | Music Business Internship | 6 |
MUBU.4991 | Music Business Internship | 6 |
MUBU.5250 | Community Outreach Practicum 1 | 1 |
MUBU.5260 | Community Outreach Practicum 2 | 1 |
MUED.5000 | Global Music for Classroom | 3 |
MUED.5100 | Foundations Of Music Education | 3 |
MUED.5150 | Special Topics: Technology, Arts & Learning | 3 |
MUED.5630 | Choral Repertoire and Rehearsal Techniques | 3 |
MUED.5770 | Instrumental Music Workshop | 3 |
MUED.5780 | Music/Way of Knowing | 2 |
MUED.5830 | Intro to Technology Applications for the Music Classroom | 3 |
MUED.5950 | Practicum & Analysis | 9 |
MUED.5960 | Graduate Directed Study: Music Education | 3 |
MUED.6010 | Seminar In Music Education | 3 |
MUED.6250 | Community Internship | 6 |
MUED.6500 | Research in Music Education | 3 |
MUED.6950 | Direct Study and Research | 3 |
MUED.6960 | Project Report | 3 |
MUED.7430 | Master's Thesis, Music Education | 3 |
MUEN.5010 | University Orchestra | 2 |
MUEN.5020 | Wind Ensemble | 2 |
MUEN.5030 | Chamber Singers | 2 |
MUEN.5040 | University Choir | 2 |
MUEN.5050 | Concert Band | 2 |
MUEN.5080 | Studio Orchestra | 2 |
MUEN.5510 | Choral Union | 1 |
MUEN.5530 | Percussion Ensemble | 1 |
MUEN.5540 | Classical Guitar Ensemble | 1 |
MUEN.5550 | Brass Ensemble | 1 |
MUEN.5560 | Electric Guitar Ensemble | 1 |
MUEN.5580 | Piano Ensemble | 1 |
MUEN.5590 | Mixed Chamber Ensemble | 1 |
MUEN.5600 | String Ensemble | 1 |
MUEN.5610 | Small Jazz Ensemble | 1 |
MUEN.5620 | Jazz Laboratory Ensemble | 1 |
MUEN.5630 | Recording Studio Ensemble | 1 |
MUEN.5650 | Jazz/Rock Big Band | 1 |
MUEN.5700 | Contemp Electronic Ensemble | 1 |
MUEN.6010 | World Music Ensemble | 1 |
MUEN.6020 | Graduate Instrumental Ensemble | 2 |
MUHI.1610 | Music of Western Civilization | 3 |
MUHI.2161 | Music of Western Civilization: Antiquity-Mid 18th Century | 3 |
MUHI.2162 | Music of Western Civ.: Classical era-21st Century | 3 |
MUHI.2610 | Music History 1 | 3 |
MUHI.2620 | Music History 2 | 3 |
MUHI.3010 | American Music | 3 |
MUHI.3550 | Jazz | 3 |
MUHI.3860 | History of Rock Music | 3 |
MUHI.5940 | Graduate Directed Study in Musicology | 3 |
MUHI.5950 | Graduate Directed Study In Musicology | 3 |
MUPF.5950 | Graduate Direct Study: Research in Performance | 3 |
MUSR.1100 | Introduction to Music Technology | 2 |
MUSR.3010 | Music, Technology and Society | 3 |
MUSR.4930 | Internship in SRT | 6 |
MUSR.4940 | Senior Project In Sound Recording Technology | 6 |
MUSR.4950 | Directed Study in Sound Recording Technology | 3 |
MUSR.5200 | Recording Analysis | 3 |
MUSR.5500 | Advanced Video Production | 3 |
MUSR.5900 | Advanced Acoustics for Audio | 3 |
MUSR.5950 | Graduate Directed Study in SRT | 3 |
MUSR.6300 | Technologies of Audio | 3 |
MUSR.6400 | Production Practicum | 3 |
MUSR.6500 | Research in Sound Recording Technology | 3 |
MUSR.6600 | Seminar in Audio | 3 |
MUSR.7400 | Masters Recording Project | 6 |
MUSR.7430 | SRT Masters Thesis | 6 |
MUTH.1000 | Fundamentals of Musicianship | 3 |
MUTH.1010 | Music Theory 1 | 3 |
MUTH.1020 | Music Theory 2 | 3 |
MUTH.1030 | Aural Skills 1 | 1 |
MUTH.1040 | Aural Skills 2 | 1 |
MUTH.1100 | Basic Music Theory | 3 |
MUTH.2010 | Music Theory 3 | 3 |
MUTH.2020 | Music Theory 4 | 3 |
MUTH.2030 | Aural Skills 3 | 1 |
MUTH.2040 | Aural Skills 4 | 1 |
MUTH.5950 | Graduate Directed Study in Music Theory | 3 |
MUTH.6100 | Structure, Context and Style | 3 |
NC.350 | Intensive English Program - Navitas | 12 |
NC.507 | Academic Writing for English Language Learners | 3 |
NONC.BIOL1 | River Hawk Review Principles of Biology I | 0 |
NONC.CALC1 | NC Math Boot Camp Calculus 1 | |
NONC.CHEM | River Hawk Review - Chemistry I | 0 |
NONC.CHEM1 | River Hawk Review - Chemistry I | 0 |
NONC.CHEM2 | River Hawk Review Chemistry II | 0 |
NONC.COMP1 | River Hawk Review Computing I | 0 |
NONC.COMP3 | River Hawk Review Computing III | 0 |
NONC.CWS | RHR - College Writing Studio | 0 |
NONC.CW1 | River Hawk Review - College Writing 1 | 0 |
NONC.CW2 | River Hawk Review - College Writing 2 | 0 |
NONC.DIFEQT | NC Math Boot Camp - Differential Equations | |
NONC.ENDIFE | NC Math River Hawk Review - Engineering Differential Equations | |
NONC.GPHYS2 | River Hawk Review General Physics II | 0 |
NONC.MCALC | River Hawk Review Management Calculus | 0 |
NONC.OPRSYS | RR Operating Systems | |
NONC.ORGCH1 | River Hawk Review - Organic Chemistry I | 0 |
NONC.ORGPRO | Riverhawk Review Organization of Programming Languages | 0 |
NONC.ORG2A | River Hawk Review - Organic Chemistry IIA | 0 |
NONC.ORG2B | River Hawk Review - Organic Chemistry IIB | 0 |
NONC.STAT | River Hawk Review Statics | 0 |
NONC.5040 | Academic Communication for Graduate Students | 3 |
NONC.5450 | Foundations of Communications for Graduate Students | 3 |
NURS.1030 | Academic Strategies Portfolio Seminar | 1 |
NURS.2110 | Nursing Assessment and Skills | 2 |
NURS.2120 | Introduction to Nursing Practice | 3 |
NURS.2120L | Introduction to Nursing Practice Laboratory | 1 |
NURS.2120R | Introduction to Nursing Practice Medication Calcs | 1 |
NURS.2180 | Pharmacology for Nursing Practice | 3 |
NURS.3010 | Research in Nursing and Health Care | 3 |
NURS.3060 | Health Assessment | 3 |
NURS.3070 | Concepts for Baccalaureate Nursing | 3 |
NURS.3080 | Health Promotion in Nursing | 2 |
NURS.3090 | Health Promotion in Nursing Practice Practicum | 3 |
NURS.3200 | Community-Focused Health and Policy | 3 |
NURS.3210 | Independent Study | |
NURS.3240 | Community-Focused Project Implementation | 2 |
NURS.3250 | Community-Focused Project Dissemination | 1 |
NURS.4100 | Health Promotion and Risk Reduction of Families III | 5 |
NURS.4110 | Health Promotion and Risk Reduction of Families III Practicum | 4 |
NURS.4120 | Community Health and Health Policy | 4 |
NURS.4130 | Role Transition | 4 |
NURS.4140 | Role Transition Practicum | 6 |
NURS.4150 | Community Health Project | 3 |
NURS.4200 | Leadership in Nursing | 3 |
NURS.4210 | Selected Topics in Nursing | 3 |
NURS.5220 | Independent Study Health Promotion | 2 |
NURS.5520 | Social, Cultural and Policy Issues in Health Care | 3 |
NURS.5530 | Scholarly Writing | 2 |
NURS.5540 | Palliative and End of Life Nursing Care | 3 |
NURS.5580 | Geropsychiatric and Mental Health Nursing | 3 |
NURS.5590 | Advanced Pharmacology | 3 |
NURS.6000 | Theoretical Foundations for Advanced Nursing Practice | 3 |
NURS.6010 | Research for Evidence-Based Practice | 3 |
NURS.6020 | Clinical Psychopharmacology | 3 |
NURS.6100 | Adult Gerontological Nursing I | 4 |
NURS.6110 | Adult Gerontological Nursing II | 4 |
NURS.6120 | Adult/Gerontological Nursing III | 4 |
NURS.6130 | Adult Gerontological Nursing Practicum I | 3 |
NURS.6140 | Adult-Gerontological Nursing Practicum II | 3 |
NURS.6510 | Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning | 3 |
NURS.6511 | APRN Practicum 1 | 3 |
NURS.6512 | APRN Practicum II | 3 |
NURS.6513 | APRN Practicum III | 3 |
NURS.6520 | APRN Care of Adults | 3 |
NURS.6521 | APRN Care of Children and Adolescents | 3 |
NURS.6522 | APRN Women's Health Across the Lifespan | 3 |
NURS.6523 | APRN Care of Older Adults | 3 |
NURS.6524 | APRN Role Transition | 1 |
NURS.6600 | Family Health Nursing I | 4 |
NURS.6610 | Family Health Nursing II | 4 |
NURS.6620 | Family Health Nursing III | 4 |
NURS.6630 | Family Health Nursing Practicum I | 3 |
NURS.6640 | Family Health Nursing Practicum II | 3 |
NURS.6890 | Scholarly Project/Capstone | 3 |
NURS.7010 | Philosophy of Science | 3 |
NURS.7020 | Theoretical Foundations of Health Promotion | 3 |
NURS.7060 | Measurement in Health & Behavioral Research | 3 |
NURS.7070 | Epidemiology of Health Promotion | 3 |
NURS.7130 | Curriculum and Teaching In Nursing | 3 |
NURS.7150 | Independent Study | 3 |
NURS.7160 | Qualitative Methods | 3 |
NURS.7170 | Evaluation Research | 3 |
NURS.7180 | Directed Study | 4 |
NURS.7300 | Quantitative Research Methods and Grantsmenship | 3 |
NURS.7330 | Graduate Project - Nursing | 3 |
NURS.7390 | Mentored Research Experience | 9 |
NURS.7430 | Master's Thesis - Nursing | 3 |
NURS.7530 | Doctoral Dissertation | 6 |
NURS.7560 | Doctoral Dissertation | 6 |
NURS.7590 | Doctoral Dissertation | 9 |
NURS.7610 | Continued Grad Research | 1 |
NURS.7630 | Continued Graduate Research | 3 |
NURS.7690 | Continued Graduate Research | 9 |
NURS.7700 | Evidence Appraisal | 3 |
NURS.7710 | Advanced Nursing Leadership and Management | 3 |
NURS.7720 | Scholarly Project Implementation | 3 |
NURS.7730 | Evidence Dissemination, Advocacy & Policy | 3 |
NURS.7740 | Scholarly Project Design | 3 |
NURS.7760 | DNP Immersion | 3 |
NURS.7770 | Independent Study: Practicum in Nursing Education | 3 |
NUTR.1100 | Nutrition and Wellness ) | 3 |
NUTR.2010 | Food Science with Lab | 3 |
NUTR.2060 | Human Nutrition | 3 |
NUTR.2100 | Nutrition and Health | 3 |
NUTR.3360 | Life Cycle Nutrition | 3 |
NUTR.3710 | Nutrition and Metabolism(Formerly 36.371) | 3 |
NUTR.3720 | Obesity & Weight Control(Formerly 36.372) | 3 |
NUTR.4060 | Biochemistry of Lipids | 3 |
NUTR.4630 | Vitamins and Minerals(Formerly 36.463) | 3 |
NUTR.4720 | Nutrition and Gene Expression(Formerly 36.472) | 3 |
NUTR.4810 | Medical Nutrition Therapy I | 3 |
NUTR.4820 | Medical Nutrition Therapy II | 3 |
NUTR.4940 | Directed Research in Nutrition(Formerly 36.494) | 3 |
NUTR.5060 | Biochemistry of Lipids | 3 |
NUTR.5630 | Vitamins and Minerals(Formerly 36.563) | 3 |
NUTR.5720 | Nutrition and Gene Expression(Formerly 36.572) | 3 |
NUTR.5820 | Seminar in Advanced Nutrition | 3 |
NUTR.6000 | Public Health Nutrition Practice | 3 |
NUTR.6010 | Nutrition Assessment | 3 |
NUTR.6020 | Community Based Interventions | 3 |
NUTR.6040 | Nutrition Epidemiology | 3 |
NUTR.6050 | Food and Nutrition Management | 3 |
NUTR.6060 | Advanced Clinical Nutrition | 3 |
NUTR.6660 | Community Nutrition Supervised Practice | 3 |
NUTR.6670 | Food and Nutrition Management Supervised Practice | 3 |
NUTR.6680 | Clinical Nutrition Supervised Practice | 3 |
OPS.201 | Managerial Decision Making | 3 |
PCS.455 | Mediation: Theory and Practice | |
PCS.512 | Community Conflict Resolution | 3 |
PCS.545 | Community Conflict Resolution | 3 |
PCS.555-I | Mediation: Theory and Practice | 3 |
PCS.555 | Mediation: Theory and Practice | 3 |
PCST.4040 | Restorative Justice: Repairing Harm Through Dialog | 3 |
PCST.4550 | Mediation: Theory and Practice | 3 |
PCST.4580 | Peace and Conflict Field Experience | 3 |
PCST.4750 | Community Conflict Resolution | 3 |
PCST.5010 | Strategies of Conflict Transformation | 3 |
PCST.5040 | Restorative Justice: Repairing Harm Through Dialogue | 3 |
PCST.5120 | Community Conflict Resolution | 3 |
PCST.5270 | Sustainable Housing Development and Land Use: Conflict, Policy, and Practice | 3 |
PCST.5550 | Mediation: Theory and Practice | 3 |
PCST.5580 | Peace and Conflict Field Experience | 3 |
PCST.5910 | Directed Study in Peace and Conflict Studies | 3 |
PCST.6310 | Practicum in Peace and Conflict studies I | 3 |
PHIL.1010 | Introduction to Philosophy . | 3 |
PHIL.1020 | Introduction to Logic and Critical Reasoning | 3 |
PHIL.1030 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 |
PHIL.2010 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL.2020 | Introduction to Logic and Critical Reasoning | 3 |
PHIL.2030 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 |
PHIL.2060 | Introduction to Political Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL.2070 | Engineering and Society | 3 |
PHIL.2080 | Introduction to Philosophy of Science | 3 |
PHIL.2410 | Engineering and Ethics | 3 |
PHIL.2960 | Introduction to World Religions | 3 |
PHIL.3060 | Feminist Theory Politics | 3 |
PHIL.3080 | Philosophy of Race and Gender | 3 |
PHIL.3105 | Philosophy of Disability | 3 |
PHIL.3106 | Public Health Ethics | 3 |
PHIL.3110 | American Cinema | 3 |
PHIL.3130 | American Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL.3140 | Philosophy and Science Fiction | 3 |
PHIL.3160 | Philosophy and Film | 3 |
PHIL.3230 | PhilosophyClassics: Nietzsche | 3 |
PHIL.3340 | Engineering and Ethics | 3 |
PHIL.3350 | Digital Ethics | 3 |
PHIL.3450 | Rhetoric: History and Theory | 3 |
PHIL.3480 | Eastern Philosophy and Religion | 3 |
PHIL.3520 | Existence & Anxiety | 3 |
PHIL.3650 | Capitalism and Its Critics | 3 |
PHIL.3750 | Philosophy of Sex and Love | 3 |
PHIL.3840 | Philosophies of Art and Beauty | |
PHIL.3850 | Philosophy of Popular Culture | 3 |
PHIL.3860 | Ancient Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL.3880 | Latin American Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL.4010 | Bioethics and Genetics Research | 3 |
PHIL.4910 | Directed Studies | |
PHIT.2030 | Health Information Technology | 3 |
PHIT.2031 | Intro to Pub Hlth Informatics and info Systems | 3 |
PHIT.3030 | Public Health Emergency Preparedness | 3 |
PHRM.6410 | Drug Delivery | 3 |
PHRM.6600 | Pharmacokinetics and Drug Metabolism | 3 |
PHRM.7550 | Graduate Research | 9 |
PHYS.1030 | General Physics I | 3 |
PHYS.1030L | General Physics I Lab | 1 |
PHYS.1040 | General Physics II | 3 |
PHYS.1040L | General Physics II Lab | 1 |
PHYS.1210 | Exploring the Universe | 3 |
PHYS.1210L | Exploring the Universe Laboratory | 1 |
PHYS.1310 | Technical Physics I | 3 |
PHYS.1320 | Technical Physics II | 3 |
PHYS.1410 | Physics I | 3 |
PHYS.1410L | Physics I Lab | 1 |
PHYS.1440 | Physics II | 3 |
PHYS.1440L | Physics II Lab | 1 |
PHYS.2010L | Health Physics Internship I | 3 |
PHYS.2450 | Physical Properties of Matter | 3 |
PHYS.2450L | Physics III Lab | 1 |
PHYS.3020L | Health Physics Internship II | 3 |
PHYS.3160 | Science and Technology in an Impoverished World | |
PHYS.3830 | Astronomy and Astrophysics I | 3 |
PHYS.4540 | Physics Capstone | |
PHYS.5010 | Energy, Force and Motion | 3 |
PHYS.5360 | Introductory Quantum Mechanics II | 3 |
PHYS.5380 | Physical Optics and Waves | 3 |
PHYS.5400 | Image Processing | 3 |
PHYS.5550 | Introduction to Space Physics | 3 |
PHYS.5670L | Automation Techniques | 3 |
PHYS.5830 | Astronomy and Astrophysics I | 3 |
PHYS.5930L | Graduate Physics Laboratory | 2 |
PHYS.6050 | Mathematical Methods of Physics I | 3 |
PHYS.6060 | Mathematical Methods of Physics II | 3 |
PHYS.6110 | Classical Mechanics | 3 |
PHYS.6150 | Quantum Mechanics I | 3 |
PHYS.6160 | Quantum Mechanics II | 3 |
PHYS.6170 | Advanced Quantum Mechanics I | 3 |
PHYS.6310 | Nonlinear Optics | 3 |
PHYS.6570 | Electromagnetic Theory I | 3 |
PHYS.6580 | Electromagnetic Theory II | 3 |
PHYS.6620 | Nuclear Physics II | 3 |
PHYS.7010 | Physics Colloquium | 0 |
PHYS.7020 | Physics Colloquium | 0 |
PHYS.7040 | Seminar in Nuclear Physics | 0 |
PHYS.7050 | Seminar in Solid State/Optics | 0 |
PHYS.7051 | Supervised Teaching - Physics | 0 |
PHYS.7060 | Seminar in Solid State/Optics | 0 |
PHYS.7090 | Seminar in Accelerator Physics | 0 |
PHYS.7100 | Seminar in Experimental Optics | 1 |
PHYS.7110 | Graduate Seminar in Physics | 0 |
PHYS.7120 | Graduate Seminar in Physics | 0 |
PHYS.7130 | Seminar in Theoretical Research | 0 |
PHYS.7140 | Seminar in Experimental Research | 0 |
PHYS.7150 | Seminar in Terahertz Technology | 0 |
PHYS.7160 | Seminar in Biomedical Optics | 3 |
PHYS.7160L | Special Problems In Physics | 1 |
PHYS.7170 | Seminar in Heavy Ion Physics | 0 |
PHYS.7210 | Selected Topics in Physics | 3 |
PHYS.7230 | Selected Topics in Nuclear Physics | 3 |
PHYS.7250 | Selected Topics in Solid State | 3 |
PHYS.7270 | Selected Topics in Theoretical Physics | 3 |
PHYS.7310L | Advanced Projects In Physics I | 3 |
PHYS.7320L | Advanced Projects In Physics II | 3 |
PHYS.7330 | Graduate Project in Physics | 3 |
PHYS.7330L | Graduate Project - Physics | 3 |
PHYS.7460 | Master's Thesis Research Physics | 1 |
PHYS.7560 | Doctoral Dissertation/Physics | 9 |
PHYS.7610 | Continued Grad Research | |
PHYS.8000 | Cooperative Education in Physics | 1 |
PLAS.2150 | Plastics Processing Engineering Laboratory I | 1 |
PLAS.2470 | Thermodynamics | 3 |
PLAS.3CE | Co-op Experience | 0 |
PLAS.3060 | Methods of Experimental Analysis | |
PLAS.3140 | Fluid Flow | |
PLAS.4ACE | Cooperative Education Experience | 0 |
PLAS.4CE | Co-op Experience | 0 |
PLAS.4040 | Process Control | |
PLAS.4150 | Capstone Project I | 1 |
PLAS.4180 | Product and Process Design | 3 |
PLAS.5000 | Advanced Project In Plastics I | 1 |
PLAS.5010 | Advanced Projects in Plastics II | 1 |
PLAS.5020 | Medical Device Development Regulation | 3 |
PLAS.5030 | Mechanical Behavior of Polymers | 3 |
PLAS.5050 | Polymer Structure, Properties, and Applications II | 3 |
PLAS.5060 | Polymer Structure Properties & Applications | 3 |
PLAS.5090 | Plastics Processing Theory I | 3 |
PLAS.5100 | Plastics Processing Theory II | 3 |
PLAS.5110 | Polymer Blends | 3 |
PLAS.5120 | Foams | 3 |
PLAS.5130 | New Plastics Materials | 3 |
PLAS.5140 | Statistics for Six Sigma | 3 |
PLAS.5150 | Lean Plastics Manufacturing | 3 |
PLAS.5180 | Plastics Product Design | 3 |
PLAS.5230 | Screw Design Principles | 3 |
PLAS.5240 | Process Analysis Instrument and Control | 3 |
PLAS.5250 | Synthetic Fibers: Processing-Structure-Properties | 3 |
PLAS.5260 | Nanoscale Plastics Processing | 3 |
PLAS.5280 | Plastics Information Data Bases | 1 |
PLAS.5300 | Selected Topics | 3 |
PLAS.5320 | Adhesives and Adhesion | 3 |
PLAS.5330 | Green Coatings Science and Technology I | 3 |
PLAS.5340 | Coatings II | 3 |
PLAS.5350 | Rubber Technology | 3 |
PLAS.5370 | Business Law for Engineers | 3 |
PLAS.5400 | Commercial Development of Plastics | 3 |
PLAS.5410 | Computer Applications in Plastics | 3 |
PLAS.5420 | Colloidal Nanoscience and Nanoscale Engineering | 3 |
PLAS.5440 | Advanced Plastics Materials | 3 |
PLAS.5450 | Additives for Polymer Materials | 3 |
PLAS.5470 | Materials for Renewable Energy and Sustainability | 3 |
PLAS.5480 | Analytical and Numerical Methods in Plastics Processing | 3 |
PLAS.5490 | Product Design for Elastomers | 3 |
PLAS.5500 | Processing with Elastomers | 3 |
PLAS.5510 | Extrusion Die Design | 3 |
PLAS.5520 | Machine Design | 3 |
PLAS.5530 | Medical Device Design I | 3 |
PLAS.5540 | Polymers in Medicine II: Medical Device Design | 3 |
PLAS.5550 | Medical Device Processing | 3 |
PLAS.5630 | Current Topics in Plastics Materials I | 1 |
PLAS.5640 | Current Topics in Plastics Materials II | 1 |
PLAS.5650 | Thermosets | 3 |
PLAS.5660 | Polymer Materials Systems Solution | 3 |
PLAS.5680 | Dynamic Mechanical Properties II | 3 |
PLAS.5690 | Current Topics in Plastics Design I | 1 |
PLAS.5700 | Current Topics: Processing II | 1 |
PLAS.5720 | Advanced Plastics Processing Engineering Laboratory | 1 |
PLAS.5731L | Graduate Polymer Laboratory I | 1 |
PLAS.5732 | Graduate Polymer Laboratory II | 2 |
PLAS.5740 | Advance Physical Properties Lab | 1 |
PLAS.5750 | Biomaterials in Medical Applications | 3 |
PLAS.5760 | Advanced Mold Design | 3 |
PLAS.5780 | Advanced Plastics Processing | 3 |
PLAS.5790 | Problems In Biomaterials/Directed Study | 3 |
PLAS.5820 | Current Topics in Plastics Design II | 1 |
PLAS.5830 | Advanced Research Methodology | 3 |
PLAS.5850 | Computer Aided Engineering I | 3 |
PLAS.5860 | Computer Aided Engineering and Design II | 3 |
PLAS.5880 | Injection Molding | 3 |
PLAS.5890 | Polymer Nanocomposites | 3 |
PLAS.5900 | Survey of Intellectual Property | 3 |
PLAS.5910 | Industrial Thesis Development I | 3 |
PLAS.5930 | Plastics Molding Engineering I | 1 |
PLAS.5950 | Thermoplastic Elastomers | 3 |
PLAS.5960 | Sustainable Polymers and Additives | 3 |
PLAS.5970 | Plastics & Environment | 3 |
PLAS.5990 | Rapid Prototyping | 3 |
PLAS.6010 | Graduate Industrial Coop Education I | 3 |
PLAS.6020 | Medical Device Development Regulation | 3 |
PLAS.6060 | Plastics Manufacturing Systems Engineering | 3 |
PLAS.6110 | Coloration of Engineering Thermoplastics | 3 |
PLAS.6180 | Structural Product Design | 3 |
PLAS.6500 | Nanoscale Transport Phenomena for Manufacturing Nanodevices | 0 |
PLAS.6750 | Biomaterials II | 3 |
PLAS.6780 | New Developments in Polymer Manufacturing | 3 |
PLAS.6820 | Physical Polymer Science | 3 |
PLAS.7CPT | Curricular Practical Training for Engineering Doctoral Candidates | 1 |
PLAS.7410 | Master's Thesis - Plastics Engineering | 1 |
PLAS.7430 | Masters Thesis Plastics Engineering | 3 |
PLAS.7460 | Master's Thesis - Plastics Engineering | 6 |
PLAS.7490 | M S Grad Res Plastics | 9 |
PLAS.7510 | Doctoral Thesis Research | 1 |
PLAS.7520 | Doctoral Thesis Research | 2 |
PLAS.7530 | Doctoral Dissertation/Plastics Engineering | 3 |
PLAS.7560 | Doctoral Dissertation/Plastics Engineering | 6 |
PLAS.7590 | Doctoral Dissertation/Plastics Engineering | 9 |
PLAS.7630 | Continued Graduate Research | 3 |
PLAS.7660 | Continued Graduate Research | 6 |
PLAS.7690 | Continued Graduate Research | 9 |
POLI.1010 | Introduction to American Politics | 3 |
POLI.1010SI | Supplemental Instruction for Political Science - Navitas Only | 1 |
POLI.1050 | Introduction to Public Policy | 3 |
POLI.1100 | Introduction to Politics | 3 |
POLI.1120 | Introduction to Comparative Politics | 3 |
POLI.1210 | Introduction to International Relations | 3 |
POLI.1750 | Introduction to Environmental Politics | 3 |
POLI.2010 | Research Methods in Political Science | 3 |
POLI.2110 | Media and Politics Around the World | 3 |
POLI.2120 | American Media and Politics | 3 |
POLI.2150 | African Politics | 3 |
POLI.2180 | Introduction to Politics and Sports | 3 |
POLI.2220 | Politics of the Internet | 3 |
POLI.2300 | Law and the Legal System | 3 |
POLI.2310 | Introduction Political Thought | 3 |
POLI.2350 | Introduction to the Law and Politics of Constitutional Government | 3 |
POLI.2530 | Introduction to Public Administration and Policy | 3 |
POLI.2650 | State and Local Politics | 3 |
POLI.3010 | Research Methods in Political Science | 3 |
POLI.3090 | Political Psychology | 3 |
POLI.3130 | Electoral Politics | 3 |
POLI.3160 | Politics and Film | 3 |
POLI.3210 | Soccer and Politics | 3 |
POLI.3230 | Politics and Baseball | 3 |
POLI.3240 | Politics of Football | 3 |
POLI.3270 | The Dynamics of Sexual Politics | 3 |
POLI.3290 | Politics of College Sports | 3 |
POLI.3310 | Animal Rights and Animal Welfare | 3 |
POLI.3320 | The Politics of Food | 3 |
POLI.3350 | Constitutional Law: Powers & Principles | 3 |
POLI.3370 | Constitutional Law: Rights & Liberties | 3 |
POLI.3380 | Political Participation | 3 |
POLI.3430 | Congress | 3 |
POLI.3440 | American Presidency | 3 |
POLI.3490 | Politics of Race and Ethnicity | 3 |
POLI.3500 | Urban Politics | 3 |
POLI.3510 | Irish Politics | 3 |
POLI.3530 | Public Policy and Administration | 3 |
POLI.3550 | Government Fiscal Policy | 3 |
POLI.3560 | Public Policy Analysis | 3 |
POLI.3570 | Environmental Policy | 3 |
POLI.3600 | European Politics | 3 |
POLI.3630 | Politics of China | 3 |
POLI.3680 | Middle Eastern Politics | 3 |
POLI.3700 | Latin American Politics | 3 |
POLI.3750 | Politics of Pacific Rim | 3 |
POLI.3800 | American Foreign Policy | 3 |
POLI.4100 | Reading Seminar in Judicial Review | 3 |
POLI.4220 | SMR: Political communication and Media Studies | 3 |
POLI.4450 | Politics of Repression and Dissent | 3 |
POLI.4910 | Directed Study | 3 |
POLI.4960 | Practicum Experience Requirement | 3 |
POLI.4970 | Practicum in the Law Requirement. | |
POLI.5130 | Foundations Of Comparative Regional Development | 3 |
POLI.5150 | Politics and Economics of Public Policy | 3 |
POLY.5030 | Polymer Science I | 3 |
POLY.5040 | Polymer Science II | 3 |
POLY.5110 | Biopolymers | 3 |
POLY.5530 | Macromolecules Organic Chemistry | 3 |
POLY.6010 | Polymer Science Seminar | 2 |
POLY.6020 | Seminar in Polymer Science | 2 |
POLY.6030 | Polymer Science Colloquium | 1 |
POLY.6040 | Polymer Science Colloquium | 1 |
POLY.6490 | Introduction to Conjugated Polymers | 3 |
POLY.7050 | Supervised Teaching in Polymer Science | 0 |
POLY.7430 | Master's Thesis in Polymer Science | 3 |
POLY.7460 | Master's Thesis in Polymer Science | 6 |
POLY.7490 | Master's Thesis in Polymer Science | 9 |
POLY.7530 | Doctoral Dissertation in Polymer Science | 3 |
POLY.7560 | Doctoral Dissertation in Polymer Science | 6 |
POLY.7590 | Doctoral Dissertation in Polymer Science | 9 |
POLY.7690 | Continued Graduate Research | 9 |
POMS.201 | Managerial Decision Making | 3 |
POMS.2010 | Introduction to Business Analytics | 3 |
POMS.301 | Operations Management | 3 |
POMS.3010 | Operations Management | 3 |
POMS.401 | Logistics and Transportation | 3 |
POMS.4010 | Logistics and Transportation | 3 |
POMS.4020 | Global Supply Chain Management | 3 |
POMS.403 | Service Management | 3 |
POMS.4030 | Service Management | 3 |
POMS.404 | Managerial Quality Control | 3 |
POMS.4040 | Managerial Quality Control | 3 |
POMS.4050 | Predictive Data Analytics | 3 |
POMS.4060 | Simulation and Optimization for Business Analytics | 3 |
POMS.4090 | Directed Study in Operations Management | |
POMS.4890 | Internship in Operations Management | 3 |
POMS.5CO-OP | Curricular Practical Training | 1 |
POMS.501 | Operations Fundamentals | 2 |
POMS.5010 | Operations Fundamentals | 2 |
POMS.502 | Operations Management Foundations | 2 |
POMS.504 | Management Information Systems | 1 |
POMS.601 | Operations Management | 3 |
POMS.6010 | Operations Management | 3 |
POMS.6020 | Global Supply Chain Management | 3 |
POMS.603 | Service Management | 3 |
POMS.6030 | Service Management | 3 |
POMS.604 | Managerial Quality Control | 3 |
POMS.6040 | Managerial Quality Control | 3 |
POMS.6120 | Statistics for Predictive Analytics | 3 |
POMS.6210 | Advanced Statistics for Business Analytics | 3 |
POMS.6220 | Decision Analytics | 3 |
POMS.6240 | Analytical Decision Making Tools | 3 |
POMS.651 | Integrated Logistics | 3 |
POMS.671 | Operations Management | 3 |
POMS.672 | Operations Management | 3 |
POMS.674 | Advanced Operation Research | 3 |
POMS.677 | Independent Study: Operations Management | 3 |
POMS.689 | Current Topics in Operations Management | 3 |
POMS.700 | Independent Study: Operations Management | 3 |
POMS.709 | Independent Study: Operations Management | 3 |
POMS.7090 | Independent Study: Operations Management | 3 |
POMS.710 | Design and Control Manufacturing Systems | 3 |
POMS.720 | Manufacturing Strategy | 3 |
POMS.736 | Manufacuturing Field Project | 6 |
POMS.772 | Operations Plng and Control | 3 |
POMS.773 | Advanced Operations Research | 3 |
POMS.775 | The Practice Of Operations Management | 3 |
POMS.789 | Manufacturing Simulation | 2 |
POMS.790 | Special Topics: Management Information Systems | 3 |
POMS.791 | Special Topics: Technology in Management | 3 |
POMS.799 | Independent Graduate Study in Operations Management | 3 |
POMS.803 | Mfg Mgmt For Eng Mgr | 2 |
PSM.510 | Professional Science Master's (PSM) Internship | 0 |
PSM.535 | Project Management for Scientists | 3 |
PSM.545 | Professional and Scientific Communication | 3 |
PSM.555 | Professional Leadership in Science and Engineering (PSM 555) | 3 |
PSM.565 | Technological Entrepreneurship | 3 |
PSM.575 | Business Fundamentals for Scientists and Engineers | 3 |
PSMA.5000 | Professional Science Master's (PSM) Professional Development | 0 |
PSMA.5010 | Professional Science Master's (PSM) Reflective Seminar. | 1 |
PSMA.5100 | Professional Science Master's (PSM) Internship | 0 |
PSMA.5350 | Project Management for Scientists | 3 |
PSMA.5450 | Professional and Scientific Communication | 3 |
PSMA.5550 | Professional Leadership in Science and Engineering (PSM 555) | 3 |
PSMA.5750 | Business Fundamentals for Scientists & Engineers | 3 |
PSYC.1010 | Introduction to Psychological Science | 3 |
PSYC.2010 | Professional Development in Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.2090 | Social Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.2320 | Psychology of Personality | 3 |
PSYC.2550 | Community Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.2600 | Child and Adolescent Development | 3 |
PSYC.2690 | Research Methods | 3 |
PSYC.2720 | Abnormal Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.2730 | Biological Psych | 3 |
PSYC.2760 | Theories of Learning | 3 |
PSYC.2770 | Sensation and Perception | 3 |
PSYC.2780 | Cognitive Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.3050 | Psychology and Law | 3 |
PSYC.3080 | Industrial/Organizational Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.3120 | Learning and Behavior | 3 |
PSYC.3280 | Dynamics of Interpersonal Relations | 3 |
PSYC.3320 | History of Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.3350 | Psychology and Women | 3 |
PSYC.3360 | Culture and Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.3450 | Health Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.3510 | Human Sexuality | 3 |
PSYC.3520 | Psychological Testing | 3 |
PSYC.3550 | Sport and Exercise Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.3600 | Adult Development and Aging | 3 |
PSYC.3610 | Developmental Psychopathology | 3 |
PSYC.3620 | Psychology of Developmental Disabilities | 3 |
PSYC.3630 | Introduction to Disability Studies | 3 |
PSYC.3640 | Family Systems | 3 |
PSYC.3680 | Psychology of Decision-Making | 3 |
PSYC.3690 | Research Statistics | 3 |
PSYC.3720 | Comparative Psychology: Animal Behavior | 3 |
PSYC.3750 | Research III: Laboratory | 3 |
PSYC.4690 | Research Laboratory | 3 |
PSYC.4710 | Seminar in Community Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.4720 | Seminar: Personality | 3 |
PSYC.4730 | Seminar in Social Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.4731 | Seminar in Social Psychology: Social (In)justice | 3 |
PSYC.4740 | Seminar in Developmental Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.4743 | Seminar in Developmental Psychology: The Role of Trauma in Child Development | 3 |
PSYC.4750 | Seminar in Clinical Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.4752 | Seminar in Clinical Psychology: Autism | 3 |
PSYC.4760 | Seminar: Experimental Psychology | |
PSYC.4770 | Seminar in Contemporary Trends | 3 |
PSYC.4771 | Seminar in Contemporary Trends: Addictions | 3 |
PSYC.4780 | Seminar in Cognitive Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.4781 | Seminar in Cognitive Psychology: Educational Applications | 3 |
PSYC.4800 | Integrative Fieldwork in Developmental Disabilities I | 3 |
PSYC.4810 | Integrative Fieldwork in Developmental Disabilities II | 3 |
PSYC.4820 | Dvptl Disabilities Fieldwork: Service Provision | 3 |
PSYC.4860 | Community Service Learning (1, 2, or 3 credits) | 3 |
PSYC.4880 | Research Service Learning | 3 |
PSYC.4910 | Directed Study: Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.4920 | Undergraduate Thesis in Psychology I | 3 |
PSYC.4960 | Practicum in Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.5CO-OP | Curricula Practical Training | 1 |
PSYC.5000 | Introduction to Community Social Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.5010 | Applied Developmental Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.5020 | Seminar in Community Social Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.5030 | Applied Social Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.5040 | The Family System | 3 |
PSYC.5090 | Psychological Approaches to Child Maltreatment | 3 |
PSYC.5110 | Principles of Helping | 3 |
PSYC.5120 | Applied Research Methods | 3 |
PSYC.5220 | Psychology of Diversity | 3 |
PSYC.5230 | Women in the Community | 3 |
PSYC.5260 | Workplace Diversity | 3 |
PSYC.5270 | Immigrant Psychology and Communities | 3 |
PSYC.5420 | Working with Groups | 3 |
PSYC.5450 | Community and Organizational Change | 3 |
PSYC.5460 | Grant Writing | 3 |
PSYC.5510 | Psychosocial Aspects of Maturity and Aging | 3 |
PSYC.5610 | Introduction to Behavioral Intervention in Autism | 3 |
PSYC.5611 | Introduction to Behavioral Intervention in Autism for 3rd | 3 |
PSYC.5620 | Teaching and Positive Behavioral Support in Autism | 3 |
PSYC.5621 | Teaching and Positive Behavioral Support in Autism for 3rd | 3 |
PSYC.5630 | Management Strategies in Applied Behavioral Intervention | 3 |
PSYC.5650 | Measurement and Experimental Design in Behavioral Intervention | 3 |
PSYC.5651 | Measurement and Experimental Design in Behavioral Intervention for 3rd | 3 |
PSYC.5660 | Functional Analysis and Treatment of Challenging Behavior | 3 |
PSYC.5661 | Functional Analysis and Treatment of Challenging Behavior for 3rd | 3 |
PSYC.5680 | Behavioral Intervention Program Models in Autism | 3 |
PSYC.5681 | Behavioral Intervention Program Models in Autism for 3rd | 3 |
PSYC.5720 | Legal and Ethical Issues in Professional Practice | 3 |
PSYC.5740 | Community and Social Interventions in Autism | 3 |
PSYC.5810 | Concepts and Principles of Behavior Analysis | 3 |
PSYC.5820 | Measurement and Experimental Design | 3 |
PSYC.5830 | Philosophical Underpinnings of Behavior Analysis | 3 |
PSYC.5840 | Behavioral Assessment | 3 |
PSYC.5850 | Professional and Ethical Issues in Behavior Analysis | 3 |
PSYC.5860 | Community Service Learning (1, 2, or 3 credits) | 3 |
PSYC.5870 | Behavior Change Procedures | 3 |
PSYC.5890 | Implementation and Supervision Practices in Behavior Analysis | 3 |
PSYC.5900 | Professional Seminar in Applied Behavior Analysis | 3 |
PSYC.6110 | Program Evaluation | 3 |
PSYC.6220 | Intimate Partner Violence | 3 |
PSYC.6250 | Advanced Community Dynamics: Lowell | 3 |
PSYC.6310 | Practicum I | 3 |
PSYC.6320 | Practicum II | 3 |
PSYC.6630 | Experimental Analysis of Behavior | 3 |
PSYC.6710 | Supervised Practicum Applied Behavior Analysis: I | 3 |
PSYC.6720 | Supervised Practicum Applied Behavior Analysis: II | 3 |
PSYC.6730 | Supervised Practicum in Behavioral Intervention in Autism: III | 3 |
PSYC.6910 | Directed Study in Community and Social Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.6920 | Directed Study in Autism (47.692) | 3 |
PSYC.6921 | Directed Study in Applied Behavior Analysis I | 3 |
PSYC.6940 | Mentored Research Experience | 6 |
PSYC.7330 | Master's Project in Community-Social Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.7410 | Graduate Research: Psychology | 1 |
PSYC.7430 | Master's Thesis in Community Social Psychology | 3 |
PSYC.7460 | Master's Thesis in Community Social Psychology | 6 |
PSYC.7630 | Dissertation | 9 |
PTEC.2030 | Plastics Material Science III -Thermosetting Resin | 3 |
PTEC.3310 | Injection Molding | 3 |
PTEC.4400 | Commercial Development of Plastics | 3 |
PTEC.4510 | Selected Topics I | 3 |
PTEC.4520 | Selected Topics II | 3 |
PTEC.4530 | Selected Topics III | 3 |
PTEC.4540 | Selected Topics IV | 3 |
PTEC.4550 | Selected Topics V | 3 |
PTEC.4560 | Selected Topics VI | 3 |
PTEC.4570 | Selected Topics VII | 3 |
PTEC.4580 | Selected Topics VIII | 3 |
PUBH.1021 | Introduction to Public Health | 3 |
PUBH.2010 | Community Health and Environment (formerly 30.201) | 3 |
PUBH.2030 | Technology in Public Health | 3 |
PUBH.2040 | Intro to Health Promotion | 3 |
PUBH.2060 | Research Methods in Public Health | 3 |
PUBH.3100 | Infectious Disease | 3 |
PUBH.4100 | Public Health Capstone | 6 |
PUBH.5CO-OP | Curricula Practical Training | 1 |
PUBH.5000 | Introduction: Work Environment | 3 |
PUBH.5010 | Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health | 3 |
PUBH.5020 | Organizational Behavior in Health Care | 3 |
PUBH.5021 | Public Health Policy | 3 |
PUBH.5030 | Toxicology and Health | 3 |
PUBH.5040 | Health Data Analysis | 3 |
PUBH.5050 | Qualitative Research Methods | 3 |
PUBH.5060 | Quantitative Methods in Health Management | 3 |
PUBH.5061 | Environmental Health | 3 |
PUBH.5070 | Leadership and Management in Public Health | 3 |
PUBH.5080 | Principles and Practices of Biological Safety | 3 |
PUBH.5100 | Fundamentals of Occupational Health | 2 |
PUBH.5110 | Health Care Finance | 3 |
PUBH.5120 | Operations Analysis for Quality Improvement | 3 |
PUBH.5130 | Assessment and Planning in Public Health | 3 |
PUBH.5140 | Healthcare Management | 3 |
PUBH.5141 | Aerosol Science | 3 |
PUBH.5150 | Applied Health Economics | 3 |
PUBH.5160 | Laboratory Environmental Health and Safety | 3 |
PUBH.5210 | Introduction to Industrial Hygiene | 2 |
PUBH.5230 | Introduction To Ergonomics | 2 |
PUBH.5250 | Introduction to Occupational & Environmental Hygiene & Ergonomics | 3 |
PUBH.5270 | Business Strategies for Health Organizations | 3 |
PUBH.5300 | Ergonomics and Work | 3 |
PUBH.5310 | Health Informatics | 3 |
PUBH.5311 | Occupation Biomechanics | 3 |
PUBH.5315 | Classification Systems and Reimbursement | 3 |
PUBH.5320 | Occupational Biomechanics Laboratory | 3 |
PUBH.5400 | Occupational Safety Engineering | 3 |
PUBH.5420 | Human Factors | 3 |
PUBH.5490 | Sustainable Housing Development and Land Use: Policy and Practice | 3 |
PUBH.5500 | Environmental Law | 3 |
PUBH.5510 | Work Environment Policy and Practice | 3 |
PUBH.5550 | Comparative Enviormental | 3 |
PUBH.5560 | Analyzing Peace Violence and War | 3 |
PUBH.5570 | Toxic Use Reduction | 3 |
PUBH.5590 | Conflict Resolution | 3 |
PUBH.5600 | Data Applications for Public Health Practice | 3 |
PUBH.5750 | Epidemiology and Biostatistics | 3 |
PUBH.5760 | Biostatistical Programming | 3 |
PUBH.5770 | Biostatistics for Health Data | 3 |
PUBH.5790 | Disability Outcomes and Interventions | 3 |
PUBH.6000 | Practicum/Capstone I | 3 |
PUBH.6010 | Practicum/Capstone II | 3 |
PUBH.6070 | Healthcare Information Systems | 3 |
PUBH.6090 | Work in Progress Seminar | 1 |
PUBH.6100 | Exposure Assessment | 3 |
PUBH.6110 | Physical Properties Of Aerosols | 3 |
PUBH.6120 | Exposure Data Analysis | 3 |
PUBH.6130 | Research Methods in PL and Environment | 3 |
PUBH.6131 | Design and Evaluation of Ventilation Systems | 3 |
PUBH.6140 | Evaluation of Work Environment Hazards | 3 |
PUBH.6150 | Solutions for Work Environment Hazards | 3 |
PUBH.6160 | Law and Ethics in Healthcare | 3 |
PUBH.6161 | Exposure and Risk Assessment | 3 |
PUBH.6180 | Risk Management and Training | 3 |
PUBH.6191 | Measurement of Chemical Exposure | 3 |
PUBH.6200 | Advanced Exposure Assesment | 3 |
PUBH.6220 | Biomarkers in Occupations and Environment | 3 |
PUBH.6240 | Health Data Quality and Compliance | 3 |
PUBH.6250 | Health Policy | 3 |
PUBH.6260 | Leadership in Healthcare | 3 |
PUBH.6270 | Health Equity and Informatics | 3 |
PUBH.6320 | Health Information System Design and Analysis | 3 |
PUBH.6321 | Advanced Biomechanics | 3 |
PUBH.6330 | Healthcare Database Design | 3 |
PUBH.6350 | Healthcare Project Management | 3 |
PUBH.6380 | Health Information Technology Strategic Planning (Health Information Technology) | 3 |
PUBH.6381 | Methods of Work Analysis | 3 |
PUBH.6390 | Electronic Health Record Systems | 3 |
PUBH.6430 | Health Work Organization Design | 3 |
PUBH.6510 | Work Environment Policy | 3 |
PUBH.6540 | Work, Technology and Training | 3 |
PUBH.6550 | Introduction to Environmental and Natural Resource Economics | 3 |
PUBH.6580 | Clean Product Design | 3 |
PUBH.6590 | Cleaner Production | 3 |
PUBH.6660 | MPH Practicum | 3 |
PUBH.6670 | Integrated Practical Learning | 3 |
PUBH.6710 | Comparative Health Systems | 3 |
PUBH.6780 | Occupational Respiratory Disease Epidemiology | 3 |
PUBH.6800 | Introduction To SAS | 1 |
PUBH.6820 | Applied Epidemiology Methods | 3 |
PUBH.6830 | Risk Assessment | 3 |
PUBH.6840 | Musculoskeletal Epidemiology | 3 |
PUBH.6850 | Applied Public Health Research and Practice | 3 |
PUBH.6860 | Program Development and Implementation | 3 |
PUBH.6870 | Quantitative Models for Public Health | 3 |
PUBH.6871 | Health Communication and Technology | 3 |
PUBH.6880 | Research Synthesis Environmental Health Policy | 3 |
PUBH.6890 | Advanced Regression Modeling | 3 |
PUBH.6900 | Critical Review Health Regulations | 3 |
PUBH.6910 | Advanced Program Evaluation | 3 |
PUBH.6950 | Chemical Process/Sustainability | 3 |
PUBH.7020 | Independent Study: Industrial Hygiene | 1 |
PUBH.7040 | Independent Study: Ergonomics | 1 |
PUBH.7080 | Independent Study: Epidemiology | 1 |
PUBH.7090 | Independent Studies: Occupational Epidemiology | 1.5 |
PUBH.7110 | Independent Study: Industrial Hygiene | 3 |
PUBH.7120 | Independent Study: Industrial Hygiene | 2 |
PUBH.7130 | Independent Study: Ergonomics | 3 |
PUBH.7150 | Independent Study: Work Environment Policy | 3 |
PUBH.7170 | Independent Study: Epidemiology | 3 |
PUBH.7190 | Independent Study: Clean Production | 3 |
PUBH.7210 | Selected Topics : Industrial Hygiene | 3 |
PUBH.7230 | Selected Topics: Ergonomics | 3 |
PUBH.7250 | Epidemiologic Theory | 1.5 |
PUBH.7270 | Selective Topics: Epidemiology | 3 |
PUBH.7280 | Sel Top: Work Env Policy | 3 |
PUBH.7290 | Selected Topics: Clean Production | 3 |
PUBH.7330 | Capstone Project | 3 |
PUBH.7331 | Graduate Project | 3 |
PUBH.7350 | Independent Study: Policy | 3 |
PUBH.7360 | Graduate Project - Work Environment | 6 |
PUBH.7370 | Independent Study: Epidemiology | 3 |
PUBH.7390 | Graduate Project - Work Environment | 9 |
PUBH.7430 | Master's Thesis Research | 3 |
PUBH.7590 | Doctoral Dissertation | 9 |
PUBH.7610 | 1 - Credit Continued Graduate Research | 1 |
PUBH.7630 | Continued Graduate Research | 3 |
PUBH.7700 | Directed Readings: Epidemiology Biostatistics | 3 |
PUBH.7760 | Curricular Practical Training (CPT) | 1 |
PUBH.9990 | Intercampus Graduate Researdh | 0 |
RADI.1010 | Radiation and Life | 3 |
RADI.1020L | Radiation and Life Laboratory | 1 |
RADI.1330 | Technical Physics III | 3 |
RADI.5060 | Nuclear Instrumentation | 4 |
RADI.5220 | Special Topics in Radiological Sciences | 3 |
RADI.5330 | External Dosimetry and Shieldng | 3 |
RADI.5340 | Internal Dosimetry and Bioassay | 3 |
RADI.5410 | Radiochemistry | 3 |
RADI.5620 | Radiation Biology | 3 |
RADI.5650 | Introduction to Radiation Therapy Physics | 3 |
RADI.5750 | Certification Preparation in Radiological Sciences | 3 |
RADI.5820 | Numerical Methods In Radiological Sciences | 3 |
RADI.6050 | Radiation Interactions and Transport | 3 |
RADI.6710L | Graduate Accelerator HP Internship | 3 |
RADI.6720 | Graduate Reactor HP Internship | 1 |
RADI.6730L | Graduate Reactor HP Internship | 3 |
RADI.6750L | Graduate Medical HP Internship | 3 |
RADI.6760L | Graduate Medical Physics Internship | 3 |
RADI.6770L | Graduate Medical Physics Internship | 3 |
RADI.6780L | Graduate HP Internship | 1 |
RADI.6790L | Graduate HP Internship | 3 |
RADI.6830L | Graduate HP Internship | 3 |
RADI.6850L | Advanced Medical HP Internship | 3 |
RADI.6860L | Advanced Medical Physics Internship | 9 |
RADI.6870L | Advanced Medical Physics Internship | 3 |
RADI.6890L | Advanced Graduate HP Internship | 1 |
RADI.6900L | Advanced Graduate HP Internship | 2 |
RADI.6910L | Advanced Graduate HP Internship | 2 |
RADI.6920L | Advanced Graduate HP Internship | 3 |
RADI.6930L | Advanced Graduate HP Internship | 3 |
RADI.7050 | Supervised Teaching in Radiological Sciences | 0 |
RADI.7110 | Graduate Seminar in Radiological Sciences | 1 |
RADI.7120 | Graduate Seminar in Radiological Sciences | 1 |
RADI.7310L | Advanced Project in Radiological Sciences I | 3 |
RADI.7320L | Advanced Project in Radiological Sciences II | 3 |
RADI.7330 | Graduate Project in Radiological Sciences and Protection | 3 |
RADI.7430 | Master's Thesis in Radiological Sciences and Protection | 3 |
RADI.7460 | Master's Thesis in Radiological Sciences and Protection | 3 |
RADI.7490 | Master's Thesis Research in Radiological Sciences | 9 |
RADI.7530L | Doctoral Dissertation in Radiological Sciences and Protection | 3 |
RADI.7560 | Doctoral Dissertation in Radiological Sciences and Protection | 3 |
RADI.7590L | Doctoral Dissertation in Radiological Sciences and Protection | 9 |
RADI.7690 | Continued Graduate Research | 9 |
SCIE.2100 | Professional Development Seminar | 1 |
SOCI.1010 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
SOCI.1020 | Social Anthropology | 3 |
SOCI.1110 | A Novel Approach to Sociology | 3 |
SOCI.1120 | Sociology Goes to the Movies | 3 |
SOCI.1150 | Social Problems | 3 |
SOCI.2010 | Foundations of Social Analysis | 3 |
SOCI.2110 | Sociology of American Education | 3 |
SOCI.2120 | Cultures of the World | 3 |
SOCI.2150 | Peacemaking Alternatives | 3 |
SOCI.2160 | Sociology of War and Peace | 3 |
SOCI.2170 | Social Movements | 3 |
SOCI.2200 | Self-Assessment and Career Development | 3 |
SOCI.2250 | Sociology of Disability | 3 |
SOCI.2310 | Sociology of Families | 3 |
SOCI.2340 | Race and Ethnicity | 3 |
SOCI.2360 | Sociological Approaches to the Environment | 3 |
SOCI.2400 | Sociology of Gender | 3 |
SOCI.2550 | Sociology of Deviance | 3 |
SOCI.2560 | Political Sociology | 3 |
SOCI.2700 | Self and Society | |
SOCI.2710 | Sociology of Work | 3 |
SOCI.2760 | Sociology of the Gun | 3 |
SOCI.2800 | Drugs and Society | 3 |
SOCI.3010 | Sociology of Human Rights | 3 |
SOCI.3030 | Sociology of American Education | 3 |
SOCI.3050 | Sociology of Family Law | 3 |
SOCI.3070 | Sociology of Immigration | 3 |
SOCI.3170 | Sociology of Genocide | 3 |
SOCI.3210 | Social Theory I | 3 |
SOCI.3350 | Sociology of Intimacies and Sexualities | 3 |
SOCI.3400 | Sociology of Sports | 3 |
SOCI.3410 | Wealth, Status and Power | 3 |
SOCI.3440 | Race, Gender and Film | 3 |
SOCI.3450 | Urban Sociology | 3 |
SOCI.3510 | The Sociology of Health and Health Care | 3 |
SOCI.3520 | Latinos/as in the United States | 3 |
SOCI.3550 | Black Experience in American Life | 3 |
SOCI.3570 | The Sociology of Religion | 3 |
SOCI.3610 | Sociology of Law | 3 |
SOCI.3710 | Sociology of Work | 3 |
SOCI.3740 | Race and Families | 3 |
SOCI.3800 | Sociology of Mass Media | 3 |
SOCI.3820 | Social Movements | 3 |
SOCI.4020 | Research I Quan. Methods | 3 |
SOCI.4845 | Civil Society and Social Change in Valencia, Spain | 6 |
SOCI.4910 | Directed Studies in Sociology | 3 |
SOCI.4920 | Directed Studies: Sociology | |
THEA.201 | Introduction to Theatre | 3 |
THEA.2010 | Introduction to Theatre | 3 |
UML.OFFCAM | Off Campus Study Abroad | 0 |
UMLO.ABROAD | Study Abroad Placeholder | 12 |
UMLO.LAUNCH | Master Classes and Seminars | 0 |
UMLO.READY | Get Riverhawk Ready | 0 |
UMLO.RHSA | RiverHawk Scholars Academy - RHSA | 0 |
UMLO.1500 | Career Exploration & Planning | 1 |
UMLO.1600 | Career Exploration: Job Shadowing | 1 |
UTCH.2010 | Knowing and Learning in Math and Science | 3 |
UTCH.4410 | Teaching Emergent Bilingual Students | 3 |
UTL.441 | Teaching English Learners-Secondary | 3 |
WLAN.2991 | Directed Studies World Languages Level 3 | 3 |
WLAR.1150 | Arabic 1 and Culture | 3 |
WLAR.1160 | Arabic 2 and Culture | 3 |
WLAR.2150 | Arabic 3 and Culture | 3 |
WLAR.2160 | Arabic 4 and Culture | 3 |
WLCH.1050 | Chinese 1 and Culture | 3 |
WLCH.1060 | Chinese 2 and Culture | 3 |
WLFR.1010 | French 1 and Culture | 3 |
WLFR.1020 | French 2 and Culture | 3 |
WLFR.2110 | French 3 and Culture | 3 |
WLFR.2120 | French 4 and Culture | 3 |
WLFR.3050 | World Ready Topic for French Track | 3 |
WLFR.3150 | Franco-American Culture | 3 |
WLFR.3200 | Contemporary French Civilization and Culture | 3 |
WLFR.3400 | Contemporary French Cinema | 3 |
WLFR.3760 | French Cinema & Society | 3 |
WLFR.3800 | Young and Restless in French Cinema | 3 |
WLFR.4960 | French Practicum Experience | 9 |
WLGE.1010 | German 1 and Culture | 3 |
WLGE.1020 | German 2 and Culture | 3 |
WLGE.2110 | German 3 and Culture | 3 |
WLGE.2120 | German 4 and Culture | 3 |
WLGE.4920 | Directed Study in German Composition | 3 |
WLIT.1020 | Italian 2 and Culture | 3 |
WLIT.2110 | Italian 3 and Culture | 3 |
WLIT.2120 | Italian 4 and Culture | 3 |
WLIT.3100 | Special Topics in Italian Studies | 3 |
WLIT.3250 | Italian American Literature and Culture | 3 |
WLIT.3780 | Italian Cinema and Culture | 3 |
WLIT.4960 | Italian Practicum Experience | 3 |
WLKH.3490 | Literature, Politics and Genocide in Cambodia | 3 |
WLPO.1130 | Portuguese 1 and Culture | 3 |
WLPO.3020 | Special Topics: in Portuguese Studies | 3 |
WLSP.1010 | Spanish 1 and Culture | 3 |
WLSP.1020 | Spanish 2 and Culture | 3 |
WLSP.1030 | Medical Spanish Studies | 3 |
WLSP.2110 | Spanish 3 and Culture | 3 |
WLSP.2120 | Spanish 4 and Culture | 3 |
WLSP.3010 | Introduction to Spanish Literature | 3 |
WLSP.3020 | Survey of Latin American Literature | 3 |
WLSP.3050 | World Ready Topic Spanish Track | 3 |
WLSP.3100 | Spanish Civilization and Culture | 3 |
WLSP.3110 | Contemporary Spanish Culture and Society | 3 |
WLSP.3130 | Fieldwork in the Spanish Community | 6 |
WLSP.3150 | Latin American Civilization and Culture | 3 |
WLSP.3200 | Special Topics in Spanish Studies | 3 |
WLSP.3300 | Spanish and Latin-American Women Writers | 3 |
WLSP.3330 | Advanced Spanish Grammar | 3 |
WLSP.3340 | Advanced Spanish composition | 3 |
WLSP.3470 | Advanced Spanish Conversation | 3 |
WLSP.3710 | Hispanic Literature & Film | 3 |
WLSP.3940 | Enhancing your Knowledge of Spanish | 3 |
WLSP.4010 | Spanish Selected Authors | 3 |
WLSP.4045 | Cervantes' Don Quijote in translation | 3 |
WLSP.4090 | Twentieth Century Spanish Literature | 3 |
WLSP.4100 | Realism and the Nineteenth Century Spanish Novel | 3 |
WLSP.4110 | Hispanic Short Fiction | 3 |
WLSP.4920 | Directed Study in Latin America | |
WLSP.4940 | Independent Study in Spanish | |
WLSP.4960 | Spanish Practicum Experience | 3 |
01.371 | Educational Psychology | 3 |
01.501 | Diversity in the Classroom | 3 |
01.502 | Child Development and Assessment | 3 |
01.503 | Child Development in a Diverse Society | 3 |
01.504 | Special Education: Inclusion Methods | 3 |
01.505 | Children with Disabilities in the Classroom | 3 |
01.510 | Culture, Linguistics and Diversity | 3 |
01.513 | Contemporary American Values | 3 |
01.514 | Differentiation of Instruction | 3 |
01.515 | Education and Urban School | 3 |
01.518 | Teaching Gifted Students | 3 |
01.520 | Teaching with Standards I | 3 |
01.521 | Teaching with Standards II | 3 |
01.523 | Curriculum Design and Assessment II | 3 |
01.524 | Systems Think Education | 3 |
01.525 | School To Work | 3 |
01.528 | Education Foundation For Health Promotion | 3 |
01.529 | School Health Issues | 3 |
01.530 | Child Health - Community | 3 |
01.547 | Evolution in Context for Teachers | 3 |
01.555 | Foundation/Theory Bilingual Education | 3 |
01.559 | Diversity and the Psychology of Human Development | 3 |
01.585 | Intensive Spanish Instruction | 3 |
01.601 | Measurement + Evaluation | 3 |
01.604 | Perspectives in Urban Education | 3 |
01.606 | Philosophy Of Education | 3 |
01.607 | The Adult Learner | 3 |
01.608 | Adolescent Psychology-Teaching | 3 |
01.609 | Self Perceptions In Education | 3 |
01.610 | Theories of Learning | 3 |
01.611 | Cognition and Instruction | 3 |
01.612 | Reasoning/Communication | 3 |
01.614 | Issues History and Philosophy of Education | 3 |
01.615 | Issues: Philosophy Of Education | 3 |
01.616 | Issues in Sociology Education | 3 |
01.617 | Contemporary Issues in Education | 3 |
01.619 | Moral/Ethical Issues Science | 3 |
01.620 | Thinking, Problem Solving, Creativity | 3 |
01.621 | Moral Character and Civic Education | 3 |
01.622 | Contempempory World Event/Culture | 3 |
01.623 | Inventiveness in Education | 3 |
01.624 | John Dewey on Education | 3 |
01.625 | Organization of Schools and School Systems | 3 |
01.626 | Law, Policy and Diversity Issues | 3 |
01.630 | Educating Diverse Populations | 3 |
01.631 | Cognition & Instruction | 3 |
01.632 | The Inclusive School | 3 |
01.635 | Culture Of The School | 3 |
01.636 | Sociocultural Contexts of Education | 3 |
01.637 | Reason & Communication Process | 3 |
01.641 | Work, Technology and Schooling | 3 |
01.642 | Sem:Technology and American Mat Culture | 3 |
01.643 | Work Technology and Schooling | 3 |
01.645 | Perspectives and Visions of Schooling I | 3 |
01.646 | Perspectives and Visions of Schooling II | 3 |
01.648 | International Comparative Education | 3 |
01.650 | Politics Of Literacy | 3 |
01.652 | Managing Change and Conflict | 3 |
01.691 | Contemporary Issues In Education | 3 |
01.701 | Cognitive and Information Processing Theories of Learning, Development and Instruction | 3 |
02.500 | Contemporary American Culture | 3 |
02.501 | First and Second Language Acquisition | 3 |
02.502 | Sociocultural Perspecties English as Second Language | 3 |
02.504 | Curriculum Design: English as Second Language | 3 |
02.505 | Language Arts English as Second Language | 3 |
02.506 | English Communication Skills | 3 |
02.507 | Academic Writing for English Language Learners | 3 |
02.508 | Second Language Testing | 3 |
02.509 | Bilingual Child with Special Needs | 3 |
02.510 | Content Area Appropriate to English as Second Language | 3 |
02.511 | Education Of Newcomers In America | 3 |
02.512 | Linguistics English as Second Language Teachers | 3 |
02.514 | Education Culture and Linguistic Diversity | 3 |
02.515 | Internship in English as a Second Language PreK-6 | 3 |
02.516 | Internship in English as a Second Language 5-12 | 3 |
02.517 | Community Organization and Parental Partnership | 3 |
02.518 | Resources Bilingual Education | 3 |
02.519 | Difference in Instruction Second Language | 3 |
02.520 | Teach Reading In English Bi-lingual | 3 |
02.521 | Design Of Curriculum English as Second Language | 3 |
02.522 | Teaching Reading In English: Bilingual | 3 |
02.524 | Assesment: Bilingual Student | 3 |
02.525 | Bilingual Field Work | 3 |
02.526 | English Literature For Teachers | 3 |
02.527 | Teach Physical Education (prekindergarten-9) | 3 |
02.530 | Teaching Reading Elementary School | 3 |
02.535 | Mathematics For Secondary Teachers | 3 |
02.541 | Methods of Early Childhood Education I: Math, Science and Technology | 3 |
02.543 | Classroom Management and Integrative Techniques | 3 |
02.544 | Analysis Of Teaching | 3 |
02.550 | Reading Education: Elementary | 3 |
02.551 | Elementary Math Methods | 3 |
02.552 | Social Studies and Science: Elementary | 3 |
02.553 | Language Arts and Childrens Literature | 3 |
02.554 | Analysis Of Teaching | 3 |
02.555 | Literature For Children | 3 |
02.556 | Reading and Reading Disabilities | 3 |
02.557 | Reading: Middle/Sec | 3 |
02.558 | Measurement and Evaluation | 3 |
02.560 | Curr Dev Middle-Secondary | 3 |
02.561 | Arts in Curriculum | 3 |
02.562 | Elementary Social Studies | 3 |
02.563 | Elementary Science Methods | 3 |
02.564 | History Of Amer Ed | 3 |
02.565 | Issues of Education: Minority | 3 |
02.566 | Early Field Seminar | 3 |
02.567 | Teachng Physical Education (9 - 12) | 6 |
02.570 | Curriculum and Teachng: Art | 3 |
02.571 | Curriculum and Teachng: Beh Science | 3 |
02.572 | Curriculum and Teaching: English | 3 |
02.573 | CurrIculum and Teaching History | 3 |
02.574 | The Teaching of Spanish | 3 |
02.575 | Curriculum and Teaching Math | 3 |
02.576 | Curriculum and Teaching Science | 3 |
02.577 | Curriculum and Teachng: Social Studies | 3 |
02.578 | Teaching Elementary Education and Seminar | 9 |
02.579 | Seminar: Elementary Education | 3 |
02.580 | Curriculum and Instruction: Interdiscp | 6 |
02.581 | Teaching Art 5 - 12 | 12 |
02.582 | Teaching Behavioral Science: Sec | 12 |
02.583 | Teaching English and Seminar | 9 |
02.584 | Teaching History and Seminar | 9 |
02.585 | Teachng Social Studies: Secondary | 9 |
02.586 | Tching French Sec | 12 |
02.587 | Teaching Spanish: Secondary | 12 |
02.588 | Tchng Math:secondary | 6 |
02.589 | Teaching Mathematics and Seminar | 9 |
02.590 | Teaching Biology and Seminar | 9 |
02.591 | Teaching Chemistry and Seminar | 9 |
02.592 | Teaching Earth Science and Seminar | 9 |
02.593 | Teaching Physics and Seminar | 9 |
02.594 | Teaching General Science and Seminar | 9 |
02.595 | Seminar: Art Education | 3 |
02.596 | Seminar: Middle/Secondary Education | 3 |
02.597 | Teaching Middle School | 9 |
02.598 | Teaching Early Childhood | 9 |
02.617 | Iss & Mand-bilingual Ed | 3 |
02.700 | Intro 2nd Lang Acquis | 3 |
02.701 | Issues Second Language Acquistion | 3 |
02.702 | Contemporary Issues - Language | 3 |
02.703 | Methods 2nd Language Inst | 3 |
02.704 | Current Mat Dev Adpt ESL | 3 |
02.705 | Field Wk/internship | 3 |
02.706 | Approach To Lang Testing | 3 |
02.707 | Biling Child W/spch Nds | 3 |
02.708 | Second Lang Testing | 3 |
02.709 | Bilingual Child: Special Needs | 3 |
02.715 | Internship English as a Second Language | 3 |
02.729 | Dir St: Leadership | 3 |
02.750 | Culture of Carribean Southeast Asia | 3 |
02.751 | Comm Org & Parental Part | 3 |
02.752 | Res & Tech-bilungual Ed | 3 |
02.753 | Meth Content/lang Acq | 3 |
02.754 | Tchng Reading: Bilingual | 3 |
02.755 | Desc And Imat: Bilingual | 3 |
02.756 | Tchng Rdg In Eng To Bil | 3 |
02.757 | Asmt/diag Abil Bil Std | 3 |
02.761 | SI Teach Lang + Cult | 3 |
02.765 | Fieldwork/intership | 3 |
03.510 | Computer /Multi-media in Class | 3 |
03.511 | Macintosh - English as Second Language Teachers | 3 |
03.512 | Technology for English as Second Language Teachers | 3 |
03.513 | Teaching Content with Technology | 3 |
03.520 | Information Source Ed/rel Disc | 3 |
03.597 | Microcomputer/Classroom | 3 |
03.601 | Logo: Applications Curriculum | 3 |
03.602 | Software Application Classroom II | 3 |
03.612 | Computer in Classroom | 3 |
03.613 | Computer Application II | 3 |
03.616 | Educational Technology Foundations | 3 |
03.620 | Models of Integration of Techology in the Curriculum | 3 |
03.621 | Techology and Construction Learning | 3 |
03.623 | Commercial Television Instruction | 3 |
03.636 | Reading Institute | 3 |
03.640 | Management/Training ITV Dir | 3 |
03.650 | Technology, Schools and Society | 3 |
03.651 | Technology and Learning Environment | 3 |
03.652 | Technology: Schools Of Future | 3 |
03.654 | Exploring the Internet | 3 |
03.655 | Research and Publication, Network Environment | 3 |
03.656 | Multimedia Application in Education | 3 |
03.659 | Teaching In The Media Age | 3 |
03.660 | Television as Tool of Instruction | 3 |
03.661 | Curriculum Development: Technology | 3 |
03.666 | Issues: Distance and Distribution Education | 3 |
03.667 | Open and Flexible Learning | 3 |
03.680 | Research: Education Technology | 3 |
03.685 | Evaluation Of Technical Curriculum | 3 |
03.690 | Evaluation Of Technical Curriculum | 3 |
03.691 | Policy Issues Related to Technology | 3 |
03.729 | Directed St:udy: Techology and Learning English | 3 |
04.501 | Inproving Elementary Mathematics | 1 |
04.502 | Improving Elementary Science | 1 |
04.503 | Improving Elementary Mathematics and Science | 1 |
04.504 | Using Arts: Inclusion | 3 |
04.505 | Intergrating The Arts | 1 |
04.506 | Chrildren's Literature | 3 |
04.507 | Epidemics In History | 3 |
04.508 | Political Leadership | 3 |
04.509 | Science and Modern World | 3 |
04.510 | Ancient History for Teachers | 3 |
04.511 | Teaching Lowell History | 3 |
04.512 | History for Teachers | 3 |
04.513 | Teaching U.S. History: The Colonial Era | 3 |
04.514 | Accommodation and Differentiated Instruction | 3 |
04.520 | Standard Based Education I | 3 |
04.521 | Standards Based Education II | 3 |
04.522 | Curriculum Design Assess | 3 |
04.524 | Academic Language Development | 3 |
04.525 | Science for Science Teachers 7-12 | 3 |
04.529 | Science For Elementary School | 3 |
04.530 | Assessment In Science | |