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Course Archive: Courses

Total records found: 8427
CRS#Course NameCredits
ACCT.2010Accounting/Financial 3
ACCT.2020Accounting/Managerial 3
ACCT.2030Fundamentals of Accounting3
ACCT.301Intermediate Accounting I3
ACCT.3010Intermediate Accounting I 3
ACCT.302Intermediate Accounting II3
ACCT.3020Intermediate Accounting II 3
ACCT.303Accounting Information Systems3
ACCT.3030Accounting Information Systems 3
ACCT.3099Accounting Boot Camp1
ACCT.3100Corporate Financial Reporting I3
ACCT.3100LCorporate Financial Reporting I Lab1
ACCT.3200Corporate Financial Reporting II3
ACCT.3200LCorporate Financial Reporting II Lab1
ACCT.321Cost Accounting3
ACCT.3210Cost Accounting 3
ACCT.3300Corporate Financial Reporting III3
ACCT.331Cost Management Systems3
ACCT.401Advanced Financial Accounting I3
ACCT.4010Advanced Financial Accounting I 3
ACCT.4210Auditing 3
ACCT.431Federal Income Taxes3
ACCT.4310Federal Income Taxes 3
ACCT.432Advanced Federal Income Taxation3
ACCT.441Accounting for Not-for-Profit Institutions3
ACCT.4790Accounting Internship 3
ACCT.4800Special Topics in Accounting3
ACCT.4991Independent Studies 1
ACCT.501Financial Accounting2
ACCT.5010Financial Accounting 2
ACCT.502Managerial Accounting2
ACCT.504Advanced Managerial Accounting1
ACCT.601Accounting Information for Management Decisions3
ACCT.6010Accounting Information for Management Decisions 3
ACCT.602Advanced Management and Sustainability Accounting3
ACCT.6020Advanced Management and Sustainability Accounting 3
ACCT.605Government and Non-Profit Accounting3
ACCT.6050Government and Non-Profit Accounting 3
ACCT.612Advanced Cost Management3
ACCT.6120Advanced Cost Management 3
ACCT.621Tax Factors in Business Decisions3
ACCT.6210Tax Factors in Business Decisions3
ACCT.622Globalization and Accounting3
ACCT.6220Globalization and Accounting 3
ACCT.623Contemporary Accounting Issues3
ACCT.6230Contemporary Accounting Issues 3
ACCT.630Taxation of Business Entities3
ACCT.6300Taxation of Business Entities 3
ACCT.631Federal Income Taxes3
ACCT.640Financial Accounting Theory and Research3
ACCT.6400Financial Accounting Theory and Research 3
ACCT.645Fraud Exam & Forensic Accounting3
ACCT.6450Fraud Examination and Forensic Accounting 3
ACCT.655Advanced Auditing3
ACCT.6550Advanced Auditing and Audit Analytics 3
ACCT.660Business and Society3
ACCT.6600Accounting Data Analytics3
ACCT.667Independent Studies3
ACCT.670International Law3
ACCT.677Directed Study: Accounting3
ACCT.6770Directed Study: Accounting3
ACCT.6880Special Topics in Accounting3
ACCT.690Cost Accounting3
ACCT.699Accounting Internship3
ACCT.6990Accounting Internship3
ACCT.700Independent Study:  Accounting3
ACCT.701Advanced Accounting3
ACCT.707Intermediate Accounting I3
ACCT.708Intermediate Accounting II3
ACCT.709Advanced Accounting I3
ACCT.711Theory Of Financial Rp3
ACCT.720Fraud Examination3
ACCT.7200Fraud Examination3
ACCT.730Federal Taxation3
ACCT.752Accounting Information System3
ACCT.790Special Topic:  Accounting3
ACCT.7960Doctoral Dissertation 9
ACCT.799Independent Study: Accounting3
ACCT.801Accounting For Engineering Managers2
ACCT.802Accounting For Health Care Professionals4
ACCT.803Business Law For Engineering Mangement2
AERO.1010Foundations of the United States Air Force-Part I 1
AEST.2410Art Serving Political, Religious, & Social Needs 3
AEST.3420The Language and History of Animation3
AEST.3520Contemporary Art and Culture3
AEST.3600Aesthetics and Critical Studies of Graphic Design 3
AMST.2480Perspectives American Culture 3
AMST.2740Literature of Beat Movement 3
AMST.4910Directed Studies in American Studies
AMST.4960Practicum Experience in American Studies 3
AMST.4970Practicum in American Studies
ARCH.2090Special Topics in Architectural Studies3
ARCH.3140American Architecture (Formerly ARHI.3140)3
ARCH.3150Modern Architecture (Formerly ARHI.3150)3
ARHI.1010Art Appreciation 3
ARHI.1050Comparative Arts 3
ARHI.2030History of Art I: Prehistoric to Medieval Art 3
ARHI.2040History of Art II: Renaissance to Modern Art 3
ARHI.2110Nineteenth Century Art3
ARHI.2210Twentieth Century Art 3
ARHI.2310Greek and Roman Art3
ARHI.3000Art History, Music and Culture 3
ARHI.3020Studies In World Art 3
ARHI.3130American Art 3
ARHI.3140American Architecture 3
ARHI.3151Islamic Art and Contemporary Society 3
ARHI.3210Italian Renaissance Art 3
ARHI.3230Northern Renaissance Art3
ARHI.3250Studies in Latin American Art 3
ARHI.3300Italian Mannerism3
ARHI.3310Asian Art3
ARHI.3320Baroque Art in Italy3
ARHI.3350The Golden Age of Spanish Art3
ARHI.3360Arts of Sub-Saharan Africa3
ARHI.3400Women and Art3
ARHI.3450Pre-Raphaelite Art3
ARHI.3470French Impressionism and Post-Impressionism3
ARHI.3500Post Modernism (Contemporary Art)3
ARHI.3520Contemporary Art and Culture 3
ARHI.3600Museum Issues3
ARHI.3700Art History and Film3
ARHI.4900Art History Seminar 3
ARHI.4940Directed Study in Art History3
ARHI.4950Advanced Tutorial in Art History3
ARHI.4960Practicum Experience in Art History 3
ARTS.1010Art Concepts I 3
ARTS.1150Drawing for Non-Art Majors3
ARTS.1160Graphic Design for Non-Majors3
ARTS.1170An Introduction to the Language of Painting3
ARTS.1550Drawing I 3
ARTS.1610Introduction to Photography 3
ARTS.2100Graphic Design I3
ARTS.2200Website Design I 3
ARTS.2210Practicum/Internship 3
ARTS.2300Typography I3
ARTS.2320Ceramics I 3
ARTS.2400Fundamentals of Typography3
ARTS.2450Desktop Publishing: Layout and Production3
ARTS.2610Photography I 3
ARTS.2620Digital Imaging and Photography: Photoshop3
ARTS.2640Computer Graphics & Illustration3
ARTS.2650Computer Art I3
ARTS.2690Color 3
ARTS.2710Painting I 3
ARTS.2950Studio Workshop Abroad 3
ARTS.2951BioArt Workshop in Portugal3
ARTS.2970Studio Workshop 3
ARTS.3100Graphic Design II3
ARTS.3200Web Design II3
ARTS.3300Typography II3
ARTS.3610Photography II3
ARTS.3620Advanced Digital Imaging3
ARTS.37603D Computer Animation3
ARTS.3770Advanced Animation: After Effects®3
ARTS.3800Special Topics in Art & Design3
ARTS.3810Advanced Game Design3
ARTS.3850Streaming Media for the Web3
ARTS.4000Portfolio Production Seminar3
ARTS.4100Graphic Design III 3
ARTS.4310Publication Design3
ARTS.4600The Entrepreneurial Hustle for Creatives3
ARTS.4910Advanced Studio 3
ARTS.4940Directed Study 3
ATMO.1410Weather and Climate 3
ATMO.1430LWeather and Climate Laboratory 1
ATMO.4500Satellite and Radar Meteorology 3
ATMO.5010Boundary Layer Meteorology3
ATMO.5020Advanced Synoptic Meteorology3
ATMO.5030Remote Sensing3
ATMO.5080The Climate System3
ATMO.5130Physical Meteorology3
ATMO.5150Atmospheric Structure and Dynamics3
ATMO.5180Forecasting and Synoptic Techniques I3
ATMO.5230Air Pollution Control3
ATMO.5500Satellite and Rad Meteorology3
ATMO.5710Air Pollution Phenomenology3
ATMO.5810Meteorology for Science Teachers3
ATMO.5910Directed Study in Bl Meteorology3
ATMO.6410Special Topics in Meteorology3
ATMO.6420Special Topics in Meteorology3
ATMO.7010Graduate Research Seminar1
ATMO.7310Master's Research1
ATMO.7330Master's Research in Atmospheric Sciences3
ATMO.7430Master's Thesis in Atmospheric Sciences3
ATMO.7530Doctoral Dissertation in Atmospheric Sciences3
ATMO.7600Continuing Graduate Research (PhD)1
ATMO.7630PhD Research in Atmospheric Sciences2
ATMO.7650Doctoral Dissertation5
ATMO.7680Doctoral Dissertation8
AV0025000Internetworking Fundamentals3
AV0025110Accelerated Router Configuration3
AV0030120LAN Protocol Implementation3
AV0030131WAN Protocols3
AV0030160Advanced IP Routing3
BIOL.1CO-OPCurricula Practical Training1
BIOL.1110Principles of Biology I 3
BIOL.1120Principles of Biology II 3
BIOL.1130Introduction Experimental Biology I 1
BIOL.1140Introduction to Experimental Biology II 1
BIOL.1170LPrinciples of Biology I Laboratory 1
BIOL.1180LPrinciples of Biology II Laboratory 1
BIOL.2100Biology for Engineers 3
BIOL.2120LBiology for Engineers Laboratory 1
BIOL.2200Principles of Cellular Biology 3
BIOL.2330LExperimental Methods in Biology 2
BIOL.2350Genetics 4
BIOL.2370Problems in Genetics 1
BIOL.2400Evolution, Ecology and Conservation 3
BIOL.2420Problems in Evolution, Ecology and Conservation 1
BIOL.2460Disease Ecology and Evolution3
BIOL.3060Invertebrate Zoology 3
BIOL.3150Principles of Ecology 3
BIOL.3170LPrinciples of Ecology Laboratory 2
BIOL.3220LBotany Laboratory1
BIOL.3420Comp Vertebrate Anatomy 3
BIOL.3440LComparative Vertebrate Anatomy Laboratory2
BIOL.4110LSenior Research Biology
BIOL.4190Biochemistry 3
BIOL.4210LBiochemistry Techniques 2
BIOL.4230Biology of Global Change3
BIOL.4365LField Techniques in Ecology5
BIOL.4570Advanced Invertebrate Zoology3
BIOL.4760Cell Culture 4
BIOL.4960Practicum Experience3
BIOL.4970Directed Study: Biological Science
BIOL.4980Directed Study: Biology 2
BIOL.4991Directed Study: Biology
BIOL.5000Professional Experience3
BIOL.5080Cell Biology for Teachers 3
BIOL.5170Vertebrate Animals in Biological Research 3
BIOL.5190Biochemistry I 3
BIOL.5200Biochemistry II3
BIOL.5210LBiochemistry Techniques 2
BIOL.5230Biology of Global Change3
BIOL.5365LField Techniques in Ecology5
BIOL.5400Advances in Plant Biology3
BIOL.5410Topics in Cell Biology3
BIOL.5420Cell Biology3
BIOL.5450Isolation and Purification3
BIOL.5470Evolution in Context for Teachers 3
BIOL.5520Quantitative Physiology3
BIOL.5570Metazoan Parasitology3
BIOL.5590LMetazoan Parasitology Laboratory1
BIOL.5600Stem Cell Biology3
BIOL.5630LCardiovascular Physiology Lab4
BIOL.5670Molecular Biology3
BIOL.5690LMolecular Techniques2
BIOL.5760Cell Culture 4
BIOL.5800Developmental Biology3
BIOL.5820Cancer Biology3
BIOL.6010Graduate Seminar Biology3
BIOL.6040Professional Communication in Science and Technology 3
BIOL.7070Internship Biology
BIOL.7210Special Problems In Biology1
BIOL.7310LM.S. Project in Biology1
BIOL.7430Master's Thesis - Biology3
BIOL.7530PhD Dissertation Biochemistry3
BIOL.7690Continued Graduate  Research9
BMBT.5000Introduction to Biomedical Engineering & Biotechnology 3
BMBT.5120Medical Image Processing3
BMBT.5130Biomedical Analytics & Informatics
BMBT.5160Basic Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 3
BMBT.5170Embedded System Design in Medical Systems3
BMBT.7590Dissertation Research
BMBT.7700CPT - Co-op Training 1
BMEN.1200BME Application Programming3
BMEN.2205LBioinstrumentation Lab2
BMEN.3020Biomedical Engineering II3
BMEN.3025LBiomedical Engineering Lab II1
BMEN.4910Biomedical Capstone I3
BMEN.4920Biomedical Capstone II3
BMEN.4991Directed Study: BME3
BMEN.5020Fundamentals of Biomaterials3
BMEN.5030Medical Device Development3
BMEN.5035Advanced Medical Device Development3
BMEN.5110Tissue Engineering3
BMEN.5115Advanced Tissue Engineering3
BMEN.5130Neural Engineering3
BMEN.5300Ergonomics and Work 3
BMEN.5315Biomechanics II3
BMEN.5325Biofluid Mechanics3
BMEN.5350Respiratory Dynamics and Devices3
BMEN.5380Computational Biomechanics3
BMEN.5390Computer Aided Design for Biomedical Engineering3
BMEN.5410Biomedical Optics3
BMEN.5610Drug Delivery3
BMEN.5810Data Analytics & Biostatistics for BME3
BOST.619MSISSystems Analysis and Design3
BOST.671CHEMIntroduction to Green Chemisty4
BUSI.101Principles of Banking3
BUSI.104Analyzing Financial Statements3
BUSI.105Consumer Lending3
BUSI.106Real Estate Finance3
BUSI.107Bank Investments3
BUSI.109Marketing for Bankers3
BUSI.110Bank Products: Savings Accounts to Securities3
BUSI.114Branch Banking Series (formerly Retail Banking)3
BUSI.116Commercial Bank Management3
BUSI.117Law and Banking: Principles3
BUSI.118Law and Banking: Applications3
BUSI.119Commercial Lending3
BUSI.120Residential Mortgage Lending3
BUSI.127Financial Planning3
BUSI.130Commercial Loan Documentation and Calling Skills3
BUSI.1500Business 101 3
BUSI.226Sales Management3
BUSI.231Business Finance3
BUSI.232Money and Banking3
BUSI.234Investment Management3
BUSI.251Personnel Management3
BUSI.253Introduction to Management and Organizational Behavior3
BUSI.271Operations Management3
BUSI.275Total Quality Management3
BUSI.276Entrepreneurial Management of New and Small Enterprises3
BUSI.277Leadership in Management3
BUSI.281Purchasing Principles3
BUSI.282Negotiations in Purchasing3
BUSI.3CECooperative Education Work Experience I 0
BUSI.3800Business Ethics 3
BUSI.4ACECooperative Education Experience0
BUSI.4CECooperative Education Work Experience II (USE COOP-4CE)0
BUSI.4800Current Topics in Business3
BUSI.4890Internship in Business Administration3
CHEM.1010Applied Chemistry for Non-Scientists 3
CHEM.1020Forensic Science for the Non-Scientist 3
CHEM.1030Chemistry of Mind-Altering Drugs for Non-Scientists3
CHEM.1040Consumer Science 4-1-1: An Essential Guide3
CHEM.1110Survey of Chemistry I: General Chemistry 3
CHEM.1120General Chemistry II 3
CHEM.1130LSurvey of Chemistry Lab I: General Chemistry 1
CHEM.1140LGeneral Chemistry Laboratory II 1
CHEM.1150Principles of Chemistry 3
CHEM.1210Chemistry I 3
CHEM.1220Chemistry II 3
CHEM.1230LChemistry I Laboratory 1
CHEM.1240LChemistry II Laboratory 1
CHEM.1350Honors Chemistry I 3
CHEM.2050LPrinciples Of Organic Chemistry Laboratory 1
CHEM.2210Organic Chemistry I 3
CHEM.2220Organic Chemistry IIA 3
CHEM.2230Organic Chemistry IIB 3
CHEM.2290LOrganic Chemistry Laboratory IB 1
CHEM.2300LOrganic Chemistry Lab IIB 1
CHEM.3130Analytical Chemistry I 3
CHEM.3140Analytical Chemistry II 3
CHEM.3150LAnalytical Chemistry Laboratory I 2
CHEM.3160LAnalytical Chemistry Laboratory II2
CHEM.3390Physical Chemistry2
CHEM.3440Physical Chemistry I 3
CHEM.3450Physical Chemistry II 3
CHEM.3470LPhysical Chemistry Laboratory II 1
CHEM.4500Introduction To Biochemistry 3
CHEM.4850Advanced Organic Chemistry3
CHEM.5130Spectroscopy 3
CHEM.5140Advanced Analytical Chemistry 3
CHEM.5160Advanced Techniques3
CHEM.5230Organic Reaction Mechanisms3
CHEM.5240Organic Synthesis3
CHEM.5320Advanced Physical Chemistry3
CHEM.5380Biochemical Mechanisms3
CHEM.5430Modern Inorganic Chemistry3
CHEM.5500Biochemistry I 3
CHEM.5510Biochemistry II3
CHEM.5600Advanced Physical Biochemistry3
CHEM.5630Chemistry Of Natural Products3
CHEM.5680Structural Analysis3
CHEM.5700Protein Chemistry3
CHEM.5800Bioanalytical Chemistry 3
CHEM.5850Advanced Organic Chemistry3
CHEM.6010Chemistry Seminar2
CHEM.6020Chemistry Seminar2
CHEM.6030Chemistry Colloquium1
CHEM.6040Chemistry Colloquium1
CHEM.6310Principles of Medicinal Chemistry l 3
CHEM.6410Co-Op Internship 1
CHEM.6510Selected Topics:  Chemistry3
CHEM.6520Selected Topics: Chemistry3
CHEM.6530Chemical Oceanography3
CHEM.6720Surface and Colloid Chemistry3
CHEM.7050Supervised Teaching Ch & Ps0
CHEM.7310Graduate Project in Chemistry
CHEM.7330LGraduate Project - Chemistry3
CHEM.7410Master's Thesis - Chemistry 1
CHEM.7430Master's Thesis - Chemistry3
CHEM.7460Master's Thesis - Chemistry6
CHEM.7490Master's Thesis - Chemistry9
CHEM.7530Doctoral Dissertation/Chemistry3
CHEM.7560Doctoral Dissertation/Chemistry6
CHEM.7590Doctoral Dissertation /Chemistry9
CHEM.7630Continued Graduate Research3
CHEM.7690Continued Graduate Research9
CHEN.2010Basic Principles of Chemical Engineering 3
CHEN.2020Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 3
CHEN.3030Fluid Mechanics 3
CHEN.3040Heat Transfer and Unit Operations 3
CHEN.3060Transport Phenomena 3
CHEN.3100Separation Processes 3
CHEN.3110Phase and Chemical Reaction Equilibria 3
CHEN.3170Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering 3
CHEN.3470Elements of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer3
CHEN.4030Chemical Reaction Engineering 3
CHEN.4130Process Dynamics & Control 3
CHEN.4910Industrial Experience I 12
CHEN.5010Paper Industry Processes3
CHEN.5020Principles of Chemical Engineering3
CHEN.5060Colloidal, Interfacial and Nanomaterials Science and Engineering3
CHEN.5080Material Science and Engineering 3
CHEN.5100Advanced Separation Processes3
CHEN.5180Microprocessor Control3
CHEN.5200Advanced Thermodynamics 3
CHEN.5220Chemical Process Design3
CHEN.5230Nanodevices and Electronics Materials Processing 3
CHEN.5240Self Assembly and Nanotechnology3
CHEN.5250Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering3
CHEN.5260Advanced Kinetics and Reactor Design 3
CHEN.5280Advanced Transport Phenomena 3
CHEN.5290Recent Advances in Nanotechnology and Green Chemistry 3
CHEN.5300Advanced Control Strategies 3
CHEN.5320Principles of Chemical Engineering II3
CHEN.5330Macromolecular Colloidal Science and Engineering3
CHEN.5350Cell and Microbe Cultivation3
CHEN.5370Nanomaterials Characterization I 3
CHEN.5380Advanced Separations in Biotechnology3
CHEN.5390Mathematical Methods for Engineers 3
CHEN.5400Adhesion and Adhesives3
CHEN.5410Nanomaterials Characterization II3
CHEN.5420Metabolic Engineering3
CHEN.5440Formulation of Biotherapeutics3
CHEN.5450Isolation and Purification 3
CHEN.5480Engineering Process Analytics 3
CHEN.5520Directed Study: Chemical Engineering3
CHEN.5550Biopharmaceutical Regulatory Compliance3
CHEN.5860Biotechnology Processing Projects Laboratory3
CHEN.5930Cooperative Education0
CHEN.6020Graduate Seminar1
CHEN.7CPTCurricular Practical Training for Engineering Doctoral Candidates1
CHEN.7200Special Projects in Chemical Engineering3
CHEN.7330Graduate Project - Chemical Engineering3
CHEN.7360Graduate Project - Chemical Engineering6
CHEN.7410Thesis Review
CHEN.7430Master's Thesis - Chemical Engineering3
CHEN.7460Master's Thesis - Chemical Engineering6
CHEN.7530Doctoral Dissertation/Chemical Engineering3
CHEN.7560Doctoral Dissertation/Chemical Engineering6
CHEN.7590Doctoral Dissertation/Chemical Engineering9
CIVE.2250Surveying I 3
CIVE.2860Probability and Statistics for Engineers3
CIVE.3300Soil Mechanics 3
CIVE.3330Geotechnical Laboratory 1
CIVE.3400Transportation Engineering 3
CIVE.3500Structural Analysis I 3
CIVE.3520Reinforced Concrete 3
CIVE.3720Civil Engineering Systems 3
CIVE.4310Foundation and Soil Engineering 3
CIVE.4600Water Resources Engineering 3
CIVE.4660Introduction to LEED3
CIVE.4700Engineering Economics 3
CIVE.4750Construction Management I 3
CIVE.4800Special Topics in Civil Engineering
CIVE.5CO-OPCurricula Practical Training 1
CIVE.5030Computer Based Analysis of Structures 3
CIVE.5040Advanced Strength Of Material 3
CIVE.5050Construction Safety3
CIVE.5110Inspection and Monitoring of Civil Infrastructure 3
CIVE.5120Structural Stability 3
CIVE.5150Cementitious Materials for Sustainable Concrete3
CIVE.5210Reliability Analysis 3
CIVE.5270Geotechnical and Environmental Site Characterization 3
CIVE.5280Drilled Deep Foundations3
CIVE.5290Engineering with Geosynthetics3
CIVE.5300Driven Deep Foundations 3
CIVE.5310Advanced Soil Mechanics 3
CIVE.5320Theoretical & Numerical Methods in Soil Mechanics 3
CIVE.5330Advanced Foundation Engineering 3
CIVE.5340Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering3
CIVE.5360Soil Engineering3
CIVE.5370Experimental Soil Mechanics 3
CIVE.5380Soil Behavior3
CIVE.5390Ground Improvement 3
CIVE.5400Urban Transportation Planning 3
CIVE.5405Advanced Highway Geometric Design3
CIVE.5410Traffic Engineering3
CIVE.5415Hazardous Materials Transportation3
CIVE.5420Transportation Network Analysis3
CIVE.5430Traffic Principles for Intelligent Transportation Systems3
CIVE.5440Transportation Economics and Project Evaluation 3
CIVE.5450Public Transit Plan and Design 3
CIVE.5460Pavement Design3
CIVE.5470Airport Planning and Design 3
CIVE.5480Traffic Management and Control3
CIVE.5490Traffic Flow and Emerging Transportation Technologies 3
CIVE.5500Behavior of Structures 3
CIVE.5510Advanced Steel Design3
CIVE.5520Design of Concrete Structures 3
CIVE.5530Wood Structures3
CIVE.5560Finite Element Analysis 3
CIVE.5570Structural Dynamics 3
CIVE.5580Bridge Design3
CIVE.5590Design of Masonry Structures3
CIVE.5610Physical Chemical Treatment Processes 3
CIVE.5620Physical and Chemical Hydrology Geology 3
CIVE.5640Hydrology & Hydraulics3
CIVE.5670Environmental Aquatic Chemistry 3
CIVE.5680Environmental Fate and Transport3
CIVE.5700Wastewater Treatment and Storm Water Management Systems3
CIVE.5710Surface Water Quality  Modeling3
CIVE.5720Marine and Coastal Processes3
CIVE.5730Solid Waste Engineering 3
CIVE.5750Groundwater Modeling 3
CIVE.5760GIS Applications in Civil and Environmental Engineering 3
CIVE.5780Biological Wastewater Treatment3
CIVE.5800Construction Law3
CIVE.5810Engineering Systems Analysis 3
CIVE.5850Transportation Safety3
CIVE.5950Hazardous Waste Site Remediation 3
CIVE.5960Grad Industrial Exposure0
CIVE.6510Special Topics in Civil Engineering 3
CIVE.6930Civil Engineering Individual Project3
CIVE.7050Supervised Teaching in Civil Engineering0
CIVE.7330Masters Project in Civil Engineering3
CIVE.7360Masters Project in Civil Engineering6
CIVE.7410Master's Thesis-Civil Enginnering1
CIVE.7430Master's Thesis - Civil Engineering3
CIVE.7460Master's Thesis - Civil Engineering6
CIVE.7490Master's Thesis - Civil Engineering9
CIVE.7510Doctoral Dissertation
CIVE.7520Independent Study in Civil Engineering3
CIVE.7530Doctoral Dissertation3
CIVE.7560Doctoral Dissertation/Civil Engineering6
CIVE.7570Doctoral Dissertation7
CIVE.7590Doctoral Dissertation9
CIVE.7630Continued Graduate Research3
CIVE.7660Continued Graduate Research6
CIVE.7690Continued Graduate Research9
COMP.1000Media Computing1
COMP.1010Computing I 3
COMP.1020Computing II 3
COMP.1030LComputing I Lab 1
COMP.1040LComputing II Lab 1
COMP.1130Exploring the Internet 3
COMP.2010Computing III 3
COMP.2010LComputing III Lab1
COMP.2010RComputing III Lab1
COMP.2030Assembly Language Programming 3
COMP.2030LAssembly Language Programming Lab1
COMP.2030RAssembly Language Programming Lab1
COMP.2040Computing IV 3
COMP.3010Organization of Programming Languages 3
COMP.3040Foundations of Computer Science 3
COMP.3050Computer Architecture 3
COMP.3080Operating Systems 3
COMP.4010Software Project I 3
COMP.4020Software Project II 3
COMP.4040Analysis of Algorithms 3
COMP.4060Compiler Construction3
COMP.4200Artificial Intelligence3
COMP.4270Computer Graphics I3
COMP.4610Graphical User Interface Programming I 3
COMP.4620Graphical User Interface Programming II 3
COMP.4800Honors Project I 3
COMP.4810Honors Project II 3
COMP.4900Directed Studies in Computer Science 4
COMP.4930Cooperative Education in Computer Science 1
COMP.5000Fundamental of Computer Science3
COMP.5020Foundations of Computer Science3
COMP.5030Algorithms 3
COMP.5040Advance Algorithms: Computational Geometry3
COMP.5080Analysis Of Algorithms3
COMP.5100Topics: Computer Science Fundamentals3
COMP.5130Internet And Web Systems I3
COMP.5140Internet & Web Systems II3
COMP.5150Operating Systems I3
COMP.5160Operating Systems II3
COMP.5200Digital Storage Architectures3
COMP.5220Object Oriented Analysis3
COMP.5270Human Computer Interaction3
COMP.5280Evaluation of Human-Computer Interaction3
COMP.5300Special Topics3
COMP.5310Design of Program Languages3
COMP.5340Compiler Construction I3
COMP.5400Topics: Language And Compilation3
COMP.5411Scientific Visualization3
COMP.5430Artificial Intelligence3
COMP.5440Data Mining3
COMP.5450Machine Learning (91.545)3
COMP.5460Computer Graphics I3
COMP.5470Computer Graphics II3
COMP.5480Robot Design3
COMP.5490Mobile Robots3
COMP.5530Parallel Processing3
COMP.5610Computer & Network Security I3
COMP.5620Computer And Network Security II3
COMP.5630Data Communications I3
COMP.5640Data Communications II3
COMP.5680Seminar in Human-Computer Interaction3
COMP.5730Data Base I3
COMP.5740Data Base II3
COMP.5800Topics in Computer Science3
COMP.5870Computer Science Education in Secondary School3
COMP.5920Special Topics: Computer Science3
COMP.5930Internship Education 1
COMP.7010Computer Science Research3
COMP.7020Computer Science Research6
COMP.7030LComputer Science  Research3
COMP.7060LDirected Research6
COMP.7430Master's Thesis - Computer Science3
COMP.7460Master's Thesis - Computer Science6
COMP.7490Master's Thesis - Computer Science9
COMP.7510Doctoral Thesis Research3
COMP.7530Doctoral Dissertation/Computer Science3
COMP.7560Doctoral Dissertation/Computer Science6
COMP.7590Doctoral Dissertation/Computer Science9
COMP.7690LContinued Graduate Research9
CONT.6010Continued Matriculation (Master candidates)0
COOP.3CECooperative Education Work Experience I 0
COOP.4ACECooperative Education Experience0
COOP.4CECooperative Education Work Experience II 0
CRIM.1010The Criminal Justice System 3
CRIM.1110Introduction to Industrial Security3
CRIM.1150Introduction to Homeland Security 3
CRIM.1410Introduction to Policing 3
CRIM.1510Introduction to Corrections 3
CRIM.2010Systemic Issues in Criminal Justice3
CRIM.2030Technology and the Criminal Justice System 3
CRIM.2120Weapons of Mass Destruction3
CRIM.2130Emergency Management 3
CRIM.2210Criminology 3
CRIM.2230Crime and the Media 3
CRIM.2330Criminal Procedure3
CRIM.2340Criminal Law 3
CRIM.2350Introduction to the Law and Politics of Constitutional Development3
CRIM.2410Physical Security3
CRIM.2430Criminalistics I3
CRIM.2440Criminalistics II3
CRIM.2480Terrorism (international and domestic) 3
CRIM.2510Institutional Corrections3
CRIM.2610Juvenile Delinquency 3
CRIM.2800Criminal Justice Ethics3
CRIM.3120Security Management 3
CRIM.3260Hate Crime 3
CRIM.3270Violence in America 3
CRIM.3410International Perspectives on Crime and Crime Control3
CRIM.3420Criminal Profiling 3
CRIM.3430Forensic Psychology 3
CRIM.3450The Role of Women in Terrorism and War3
CRIM.3460Critical Infrastructure Protection 3
CRIM.3470Police Innovations 3
CRIM.3480Advanced Seminar on Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism 3
CRIM.3490Intelligence & National Security 3
CRIM.3510Community -Based Corrections 3
CRIM.3520Decision Making Under Uncertainty3
CRIM.3600Gender, Race, and Crime 3
CRIM.3650Hate Crimes3
CRIM.3700Criminal Justice Management3
CRIM.3730Issues in Police Administration3
CRIM.3800Selected Topics in Criminal Justice 3
CRIM.3850Crime and Mental Illness 3
CRIM.3870Criminal Mind and Behavior 3
CRIM.3880Forensic Psychopathology 3
CRIM.3900Criminal Justice Research Methods 3
CRIM.3950Statistics in Criminal Justice 3
CRIM.3970Crime Mapping 3
CRIM.3980Criminal Justice Data Analysis 3
CRIM.4010Substance Abuse and Crime 3
CRIM.4220Victimology 3
CRIM.4770Intimate Partner Violence 3
CRIM.4780Child Maltreatment 3
CRIM.4890Capstone Seminar in Criminology & Criminal Justice 3
CRIM.4900Criminal Justice Honors Seminar3
CRIM.4910Directed Study - Criminal Justice
CRIM.4930Issues in Technology and Security 3
CRIM.4950Criminal Justice Field Studies 6
CRIM.4960Criminal Justice Internship 3
CRIM.4970Paralegal Prcacticum/Internship3
CRIM.5CO-OPCurricula Practical Training (Never Offered)1
CRIM.5010Criminological Theory: Foundations 3
CRIM.5200Administration of Justice 3
CRIM.5210Managing Justice Organizations 3
CRIM.5220Issues in Policing3
CRIM.5230Issues in Policing3
CRIM.5240Issues in Corrections3
CRIM.5250Juvenile, Justice and Youth Crime3
CRIM.5260Economic Crime3
CRIM.5400Criminal Profiling 3
CRIM.5410Forensic Psychology 3
CRIM.5600Gender, Race and Crime3
CRIM.5660Transportation Systems Safety and Security 3
CRIM.5700Crisis and Emergency Management 3
CRIM.5710Domestic Terrorism and Violent Extremism 3
CRIM.5720Comparative Terrorism and Counterterrorism 3
CRIM.5730Threat Assessment and Risk Management 3
CRIM.5740Overview of Homeland Security 3
CRIM.5750Contemporary Security Studies 3
CRIM.5760Criminal Justice Intelligence and Information Sharing3
CRIM.5780Intelligence Analysis Policy and Practice 3
CRIM.5790Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience3
CRIM.5800Criminal Justice Scholarship3
CRIM.5830Master's Thesis - Criminal Justice3
CRIM.5860Master's Thesis - Criminal Justice6
CRIM.5880Strategic Intelligence and Homeland Security 3
CRIM.5900Descriptive & Inferential Statistics 3
CRIM.5910Research Design 3
CRIM.5920From Data to Practice and Policy3
CRIM.5950Program Evaluation3
CRIM.6040Women and Crime3
CRIM.6130Law and Public Policy 3
CRIM.6260Community Based Correction3
CRIM.6300Victimology 3
CRIM.6310Intimate Partner Violence 3
CRIM.6320Responding to Child Maltreatment 3
CRIM.6400Criminal Mind and Behavior 3
CRIM.6410Mental Health & Criminal Justice 3
CRIM.6420Sexual Abuse: Dynamics, Responses, and Prevention 3
CRIM.6500Violence in America 3
CRIM.6510Criminal Homicide 3
CRIM.6520Crime and Community3
CRIM.6540Elite Deviance and Crime3
CRIM.6550Substance Abuse and Crime 3
CRIM.6580Issues in Computer Crime and Cyber Security 3
CRIM.6600International Persp Crime3
CRIM.6610International Criminology3
CRIM.6640Weapons of Mass Destruction 3
CRIM.6650Global Trafficking and Criminal Networks3
CRIM.6660Terrorism Networks 3
CRIM.6670Advanced Security Studies3
CRIM.6680Scientific & Technological Dimensions of National Security 3
CRIM.6690Counterterrorism Policies and Strategies3
CRIM.6800Selected Topics3
CRIM.6830Directed Study 3
CRIM.6860Directed Study
CRIM.6919Directed Study in Criminal Justice3
CRIM.6940Crime Analysis and Mapping3
CRIM.6960Program Evaluation Methods3
CRIM.6970Security Studies Project Design and Defense3
CRIM.6990Security Studies Capstone Research Paper 3
CRIM.7100Advanced Research in Terrorism3
DGMD.1000Introduction to Digital Media 3
DGMD.1210Introduction to Audio Production3
DGMD.2310Media, Law and Ethics 3
DGMD.2510Video Production for Digital Media3
DGMD.3050Slow Cinema3
DGMD.340Lighting Principles3
DGMD.410TV Studio Production3
DGMD.4750Internship in Digital Media3
DPTH.5010Pharmacology 2
DPTH.5100Models and Measurement in Disability3
DPTH.6010Clinical Anatomy 3
DPTH.6020Neuroscience: Anatomy3
DPTH.6030Anatomy Laboratory 1
DPTH.6040Neuroscience: Physiology/Neurology3
DPTH.6050Physical Therapy Interventions I Lecture3
DPTH.6060Neuroscience Laboratory1
DPTH.6070Physical Therapy Interventions I Laboratory1
DPTH.6080Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy I3
DPTH.6090Medical/Surgical Pathology 3
DPTH.6100Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy I Laboratory1
DPTH.6110Professional Issues/Clinical Practice3
DPTH.6120Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy I3
DPTH.6140Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy I Laboratory1
DPTH.6150Clinical Education I Seminar1
DPTH.6160Research Methods3
DPTH.6170Neurological Physical Therapy Lecture I3
DPTH.6190Neurological Physical Therapy Laboratory I1
DPTH.6200Neurological Physical Therapy II3
DPTH.6210Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy II Lecture3
DPTH.6220Neurological Physical Therapy II Laboratory1
DPTH.6230Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy II Laboratory1
DPTH.6250Physical Therapy Interventions II3
DPTH.6260Geriatric Physical Therapy3
DPTH.6270Physical Therapy Interventions II Laboratory1
DPTH.6280Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy III3
DPTH.6290Directed Research1
DPTH.6300Musculoskeletal III Laboratory1
DPTH.6310Pediatric Physical Therapy Lecture3
DPTH.6330Pediatric Physical Therapy Laboratory1
DPTH.6350Clinical Education II Seminar1
DPTH.6370Integrating Clinical Practice3
DPTH.6390Medical/Surgical -Orthopedics3
DPTH.6400Professional Prep in PT3
DPTH.6410Business Skills In Physical Therapy2
DPTH.6420Health Policy & Admin2
DPTH.6430Evidence Directed Care1
DPTH.6440Clinical Education Fieldwork II3
DPTH.6450Physical Interventions III3
DPTH.6460Complex Cases in Physical Therapy3
DPTH.6470PT Interventions III Lab1
DPTH.6480Service Learning in Physical Therapy1
DPTH.6500Clinical Education Experience I 3
DPTH.6510Sectional Human Anatomy3
DPTH.6520Clinical Education Experience II 3
DPTH.6530Clinical Education Experience III 3
DPTH.6540Clinical Education Experience IV3
DPTH.6580Independent Studies3
DPTH.6590Sectional Human Anatomy Laboratory1
ECON.1010Economics of Social Issues3
ECON.2010Principles of Microeconomics 3
ECON.2020Principles of Macroeconomics 3
ECON.2110Statistics for Business and Economics I 3
ECON.2120Statistics for Business and Economics II 3
ECON.3020Labor Economics3
ECON.3030Microeconomic Theory 3
ECON.3040Macroeconomic Theory 3
ECON.3120Managerial Economics 3
ECON.3150Sports Economics3
ECON.3160Investments: Instruments and Strategies 3
ECON.3180Financial Markets and Monetary Policy 3
ECON.3190Public Finance 3
ECON.3250United States Economic History 3
ECON.3450Health Economics3
ECON.4010Special Topics in Economics 3
ECON.4030International Economics 3
ECON.4060International Macroeconomics3
ECON.4150Introduction to Environmental Economics3
ECON.4991Independent Studies 3
EDUC.1100Introduction to teaching in Inclusive Classrooms3
EDUC.3050Directed Study3
EDUC.3710Educational Psychology3
EDUC.3950Special Topics in Education3
EDUC.5000Contemporary American Culture3
EDUC.5010Teaching Diverse Populations3
EDUC.5011First and Second Language Acquisition3
EDUC.5012Inproving Elementary Mathematics1
EDUC.5013Introduction to Leading Professional Learning Communities1
EDUC.5020Adolescent Development and Behavior3
EDUC.5021Issues, Mandates and Ethics in Special Education 3
EDUC.5022Sociocultural Perspecties English as Second Language3
EDUC.5023Improving Elementary Science1
EDUC.5024Student Development and Engagement3
EDUC.5032Improving Elementary Mathematics and Science1
EDUC.5040Methods of Teaching Students with Moderate Disabilities3
EDUC.5041Curriculum Design: English as Second Language3
EDUC.5042Using Arts: Inclusion3
EDUC.5043Methods of Teaching Students with Moderate Disabilities-Secondary3
EDUC.5051Language Arts English as Second Language3
EDUC.5052Intergrating The Arts1
EDUC.5053Survey Research3
EDUC.5060Oral Comm.for English Lang.Users I: Pronunciation for List. & Speaking3
EDUC.5061Chrildren's  Literature3
EDUC.5071Epidemics In History3
EDUC.5080Second Language Testing3
EDUC.5081Political Leadership3
EDUC.5090Bilingual Child with Special Needs3
EDUC.5091Science and Modern World3
EDUC.5100Culture, Linguistics and Diversity3
EDUC.5101Foundations of Social Justice Education 3
EDUC.5102Critical Literacies 3
EDUC.5103Ancient History for Teachers3
EDUC.5104Early Childhood Literacy3
EDUC.5105Teachers as Researchers3
EDUC.5110Reading Theory & Instr. in Young Adult Literature3
EDUC.5111Education Of Newcomers In America3
EDUC.5112Macintosh - English as Second Language Teachers3
EDUC.5113Teaching Lowell History3
EDUC.5114Issues: Women In Education Administration3
EDUC.5120History for Teachers 3
EDUC.5121Linguistics English as Second Language Teachers3
EDUC.5122Technology for English as Second Language Teachers3
EDUC.5130Teaching World History3
EDUC.5131Contemporary American Values3
EDUC.5133Teaching  Content with Technology3
EDUC.5134Understanding School  Community3
EDUC.5140Differentiation of Instruction3
EDUC.5141Education Culture and  Linguistic  Diversity3
EDUC.5142Accommodation and Differentiated Instruction3
EDUC.5150Internship in English as a Second Language PreK-63
EDUC.5151Education and Urban School3
EDUC.5160Internship in English as a Second Language 5-123
EDUC.5170Community Organization and  Parental Partnership3
EDUC.5180Teaching Gifted Students3
EDUC.5181Resources Bilingual Education3
EDUC.5190Difference in Instruction Second Language3
EDUC.5200Teaching Reading and Writing in English3
EDUC.5201Curriculum Planning Perspectives 3
EDUC.5202Information  Source Ed/rel Disc3
EDUC.5203Standard Based Education I3
EDUC.5204Observation Research3
EDUC.5210Teaching with Standards II3
EDUC.5211Design Of Curriculum  English as Second Language3
EDUC.5212Standards Based Education II3
EDUC.5220Young Adult Literature (06.522)3
EDUC.5221Teaching  Reading In English: Bilingual3
EDUC.5222Curriculum Design Assess3
EDUC.5223Literature-Young Adult3
EDUC.5230Curriculum Design and Assessment II3
EDUC.5240Educational Assessments of Students with Moderate Disabilities3
EDUC.5241Systems Think Education3
EDUC.5242Academic Language Development3
EDUC.5250Science for Science Teachers 7-123
EDUC.5251School To Work3
EDUC.5252Bilingual Field Work3
EDUC.5253Teaching Writing InHigh School3
EDUC.5260English Literature For Teachers3
EDUC.5270Language Acquisition 3
EDUC.5271Teach Physical  Education (prekindergarten-9)3
EDUC.5280Assessment of Reading and Language Disabilities 3
EDUC.5281Education Foundation For Health Promotion3
EDUC.5290Treatment Reading and Language Disabilities 3
EDUC.5291School Health Issues3
EDUC.5293Science For Elementary School3
EDUC.5300Interactions and Assessment in Science3
EDUC.5301Reading and Thinking:  Secondary School3
EDUC.5303Teaching Reading  Elementary  School3
EDUC.5304Child Health - Community3
EDUC.5310Genetics and Evolution6
EDUC.5311Organize and Supervision Reading and Language3
EDUC.5320Inquiry and Interactions Seminar 3
EDUC.5330Mathematics for Elementary Teachers3
EDUC.5340Mathematics for Teachers I3
EDUC.5350Mathematics for Teachers II3
EDUC.5351Mathematics For Secondary Teachers3
EDUC.5360Planning and Assessment In Mathematics3
EDUC.5370Mathematics Curriculum, Assessment Secondary School3
EDUC.5380Inquiry in Mathematics Education3
EDUC.5401Research Method Practitioners3
EDUC.5410Teaching Emergent Bilingual Students 3
EDUC.5411Newspaper/Curriculum Tool3
EDUC.5412World Modernism3
EDUC.5413Practitioner Action Research3
EDUC.5421Collegiality: Staff Development3
EDUC.5430Classroom Management and Integrative Techniques3
EDUC.5431Teaching Of Thinking3
EDUC.5440Analysis Of Teaching3
EDUC.5441Intergrated Arts Education3
EDUC.5450Museum Education and Interpretation3
EDUC.5470Using Material Culture in Class3
EDUC.5480Using Local History3
EDUC.5481Practicum: Reading Specialists3
EDUC.5490Theory and Research: Reading and Language 3
EDUC.5491Roots Of Industrial Revolution3
EDUC.5500Reading Specialist: Practicum I3
EDUC.5501Reading Education: Elementary3
EDUC.5502History Sources Curriculum3
EDUC.5503Women in Higher Education3
EDUC.5510Elementary Math Methods3
EDUC.5511Literacy Coach: Practicum II 3
EDUC.5512Two American Revolutions3
EDUC.5520Social Studies and Science: Elementary3
EDUC.5521Cross Disciplinary Curriculum3
EDUC.5530Language Arts and Childrens Literature3
EDUC.5531Lowell and Industrial Revolution 3
EDUC.5540Creation Of A Nation3
EDUC.5541Analysis Of Teaching3
EDUC.5550Foundation/Theory Bilingual Education3
EDUC.5551Literature For Children3
EDUC.5552Science, Technology and Revolution3
EDUC.5560Reading and Reading Disabilities3
EDUC.5561History Content and Curriculum Devleopment3
EDUC.5570Reading: Middle/Sec3
EDUC.5571Teaching Early American History3
EDUC.5580Becoming A Nation3
EDUC.5581Measurement and Evaluation3
EDUC.5590Introduction to Education Statistics3
EDUC.5591Diversity and the Psychology of Human Development3
EDUC.5592Teaching Founding Documents3
EDUC.5593Research and Evaluation Special Topics3
EDUC.5600Curr Dev Middle-Secondary3
EDUC.5610Arts in Curriculum3
EDUC.5620Elementary Social Studies3
EDUC.5630Elementary Science Methods3
EDUC.5640History Of Amer Ed3
EDUC.5650Issues of Education: Minority3
EDUC.5651Mentoring and Teacher Development3
EDUC.5652Mentor Teaching3
EDUC.5660Early Field Seminar3
EDUC.5661The Middle School Child3
EDUC.5670Teachng Physical Education (9 - 12)6
EDUC.5671Middle School Curriculum3
EDUC.5680Internship in Moderate Disabilities 5-123
EDUC.5691Analysis & Pedagogy3
EDUC.5700Trends In Prekindergarten and Primary Education3
EDUC.5710Curriculum and Teachng: Beh Science3
EDUC.5720Curriculum and Teaching: English 3
EDUC.5721Exploring the Nature of Science3
EDUC.5730Curriculum and Teaching History 3
EDUC.5740The Teaching of Spanish3
EDUC.5750Curriculum and Teaching Math 3
EDUC.5760Curriculum and Teaching Science 3
EDUC.5761Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Among Students 3
EDUC.5770Curriculum and Teachng: Social Studies3
EDUC.5771Comparative Education3
EDUC.5780Teaching Elementary Education and Seminar9
EDUC.5790Internship in Moderate Disabilities PreK - 83
EDUC.5791Earth Science for Teachers3
EDUC.5800Curriculum and Instruction: Interdiscp6
EDUC.5801Science Education Program and Leadership3
EDUC.5810Teaching Art 5 - 1212
EDUC.5811Science Education Program Leadership Life Science3
EDUC.5820Teaching Behavioral Science: Sec12
EDUC.5821Topics: Physical Geology3
EDUC.5830Teaching English and Seminar9
EDUC.5831Earth Vision 20003
EDUC.5832Teaching English and Seminar6
EDUC.5840Teaching History and Seminar9
EDUC.5841Young Child with Special Needs3
EDUC.5842Teaching History and Seminar6
EDUC.5850Intensive Spanish Instruction3
EDUC.5851Teachng Social Studies: Secondary9
EDUC.5852Early Childhood Education3
EDUC.5860Tching French Sec12
EDUC.5870Teaching Spanish: Secondary12
EDUC.5880Tchng Math:secondary6
EDUC.5890Teaching Mathematics and Seminar9
EDUC.5892Teaching Mathematics and Seminar6
EDUC.5900Teaching Biology and Seminar9
EDUC.5901Physics Topics For Education3
EDUC.5902Practicum I, Supervisor/Director1
EDUC.5903Teaching Biology and Seminar6
EDUC.5910Teaching Chemistry and Seminar9
EDUC.5912Advance Physics Topics I3
EDUC.5913Teaching Chemistry and Seminar (Practicum)6
EDUC.5920Teaching Earth Science and Seminar9
EDUC.5922Principalship: Practicum I 3
EDUC.5930Teaching Physics and Seminar9
EDUC.5932Principalship: Practicum II 3
EDUC.5933Teaching Physics and Seminar (Practicum)6
EDUC.5940Teaching General Science and Seminar9
EDUC.5942Practicum I, Middle School Principal 5-81
EDUC.5950Practicum II: Middle School Principal 5-82
EDUC.5951Seminar: Art Education3
EDUC.5952Advanced Physics Topics Teaching III3
EDUC.5960Practicum I, High School Principal 9-121
EDUC.5961Seminar: Middle/Secondary Education3
EDUC.5970Practicum II: High School Principal 9-122
EDUC.5971Teaching Middle School9
EDUC.5980Teaching Early Childhood9
EDUC.6002Teaching About Peace3
EDUC.6010Leadership, Law & Policy in Higher Education 3
EDUC.6013Measurement + Evaluation3
EDUC.6014Logo: Applications Curriculum3
EDUC.6015Advanced Science Mathematics Techniques3
EDUC.6016Develop Reading: Elementary3
EDUC.6021Software Application Classroom II3
EDUC.6022Issues:Science Mathematics and Techniques II3
EDUC.6023Develop Reading: Secondary3
EDUC.6024Learning-cen. Teaching  Health Education3
EDUC.6031Issues: Science Mathematics and Techniques III1
EDUC.6032Teaching Reading To Adults3
EDUC.6041Perspectives in Urban Education3
EDUC.6042Inquiry In Mathematics Teaching3
EDUC.6043Teach Read: Great Debate3
EDUC.6051Inquiry In Science Teaching3
EDUC.6061Philosophy Of Education3
EDUC.6062Science Curriculum K-83
EDUC.6063Professional Development for Writing3
EDUC.6070The Adult Learner3
EDUC.6072Science Curriculum 7-123
EDUC.6074Methods of Sheltered Language Instruction3
EDUC.6076Data Management and Visualization3
EDUC.6080Student Development Theory 3
EDUC.6082Mathematics Curriculum K-86
EDUC.6091Mathematics Curriculum Post Secondary3
EDUC.6092Self Perceptions In Education3
EDUC.6100Teaching Reading in Content Area 3
EDUC.6101Theories of Learning 3
EDUC.6102Instructor Stratergies in Mathematics and Science3
EDUC.6104Reading and writing Instruction for Middle and Secondary Teachers3
EDUC.6110Introduction to Higher Education 3
EDUC.6111Cognition and Instruction3
EDUC.6112Instructional Stratergies:Mathematics Education3
EDUC.6113Early Literacy: British Perspective3
EDUC.6114Research Seminar Adult Learners3
EDUC.6120Topics in Language Arts and Literacy3
EDUC.6122Computer in Classroom3
EDUC.6123Politics-Education and Human Services3
EDUC.6124Measure and Evaluation High Order Learning3
EDUC.6125Global Perspectives on Higher Education3
EDUC.6130Leading the Professional Learning Community 3
EDUC.6131Computer Application II3
EDUC.6132Environmental Education:Elementary3
EDUC.6140Issues History and Philosophy of Education3
EDUC.6142Education and Human Service Organization3
EDUC.6151Issues: Philosophy Of Education3
EDUC.6152Geometry Via Technology3
EDUC.6160Issues in Sociology Education3
EDUC.6161Educational Technology Foundations3
EDUC.6162Environmental Education: Elementary3
EDUC.6171Contemporary Issues in Education3
EDUC.6172Iss & Mand-bilingual Ed3
EDUC.6173Advances in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education3
EDUC.6180Economic Eduation II3
EDUC.6181Time Quality Managemen In Public Schools3
EDUC.6190Moral/Ethical Issues Science3
EDUC.6191Economic Education III3
EDUC.6192Curriculum Design -Instruction Language Arts3
EDUC.6193Curriculum Design - Instructing Lanaguage Arts I3
EDUC.6200Thinking, Problem Solving, Creativity3
EDUC.6201Models of Integration of  Techology  in the Curriculum3
EDUC.6202Introduction Education  and Human Service Administration3
EDUC.6203Curriculum Design-Instructing Language Arts II3
EDUC.6204Principles & Practices of Effective Literacy Programs3
EDUC.6210Moral Character and Civic Education3
EDUC.6211Techology and Construction Learning3
EDUC.6213Communication: Education Leaders3
EDUC.6214Literature For Children3
EDUC.6220Managing Resources and Finances 3
EDUC.6221Science, Mathematics and the Educated Mind3
EDUC.6222Contempempory World Event/Culture3
EDUC.6224Young Adult Literature3
EDUC.6225Education Reform in Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics3
EDUC.6226Leadership and Research in STEM Education3
EDUC.6227Foundations of Student Learning in STEM fields3
EDUC.6230School Policy and Law 3
EDUC.6231Policy & Practice in Sci.,Tech.,Eng., & Mathematics Education3
EDUC.6232Commercial Television Instruction3
EDUC.6233Inventiveness in Education3
EDUC.6240Assessment of Learning 3
EDUC.6241John Dewey on Education3
EDUC.6242Directed  Study Legal Policy Human  Services3
EDUC.6243Teaching Reading Comprehension3
EDUC.6250Organization of Schools and School Systems3
EDUC.6251Teaching of Writing3
EDUC.6252Teaching Of Writing3
EDUC.6260Development of Concepts in Science3
EDUC.6261Law, Policy and Diversity Issues3
EDUC.6262Educational Response To  Cultural Diversity3
EDUC.6263Teaching Study Skills3
EDUC.6270Second Language Acquisition and Assessment3
EDUC.6271Development of Mathematics Concepts3
EDUC.6272Citizen Participation3
EDUC.6280Reasoning and Problem Solving in Science0
EDUC.6281Clinical Assessment and Treatment3
EDUC.6290Reasoning and Problem Solving In Math3
EDUC.6291Poltics Of Education and Human Service3
EDUC.6292Educational Treatment Reading and Language Disability3
EDUC.6300Educating Diverse Populations 3
EDUC.6301Reasoning and Problem Solving3
EDUC.6302Leadership and Educational Policy3
EDUC.6303Reading Thinking Listening3
EDUC.6304Analysis of Education Reform3
EDUC.6310Cognition & Instruction3
EDUC.6311Testing & Evaluating-Mathematics Education3
EDUC.6312Human Service Administration3
EDUC.6313Organize and Supervise - Reading and Language3
EDUC.6320The Inclusive School 3
EDUC.6322Human Service Administration: Law3
EDUC.6323Writers' Workshop3
EDUC.6330Collaborative Class3
EDUC.6331Educational  Response Cultural Diversity3
EDUC.6341Financial  Aspects  Education -Human Services Administration3
EDUC.6350Dynamics of Curricular Change 3
EDUC.6351Culture Of The School3
EDUC.6352Culture Of The School3
EDUC.6353Legal Polcy Education Human  Services3
EDUC.6360Sociocultural Contexts of Educational Communities3
EDUC.6361Reading Institute3
EDUC.6362Reading Institute3
EDUC.6363Theory and Research Curriculum3
EDUC.6364Principles  Of Supervision3
EDUC.6370History & Theory of Curriculum 3
EDUC.6372Personnel Administration3
EDUC.6380Curriculum Design K-12 3
EDUC.6381Planning,Technology and School Improvement3
EDUC.6391Planning Process: Curriculum3
EDUC.6392Planning Process3
EDUC.6393Reading Institute3
EDUC.6400Management/Training ITV Dir3
EDUC.6401Program Evaluation3
EDUC.6402Analysis Of Education and Human Service3
EDUC.6403Teaching Reading Comprehension3
EDUC.6404Introduction to Research Methods3
EDUC.6410Issues in Staff Development 3
EDUC.6411Fostering a Learning Organization in Higher Education 3
EDUC.6412History of American Curriculum3
EDUC.6413Reading Institute3
EDUC.6414Measurement & Assessment3
EDUC.6420Sem:Technology and American Mat Culture3
EDUC.6421Principles of Supervision 3
EDUC.6423Program Evaluation 3
EDUC.6424Reading Institute '933
EDUC.6425Politics of Curriculum Change3
EDUC.6430The Skillful Teacher 3
EDUC.6431Principalship PK - 12 3
EDUC.6432Work Technology and Schooling3
EDUC.6433Introduction to Quality  Research3
EDUC.6440Foundations for Practitioner Scholars 3
EDUC.6441Models of Teaching 3
EDUC.6442Capstone: Educational Administration3
EDUC.6450Perspectives and Visions of Schooling I3
EDUC.6451Directed Study Curriculum and Instruction3
EDUC.6452Practicum: Human Services Administration3
EDUC.6453Introduction  to Using Computers3
EDUC.6460Perspectives and Visions of Schooling II3
EDUC.6461Influence Of Gender3
EDUC.6462Practicum:  School Principal N-63
EDUC.6470Practicum School Principal 5-93
EDUC.6471Direct Study3
EDUC.6472Leadership for Educational Inclusion & Integration3
EDUC.6480International Comparative Education3
EDUC.6481Standard Certification3
EDUC.6482Practicum School Principal 9-123
EDUC.6483Practicum Reading and Language6
EDUC.6490Directed Study: Administration3
EDUC.6491C.A.G.S. Seminar: Reading and Language3
EDUC.6492Developing Data Bases for Education3
EDUC.6501Capstone Project: Advanced Programs 3
EDUC.6502Educational Reform 3
EDUC.6503Politics Of Literacy3
EDUC.6504Technology, Schools and Society3
EDUC.6505Politics Of Literacy3
EDUC.6506Computer Literacy3
EDUC.6510Web-based Tech. in the Learning Environment:Teaching and Learning 3
EDUC.6511Transformative Leadership for Schools3
EDUC.6512Prog Delevopment and Imp Science Education6
EDUC.6513Teaching Reading Comprehension3
EDUC.6514Computer Literature /Research3
EDUC.6515History and Philosophy Of Higher Education3
EDUC.6520Change and Conflict in Higher Education 3
EDUC.6521Technology: Schools Of Future3
EDUC.6522Prog Development and Imp Mathematics Education6
EDUC.6523Seminar: Assessment of Writing3
EDUC.6524Core Curriculum -Undergradraduate3
EDUC.6530Capstone Alternative 3
EDUC.6531Theories of Reading and Writing3
EDUC.6532Personnel Policies Higher  Education3
EDUC.6540Student Services - Higher Education3
EDUC.6541Exploring the Internet3
EDUC.6542The Influence of Gender3
EDUC.6543Evaluative Reading and Literature3
EDUC.6550Directed Study Curriculum and Instruction3
EDUC.6551Research and Publication, Network Environment3
EDUC.6552History and Development of Reading Instruction3
EDUC.6553Accreditation Process3
EDUC.6560Ed.S Seminar 3
EDUC.6561Multimedia Application in Education3
EDUC.6562Language Arts and Creativity3
EDUC.6563Language Arts and Creativity3
EDUC.6570Early Childhood Education3
EDUC.6571Readers Responses to Literature (Last Term 2009 Spring)(Formerly 06.657)3
EDUC.6572Role of Professional Educators3
EDUC.6580Role of the Curriculum and Instructional Leader 3
EDUC.6581The Gifted Child3
EDUC.6582Scientific Literacy Seminar3
EDUC.6590Strategies for Instruction in Higher Education3
EDUC.6591Teaching In The Media Age3
EDUC.6592Seminar:  Issues Themes Children/Young Adult Literature3
EDUC.6600Ethnographic Inquiry3
EDUC.6601Diversity in Higher Education 08.660)3
EDUC.6602Television as Tool of Instruction3
EDUC.6603Secondary Schools in United States3
EDUC.6604Citizen Participation in  Education and Community3
EDUC.6605Techniques in Language Arts/Literature3
EDUC.6610Curriculum  Development: Technology3
EDUC.6611Politics Of Curriculum Change3
EDUC.6612Dimensions Of Superintendicy3
EDUC.6613Organization and Supervision of Langauage Arts and Literacy3
EDUC.6620Issues In Teacher Education3
EDUC.6621Educational Issues Facing Superintendent3
EDUC.6622Literature for Young Adults3
EDUC.6630Superintendent Decisions3
EDUC.6640History and Development of Reading Instruction in United States3
EDUC.6650Professional Organization Of Educational Careers3
EDUC.6660Issues: Distance and Distribution Education3
EDUC.6670Open and Flexible Learning3
EDUC.6690Superintendency Practicum3
EDUC.6691Advanced Clinical Assessment3
EDUC.6700CAGS Seminar I Administration3
EDUC.6701Practicum I: Higher Education Option 3
EDUC.6702Issues In Curriculum  and Instruction3
EDUC.6703Issues in Reading and Language Instruction3
EDUC.6710Practicum II: Higher Education 3
EDUC.6711Research Sem I  Curriculum and Instruction3
EDUC.6712CAGS Seminar II: Administration3
EDUC.6713CAGS Seminar I:  Reading and Language3
EDUC.6720Research Sem II  Curriculum and Instruction3
EDUC.6721Seminar: Administrative Planning and Policy3
EDUC.6722CAGS Seminar II: Reading and Language3
EDUC.6731Curriculum Design for Science Teachers3
EDUC.6732Curriculum Designs:  English and Language Arts3
EDUC.6733Ethics and Decision-Making in Higher Education3
EDUC.6740Research Into Learning in Science3
EDUC.6741Organizational Development and Decision Making3
EDUC.6742Current Design : English/Language Arts II3
EDUC.6750Leadership in Science Education3
EDUC.6751History, Research and Theory of Curriculum Design in Language Arts3
EDUC.6752Leadership Contemporary  Thought3
EDUC.6760Exploring the Nature of Science 3
EDUC.6761History, Theory, and Research in the Teaching of Writing3
EDUC.6770Theories of Verbal Communication3
EDUC.6771Investigating Science Classrooms3
EDUC.6780History, Research and Contemporary Issues in Reading Instruction3
EDUC.6801Research: Education Technology3
EDUC.6851Evaluation Of Technical Curriculum3
EDUC.6900Action Research3
EDUC.6910Developing Inclusive School Contexts 3
EDUC.6911Introduction to Improvement Science 3
EDUC.6912Contemporary Issues In Education3
EDUC.6913Policy Issues Related to Technology3
EDUC.6920Law, Policy, and Finance 3
EDUC.6921Quantitative Data Analysis for Practitioner Leaders 3
EDUC.6922Qualitative Research Methods Practitioner Leaders3
EDUC.6930Organizational Learning 3
EDUC.6931Data Analysis for Practitioner Leaders 3
EDUC.6940Systems Leadership 3
EDUC.6950Systems Leadership II 3
EDUC.6960Strategic Partnering with Families and Communities 3
EDUC.6991Reading and Applying Educational Research3
EDUC.7001Intro 2nd Lang Acquis3
EDUC.7010Cognitive and Information Processing Theories of Learning, Development and Instruction3
EDUC.7012Data Analysis3
EDUC.7013Issues Second Language Acquistion3
EDUC.7020Research Methods and Design3
EDUC.7023Contemporary Issues - Language3
EDUC.7031Methods 2nd Language Inst3
EDUC.7032Seminar in the Design Of Research Projects3
EDUC.7040Qualitative Research Methods 3
EDUC.7041Current Mat Dev Adpt ESL3
EDUC.7050Survey Research 3
EDUC.7051Field Wk/internship3
EDUC.7052Supervised Teaching-Education0
EDUC.7053Supervised Teaching-Education3
EDUC.7060Intermediate/Advanced Data Analysis3
EDUC.7061Approach To Lang Testing3
EDUC.7070Writing For Professional Publication3
EDUC.7071Biling Child W/spch Nds3
EDUC.7080Second Lang Testing3
EDUC.7081Analyze, Interpret, Report Data3
EDUC.7082Introduction to Discourse Analysis3
EDUC.7090Measurement & Evaluation3
EDUC.7091Bilingual Child: Special Needs3
EDUC.7100Research Planning: Leadership3
EDUC.7101Qualitative Research: Advanced Topics in Analysis3
EDUC.7130Research Writing Seminar3
EDUC.7150Internship English as a Second Language3
EDUC.7280Research in Science and Mathematics Education3
EDUC.7290Directed Study : Leadership in Schooling3
EDUC.7291Directed Study: Language and Literature3
EDUC.7292Directed Study: Mathematics and Science Education3
EDUC.7293Directed St:udy: Techology  and Learning English3
EDUC.7294Dir St: Leadership3
EDUC.7300Graduate Project:  Mathematics and Science3
EDUC.7301Advanced Research  Seminar I: Leadership in Schooling3
EDUC.7302Advanced Research Seminar I-Language Arts and Literature3
EDUC.7310Advanced Research Seminar: Math & Science3
EDUC.7311Advanced Research Seminar II: Leadership in Schooling3
EDUC.7312Adanced Research Seminar II:Language3
EDUC.7330Graduate Project - Education3
EDUC.7331Graduate Project - Education3
EDUC.7360Graduate Project - Education6
EDUC.7361Graduate Project - Education6
EDUC.7390Graduate Project - Education9
EDUC.7391Graduate Project - Education9
EDUC.7420Foundations of Program Evaluation3
EDUC.7430Program Evaluation: Advanced Topics3
EDUC.7440Program Evaluation and Public Policy3
EDUC.7460Masters Thesis6
EDUC.7500Culture of Carribean Southeast Asia3
EDUC.7501Dissertation in Practice3
EDUC.7502Dissertation in Practice: Data Collection and Analysis3
EDUC.7503Dissertation in Practice: Dissertation Completion3
EDUC.7510Comm Org & Parental Part3
EDUC.7520Res & Tech-bilungual Ed3
EDUC.7530Doctoral Dissertation/Education 3
EDUC.7531Doctoral Dissertation/Education3
EDUC.7532Doctoral Dissertation/Education3
EDUC.7533Meth Content/lang Acq3
EDUC.7540Tchng Reading: Bilingual3
EDUC.7550Desc And Imat: Bilingual3
EDUC.7560Doctoral Dissertation/Education6
EDUC.7561Doctoral Dissertation/Education6
EDUC.7562Doctoral Dissertation/Education6
EDUC.7563Tchng Rdg In Eng To Bil3
EDUC.7570Asmt/diag Abil Bil Std3
EDUC.7590Doctoral Dissertation/Education9
EDUC.7591Doctoral Dissertation/Education9
EDUC.7592Doctoral Dissertation9
EDUC.7610SI Teach Lang + Cult3
EDUC.7630Continued Graduate  Research3
EDUC.7631Continued Graduate Research3
EDUC.7632Continued Graduate Research3
EDUC.7660Continued Graduate Research6
EDUC.7661Continued Graduate Research6
EDUC.7662Continued Graduate Research6
EDUC.7690Continued Grad Research9
EDUC.7691Continued Graduate  Research9
EDUC.7692Continued Graduate Research9
EDUC.7910Advanced Research Seminar Language and Literature3
EDUC.7920Directed Study3
EECE.1CO-OPCurricula Practical Training1
EECE.2010Circuit Theory I 3
EECE.2020Circuit Theory II 3
EECE.2070Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory I 2
EECE.2080Basic Electrical Engineering Lab II 2
EECE.2110Fundamentals of Electricity I3
EECE.2120Fundamentals of Electricity Laboratory1
EECE.2160ECE Application Programming 3
EECE.2460Introduction to Data Communication Networks3
EECE.2650Logic Design 3
EECE.3110Electronics I Lab 2
EECE.3120Electronics II Laboratory 2
EECE.3170Microprocessors Systems Design I 3
EECE.3220Data Structures 3
EECE.3330Electronic Materials3
EECE.3550Electromechanics 3
EECE.3600Engineering Electromagnetics I 3
EECE.3620Signals and Systems I 3
EECE.3630Introduction to Probability and Random Processes 3
EECE.3640Engineering Mathematics 3
EECE.3650Electronics I 3
EECE.3660Electronics II 3
EECE.3990Capstone Proposal3
EECE.3991Capstone Proposal 3
EECE.4090Directed Studies 3
EECE.4100Directed Studies
EECE.4120Directed Studies3
EECE.4130Linear Feedback System 3
EECE.4210Real Time D.S.P.3
EECE.4240Computational Methods for Power System Analysis 3
EECE.4270Advanced VLSI Design Techniques 3
EECE.4280Alternative Energy Sources 3
EECE.4290Electric Vehicle Technology 3
EECE.4310RF Design I3
EECE.4410Introduction to Biosensors 3
EECE.4440Power Distribution System3
EECE.4500Advanced Digital System Hardware Design 3
EECE.4510Heterogeneous Computing3
EECE.4520Microprocessor Systems II & Embedded Systems 3
EECE.4530Software Engineering 3
EECE.4550Computer System Security3
EECE.4560Fundamentals of Robotics3
EECE.4590Introduction to Nanoelectronics 3
EECE.4610Engineering Electromagnetics II 3
EECE.4670Special Topics: Introduction to Biometric Technology3
EECE.4680Electro-optics & Integrated Optics 3
EECE.4700VLSI Fabrication3
EECE.4730Power Electronics 3
EECE.4740Principles Of Solid State Devices 3
EECE.4760Principles Of Solid State Devices 3
EECE.4800Microprocessor Systems II & Embedded Systems 3
EECE.4810Operating Systems 3
EECE.4820Computer Architecture and Design 3
EECE.4821Computer Architecture and Design 3
EECE.4830Network Design: Principles, Protocols & Applications 3
EECE.4841Computer Vision and Digital Image Processing 3
EECE.4900Fiber Optic Communication3
EECE.4910Industrial Experience3
EECE.4920Industrial Experience II3
EECE.4930Industrial Experience3
EECE.4990Capstone Project3
EECE.4991Capstone Project 3
EECE.5010Introduction to Phased Arrays3
EECE.5015Solar PV Performance Analysis and Characterization3
EECE.5040VLSI Fabrication 3
EECE.5050Microwave Electronics 3
EECE.5060Antenna Theory and Design 3
EECE.5070Electromagnetic Materials and Waves 3
EECE.5080Quantum Electronics for Engineers 3
EECE.5090Linear Systems Analysis 3
EECE.5100Digital Signal Processing 3
EECE.5110Medical Diagnostic Imaging3
EECE.5120Mixed-Signal VLSI Design 3
EECE.5130Control Systems 3
EECE.5140Integrated Power Systems 3
EECE.5150Power Electronics 3
EECE.5170MMIC Design and Fabrication3
EECE.5180Wireless Communications 3
EECE.5190Engineering of Submicron Machines3
EECE.5200Computer Aided Engineering Analysis3
EECE.5220Printed Circuit Board Design3
EECE.5230Introduction to Solid State Electronics3
EECE.5240Computational Methods for Power System Analysis 3
EECE.5250Power Distribution Systems 3
EECE.5260Power Systems Stability and Control
EECE.5270Advanced VLSI Design Techniques 3
EECE.5280Alternative Energy Sources 3
EECE.5290Electric Vehicle Technology 3
EECE.5300Introduction to Medical Image Reconstruction3
EECE.5310RF Design 3
EECE.5320Computational Electromagnetics3
EECE.5330Microwave Engineering 3
EECE.5340Microwave Engineering Lab1
EECE.5350Microwave Metrology3
EECE.5360Microwave Metrology Lab1
EECE.5370Microwave Systems Engineering3
EECE.5380Microwave Systems Engineering Lab1
EECE.5390Introduction to Printed Electronics3
EECE.5410Introduction to Biosensors 3
EECE.5430Theory of Communication 3
EECE.5460Communication Networks 3
EECE.5480Coding and Information Theory3
EECE.5492Systems, Modeling and Simulations for Digital Eng3
EECE.5494Model-Based Systems Engineering3
EECE.5496Cyber-Physical Systems Modeling and Simulation3
EECE.5498Data-Driven Models, Decision Making, and Risk Mgmt3
EECE.5500Advanced Digital System Hardware Design 3
EECE.5510Heterogeneous Computing 3
EECE.5520Microprocessor Systems II & Embedded Systems 3
EECE.5530Software Engineering 3
EECE.5540Data Intensive Computing3
EECE.5550Computer System Security3
EECE.5570Fundamentals of the Internet of Things3
EECE.5580Practical Hardware Security and Cryptography3
EECE.5590Introduction to Nanoelectronics 3
EECE.5600Biomedical Instrumentation3
EECE.5610Computer Architecture and Design 3
EECE.5620VHDL/Verilog Synthesis & Design 3
EECE.5625LVHDL/Verilog Synthesis & Design Lab1
EECE.5680Electro Optic Systems 3
EECE.5690VLSI Design 3
EECE.5700Radar Systems Lab1
EECE.5710Radar Systems 3
EECE.5720Embedded Real Time Systems3
EECE.5730Operating Systems 3
EECE.5740Advanced Logic Design 3
EECE.5750Field Programmable Gate Arrays Logic Design Techniques 3
EECE.5755FPGA Logic Design Techniques Lab1
EECE.5760Principles of Solid State Devices 3
EECE.5770Verification of Digital Systems 3
EECE.5775LVerification of Digital Systems Lab1
EECE.5780Modeling and Implementation of Digital Systems using MATLAB3
EECE.5810Computer Vision and Digital Image Processing3
EECE.5811Operating Systems 3
EECE.5820Wireless Communications3
EECE.5821Computer Architecture and Design 3
EECE.5830Network Design: Principles, Protocols and Applications 3
EECE.5840Probability and Random Processes 3
EECE.5841Computer Vision and Digital Image Processing 3
EECE.5850Fundamentals of Network and Cyber Security 3
EECE.5860Introduction to Generative Artificial Intelligence3
EECE.5900Fiber Optic Communication 3
EECE.5930Industrial Experience0
EECE.5950Solid State Electronics3
EECE.6010Graduate Seminar3
EECE.6020Graduate Seminar3
EECE.6120Converged Voice and Data Network3
EECE.6160Computational Power Systems Analysis3
EECE.6170Modelling Of Communication Networks3
EECE.6500Advanced Computing Systems Hardware Architecture3
EECE.6510Advanced Embedded System Design with FPGA3
EECE.6520Parallel & Mp Architect3
EECE.6530AI and Machine Learning3
EECE.6540Heterogeneous Computing 3
EECE.6570High Speed Integrated Network (Last Term 2004 Fall)
EECE.6580Computer Network Security3
EECE.6590Distributed Systems3
EECE.6600Mobile Communication Networks 3
EECE.6660Storage Area Newtorks3
EECE.6690Opto Electronic Devices3
EECE.6870Applied Stochastic Estimation3
EECE.6880Theoretical Acoustics3
EECE.6920Directed Studies/Electrical Engineering 3
EECE.7CPTCurricular Practical Training for Engineering Doctoral Candidates1
EECE.7100Selected Topics 3
EECE.7110Special Topics 3
EECE.7120Special Topics in Electrical Engineering 3
EECE.7150Special Topics:  Solar Terr Emag3
EECE.7290Selected Topics in Electrical Engineering3
EECE.7300Thesis - Electrical Engineering6
EECE.7310Thesis - Computing Engineering3
EECE.7320Systems Engineering Thesis3
EECE.7330Advance Graduate Project 3
EECE.7360Graduate Project - Electrical Engineering6
EECE.7390Graduate Project - Electrical Engineering9
EECE.7400Advanced Project In Electrical Engineering3
EECE.7430Master's Thesis in Electrical Engineering 3
EECE.7460Master's Thesis in Electrical Engineering 6
EECE.7490Master's Thesis - Electrical Engineering9
EECE.7510Doctoral Thesis1
EECE.7520PhD Thesis2
EECE.7530Doctoral Dissertation/EE 3
EECE.7540Doctoral Thesis - Electrical Engineering4
EECE.7550Doctoral Dissertation5
EECE.7560Doctoral Dissertation/Electrical Engineering 6
EECE.7570Doctoral Dissertation7
EECE.7590Doctoral Dissertation/Electrical Engineering9
EECE.7660Continued Grad Research6
EECE.7710Eng Sys Analysis I 3
EECE.7720Eng Sys Analysis II 3
EECE.7730Eng Sys Analysis III 3
ENGL.1010College Writing I 3
ENGL.1010SIIntensive Writing Lab - Supplemental Instruction
ENGL.1020College Writing II 3
ENGL.1020SIIntensive Writing Lab 22
ENGL.1100College Writing Workshop3
ENGL.1810Introduction to Literature3
ENGL.2010Classical Mythology 3
ENGL.2020Great Books of the Modern Period3
ENGL.2070English Studies in a Digital Environment 3
ENGL.2100Drama 3
ENGL.2110Poetry 3
ENGL.2120The Short Story 3
ENGL.2150The Modern Essay3
ENGL.2160Monsters, Apes & Nightmares 3
ENGL.2170The Horror Story 3
ENGL.2180Comedy 3
ENGL.2200Oral & Written Communication for Computer Science 3
ENGL.2220Oral Communication3
ENGL.2240Business Writing 3
ENGL.2260Scientific and Technical Communication 3
ENGL.2270Essay Writing for English Majors3
ENGL.2290Essay Writing for Non-English Majors3
ENGL.2320Turning Fiction into Film 3
ENGL.2360Science Fiction and Fantasy 3
ENGL.2380Introduction to Creative Writing 3
ENGL.2381Introduction to Creative Writing (All Majors)3
ENGL.2390Introduction to Professional Writing 3
ENGL.2400Literature and Women 3
ENGL.2420The Heroine in Modern Fiction3
ENGL.2430Contemporary Women Writers 3
ENGL.2460Gay & Lesbian Literature 3
ENGL.2490Literature on Technology and Human Values 3
ENGL.2500The Bible as Literature3
ENGL.2510War in Literature3
ENGL.2530The Culture of American Sport3
ENGL.2570The Family in American Literature3
ENGL.2580Disability in Literature 3
ENGL.2670Introduction to Shakespeare3
ENGL.2673Robin Hood: From Outlaw to Icon3
ENGL.2720Modern European Fiction3
ENGL.2740The Literature of the Beat Movement3
ENGL.2760First-Generation Stories3
ENGL.2770American Ethnic Literature3
ENGL.2810British Literary Traditions 3
ENGL.2820American Literary Traditions 3
ENGL.2850Crime in Literature 3
ENGL.2910History of English Literature I3
ENGL.2920History of English Literature II3
ENGL.2940History of American Literature I3
ENGL.2950History of American Literature II3
ENGL.2980Children's Literature 3
ENGL.3000Intro to Journalism3
ENGL.3020Creative Writing: Fiction 3
ENGL.3030Creative Writing: Poetry 3
ENGL.3040Creative Writing: Screenwriting3
ENGL.3050Reviewing the Arts 3
ENGL.3060Intermediate Professional Writing3
ENGL.3070History of the English Language 3
ENGL.3080Analysis of Modern English3
ENGL.3100Writing Popular Fiction 3
ENGL.3110The South in American Literature 3
ENGL.3140Mystery Writing3
ENGL.3150Old English Language and Literature 3
ENGL.3170British Literature of the Twentieth Century3
ENGL.3200Personal and Reflective Writing 3
ENGL.3220Creative Writing: Creative Non-fiction I 3
ENGL.3230Writing About People3
ENGL.3240Writing About Place 3
ENGL.3245Writing about the Environment3
ENGL.3250The Rise of the Novel 3
ENGL.3300Twentieth Century British Novel 3
ENGL.3310American Novels to 1900 3
ENGL.3330American Autobiography 3
ENGL.3332Autobiographies of Paris Modernism3
ENGL.3350American Women Novelists 3
ENGL.3360Beowulf and Heroic Literature 3
ENGL.3370The Gothic Tradition in Literature3
ENGL.3410Studies in Film 3
ENGL.3411International Cinema Studies: French New Wave3
ENGL.3420Women Writers and the Past3
ENGL.3440Women in Theatre 3
ENGL.3450British Women Novelists 3
ENGL.3480Modern American Drama3
ENGL.3490Arthurian Literature 3
ENGL.3510Literature of the Middle Ages3
ENGL.3520Renaissance Literature 3
ENGL.3530Literature of the Seventeenth Century 3
ENGL.3560Literature of the Victorian Period3
ENGL.3620Modern Drama3
ENGL.3640African American Drama3
ENGL.3660Creative Writing: Poetry II3
ENGL.3680Feature Writing 3
ENGL.3690Reading and Writing New Media 3
ENGL.3700Contemporary American Fiction 3
ENGL.3710The Literature of the Beat Movement 3
ENGL.3730Modern Poetry3
ENGL.3760African-American Literature3
ENGL.3765Native American Renaissance3
ENGL.3770Theories of Rhetoric and Composition 3
ENGL.3780Asian American Literature3
ENGL.3790Post Colonial Literature3
ENGL.3800Travel Literature3
ENGL.3820Theatre History I: Ancient Greece through the 18th Century 3
ENGL.3830World Theatre II: 19th Century to the Present 3
ENGL.3880Undergraduate Seminar on the Teaching of Writing 3
ENGL.3920Visual Rhetoric 3
ENGL.3950Special Topics in English 3
ENGL.4010Selected Authors 3
ENGL.4020Topics in Writing 3
ENGL.4080Principles of Technical Writing3
ENGL.4120Software Writing 3
ENGL.4130Advanced Software Writing (Formerly 42.403)3
ENGL.4150Young Adult Literature-Critical Methods 3
ENGL.4180Creative Writing: Creative Non-fiction II 3
ENGL.4230Shakespeare I 3
ENGL.4240Shakespeare II 3
ENGL.4270Virginia Woolf3
ENGL.4280The Harlem Renaissance3
ENGL.4290Introduction to Literary Theory 3
ENGL.4375Writing a Book3
ENGL.4790Literature Seminar 3
ENGL.4900Directed Studies in Writing 3
ENGL.4910Directed Study in Literature 3
ENGL.4930Directed Study in Creative Writing 3
ENGL.4960Internship I 3
ENGL.4970Practicum 3
ENGL.4980Practicum-English Study
ENGL.5060Writing in the Community3
ENGN.1070Introduction To Engineering I 2
ENGN.1300Introduction to Nano-Engineering3
ENGN.2050Statics 3
ENGN.2060Strength of Materials 3
ENGN.2070Dynamics 3
ENGN.3CECooperative Education 0
ENGN.4ACECooperative Education Experience 0
ENGN.4CECooperative Education 0
ENGN.4910Industrial Experience I
ENGN.5010Engineering for Teachers 3
ENGN.5400Designing Sustainable Products3
ENGN.5500Introduction to Nanotechnology3
ENGN.5700Selected Issues in Nanomanfacturing0
ENGN.5900Graduate Industrial Cooperative Educational Experience I 1
ENGN.5910Graduate Industrial Cooperative Educational Experience II 1
ENGN.6020Graduate Professional Development for Engineers1
ENGN.6030Graduate Cooperative Experience1
ENGN.6040Workforce Development1
ENGY.4190Nuclear Reactor Operator Training3
ENGY.5040Energy Engineering Workshop 3
ENGY.5050Reactor Physics 3
ENGY.5070Reactor Engineering and Safety3
ENGY.5090Dynamic Systems Analysis3
ENGY.5100Nuclear Fuel Cycle3
ENGY.5140Chemical and Nuclear Waste3
ENGY.5190Reactor Operator Training3
ENGY.5200Reactor Operator Training3
ENGY.5310Selected Topics in Engineering 3
ENGY.5320Selected Topics: Energy Science3
ENGY.6010Graduate Research Seminar0
ENGY.6510Selected Topics in Energy Engineering3
ENGY.7CPTCurricular Practical Training for Engineering Doctoral Candidates1
ENGY.7050Supervised Teaching - Nuclear Engineering0
ENGY.7330Graduate Project - Energy Engineering3
ENGY.7390Graduate Project - Energy Engineering9
ENGY.7410Master's Research-Energy Engineering1
ENGY.7430Master's Thesis - Nuclear Engineering3
ENGY.7460Master's Thesis - Energy Engineering6
ENGY.7490Master's Thesis - Energy Engineering9
ENGY.7530Doctoral Dissertation/Energy Engineering3
ENGY.7560Graduate  Research - Nuclear Engineering6
ENGY.7590Doctoral Dissertation/Energy9
ENGY.7660Continued Graduate Research6
ENGY.7690Continued Graduate Research9
ENTR.1500Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Business3
ENTR.300Principles of Innovation and Entrepreneurship3
ENTR.3000Principles of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3
ENTR.361Starting a New Venture3
ENTR.3610Starting a New Venture 3
ENTR.362Corporate Entrepreneurship3
ENTR.3620Corporate Entrepreneurship 3
ENTR.410Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation - l3
ENTR.4100Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation - I 3
ENTR.4110Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation - II 3
ENTR.4150Entrepreneurial Customer Discovery3
ENTR.4200Leading Successful Entrepreneurial Teams3
ENTR.463Managing Innovation3
ENTR.4630Managing Innovation 3
ENTR.4640Finance for Emerging Business Enterprises 3
ENTR.480Current Topics3
ENTR.4800Current Topics in Entrepreneurship 3
ENTR.4890Internship in Entrepreneurship 3
ENTR.4960Entrepreneurship Strategy Implementation 3
ENTR.4991Independent Studies
ENTR.5CO-OPCurricular Practical Training1
ENTR.565Technological Entrepreneurship3
ENTR.5650Technological Entrepreneurship 3
ENTR.591Independent Study1
ENTR.5910Independent Study1
ENTR.592Independent Activity2
ENTR.593Independent Activity3
ENTR.600Mathematics For Business Administration3
ENTR.601Operations Management3
ENTR.603Managerial Economics3
ENTR.605Japanese Economy3
ENTR.608Economics Of Location3
ENTR.610Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation l3
ENTR.6100Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation I 3
ENTR.611Enterprise And  Management3
ENTR.6110Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation II 3
ENTR.612Dynamics Of Competition3
ENTR.620Public Finance Amd Monetary  Policy3
ENTR.621Quantitative Decision Model and Application3
ENTR.630Market Research for Entrepreneurs3
ENTR.631Corporate Finance3
ENTR.635Financing Innovation and Technology Ventures3
ENTR.6350Financing Innovation and Technology Ventures 3
ENTR.640New Venture Creation3
ENTR.6400New Venture Creation 3
ENTR.641Customer And Markets3
ENTR.645New Product Development3
ENTR.6450New Product Development 3
ENTR.650Innovation and Emerging Technology 3
ENTR.6500Innovation and Emerging Technology 3
ENTR.651World Class Operations3
ENTR.6510Technological Entrepreneurship 3
ENTR.655Corporate Entrepreneurship3
ENTR.6550Corporate Entrepreneurship 3
ENTR.6600Entrepreneurial Teams3
ENTR.670Global Entrepreneurship3
ENTR.6700Global Entrepreneurship3
ENTR.680Capstone I - New Venture Planning3
ENTR.6800Capstone I - New Venture Planning 3
ENTR.681Capstone II - New Venture Implementation3
ENTR.6810Capstone II - New Venture Implementation 3
ENTR.688Current Topics in Entrepreneurship3
ENTR.6880Current Topics in Entrepreneurship3
ENTR.690Creation and Leadership - Change3
ENTR.691Strategy I3
ENTR.692Strategy II3
ENTR.699Independent Study3
ENTR.6990Independent Study3
ENTR.6991Entrepreneurship Internship3
ENTR.700Independent  Study In Economics3
ENTR.736Graduate Project6
ENTR.7960Doctoral Dissertation
ENTR.801Structure and Dynamics Enterprise3
ENTR.802Quantitative Methods3
ENTR.803Manufacturing Strategy3
ENTR.804Market And Customer Values3
ENTR.805Global Strategy3
ENVE.4610Chemical Fate and Transport in the Environment3
ENVI.1100Global Environmental Studies3
ENVI.1120LGlobal Environmental Studies Lab1
ENVI.1150Astronomy 3
ENVI.1170LAstronomy Lab 1
ENVI.3010GIS in Earth and Environmental Sciences 3
ENVI.5040Geographic Information Systems3
ENVI.5720Energy and Environment3
ENVI.5810Understanding Massachusetts Contingency Plan 3
ENVI.5850Climate Change in the Classroom 3
ENVS.5010Wetlands Ecology 3
ENVS.5020Freshwater Ecology3
ENVS.5810Understanding Massachusetts Contingency Plan 3
ETEC.1300Electrical Basics and Laboratory 3
ETEC.1310Electronic Basics and Laboratory 3
ETEC.1320Digital Basics and Laboratory2
ETEC.2130Electric Circuits I 3
ETEC.2140Circuits II and Laboratory 3
ETEC.2150Circuits III and Laboratory 3
ETEC.2160Circuits IV 3
ETEC.2550Electronics I and Laboratory 3
ETEC.2560Electronics II and Laboratory 3
ETEC.2570Electronics III and Laboratory 3
ETEC.2580Electronics IV and Laboratory 3
ETEC.2720Introduction to Alternative Energy 3
ETEC.3220Signals and Systems I 3
ETEC.3410Logic Design I and Laboratory 3
ETEC.3420Logic Design II and Laboratory 3
ETEC.3450Programmable Logic Controllers and Lab I 3
ETEC.3500Control Systems I 3
ETEC.3530Digital Electronics3
ETEC.3540PSPICE Simulation 3
ETEC.3550Electronics I and Laboratory 3
ETEC.3560Electronics II and Laboratory 3
ETEC.3570Electronics III and Laboratory 3
ETEC.3580Electronics IV and Laboratory 3
ETEC.3600Mathematics and Statistics/E.E.T. 3
ETEC.3610Project Laboratory A 2
ETEC.3650Applied Linear Devices 3
ETEC.3680Data Conversion and Laboratory 3
ETEC.3760Electromagnetic Theory 3
ETEC.3830Microprocessors A 3
ETEC.3840Microprocessors B 3
ETEC.3910Capstone Design 3
ETEC.3920Capstone Execution 3
ETEC.4030Foundations of Microwave Design3
ETEC.4100System Engineering and Analysis 3
ETEC.4220GPS: Principles and Applications 3
ETEC.4270Digital Signal Processing 3
ETEC.4490Logic Design D3
ETEC.4590Power Conversion Design I 3
ETEC.4600Power Conversion II3
ETEC.4690Control Systems II3
ETEC.4770Electromagnetic Theory II3
ETEC.4850Fundamentals of Communication Systems 3
ETEC.4870Analog Filter Design3
ETEC.4960Radar Systems 3
EXER.3050Exercise Physiology 3
EXER.3070Exercise Physiology Laboratory 1
EXER.3150Anatomical Kinesiology 3
EXER.3170Kinesiology Laboratory 1
EXER.3560Pharmacology 3
EXER.4120Clinical Practicum I and II 4
EXER.4180Senior Seminar 3
EXER.4200Advanced Study in Exercise Physiology3
EXER.4210Directed Study Health Promotion
FAHS.1050Comparative Arts3
FAHS.1090First Year Experience Seminar 1
FAHS.1400College Exploration Seminar1
FAHS.1500Major Exploration Seminar1
FAHS.2000Job Search Seminar1
FAHS.2130Foundations in Liberal Studies 3
FAHS.3630Introduction to Disability Studies3
FAHS.3700Washington Center Term 12
FAHS.4130BLA Capstone 3
FAHS.4800Integrative Fieldwork in Developmental Disabilities I3
FAHS.4810Integrative Fieldwork in Developmental Disabilities II3
FAHS.4910Directed Studies - Intercollegiate FAHSS 3
FIN.301Financial Management3
FINA.2000Personal Finance3
FINA.221Introduction to Investments3
FINA.301Financial Management 3
FINA.3010Financial Management 3
FINA.3030Introduction to Financial Modeling3
FINA.311Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis 3
FINA.3110Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis 3
FINA.321Investment and Portfolio Analysis 3
FINA.3210Investment and Portfolio Analysis 3
FINA.331Principles of Corporate Finance 3
FINA.3310Principles of Corporate Finance 3
FINA.4110Financial Institutions and Markets
FINA.4210Introduction to Financial Risk Management3
FINA.422Portfolio and Security Analysis3
FINA.4220Portfolio and Security Analysis 3
FINA.4320Intermediate Corporate Finance 3
FINA.4410Introduction to Financial Derivatives 3
FINA.451Bank Management3
FINA.4510Money and Banking3
FINA.489Internship In Finance3
FINA.4890Internship In Finance 3
FINA.491International Finance 3
FINA.4910International Finance 3
FINA.497Independent Study Finance3
FINA.4970Independent Study Finance3
FINA.498Special Topics in Finance3
FINA.4980Special Topics in Finance 3
FINA.4990Independent Study in Finance3
FINA.5CO-OPCurricula Practical Training 1
FINA.501Business Financial Analysis 2
FINA.5010Fundamentals of Finance 2
FINA.600Financial Markets3
FINA.601Corporate Finance 3
FINA.6010Corporate Finance 3
FINA.602Advanced Corporate Finance3
FINA.6020Advanced Corporate Finance 3
FINA.6050Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructuring3
FINA.610Global Financial Markets and Monetary Policy 3
FINA.6100Global Financial Markets and Monetary Policy 3
FINA.611Financial Statements Analysis
FINA.6110Financial Statement Analysis 3
FINA.621Security Analysis and Portfolio Management3
FINA.6210Securities and Portfolio Management 3
FINA.622Advanced Portfolio Management3
FINA.6220Advanced Portfolio Management 3
FINA.6230Security Analysis - Student Managed Fund3
FINA.624Fixed Income Securities3
FINA.6240Fixed Income Securities 3
FINA.6310Empirical Methods in Finance3
FINA.632Business Financial  Analysis3
FINA.6350Programming for Finance3
FINA.640Financing Innovation and Technology3
FINA.6420Decentralized Finance (DeFi)3
FINA.6510Bank Management
FINA.653Financial Institutions and Markets3
FINA.6530Financial Institutions and Markets 3
FINA.6550Global Financial Regulation and Compliance3
FINA.661Financial Risk Management3
FINA.6610Financial Risk Management 3
FINA.6710CFA Exam Review3
FINA.675Financial Derivatives 3
FINA.6750Financial Derivatives 3
FINA.677Independent Study: Finance3
FINA.6770Independent Study: Finance 3
FINA.688Current Topics in Finance3
FINA.6880Current Topics in Finance 3
FINA.691International Financial Management 3
FINA.6910International Financial Management 3
FINA.6990Finance Seminar
FINA.700Independent Study - Finance3
FINA.725Options And Futures3
FINA.731Financial Management3
FINA.732Financial Institutions and Markets3
FINA.736Portfolio And Security Analysis3
FINA.737Current Topics: Financial Management3
FINA.738International Financial Managementt3
FINA.739Independent Study: Finance3
FINA.760International Financial Management3
FINA.790-IFinancial  Marktes/Monetary Policy3
FINA.790Financial  Marktes/Monetary Policy3
FINA.799Directed Study: Finance3
FINA.802Quantitative Methods for Decision Evaluation3
GEOL.1010General Geology 3
GEOL.1030LGeneral Geology Laboratory 1
GEOL.2150Forensic Geology 3
GEOL.3420LGeology of North America - field experience1
GEOL.4930Internship: Environmental Geoscience 3
GEOL.5100Glacial and Pleistocene Geology3
GEOL.5240Regional Hydrogeology3
GEOL.5850Oceanography for Teachers3
GLST.7210Curricular Practical Training1
GLST.7610Dissertation Review/Global Studies 1
GLST.7910Global Studies Directed Studies 3
GNDR.2200Introduction to Queer Studies3
GNDR.2400Introduction to Gender Studies 3
GRFX.200Introduction to Graphic Design3
GRFX.2000Introduction to Graphic Design 3
GRFX.202Fundamentals of Typography3
GRFX.2020Fundamentals of Typography 3
GRFX.203Photographic Imaging3
GRFX.2030Photographic Imaging 3
GRFX.204Computer Graphics & Illustration3
GRFX.2040Computer Graphics & Illustration 3
GRFX.211Desktop Publishing: Print Production3
GRFX.2110Desktop Publishing: Print Production 3
GRFX.212Website Design3
GRFX.2120Website Design 3
GRFX.300Advanced Graphic Design3
GRFX.3000Advanced Graphic Design 3
GRFX.3020Advanced Typography3
GRFX.303Advanced Photographic Imaging3
GRFX.3030Advanced Photographic Imaging 3
GRFX.312Advanced Website Design3
GRFX.3120Advanced Website Design 3
GRFX.315Design for Advertising3
GRFX.3150Design for Advertising 3
GRFX.320Introduction to 3D Computer Animation3
GRFX.3200Introduction to 3D Computer Animation3
GRFX.330Special Effects for Digital Video3
GRFX.3300Special Effects for Digital Video: Adobe® After Effects3
GRFX.3500User Interface Prototyping for Apps and Web3
GRFX.400Portfolio Production Seminar3
GRFX.4000Portfolio Production Seminar 3
HIST.1010Classical Civilization3
HIST.1050Western Civilization I 3
HIST.1060The Modern World3
HIST.1070World History to 1500 3
HIST.1080World History Since 1500 3
HIST.1110United States History to1877 3
HIST.1120United States History since 18773
HIST.2000Early Christianity3
HIST.2110Historical Dimensions of Globalization3
HIST.2120Modern Latin America
HIST.2250Ancient Greek History3
HIST.2270Europe in the Middle Ages 3
HIST.2310Renaissance and Reformation 3
HIST.2370Europe in the Twentieth Century3
HIST.2400World War I 3
HIST.2420World War II 3
HIST.2485United States Military History3
HIST.2490The Vietnam War 3
HIST.2580Russia to 17963
HIST.2700Women in American History3
HIST.2740Native American History 3
HIST.2750African-American History 3
HIST.2800Pandemics: A Global History3
HIST.2810Sub--Saharan Africa3
HIST.2860United States History Through Film 3
HIST.2950Japan Since 16003
HIST.2960United States Diplomatic History 3
HIST.2980Introduction to Historical Methods3
HIST.3040European Economic & Social History3
HIST.3080History of Crime and Social Control3
HIST.3100History of New England3
HIST.3140U.S. Social History Since 18803
HIST.3210The Holocaust 3
HIST.3270England: The Middle Ages3
HIST.3300Tudor and Stuart England, 1485-1714 3
HIST.3320Warfare in the Ancient World3
HIST.3340The French Revolution and Napoleon 3
HIST.3360Modern Ireland3
HIST.3370Germany Since 18713
HIST.3440Revolutions in the Modern World3
HIST.3450History of Documentary and Film3
HIST.3490The Cuban Revolution 3
HIST.3500Colonial America: History and Culture 3
HIST.3510Captivity Narratives and Colonial Societies3
HIST.3520The Coming of the American Revolution 3
HIST.3530The French and Indian and Revolutionary Wars 3
HIST.3550Jacksonian America 3
HIST.3560Civil War and Reconstruction 3
HIST.3570The New South: Reconstruction to the Present3
HIST.3620The Twenties and the Thirties3
HIST.3650United States History since 1960 3
HIST.3690Russia 1796 to the Present3
HIST.3710Medieval Institutions (correct course number is 43.370)3
HIST.3720Women in the Middle Ages3
HIST.3730Nazi Germany 3
HIST.3740Stalin's Russia 3
HIST.376020th Century Irish History in Film3
HIST.3800Work and Society3
HIST.3810United States in the 1960s3
HIST.3820The American West3
HIST.3840Radicalism in American History3
HIST.3890Ancient History in Film3
HIST.3900Topics in History 3
HIST.3910America and the World3
HIST.3930History of the Middle East and Islamic World3
HIST.4910Directed Study
HIST.5360Readings on the Great Depression and the New Deal 3
HIST.5910Directed Study 4
HON.110First Year Seminar in Honors: Text in the City3
HON.320Seminar: Special Topics in Honors3
HONR.1100First Year Seminar in Honors: Text in the City 3
HONR.1200Designing Your College Experience3
HONR.3200Seminar: Special Topics in Honors 3
HONR.3300Seminar: Special Topic in Honors (Arts & Humanities Perspective)3
HONR.3400Seminar: Special Topic in Honors (Social Science Perspective)3
HONR.3500Seminar: Special Topic in Honors (STEM Perspective)3
HONR.4900Honors Capstone Project 3
HONR.4992Honors College Directed Study3
HSCI.1010Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3
HSCI.1011Medical Terminology for Health Professionals1
HSCI.1020Human Anatomy and Physiology II 3
HSCI.1021Introduction to Public Health3
HSCI.1030Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory I 1
HSCI.1040Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory II 1
HSCI.2060Pandemics: How Do They Occur?3
HSCI.2100Clinical Calculations1
HSCI.2110Basic Clinical Microbiology & Pathology 3
HSCI.2130Basic Clinical Microbiology & Pathology Laboratory 1
HSCI.2190Emergency Medical Technician6
HSCI.2510Physiological Chemistry I 3
HSCI.2520Physiological Chemistry II 3
HSCI.2530Physiological Chemistry Laboratory I 1
HSCI.2540Physiological Chemistry Laboratory II 1
HSCI.3050Exercise Physiology Lecture4
HSCI.3060Introduction to Gerontology 3
HSCI.3080Global Health 3
HSCI.3090Exercise Physiology Laboratory (See 30.307)1
HSCI.3200Legal Issues in Nursing 3
HSCI.3400IPE Research Methods3
HSCI.3500Human Biochemistry 3
HSCI.5020Graduate Global Health Experience3
HSCI.5500Human Development and Pathophysiology 3
HSCI.5510Clinical Pathophysiology3
IB.500Introduction to Biomedical Engineering & Biotechnology3
IB.512Medical Image Processing3
IB.520Ethical Issues in Biomedical Research1
IB.521Real Time Digital Signal Processing3
IB.560Biomedical Instrumentation3
IB.600Capstone Project3
IENG.3020Stochastic Modeling and Analysis3
IENG.5010Adv. Deterministic Modeling and Analysis3
IENG.5020Advanced Stochastic Modeling and Analysis3
IENG.5050Industrial Automation3
IENG.5070Facilities Planning and Material Handling3
IENG.5080Advanced Human Machines System Design3
IENG.7410Masters Thesis9
INFO.1600Introduction to Information Systems 3
INFO.1710Applications Software: Microsoft Access 3
INFO.1800Applications Software: Microsoft Excel 3
INFO.2020Microsoft Office 3
INFO.2030Introduction to Programming with Python3
INFO.2110Introduction to Programming W/C I 3
INFO.2120Introduction to Programming with C - Part II 3
INFO.2200Visual Basic 3
INFO.2200LVisual Basic 3
INFO.2240Advanced Visual Basic®3
INFO.2250Survey of Programming Languages 3
INFO.2260Intro to Blockchain Technology and Applications3
INFO.2270Developing Interactive Help Systems3
INFO.2300Introduction to Multimedia 3
INFO.2310Graphics for Multimedia and the World Wide Web 3
INFO.2320Desktop Video Production 3
INFO.2320LDesktop Video Production 3
INFO.2380Website Development 3
INFO.2450Website Server Administration3
INFO.2460Active Server Pages .NET3
INFO.2460LActive Server Pages .NET3
INFO.2470Web Authoring3
INFO.2480Website Database Implementation 3
INFO.2500E-Commerce 3
INFO.2670C Programming 3
INFO.2680C++ Programming 3
INFO.2690Advanced C++3
INFO.2700Visual C++ .NET3
INFO.2710C# Programming 3
INFO.2750Introduction to Networking3
INFO.2785Introduction to Operating Systems3
INFO.2810Introduction to the Internet of Things3
INFO.2820Python Programming3
INFO.2910Introduction to HTML 3
INFO.2920Advanced DHTML3
INFO.2930Data analysis and Visualization with Python3
INFO.2950Principles of Information Security 3
INFO.2970Introduction to Java Programming 3
INFO.3010JAVA Programming 3
INFO.3020JavaScript 3
INFO.3030Advanced Java Programming 3
INFO.3040Introduction to Java Web Development 3
INFO.3050Survey of Perl/Python/PHP 3
INFO.3060Introduction to XML 3
INFO.3070Introduction to Cloud Computing3
INFO.3080Agile Software Development with Java3
INFO.3085Introduction to Data Mining3
INFO.3090Introduction to Data Management3
INFO.3110Introduction to the Linux/Unix Operating System 3
INFO.3120Shell Scripting 3
INFO.3130Linux/UNIX Internals Overview3
INFO.3160UNIX System Administration3
INFO.3180Advanced UNIX Internals/Tuning3
INFO.3190Introduction to Linux3
INFO.3210Linux/Unix System Administration 3
INFO.3420Web-Enabled Database Development3
INFO.3460Digital Media Delivery3
INFO.3470Rich Web Development: Advanced Flash®3
INFO.3480Developing Dynamic Websites with ColdFusion®3
INFO.3600Intro. to Data Structures with C 3
INFO.3640Problem Solving with C 3
INFO.3850Introduction to Information Security 3
INFO.4430Introduction to Client/Server Computing3
INFO.4490Oracle 11g Forms and Reports3
INFO.4500Database Administration I: Introduction to Oracle 11g3
INFO.4510Oracle Database Design3
INFO.4530Database Administration II: Advanced Oracle 11g3
INFO.4540Oracle 11g SQL Development3
INFO.4550Database Administration III: Oracle 11g Projects3
INFO.4570Network Security 3
INFO.4590PL/SQL I: Introduction to Oracle 11g PL/SQL3
INFO.4600Computer Ethics 3
INFO.4610LAN/WAN Technologies 3
INFO.4620TCP/IP and Network Architecture 3
INFO.4640Network Management 3
INFO.4660Oracle 11g Data Warehousing3
INFO.4670PL/SQL II: Advanced Oracle 11g PL/SQL3
INFO.4680Advanced IP Routing3
INFO.4690Oracle 11gR2 High Performance and Internals3
INFO.4740Relational Database Concepts 3
INFO.4770Project Based Information Systems - Part I 3
INFO.4780Project Based Information Systems - Part II 3
INFO.4790Oracle 12i Applications DBA3
INFO.4800Project-Based Information Systems 6
INFO.4910Directed Study in Information Technology
JMS.100Introduction to Digital Media3
JMS.340Lighting Principles3
JMS.410TV Studio Production3
LABR.4100Internship in Work, Labor and Society 3
LGST.1030Introduction to Paralegal Studies 3
LGST.2100Restorative Justice3
LGST.2340Criminal Law3
LGST.2500Disability and the Law: Legal Rights of People with Disabilities 3
LGST.2610Introduction to Legal Concepts 3
LGST.2620Introduction to Business Law 3
LGST.2870Legal Writing 3
LGST.3600Legal Issues in Racism 3
LGST.3630Corporate and Property Law 3
LGST.3650The Legal Environment of Business 3
LGST.3660International Law 3
LGST.3670Environmental Law 3
LGST.3700Real Estate Law 3
LGST.3720Sports, Entertainment and Art Law 3
LGST.3760Family Law 3
LGST.3770Elder Law3
LGST.3790The Relationship of Law, Logic, and Ethics 3
LGST.3810Women and the Law 3
LGST.3830Alternative Dispute Resolution 3
LGST.3850Immigration Law3
LGST.3860Intellectual Property 3
LGST.3870Legal Research Methods 3
LGST.3900Litigation 3
LGST.3920Wills,Trusts and Estates 3
LGST.4800Bankruptcy, Debtor & Creditor Law3
LGST.4890Seminar in Law 3
LGST.4900Legal Aspects of Cyberspace 3
LGST.4970Legal Studies Practicum 3
LIFE.1000Introduction to Biology 3
LIFE.1010Life Science I 3
LIFE.1020Life Science II3
LIFE.1030LLife Science I Laboratory1
LIFE.1040LLife Science II Laboratory1
LIFE.1050LIntroduction to Biology Lab 1
LIFE.1060Human Biology 3
LIFE.1070LHuman Biology Laboratory1
LIFE.1100Microbes and Society: Good, Bad and Ugly 3
LIFE.1230Nutrition and Disease 3
LIFE.1250Plants and Human Society 3
LIFE.1270Plants & Human Society Lab 1
LIFE.2140Human Ecology 3
MATH.1020Freshman Seminar in Mathematics1
MATH.1070Elementary Math for Teaching: Numbers and Operations 3
MATH.1080Elementary Math for Teaching: Algebra and Data Analysis3
MATH.1110Quantitative Reasoning 3
MATH.1115Fundamentals of Algebra 3
MATH.1200Precalculus Mathematics I 3
MATH.1200SISupplemental Instruction - Precalculus Mathematics I0
MATH.1205Applied Precalculus3
MATH.1210Management Precalculus 3
MATH.1210SISupplemental Instruction - Management Pre-Calculus 0
MATH.1220Management Calculus 3
MATH.1225Precalculus Mathematics I3
MATH.1230Precalculus Mathematics II 3
MATH.1250Calculus A 3
MATH.1260Calculus B 3
MATH.1270Preparation for Calculus4
MATH.1280Calculus IA 4
MATH.1290Calculus IB 4
MATH.1310Calculus I 4
MATH.1320Calculus II 4
MATH.1380Calculus for the Life Sciences I 4
MATH.1510Explorations in Mathematics3
MATH.2190Discrete Structures I 3
MATH.2195Discrete Math for IT3
MATH.2210Introduction to Linear Algebra 3
MATH.2220Linear Algebra 3
MATH.2250Calculus C 3
MATH.2260Calculus D 3
MATH.2310Calculus III 4
MATH.2320LMath Lab I
MATH.2340Differential Equations 3
MATH.2360Engineering Differential Equations 3
MATH.2720Introduction to Programming with MATLAB
MATH.2830Introduction to Statistics 3
MATH.3010Introduction to Applied Mathematics I 3
MATH.3020Introduction to Applied Mathematics II3
MATH.3050Introduction to Real Analysis I3
MATH.3210Discrete Structures I 3
MATH.3220Discrete Structures II 3
MATH.3230Introduction to Proofs3
MATH.3600Mathematic Structure for Computer Engineers
MATH.3620Numerical Analysis I 3
MATH.3630Intro to Data Analysis3
MATH.3750Senior Seminar I 1
MATH.3810Mathematical Physics3
MATH.3850Applied Statistics 3
MATH.3860Probability and Statistics I 3
MATH.4030Mathematical Analysis 3
MATH.4070Probability and Mathematical Statistics I 3
MATH.4100Computers and Calculators in the Classroom 3
MATH.4110Complex Variables I 3
MATH.4130Number Theory 3
MATH.4200Mathematical Problem Solving 3
MATH.4210Abstract Algebra I 3
MATH.4270Geometry 3
MATH.4350History of Mathematics 3
MATH.4450Partial Differential Equations 3
MATH.4480Mathematics of Signal Processing3
MATH.4500Mathematical Modeling 3
MATH.4540Computational Mathematics3
MATH.4660Stat Program Using SAS 3
MATH.4750Senior Seminar II 3
MATH.4760Senior Seminar III3
MATH.4860Probability and Math Statistics II3
MATH.4900Selected Topics 3
MATH.4910Directed Studies in Analysis3
MATH.4940Directed Study in Statistics3
MATH.5000Discrete Structures 3
MATH.5010Real Analysis3
MATH.5030Mathematical Analysis3
MATH.5070Applied Functional Analysis I3
MATH.5090Probability and Mathematical Statistics3
MATH.5100Computers and Calculators in Classroom 3
MATH.5110Complex Variables I 3
MATH.5130Number Theory 3
MATH.5190Introduction to Probability and Statistics II3
MATH.5200Mathematical Problem Solving3
MATH.5210Abstract Algebra I 3
MATH.5230Linear Algebra 3
MATH.5260Topology 3
MATH.5300Applied Mathematics I 3
MATH.5310Applied Mathematics II3
MATH.5350History of Mathematics 3
MATH.5430Ordinary Differential Equations 3
MATH.5450Partial Diff Equations 3
MATH.5480Mathematics Of Signal Processing3
MATH.5500Mathematical Modeling 3
MATH.5510Calculus of Variations3
MATH.5520Wavelet Analysis3
MATH.5550Applied Math for Life Scientists3
MATH.5630Computational Mathematics 3
MATH.5640Applied Linear Algebra 3
MATH.5650Special Functions3
MATH.5700Probability and Statistics3
MATH.5750Applied Statistics with R3
MATH.5760Statistical Programming using SAS3
MATH.5780Statistical Inference and Data Mining3
MATH.5820Time Series Analysis3
MATH.5840Stochastic Process3
MATH.5870Measure and Probability Theory 3
MATH.5880Mathematical Statistics3
MATH.5900Statistical Quality Control 3
MATH.5910Linear Statistics Modeling and Regression 3
MATH.5920Multivariate Statistics3
MATH.5930Experimental Design 3
MATH.6510Selected Topics in Mathematics 3
MATH.7430Graduate  Research/Math3
MECH.1CO-OPCurricula Practical Training1
MECH.2010Computer Aided Design 2
MECH.2020Manufacturing Laboratory 2
MECH.2420Thermodynamics 3
MECH.2960Materials Science for Engineers 3
MECH.3020Instrumentation and Measurement Laboratory 3
MECH.3110Applied Strength of Materials 3
MECH.3210Kinematics of Mechanisms 3
MECH.3220Control of Mechanical Systems 3
MECH.3230Control of Automated Systems3
MECH.3410Conduction and Radiation Heat Transfer3
MECH.3420Convective Processes3
MECH.3610Mathematical Methods for Mechanical Engineers 3
MECH.3810Fluid Mechanics 3
MECH.3820Heat Transfer 3
MECH.4030Thermal Fluids Laboratory 3
MECH.4250Design of Machine Elements 3
MECH.4410Thermo-fluid Applications 3
MECH.4420Thermo-fluid Systems Design 3
MECH.4510Dynamic Systems Analysis 3
MECH.4730Design Theory and Constraints 3
MECH.4830Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics3
MECH.4991Directed Studies in Mechanical Engineering 3
MECH.5CO-OPCurricula Practical Training 1
MECH.5040Energy Engineering Workshop3
MECH.5050Directed Studies - ME3
MECH.5120Applied Finite Element Analysis 3
MECH.5130Theory of Finite Element Analysis 3
MECH.5140Finite Element Analysis3
MECH.5150Structural Dynamic Modeling Techniques3
MECH.5160Experimental Modal Analysis3
MECH.5180Signal Proc Techniques3
MECH.5190Engineering Spectral Analysis3
MECH.5195Principles and Applications of Sensors for Engineering3
MECH.5200Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 3
MECH.5210Solar Fundamentals3
MECH.5220Wind Energy Fundamentals3
MECH.5221Offshore Wind Engineering3
MECH.5240Fund of Acoustics3
MECH.5250Grid-Connected Solar Electric Systems 3
MECH.5260Transport Processes in Energy Systems 3
MECH.5270Solar Energy Engineering 3
MECH.5280Photovoltaics Manufacturing3
MECH.5290Fuel Cell Fundamentals3
MECH.5310Math Methods In Mechanical Engineering3
MECH.5320Off-Grid Solar Electric System 3
MECH.5330Nanomaterials for Energy3
MECH.5350Fundamentals of Sustainable Energy3
MECH.5420Convective Heat/Mass Transfer3
MECH.5450Advanced Industrial Heat and Mass Transfer3
MECH.5490Cooling of Electronic Equipment 3
MECH.5500Vibrations 3
MECH.5530MEMS & Microsystems3
MECH.5540Dynamic Systems and Controls 3
MECH.5570Microsystem Design3
MECH.5580Aero/Wind Eng3
MECH.5590Multi-Scale Computational Fluid Dynamics I 3
MECH.5620Solid Mechanics I 3
MECH.5710Quality Engineering 3
MECH.5720Manufacturing Processes3
MECH.5740Design For Reliability Engineering 3
MECH.5750Industrial Design of Experiment 3
MECH.5760Engineering Project Management 3
MECH.5810Advanced Fluid Mechanics3
MECH.5830Advanced Aerodynamics 3
MECH.5840Ocean Engineering3
MECH.5890Finite Element in Thermofluids2
MECH.5910Mechanical Behavior of Materials3
MECH.5930Graduate Co-op Education0
MECH.5950Graduate Co-op II0
MECH.5960Mechanics of Composite Materials3
MECH.5970Processing of Composites3
MECH.6020SpecialTopic: Thermo-Fluids3
MECH.6030Special Topic: Vibration Dynamics3
MECH.6110Matrix Methods3
MECH.6140Advanced Finite Element Methods3
MECH.7410Master's Thesis - Mechanical Engineering1
MECH.7420Master's Thesis - Mechanical Engineering2
MECH.7430Master's Thesis - ME 3
MECH.7460Master's Thesis - ME 6
MECH.7490Master's Thesis - Mechanical Engineering9
MECH.7510Advanced Projects in Mechanical Engineering3
MECH.7530Doctoral Dissertation/Mechanical Engineering3
MECH.7560Doctoral Dissertation/Mechanical Engineering6
MECH.7590Doctoral Dissertation/Mechanical Engineering9
MECH.7610Continued Grad Research
MECH.7630Continued Graduate Research 3
MECH.7660Continued Graduate Research6
MECH.7690Continued Graduate Research9
MECH.7710Systems Analysis I 3
MECH.7720Systems Analysis II 3
MECH.7730Systems Analysis III 3
MGMT.017Introduction to Business3
MGMT.1CO-OPCurricula Practical Training 1
MGMT.150Introduction to Business3
MGMT.210Professional Communications3
MGMT.301Organizational Behavior3
MGMT.3010Organizational Behavior 3
MGMT.310Human Resources Management3
MGMT.3100Human Resources Management 3
MGMT.3800Business Ethics 3
MGMT.410Negotiation Strategy and Process3
MGMT.4100Negotiation Strategy and Process 3
MGMT.415Managing Teams and Projects3
MGMT.4150Managing Teams and Projects 3
MGMT.420Leadership Processes3
MGMT.4200Leadership Processes 3
MGMT.425Organization Design3
MGMT.4250Business Process Management3
MGMT.430Rewards and Compensation3
MGMT.435International Management3
MGMT.4350International Management 3
MGMT.440International Business3
MGMT.4400International Business 3
MGMT.445Contemporary Management Development3
MGMT.4450Contemporary Management Development3
MGMT.450Labor, Diversity, and Human Resource Management3
MGMT.4500Managing Diversity in Organizations 3
MGMT.4550International Import/Export Management3
MGMT.480Current Topics in Management3
MGMT.4800Current Topics in Management 3
MGMT.4890Internship In Management 3
MGMT.490Strategic Management3
MGMT.4900Strategic Management 3
MGMT.4910Independent Study in Management
MGMT.496Special Topics: Entrepreneurship3
MGMT.499Independent Study in Management3
MGMT.4990Independent Study in Management3
MGMT.5CO-OPCurricular Practical Training 1
MGMT.501Organizational Behavior2
MGMT.5010Organizational Behavior 2
MGMT.510Organizational Behavior3
MGMT.511Global Enterprise and Competition2
MGMT.5110Global Enterprise and Competition 2
MGMT.512Global Dynamics1
MGMT.5750Business Fundamentals for Scientists and Engineers 3
MGMT.577Labor Diversity and Human Resources Management3
MGMT.588Special Topics: Management of Diversity3
MGMT.601Managing Organizational Change3
MGMT.6010Managing Organizational Change 3
MGMT.602Law and Society3
MGMT.603AdvancedTopics In Information Systems3
MGMT.607-IMBA/Finance Independent Study2
MGMT.607MBA/Finance Independent Study2
MGMT.6070MBA/Finance Independent Study2
MGMT.610Regulatory Environment3
MGMT.6100Managerial Leadership3
MGMT.611Enterprise and Management3
MGMT.612Dynamics Of Competition3
MGMT.6150International Business3
MGMT.617New Venture Practicum II - Implementation through Investment3
MGMT.6250Negotiations 3
MGMT.630New Product Development3
MGMT.6301Management Consulting3
MGMT.632Business Financial Analysis3
MGMT.6350Project Management3
MGMT.640Building and Managing Teams3
MGMT.6400Building and Managing Teams3
MGMT.645Advanced Professional Communication3
MGMT.6450Advanced Professional Communication3
MGMT.6500Workforce Analytics3
MGMT.651Organizational Behavior3
MGMT.652Human Resources Management3
MGMT.6520Human Resources Management 3
MGMT.6530Ethical Leadership in the Global Economy3
MGMT.6540Managing Global and workforce Diversity3
MGMT.655Mid-Management Skills for the New Business Environment3
MGMT.6550Mid-Management Skills for the New Business Environment 3
MGMT.660Law and Society3
MGMT.6600The Future of Work: Understanding the Global, Strategic and Managerial Implications3
MGMT.667Independent Study In Management3
MGMT.670International Law3
MGMT.672Operations Management3
MGMT.673Operations Research3
MGMT.677Independent Study: Management3
MGMT.6770Independent Study: Management 3
MGMT.680St Mg:Adv Prof'l Comm3
MGMT.688Current Topics in Management3
MGMT.6880Current Topics in Management 3
MGMT.690Current Topics - Business Law3
MGMT.691Strategy Formation and Implementation3
MGMT.6910Strategy Formation and Implementation 3
MGMT.692Strategy II3
MGMT.701Starting New Ventures3
MGMT.704Consulting Strategies and Practice3
MGMT.705Human Resources Management3
MGMT.706Human Resource Management Project1
MGMT.710Management for Competitiveness3
MGMT.720Management Competitiveness II3
MGMT.723Marketing Analysis and Plng3
MGMT.724Marketing Research0
MGMT.727International Marketing3
MGMT.729Ind-study Marketing3
MGMT.731Financial Management3
MGMT.732Financial Institutions and Markets3
MGMT.736Portfolio and Sec Analysis3
MGMT.737Current Topic:Financial Management3
MGMT.738International Financial Management3
MGMT.739Independent Study Finance3
MGMT.752Organizational  Design and Change3
MGMT.753Compensation Management3
MGMT.754Planning Management Careers3
MGMT.755Human Resourse Planning3
MGMT.759Independent Study:Human Resource Mangement3
MGMT.772Opns Plng + Control3
MGMT.773Advanced Operations Research3
MGMT.774Industrial Relations3
MGMT.775The Practice Of Operations Management3
MGMT.779Independent Study-Operations Management3
MGMT.781Corporate Strategy3
MGMT.783International Business3
MGMT.789Independent Study in Management3
MGMT.790Special Topics in  Management3
MGMT.791Topic: Comp. Study Business Relations3
MGMT.799Special Topics in Management3
MGMT.801Organizational Behavior For Engineer Managers2
MGMT.802Finance For Engineer Managers2
MGMT.803Manufacturing Management For Engineer Manager2
MGMT.804Business Policy - Engineering Managers2
MGMT.805Start New Tech Ventures2
MGMT.832Finance For Health Care Professionals2
MGT.150Intro to Business3
MIST.CAPSTONon-Credit Capstone Review0
MIST.201Business Information Systems 3
MIST.2010Business Information Systems 3
MIST.300Application Systems Development3
MIST.3030Database Management Systems 3
MIST.3040Data Communications and Networks 3
MIST.3050Business Applications Development 3
MIST.3070Current Topics in Management Information Systems3
MIST.308Enterprise Systems Management3
MIST.402Systems Analysis and Design3
MIST.4020Systems Analysis and Design 3
MIST.4060Data Mining for Business Intelligence 3
MIST.407Electronic Business3
MIST.4070Electronic Business 3
MIST.408Enterprise Systems Management 3
MIST.4080Enterprise Systems Management 3
MIST.4090Directed Study in Management Information Systems 3
MIST.488Current Topics in Management Information Systems3
MIST.4880Special Topics in MIS3
MIST.489Internship in Management Information Systems3
MIST.4890Internship in Management Information Systems 3
MIST.5CO-OPCurricular Practical Training1
MIST.601Management Information Systems 3
MIST.6010Management Information Systems 3
MIST.602Management Information Systems3
MIST.603Advanced Topics :  Information Systems3
MIST.6030Database Management 3
MIST.6060Business Intelligence and Data Mining 3
MIST.607Electronic Business 3
MIST.6070Electronic Business 3
MIST.608Enterprise System Management 3
MIST.6080Enterprise System Management 3
MIST.6090Independent Study in MIST
MIST.610Information Technology Infrastructure3
MIST.6100Information Technology Infrastructure3
MIST.6140Social and Economic Networks3
MIST.6150Data Quality for Business Analytics 3
MIST.616Independent Study in Management Information Systems3
MIST.6160Advanced Data Mining 3
MIST.6170Advanced Machine Learning3
MIST.635Project Management3
MIST.6350Project Management 3
MIST.6360Global Information Technology Governance3
MIST.645Information Technology Project Management 3
MIST.6450Information Technology Project Management 3
MIST.6490Business Analytics Capstone Project3
MIST.688Current Topics in Management Information Systems3
MIST.6880Current Topics in Management Information Systems 3
MIST.6890Internship in Business Analytics3
MIST.7070Electronic Commerce
MIST.709Independent Study in Management Information Systems1
MIST.7090Independent Study in Management Information Systems 1
MIST.7900Doctoral Dissertation 9
MKG.201Marketing Principles3
MKG.301Organizational Behavior3
MKTG.1CO-OPCurricula Practical Training1
MKTG.201Marketing Principles3
MKTG.2010Marketing Principles 3
MKTG.210Professional Communications3
MKTG.2100Professional Communications 3
MKTG.302Marketing Research3
MKTG.3020Marketing Research3
MKTG.303International Marketing3
MKTG.3100Digital Marketing3
MKTG.311Marketing Opportunity Analysis3
MKTG.312Marketing Tactics3
MKTG.313Sales and Customer Relations3
MKTG.3130Sales and Customer Relations 3
MKTG.315New Product & Service Management3
MKTG.3150New Product & Service Management 3
MKTG.401Marketing Communications3
MKTG.4010Advertising 3
MKTG.402Buyer Behavior3
MKTG.4020Buyer Behavior 3
MKTG.403Business Marketing3
MKTG.405Sales Management3
MKTG.406Purchasing and Materials Management3
MKTG.4070Retailing 3
MKTG.411Marketing Analytics3
MKTG.4110Marketing Analytics 3
MKTG.412Global Marketing3
MKTG.4120Global Marketing 3
MKTG.4300Social Media Marketing3
MKTG.496Current Topics in Marketing3
MKTG.4960Current Topics in Marketing 3
MKTG.4980Marketing Internship 3
MKTG.4991Independent Study in Marketing 3
MKTG.5CO-OPCurricula Practical Training1
MKTG.501Marketing Fundamentals2
MKTG.5010Marketing Fundamentals 2
MKTG.505Advanced Marketing Fund2
MKTG.5450Professional and Scientific Communication 3
MKTG.601Customers and Markets3
MKTG.6010Customers and Markets 3
MKTG.603Global Marketing3
MKTG.610Marketing Research3
MKTG.6150New Product Development3
MKTG.6200Sales Management 3
MKTG.621Customers And  Markets3
MKTG.622Marketing Fundamentals3
MKTG.6250Digital Marketing 3
MKTG.630Market Research3
MKTG.6300Market Research 3
MKTG.6350Marketing Analytics3
MKTG.640Marketing For Engineering  Managers3
MKTG.6410Marketing Analytics
MKTG.650Industrial Marketing3
MKTG.6510Sustainable/Green Marketing3
MKTG.660Marketing Communications3
MKTG.670International Marketing3
MKTG.6700International Marketing 3
MKTG.677Independent Study: Marketing3
MKTG.6770Independent Study: Marketing 3
MKTG.680Marketing Analysis And  Planning3
MKTG.688Current  Topics in Marketing3
MKTG.6880Current Topics in Marketing3
MKTG.690Internship in Marketing3
MKTG.698Spec Top:strategy Pricng3
MKTG.699Marketing Internship3
MKTG.700Special Topic:  Marketing3
MKTG.710Marketing Research3
MKTG.723Marketing Analysis And Planning3
MKTG.724Marketing Research3
MKTG.725Marketing Communication3
MKTG.726Consumer Behavior3
MKTG.727International Marketing3
MKTG.728Industrial Marketing3
MKTG.729Independent Study Marketing3
MKTG.750Industrial Marketing3
MKTG.760Marketing Communications3
MKTG.781New Products3
MKTG.790Special Topic:  Marketing3
MKTG.799Independent Study In Marketing3
MKTG.801Marketing Engineering Manager2
MKTG.804Market  And Customer Values3
MLSC.3200Clinical Hematology Practicum 2
MLSC.3410Organic Structures and Reactions3
MLSC.3430Organic Structures and Reactions Laboratory1
MLSC.3610Clinical Laboratory Instrumentation 3
MLSC.3630Clinical Laboratory Instrumentation Laboratory2
MLSC.4100Clinical Microbiology Practicum 2
MLSC.4200Clinical Hematology Practicum 2
MLSC.4300Clinical Immunohematology Practicum 2
MLSC.4310Clinical Immunohematology 3
MLSC.4500Clinical Chemistry Practicum 2
MLSC.5310Clinical Immunohematology3
MLSC.5410Introduction to Public Health and the Public Health Laboratory 3
MLSC.5500Foundations of Biomedical Research3
MLSC.5510Advanced Pathophysiology 3
MLSC.5530Advanced Clinical Chemistry3
MLSC.5600Molecular Pathology 3
MLSC.5750Topics in Clinical Laboratory Science I3
MLSC.5800Clinical Applications of Molecular Genetics 3
MLSC.6100Clinical Toxicology3
MLSC.6101Clinical Toxicology Lab1
MLSC.6130Infectious Disease 3
MLSC.6150Medical Mycology and Parasitology3
MLSC.6400Quality Assurance, Control and Improvement in the Clinical and Public Health Lab3
MLSC.7330Graduate Project - Clinical Laboratory Sciences3
MLSC.7340Graduate Project - Clinical Laboratory Sciences 4
MLSC.7430Master's Thesis - Clinical Lab Sciences3
MLSC.7440Master's Thesis - Clinical Laboratory Science4
MLSC.7530Doctoral Research3
MLSC.7560Doctoral Research6
MLSC.7590Doctoral Research9
MPAD.5010Foundations of Public Administration3
MPAD.5020Public and Non-Profit Budgeting and Financial Management3
MPAD.5030Public and Non-Profit Management and Leadership3
MPAD.5040Data Analysis3
MPAD.5045Advanced Research with Survey Data3
MPAD.5120Communication for Public and Non-Profit Managers3
MPAD.5150Public and Non-Profit Personnel Management3
MPAD.5300Gender and Administration3
MPAD.5400Public Finance3
MPAD.5500Grant Writing3
MPAD.6000Independent Study: Public Administration
MPAD.6010Capstone Experience3
MSIT.3010Organization of Programming Languages3
MSIT.3040Foundations of Computer Science3
MSIT.3050Computer Architecture 3
MSIT.3080Introduction to Operating Systems3
MSIT.4040Analysis of Algorithms3
MSIT.5110Network and Systems Administration 3
MSIT.5140Systems Security and Auditing 3
MSIT.5170Operating Systems Foundations 3
MSIT.5180Large Scale Application Deployment 3
MSIT.5190Virtual Systems 3
MSIT.5200Digital Storage Architectures 3
MSIT.5310Project Management 3
MSIT.5320Managing Large Data Sets 3
MSIT.5330Developer Operations (DevOps)3
MSIT.5350Agile and Iterative Project Management 3
MSIT.5360Data Mining 3
MSIT.5410Information Security, Privacy and Regulatory Compliance 3
MSIT.5430Intrusion Detection Systems 3
MSIT.5450Designing and Building a Cybersecurity Program 3
MSIT.5460Introduction to Malware Analysis3
MSIT.5470Protecting against Ransomware Attacks3
MSIT.5600Network Infrastructures 3
MSIT.5610Computer Network Security 3
MSIT.5620Digital Forensics 3
MSIT.5630Secure Mobile Networks 3
MSIT.5650Cloud Computing 3
MSIT.5660Advanced Cloud Computing3
MSIT.5670Text Analytics and Information Retrievals3
MTEC.1010Engineering Graphics2
MTEC.1020Engineering Design and Graphics 3
MTEC.2000Computer Aided Drafting (CADrf) 3
MTEC.2020Thermo/Fluids Laboratory 2
MTEC.2030Introduction to Automated Control Programming3
MTEC.2040Manufacturing Technology Laboratory 2
MTEC.2060Applied Computer Aided Manufacturing 3
MTEC.2110LABVIEW(TM) Programming with Engineering Applications 3
MTEC.2210Statics 3
MTEC.2220Dynamics 3
MTEC.2230Mechanics of Materials 3
MTEC.2260Technical Communications for Engineering Technology 3
MTEC.2410Elements of Thermodynamics I 3
MTEC.2420Applied Fluid Mechanics 3
MTEC.2430Elements of Thermodynamics II 3
MTEC.2620Engineering Data Analysis 3
MTEC.2850Introduction to SolidWorks 3
MTEC.2950Materials Science 3
MTEC.3010Manufacturing Technology Laboratory 2
MTEC.3020Mechanics/Materials Laboratory 2
MTEC.3050Manufacturing Processes 3
MTEC.3140Manufacturing Productivity 3
MTEC.3200Machine Design 3
MTEC.3530Forensic Engineering 3
MTEC.3540Problems in Mechanical Engineering Technology 3
MTEC.4020Engineering Measurement Laboratory 2
MTEC.4140Engineering Economics 3
MTEC.4160Statistical Quality Control3
MTEC.4190Applied Computer Aided Manufacturing3
MTEC.4320Capstone Design 3
MTEC.4440Mechanical Vibrations 3
MTEC.4750Heat Transfer 3
MTEC.4800Computer Aided Design 3
MTEC.4840Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER 3
MTEC.4850Introduction to SolidWorks 3
MUAP.5010Graduate  Applied Keyboard I2
MUAP.5020Graduate Applied Keyboard 22
MUAP.5110Graduate Applied Voice I2
MUAP.5120Graduate Applied Voice 22
MUAP.5210Graduate Applied Woodwinds 12
MUAP.5220Graduate Applied Woodwinds 22
MUAP.5310Graduate Applied Brass And  Percussion  12
MUAP.5320Graduate Applied  Brass And Percussion 22
MUAP.5410Graduate  Applied Strings 12
MUAP.5420Graduate Applied Strings 22
MUBU.4990Music Business Internship 6
MUBU.4991Music Business Internship 6
MUBU.5250Community Outreach Practicum 1 1
MUBU.5260Community Outreach Practicum 2 1
MUED.5000Global Music for Classroom3
MUED.5100Foundations Of Music Education3
MUED.5150Special Topics: Technology, Arts & Learning3
MUED.5630Choral Repertoire and Rehearsal Techniques3
MUED.5770Instrumental Music Workshop 3
MUED.5780Music/Way of Knowing2
MUED.5830Intro to Technology Applications for the Music Classroom3
MUED.5950Practicum & Analysis9
MUED.5960Graduate Directed Study: Music Education3
MUED.6010Seminar In Music Education3
MUED.6250Community Internship 6
MUED.6500Research in Music Education3
MUED.6950Direct Study and Research3
MUED.6960Project Report3
MUED.7430Master's Thesis, Music Education3
MUEN.5010University Orchestra2
MUEN.5020Wind Ensemble2
MUEN.5030Chamber Singers2
MUEN.5040University Choir2
MUEN.5050Concert Band2
MUEN.5080Studio Orchestra2
MUEN.5510Choral Union1
MUEN.5530Percussion Ensemble1
MUEN.5540Classical Guitar Ensemble1
MUEN.5550Brass Ensemble1
MUEN.5560Electric Guitar Ensemble1
MUEN.5580Piano Ensemble1
MUEN.5590Mixed Chamber Ensemble1
MUEN.5600String Ensemble1
MUEN.5610Small Jazz Ensemble1
MUEN.5620Jazz Laboratory Ensemble1
MUEN.5630Recording Studio Ensemble1
MUEN.5650Jazz/Rock Big Band1
MUEN.5700Contemp Electronic Ensemble1
MUEN.6010World Music Ensemble1
MUEN.6020Graduate  Instrumental Ensemble2
MUHI.1610Music of Western Civilization3
MUHI.2161Music of Western Civilization: Antiquity-Mid 18th Century 3
MUHI.2162Music of Western Civ.: Classical era-21st Century3
MUHI.2610Music History 13
MUHI.2620Music History 23
MUHI.3010American Music 3
MUHI.3550Jazz 3
MUHI.3860History of Rock Music3
MUHI.5940Graduate Directed Study in Musicology3
MUHI.5950Graduate Directed Study In Musicology3
MUPF.5950Graduate Direct Study: Research in Performance3
MUSR.1100Introduction to Music Technology2
MUSR.3010Music, Technology and Society3
MUSR.4930Internship in SRT 6
MUSR.4940Senior Project In Sound Recording Technology 6
MUSR.4950Directed Study in Sound Recording Technology 3
MUSR.5200Recording Analysis3
MUSR.5500Advanced Video Production3
MUSR.5900Advanced Acoustics for Audio3
MUSR.5950Graduate Directed Study in SRT3
MUSR.6300Technologies of Audio3
MUSR.6400Production Practicum3
MUSR.6500Research in Sound Recording Technology3
MUSR.6600Seminar in Audio3
MUSR.7400Masters Recording Project6
MUSR.7430SRT Masters Thesis6
MUTH.1000Fundamentals of Musicianship3
MUTH.1010Music Theory 13
MUTH.1020Music Theory 23
MUTH.1030Aural Skills 11
MUTH.1040Aural Skills 21
MUTH.1100Basic Music Theory3
MUTH.2010Music Theory 33
MUTH.2020Music Theory 43
MUTH.2030Aural Skills 31
MUTH.2040Aural Skills 41
MUTH.5950Graduate Directed Study in Music Theory3
MUTH.6100Structure, Context and Style3
NC.350Intensive English Program - Navitas12
NC.507Academic Writing for English Language Learners3
NONC.BIOL1River Hawk Review Principles of Biology I0
NONC.CALC1NC Math Boot Camp Calculus 1
NONC.CHEMRiver Hawk Review - Chemistry I 0
NONC.CHEM1River Hawk Review - Chemistry I 0
NONC.CHEM2River Hawk Review Chemistry II0
NONC.COMP1River Hawk Review Computing I0
NONC.COMP3River Hawk Review Computing III0
NONC.CWSRHR - College Writing Studio0
NONC.CW1River Hawk Review - College Writing 10
NONC.CW2River Hawk Review - College Writing 20
NONC.DIFEQTNC Math Boot Camp - Differential Equations
NONC.ENDIFENC Math River Hawk Review - Engineering Differential Equations
NONC.GPHYS2River Hawk Review General Physics II0
NONC.MCALCRiver Hawk Review Management Calculus0
NONC.OPRSYSRR Operating Systems
NONC.ORGCH1River Hawk Review - Organic Chemistry I0
NONC.ORGPRORiverhawk Review Organization of Programming Languages0
NONC.ORG2ARiver Hawk Review - Organic Chemistry IIA0
NONC.ORG2BRiver Hawk Review - Organic Chemistry IIB0
NONC.STATRiver Hawk Review Statics0
NONC.5040Academic Communication for Graduate Students 3
NONC.5450Foundations of Communications for Graduate Students 3
NURS.1030Academic Strategies Portfolio Seminar 1
NURS.2110Nursing Assessment and Skills 2
NURS.2120Introduction to Nursing Practice 3
NURS.2120LIntroduction to Nursing Practice Laboratory 1
NURS.2120RIntroduction to Nursing Practice Medication Calcs 1
NURS.2180Pharmacology for Nursing Practice 3
NURS.3010Research in Nursing and Health Care 3
NURS.3060Health Assessment 3
NURS.3070Concepts for Baccalaureate Nursing 3
NURS.3080Health Promotion in Nursing 2
NURS.3090Health Promotion in Nursing Practice Practicum 3
NURS.3200Community-Focused Health and Policy 3
NURS.3210Independent Study
NURS.3240Community-Focused Project Implementation 2
NURS.3250Community-Focused Project Dissemination 1
NURS.4100Health Promotion and Risk Reduction of Families III 5
NURS.4110Health Promotion and Risk Reduction of Families III Practicum 4
NURS.4120Community Health and Health Policy 4
NURS.4130Role Transition4
NURS.4140Role Transition Practicum6
NURS.4150Community Health Project3
NURS.4200Leadership in Nursing 3
NURS.4210Selected Topics in Nursing 3
NURS.5220Independent Study Health Promotion2
NURS.5520Social, Cultural and Policy Issues in Health Care 3
NURS.5530Scholarly Writing2
NURS.5540Palliative and End of Life Nursing Care 3
NURS.5580Geropsychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 3
NURS.5590Advanced Pharmacology 3
NURS.6000Theoretical Foundations for Advanced Nursing Practice 3
NURS.6010Research for Evidence-Based Practice 3
NURS.6020Clinical Psychopharmacology3
NURS.6100Adult Gerontological Nursing I4
NURS.6110Adult Gerontological Nursing II4
NURS.6120Adult/Gerontological Nursing III4
NURS.6130Adult Gerontological Nursing Practicum I3
NURS.6140Adult-Gerontological Nursing Practicum II3
NURS.6510Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning 3
NURS.6511APRN Practicum 13
NURS.6512APRN Practicum II3
NURS.6513APRN Practicum III3
NURS.6520APRN Care of Adults3
NURS.6521APRN Care of Children and Adolescents3
NURS.6522APRN Women's Health Across the Lifespan3
NURS.6523APRN Care of Older Adults3
NURS.6524APRN Role Transition1
NURS.6600Family Health Nursing I4
NURS.6610Family Health Nursing II4
NURS.6620Family Health Nursing III4
NURS.6630Family Health Nursing Practicum I3
NURS.6640Family Health Nursing Practicum II3
NURS.6890Scholarly Project/Capstone3
NURS.7010Philosophy of Science3
NURS.7020Theoretical Foundations of Health Promotion3
NURS.7060Measurement in Health & Behavioral Research3
NURS.7070Epidemiology of Health Promotion 3
NURS.7130Curriculum and Teaching In Nursing3
NURS.7150Independent Study3
NURS.7160Qualitative Methods3
NURS.7170Evaluation Research 3
NURS.7180Directed Study 4
NURS.7300Quantitative Research Methods and Grantsmenship 3
NURS.7330Graduate Project - Nursing3
NURS.7390Mentored Research Experience9
NURS.7430Master's Thesis - Nursing3
NURS.7530Doctoral Dissertation 6
NURS.7560Doctoral Dissertation6
NURS.7590Doctoral Dissertation9
NURS.7610Continued Grad Research 1
NURS.7630Continued Graduate  Research3
NURS.7690Continued Graduate  Research9
NURS.7700Evidence Appraisal 3
NURS.7710Advanced Nursing Leadership and Management 3
NURS.7720Scholarly Project Implementation 3
NURS.7730Evidence Dissemination, Advocacy & Policy 3
NURS.7740Scholarly Project Design 3
NURS.7760DNP Immersion3
NURS.7770Independent Study: Practicum in Nursing Education3
NUTR.1100Nutrition and Wellness )3
NUTR.2010Food Science with Lab3
NUTR.2060Human Nutrition3
NUTR.2100Nutrition and Health3
NUTR.3360Life Cycle Nutrition 3
NUTR.3710Nutrition and Metabolism(Formerly 36.371)3
NUTR.3720Obesity & Weight Control(Formerly 36.372)3
NUTR.4060Biochemistry of Lipids3
NUTR.4630Vitamins and Minerals(Formerly 36.463)3
NUTR.4720Nutrition and Gene Expression(Formerly 36.472)3
NUTR.4810Medical Nutrition Therapy I3
NUTR.4820Medical Nutrition Therapy II3
NUTR.4940Directed Research in Nutrition(Formerly 36.494)3
NUTR.5060Biochemistry of Lipids3
NUTR.5630Vitamins and Minerals(Formerly 36.563)3
NUTR.5720Nutrition and Gene Expression(Formerly 36.572)3
NUTR.5820Seminar in Advanced Nutrition3
NUTR.6000Public Health Nutrition Practice3
NUTR.6010Nutrition Assessment3
NUTR.6020Community Based Interventions3
NUTR.6040Nutrition Epidemiology3
NUTR.6050Food and Nutrition Management3
NUTR.6060Advanced Clinical Nutrition3
NUTR.6660Community Nutrition Supervised Practice3
NUTR.6670Food and Nutrition Management Supervised Practice3
NUTR.6680Clinical Nutrition Supervised Practice3
OPS.201Managerial Decision Making3
PCS.455Mediation: Theory and Practice
PCS.512Community Conflict Resolution3
PCS.545Community Conflict Resolution3
PCS.555-IMediation: Theory and Practice3
PCS.555Mediation: Theory and Practice3
PCST.4040Restorative Justice: Repairing Harm Through Dialog3
PCST.4550Mediation: Theory and Practice 3
PCST.4580Peace and Conflict Field Experience 3
PCST.4750Community Conflict Resolution 3
PCST.5010Strategies of Conflict Transformation3
PCST.5040Restorative Justice: Repairing Harm Through Dialogue3
PCST.5120Community Conflict Resolution 3
PCST.5270Sustainable Housing Development and Land Use: Conflict, Policy, and Practice3
PCST.5550Mediation: Theory and Practice 3
PCST.5580Peace and Conflict Field Experience 3
PCST.5910Directed Study in Peace and Conflict Studies 3
PCST.6310Practicum in Peace and Conflict studies I 3
PHIL.1010Introduction to Philosophy .3
PHIL.1020Introduction to Logic and Critical Reasoning 3
PHIL.1030Introduction to Ethics 3
PHIL.1070Introduction to World Religions 3
PHIL.2010Introduction to Philosophy 3
PHIL.2020Introduction to Logic and Critical Reasoning 3
PHIL.2030Introduction to Ethics 3
PHIL.2060Introduction to Political Philosophy 3
PHIL.2070Engineering and Society3
PHIL.2080Philosophy of Science3
PHIL.2410Engineering and Ethics 3
PHIL.2960Introduction to World Religions 3
PHIL.3060Feminist Theory Politics3
PHIL.3080Philosophy of Race and Gender 3
PHIL.3105Philosophy of Disability3
PHIL.3106Public Health Ethics3
PHIL.3110American Cinema3
PHIL.3130American Philosophy3
PHIL.3140Philosophy and Science Fiction3
PHIL.3160Philosophy and Film3
PHIL.3220Bioethics 3
PHIL.3230PhilosophyClassics: Nietzsche 3
PHIL.3340Engineering and Ethics 3
PHIL.3350Digital Ethics 3
PHIL.3450Rhetoric: History and Theory3
PHIL.3480Eastern Philosophy and Religion3
PHIL.3520Existence & Anxiety 3
PHIL.3650Capitalism and Its Critics 3
PHIL.3750Philosophy of Sex and Love 3
PHIL.3840Philosophies of Art and Beauty
PHIL.3850Philosophy of Popular Culture 3
PHIL.3860Ancient Philosophy 3
PHIL.3880Latin American Philosophy3
PHIL.4010Bioethics and Genetics Research 3
PHIL.4910Directed Studies
PHIT.2030Health Information Technology 3
PHIT.2031Intro to Pub Hlth Informatics and info Systems3
PHIT.3030Public Health Emergency Preparedness3
PHRM.6410Drug Delivery 3
PHRM.6600Pharmacokinetics and Drug Metabolism3
PHRM.7550Graduate Research9
PHYS.1030General Physics I 3
PHYS.1030LGeneral Physics I Lab 1
PHYS.1040General Physics II 3
PHYS.1040LGeneral Physics II Lab 1
PHYS.1210Exploring the Universe 3
PHYS.1210LExploring the Universe Laboratory 1
PHYS.1310Technical Physics I 3
PHYS.1320Technical Physics II 3
PHYS.1410Physics I 3
PHYS.1410LPhysics I Lab 1
PHYS.1440Physics II 3
PHYS.1440LPhysics II Lab 1
PHYS.2010LHealth Physics Internship I 3
PHYS.2450Physical Properties of Matter 3
PHYS.2450LPhysics III Lab 1
PHYS.3020LHealth Physics Internship II 3
PHYS.3160Science and Technology in an Impoverished World
PHYS.3830Astronomy and Astrophysics I3
PHYS.4540Physics Capstone
PHYS.5010Energy, Force and Motion 3
PHYS.5360Introductory Quantum Mechanics II3
PHYS.5380Physical Optics and Waves3
PHYS.5400Image Processing3
PHYS.5550Introduction to Space Physics3
PHYS.5670LAutomation Techniques3
PHYS.5830Astronomy and Astrophysics I3
PHYS.5930LGraduate Physics Laboratory2
PHYS.6050Mathematical Methods of Physics I 3
PHYS.6060Mathematical Methods of Physics II3
PHYS.6110Classical Mechanics 3
PHYS.6150Quantum Mechanics I3
PHYS.6160Quantum Mechanics II3
PHYS.6170Advanced Quantum Mechanics I3
PHYS.6310Nonlinear Optics3
PHYS.6570Electromagnetic Theory I3
PHYS.6580Electromagnetic Theory II3
PHYS.6620Nuclear Physics II3
PHYS.7010Physics Colloquium0
PHYS.7020Physics Colloquium0
PHYS.7040Seminar in Nuclear Physics0
PHYS.7050Seminar in Solid State/Optics0
PHYS.7051Supervised Teaching - Physics0
PHYS.7060Seminar in Solid State/Optics0
PHYS.7090Seminar in Accelerator Physics0
PHYS.7100Seminar in Experimental Optics1
PHYS.7110Graduate Seminar in Physics 0
PHYS.7120Graduate Seminar in Physics0
PHYS.7130Seminar in Theoretical Research0
PHYS.7140Seminar in Experimental Research0
PHYS.7150Seminar in Terahertz Technology0
PHYS.7160Seminar in Biomedical Optics3
PHYS.7160LSpecial Problems In Physics1
PHYS.7170Seminar in Heavy Ion Physics0
PHYS.7210Selected Topics in Physics3
PHYS.7230Selected Topics in Nuclear Physics3
PHYS.7250Selected Topics in Solid State3
PHYS.7270Selected Topics in Theoretical Physics3
PHYS.7310LAdvanced Projects In Physics I3
PHYS.7320LAdvanced Projects In Physics II3
PHYS.7330Graduate Project in Physics3
PHYS.7330LGraduate Project - Physics3
PHYS.7460Master's Thesis  Research Physics1
PHYS.7560Doctoral Dissertation/Physics 9
PHYS.7610Continued Grad Research
PHYS.8000Cooperative Education in Physics 1
PLAS.2150Plastics Processing Engineering Laboratory I 1
PLAS.3CECo-op Experience 0
PLAS.3060Methods of Experimental Analysis
PLAS.3140Fluid Flow
PLAS.4ACECooperative Education Experience 0
PLAS.4CECo-op Experience 0
PLAS.4040Process Control
PLAS.4150Capstone Project I 1
PLAS.4180Product and Process Design3
PLAS.5000Advanced Project In Plastics I 1
PLAS.5010Advanced Projects in Plastics II1
PLAS.5020Medical Device Development Regulation 3
PLAS.5030Mechanical Behavior of Polymers 3
PLAS.5050Polymer Structure, Properties, and Applications II3
PLAS.5060Polymer Structure Properties & Applications 3
PLAS.5090Plastics Processing Theory I3
PLAS.5100Plastics Processing Theory II3
PLAS.5110Polymer Blends 3
PLAS.5120Foams 3
PLAS.5130New Plastics Materials3
PLAS.5140Statistics for Six Sigma3
PLAS.5150Lean Plastics Manufacturing3
PLAS.5180Plastics Product Design 3
PLAS.5230Screw Design Principles3
PLAS.5240Process Analysis Instrument and Control3
PLAS.5250Synthetic Fibers: Processing-Structure-Properties 3
PLAS.5260Nanoscale Plastics Processing3
PLAS.5280Plastics Information Data Bases1
PLAS.5300Selected Topics 3
PLAS.5320Adhesives and Adhesion 3
PLAS.5330Green Coatings Science and Technology I 3
PLAS.5340Coatings II3
PLAS.5350Rubber Technology 3
PLAS.5370Business Law for Engineers 3
PLAS.5400Commercial Development of Plastics3
PLAS.5410Computer Applications in Plastics3
PLAS.5420Colloidal Nanoscience and Nanoscale Engineering3
PLAS.5440Advanced Plastics Materials 3
PLAS.5450Additives for Polymer Materials 3
PLAS.5470Materials for Renewable Energy and Sustainability 3
PLAS.5480Analytical and Numerical Methods in Plastics Processing3
PLAS.5490Product Design for Elastomers 3
PLAS.5500Processing with Elastomers 3
PLAS.5510Extrusion Die Design3
PLAS.5520Machine Design3
PLAS.5530Medical Device Design I 3
PLAS.5540Polymers in Medicine II: Medical Device Design3
PLAS.5550Medical Device Processing3
PLAS.5630Current Topics in Plastics Materials I1
PLAS.5640Current Topics in Plastics Materials II1
PLAS.5660Polymer Materials Systems Solution3
PLAS.5680Dynamic Mechanical Properties II3
PLAS.5690Current Topics in Plastics Design I1
PLAS.5700Current Topics: Processing II1
PLAS.5720Advanced Plastics Processing Engineering Laboratory1
PLAS.5731LGraduate Polymer Laboratory I1
PLAS.5732Graduate Polymer Laboratory II2
PLAS.5740Advance Physical Properties Lab 1
PLAS.5750Biomaterials in Medical Applications 3
PLAS.5760Advanced Mold Design 3
PLAS.5780Advanced Plastics Processing 3
PLAS.5790Problems In Biomaterials/Directed Study3
PLAS.5820Current Topics in Plastics Design II1
PLAS.5830Advanced Research Methodology3
PLAS.5850Computer Aided Engineering I 3
PLAS.5860Computer Aided Engineering and Design II3
PLAS.5880Injection Molding3
PLAS.5890Polymer Nanocomposites3
PLAS.5900Survey of Intellectual Property 3
PLAS.5910Industrial Thesis Development I3
PLAS.5930Plastics Molding Engineering I1
PLAS.5950Thermoplastic Elastomers 3
PLAS.5960Sustainable Polymers and Additives 3
PLAS.5970Plastics & Environment 3
PLAS.5990Rapid Prototyping3
PLAS.6010Graduate Industrial Coop Education I 3
PLAS.6020Medical Device Development Regulation 3
PLAS.6060Plastics Manufacturing Systems Engineering 3
PLAS.6110Coloration of Engineering Thermoplastics3
PLAS.6180Structural Product Design3
PLAS.6500Nanoscale Transport Phenomena for Manufacturing Nanodevices0
PLAS.6750Biomaterials II3
PLAS.6780New Developments in Polymer Manufacturing3
PLAS.6820Physical Polymer Science3
PLAS.7CPTCurricular Practical Training for Engineering Doctoral Candidates1
PLAS.7410Master's Thesis - Plastics Engineering1
PLAS.7430Masters Thesis Plastics Engineering3
PLAS.7460Master's Thesis - Plastics Engineering6
PLAS.7490M S Grad Res Plastics9
PLAS.7510Doctoral Thesis Research1
PLAS.7520Doctoral Thesis Research2
PLAS.7530Doctoral Dissertation/Plastics Engineering3
PLAS.7560Doctoral Dissertation/Plastics Engineering6
PLAS.7590Doctoral Dissertation/Plastics Engineering9
PLAS.7630Continued Graduate Research3
PLAS.7660Continued Graduate Research6
PLAS.7690Continued Graduate Research9
POLI.1010Introduction to American Politics 3
POLI.1010SISupplemental Instruction for Political Science - Navitas Only 1
POLI.1050Introduction to Public Policy 3
POLI.1100Introduction to Politics 3
POLI.1120Introduction to Comparative Politics 3
POLI.1210Introduction to International Relations 3
POLI.1750Introduction to Environmental Politics 3
POLI.2010Research Methods in Political Science 3
POLI.2110Media and Politics Around the World3
POLI.2120American Media and Politics 3
POLI.2150African Politics 3
POLI.2180Introduction to Politics and Sports 3
POLI.2220Politics of the Internet 3
POLI.2300Law and the Legal System3
POLI.2310Introduction Political Thought 3
POLI.2350Introduction to the Law and Politics of Constitutional Government3
POLI.2530Introduction to Public Administration and Policy3
POLI.2650State and Local Politics 3
POLI.3010Research Methods in Political Science 3
POLI.3090Political Psychology 3
POLI.3130Electoral Politics 3
POLI.3160Politics and Film 3
POLI.3210Soccer and Politics3
POLI.3230Politics and Baseball 3
POLI.3240Politics of Football 3
POLI.3270The Dynamics of Sexual Politics3
POLI.3290Politics of College Sports3
POLI.3310Animal Rights and Animal Welfare3
POLI.3320The Politics of Food 3
POLI.3350Constitutional Law: Powers & Principles 3
POLI.3370Constitutional Law: Rights & Liberties 3
POLI.3380Political Participation3
POLI.3430Congress 3
POLI.3440American Presidency 3
POLI.3490Politics of Race and Ethnicity3
POLI.3500Urban Politics3
POLI.3510Irish Politics 3
POLI.3530Public Policy and Administration 3
POLI.3550Government Fiscal Policy3
POLI.3560Public Policy Analysis3
POLI.3570Environmental Policy3
POLI.3600European Politics 3
POLI.3630Politics of China3
POLI.3680Middle Eastern Politics 3
POLI.3700Latin American Politics 3
POLI.3750Politics of Pacific Rim 3
POLI.3800American Foreign Policy3
POLI.4100Reading Seminar in Judicial Review3
POLI.4220SMR: Political communication and Media Studies3
POLI.4450Politics of Repression and Dissent 3
POLI.4910Directed Study 3
POLI.4960Practicum Experience Requirement 3
POLI.4970Practicum in the Law Requirement.
POLI.5130Foundations Of Comparative Regional Development3
POLI.5150Politics and Economics of Public Policy3
POLY.5030Polymer Science I3
POLY.5040Polymer Science II3
POLY.5530Macromolecules Organic Chemistry3
POLY.6010Polymer Science Seminar2
POLY.6020Seminar in Polymer Science2
POLY.6030Polymer Science Colloquium1
POLY.6040Polymer Science Colloquium1
POLY.6490Introduction to Conjugated Polymers3
POLY.7050Supervised Teaching in Polymer Science0
POLY.7430Master's Thesis in Polymer Science3
POLY.7460Master's Thesis in Polymer Science6
POLY.7490Master's Thesis in Polymer Science9
POLY.7530Doctoral Dissertation in Polymer Science3
POLY.7560Doctoral Dissertation in Polymer Science6
POLY.7590Doctoral Dissertation in Polymer Science9
POLY.7690Continued Graduate Research9
POMS.201Managerial Decision Making 3
POMS.2010Introduction to Business Analytics 3
POMS.301Operations Management 3
POMS.3010Operations Management 3
POMS.401Logistics and Transportation3
POMS.4010Logistics and Transportation 3
POMS.4020Global Supply Chain Management 3
POMS.403Service Management3
POMS.4030Service Management 3
POMS.404Managerial Quality Control3
POMS.4040Managerial Quality Control 3
POMS.4050Predictive Data Analytics3
POMS.4060Simulation and Optimization for Business Analytics3
POMS.4090Directed Study in Operations Management
POMS.4890Internship in Operations Management 3
POMS.5CO-OPCurricular Practical Training1
POMS.501Operations Fundamentals 2
POMS.5010Operations Fundamentals 2
POMS.502Operations Management Foundations2
POMS.504Management Information Systems1
POMS.601Operations Management 3
POMS.6010Operations Management 3
POMS.6020Global Supply Chain Management 3
POMS.603Service Management3
POMS.6030Service Management 3
POMS.604Managerial Quality Control3
POMS.6040Managerial Quality Control3
POMS.6120Statistics for Predictive Analytics3
POMS.6210Advanced Statistics for Business Analytics3
POMS.6220Decision Analytics3
POMS.6240Analytical Decision Making Tools3
POMS.651Integrated Logistics3
POMS.671Operations Management3
POMS.672Operations Management3
POMS.674Advanced Operation Research3
POMS.677Independent Study:  Operations Management3
POMS.689Current Topics in Operations Management3
POMS.700Independent Study: Operations Management3
POMS.709Independent Study: Operations Management3
POMS.7090Independent Study: Operations Management3
POMS.710Design and Control Manufacturing Systems3
POMS.720Manufacturing Strategy3
POMS.736Manufacuturing Field Project6
POMS.772Operations Plng and Control3
POMS.773Advanced Operations Research3
POMS.775The Practice Of Operations Management3
POMS.789Manufacturing Simulation2
POMS.790Special Topics: Management Information Systems3
POMS.791Special Topics:  Technology in Management3
POMS.799Independent Graduate Study in Operations Management3
POMS.803Mfg Mgmt For Eng Mgr2
PSM.510Professional Science Master's (PSM) Internship0
PSM.535Project Management for Scientists3
PSM.545Professional and Scientific Communication3
PSM.555Professional Leadership in Science and Engineering (PSM 555)3
PSM.565Technological Entrepreneurship3
PSM.575Business Fundamentals for Scientists and Engineers3
PSMA.5000Professional Science Master's (PSM) Professional Development 0
PSMA.5010Professional Science Master's (PSM) Reflective Seminar. 1
PSMA.5100Professional Science Master's (PSM) Internship 0
PSMA.5350Project Management for Scientists 3
PSMA.5450Professional and Scientific Communication3
PSMA.5550Professional Leadership in Science and Engineering (PSM 555)3
PSMA.5750Business Fundamentals for Scientists & Engineers3
PSYC.1010Introduction to Psychological Science 3
PSYC.2010Professional Development in Psychology 3
PSYC.2090Social Psychology 3
PSYC.2320Psychology of Personality 3
PSYC.2550Community Psychology 3
PSYC.2600Child and Adolescent Development 3
PSYC.2690Research Methods 3
PSYC.2720Abnormal Psychology 3
PSYC.2730Biological Psych 3
PSYC.2760Theories of Learning3
PSYC.2770Sensation and Perception3
PSYC.2780Cognitive Psychology 3
PSYC.3050Psychology and Law 3
PSYC.3080Industrial/Organizational Psychology 3
PSYC.3120Learning and Behavior 3
PSYC.3280Dynamics of Interpersonal Relations 3
PSYC.3320History of Psychology 3
PSYC.3350Psychology and Women 3
PSYC.3360Culture and Psychology 3
PSYC.3450Health Psychology 3
PSYC.3510Human Sexuality 3
PSYC.3520Psychological Testing 3
PSYC.3550Sport and Exercise Psychology 3
PSYC.3600Adult Development and Aging 3
PSYC.3610Developmental Psychopathology 3
PSYC.3620Psychology of Developmental Disabilities 3
PSYC.3630Introduction to Disability Studies 3
PSYC.3640Family Systems3
PSYC.3680Psychology of Decision-Making3
PSYC.3690Research Statistics 3
PSYC.3720Comparative Psychology: Animal Behavior 3
PSYC.3750Research III: Laboratory 3
PSYC.4690Research Laboratory 3
PSYC.4710Seminar in Community Psychology3
PSYC.4720Seminar: Personality3
PSYC.4730Seminar in Social Psychology 3
PSYC.4731Seminar in Social Psychology: Social (In)justice3
PSYC.4740Seminar in Developmental Psychology 3
PSYC.4743Seminar in Developmental Psychology: The Role of Trauma in Child Development3
PSYC.4750Seminar in Clinical Psychology 3
PSYC.4752Seminar in Clinical Psychology: Autism3
PSYC.4760Seminar: Experimental Psychology
PSYC.4770Seminar in Contemporary Trends 3
PSYC.4771Seminar in Contemporary Trends: Addictions3
PSYC.4780Seminar in Cognitive Psychology 3
PSYC.4781Seminar in Cognitive Psychology: Educational Applications3
PSYC.4800Integrative Fieldwork in Developmental Disabilities I3
PSYC.4810Integrative Fieldwork in Developmental Disabilities II3
PSYC.4820Dvptl Disabilities Fieldwork: Service Provision3
PSYC.4830Dvptl Disabilities Fieldwork: Leadership & Advoc3
PSYC.4860Community Service Learning (1, 2, or 3 credits) 3
PSYC.4880Research Service Learning 3
PSYC.4910Directed Study: Psychology 3
PSYC.4920Undergraduate Thesis in Psychology I3
PSYC.4960Practicum in Psychology3
PSYC.5CO-OPCurricula Practical Training 1
PSYC.5000Introduction to Community Social Psychology3
PSYC.5010Applied Developmental Psychology3
PSYC.5020Seminar in Community Social Psychology 3
PSYC.5030Applied Social Psychology3
PSYC.5040The Family System 3
PSYC.5090Psychological Approaches to Child Maltreatment3
PSYC.5110Principles of Helping3
PSYC.5120Applied Research Methods 3
PSYC.5220Psychology of Diversity3
PSYC.5230Women in the Community3
PSYC.5260Workplace Diversity3
PSYC.5270Immigrant Psychology and Communities3
PSYC.5420Working with Groups3
PSYC.5450Community and Organizational Change3
PSYC.5460Grant Writing3
PSYC.5510Psychosocial Aspects of Maturity and Aging3
PSYC.5610Introduction to Behavioral Intervention in Autism 3
PSYC.5611Introduction to Behavioral Intervention in Autism for 3rd3
PSYC.5620Teaching and Positive Behavioral Support in Autism 3
PSYC.5621Teaching and Positive Behavioral Support in Autism for 3rd3
PSYC.5630Management Strategies in Applied Behavioral Intervention3
PSYC.5650Measurement and Experimental Design in Behavioral Intervention 3
PSYC.5651Measurement and Experimental Design in Behavioral Intervention for 3rd3
PSYC.5660Functional Analysis and Treatment of Challenging Behavior 3
PSYC.5661Functional Analysis and Treatment of Challenging Behavior for 3rd3
PSYC.5680Behavioral Intervention Program Models in Autism 3
PSYC.5681Behavioral Intervention Program Models in Autism for 3rd3
PSYC.5720Legal and Ethical Issues in Professional Practice 3
PSYC.5740Community and Social Interventions in Autism 3
PSYC.5810Concepts and Principles of Behavior Analysis3
PSYC.5820Measurement and Experimental Design3
PSYC.5830Philosophical Underpinnings of Behavior Analysis3
PSYC.5840Behavioral Assessment3
PSYC.5850Professional and Ethical Issues in Behavior Analysis3
PSYC.5860Community Service Learning (1, 2, or 3 credits)3
PSYC.5870Behavior Change Procedures3
PSYC.5890Implementation and Supervision Practices in Behavior Analysis3
PSYC.5900Professional Seminar in Applied Behavior Analysis3
PSYC.6110Program Evaluation3
PSYC.6220Intimate Partner Violence3
PSYC.6250Advanced Community Dynamics: Lowell3
PSYC.6310Practicum I3
PSYC.6320Practicum II3
PSYC.6630Experimental Analysis of Behavior 3
PSYC.6710Supervised Practicum Applied Behavior Analysis: I 3
PSYC.6720Supervised Practicum Applied Behavior Analysis: II 3
PSYC.6730Supervised Practicum in Behavioral Intervention in Autism: III 3
PSYC.6910Directed Study in Community and Social Psychology3
PSYC.6920Directed Study in Autism (47.692)3
PSYC.6921Directed Study in Applied Behavior Analysis I3
PSYC.6940Mentored Research Experience6
PSYC.7330Master's Project in Community-Social Psychology 3
PSYC.7410Graduate  Research: Psychology1
PSYC.7430Master's Thesis in Community Social Psychology3
PSYC.7460Master's Thesis in Community Social Psychology6
PSYC.7630Dissertation 9
PTEC.2030Plastics Material Science III -Thermosetting Resin 3
PTEC.3310Injection Molding3
PTEC.4400Commercial Development of Plastics 3
PTEC.4510Selected Topics I3
PTEC.4520Selected Topics II 3
PTEC.4530Selected Topics III 3
PTEC.4540Selected Topics IV 3
PTEC.4550Selected Topics V 3
PTEC.4560Selected Topics VI 3
PTEC.4570Selected Topics VII 3
PTEC.4580Selected Topics VIII 3
PUBH.1021Introduction to Public Health 3
PUBH.2010Community Health and Environment (formerly 30.201)3
PUBH.2030Technology in Public Health3
PUBH.2040Intro to Health Promotion3
PUBH.2060Research Methods in Public Health 3
PUBH.3100Infectious Disease 3
PUBH.4100Public Health Capstone 6
PUBH.5CO-OPCurricula Practical Training 1
PUBH.5000Introduction: Work Environment3
PUBH.5010Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health 3
PUBH.5020Organizational Behavior in Health Care 3
PUBH.5021Public Health Policy 3
PUBH.5030Toxicology and Health3
PUBH.5040Health Data Analysis3
PUBH.5050Qualitative Research Methods3
PUBH.5060Quantitative Methods in Health Management 3
PUBH.5061Environmental Health 3
PUBH.5070Leadership and Management in Public Health3
PUBH.5080Principles and Practices of Biological Safety3
PUBH.5100Fundamentals of Occupational Health2
PUBH.5110Health Care Finance 3
PUBH.5120Operations Analysis for Quality Improvement 3
PUBH.5130Assessment and Planning in Public Health3
PUBH.5140Healthcare Management 3
PUBH.5141Aerosol Science3
PUBH.5150Applied Health Economics 3
PUBH.5160Laboratory Environmental Health and Safety3
PUBH.5210Introduction to  Industrial Hygiene2
PUBH.5230Introduction To Ergonomics2
PUBH.5250Introduction to Occupational & Environmental Hygiene & Ergonomics3
PUBH.5270Business Strategies for Health Organizations 3
PUBH.5300Ergonomics and Work3
PUBH.5310Health Informatics 3
PUBH.5311Occupation Biomechanics3
PUBH.5315Classification Systems and Reimbursement3
PUBH.5320Occupational Biomechanics Laboratory3
PUBH.5400Occupational Safety Engineering3
PUBH.5420Human Factors3
PUBH.5490Sustainable Housing Development and Land Use: Policy and Practice3
PUBH.5500Environmental Law3
PUBH.5510Work Environment Policy and Practice3
PUBH.5550Comparative Enviormental3
PUBH.5560Analyzing Peace Violence and  War3
PUBH.5570Toxic Use Reduction3
PUBH.5590Conflict Resolution 3
PUBH.5600Data Applications for Public Health Practice3
PUBH.5750Epidemiology and Biostatistics3
PUBH.5760Biostatistical Programming3
PUBH.5770Biostatistics for Health Data3
PUBH.5790Disability Outcomes and Interventions3
PUBH.6000Practicum/Capstone I3
PUBH.6010Practicum/Capstone II3
PUBH.6070Healthcare Information Systems 3
PUBH.6090Work in Progress Seminar 1
PUBH.6100Exposure Assessment3
PUBH.6110Physical Properties Of Aerosols3
PUBH.6120Exposure Data Analysis3
PUBH.6130Research Methods in PL and Environment3
PUBH.6131Design and Evaluation of Ventilation Systems3
PUBH.6140Evaluation of Work Environment Hazards3
PUBH.6150Solutions for Work Environment Hazards3
PUBH.6160Law and Ethics in Healthcare 3
PUBH.6161Exposure and Risk Assessment3
PUBH.6180Risk Management and Training3
PUBH.6191Measurement of Chemical Exposure3
PUBH.6200Advanced Exposure Assesment3
PUBH.6220Biomarkers in Occupations and Environment3
PUBH.6240Health Data Quality and Compliance3
PUBH.6250Health Policy 3
PUBH.6260Leadership in Healthcare 3
PUBH.6270Health Equity and Informatics 3
PUBH.6320Health Information System Design and Analysis 3
PUBH.6321Advanced Biomechanics3
PUBH.6330Healthcare Database Design 3
PUBH.6350Healthcare Project Management 3
PUBH.6380Health Information Technology Strategic Planning (Health Information Technology) 3
PUBH.6381Methods of Work Analysis 3
PUBH.6390Electronic Health Record Systems 3
PUBH.6430Health Work Organization Design3
PUBH.6510Work Environment Policy3
PUBH.6540Work, Technology and Training3
PUBH.6550Introduction to Environmental and Natural Resource Economics3
PUBH.6580Clean Product Design3
PUBH.6590Cleaner Production3
PUBH.6660MPH Practicum 3
PUBH.6670Integrated Practical Learning 3
PUBH.6710Comparative Health Systems3
PUBH.6780Occupational Respiratory Disease Epidemiology3
PUBH.6800Introduction To SAS1
PUBH.6820Applied Epidemiology Methods 3
PUBH.6830Risk Assessment3
PUBH.6840Musculoskeletal Epidemiology3
PUBH.6850Applied Public Health Research and Practice3
PUBH.6860Program Development and Implementation3
PUBH.6870Quantitative Models for Public Health3
PUBH.6871Health Communication and Technology3
PUBH.6880Research Synthesis Environmental Health Policy3
PUBH.6890Advanced Regression Modeling 3
PUBH.6900Critical Review Health Regulations3
PUBH.6910Advanced Program Evaluation3
PUBH.6950Chemical Process/Sustainability3
PUBH.7020Independent Study: Industrial Hygiene1
PUBH.7040Independent Study: Ergonomics1
PUBH.7080Independent Study: Epidemiology1
PUBH.7090Independent Studies: Occupational Epidemiology1.5
PUBH.7110Independent Study: Industrial Hygiene3
PUBH.7120Independent Study: Industrial Hygiene2
PUBH.7130Independent Study: Ergonomics3
PUBH.7150Independent Study: Work Environment Policy3
PUBH.7170Independent Study: Epidemiology3
PUBH.7190Independent Study: Clean Production3
PUBH.7210Selected Topics : Industrial  Hygiene3
PUBH.7230Selected Topics: Ergonomics3
PUBH.7250Epidemiologic Theory1.5
PUBH.7270Selective Topics: Epidemiology3
PUBH.7280Sel Top: Work Env Policy3
PUBH.7290Selected Topics: Clean Production3
PUBH.7330Capstone Project 3
PUBH.7331Graduate Project3
PUBH.7350Independent Study:  Policy3
PUBH.7360Graduate Project - Work Environment6
PUBH.7370Independent Study: Epidemiology3
PUBH.7390Graduate Project - Work Environment9
PUBH.7430Master's Thesis Research3
PUBH.7590Doctoral Dissertation 9
PUBH.76101 - Credit Continued Graduate Research 1
PUBH.7630Continued Graduate  Research3
PUBH.7700Directed Readings: Epidemiology Biostatistics3
PUBH.7760Curricular Practical Training (CPT) 1
PUBH.9990Intercampus Graduate Researdh0
RADI.1010Radiation and Life 3
RADI.1020LRadiation and Life Laboratory 1
RADI.1330Technical Physics III3
RADI.5060Nuclear Instrumentation4
RADI.5220Special Topics in Radiological Sciences3
RADI.5330External Dosimetry and Shieldng3
RADI.5340Internal Dosimetry and Bioassay3
RADI.5620Radiation Biology3
RADI.5650Introduction to Radiation Therapy Physics3
RADI.5750Certification Preparation in Radiological Sciences3
RADI.5820Numerical Methods In Radiological Sciences3
RADI.6050Radiation Interactions and Transport3
RADI.6710LGraduate Accelerator HP Internship3
RADI.6720Graduate Reactor HP Internship1
RADI.6730LGraduate Reactor HP Internship3
RADI.6750LGraduate Medical HP Internship3
RADI.6760LGraduate Medical Physics Internship 3
RADI.6770LGraduate Medical Physics Internship3
RADI.6780LGraduate HP Internship1
RADI.6790LGraduate HP Internship 3
RADI.6830LGraduate HP Internship3
RADI.6850LAdvanced Medical HP Internship3
RADI.6860LAdvanced Medical Physics Internship 9
RADI.6870LAdvanced Medical Physics Internship3
RADI.6890LAdvanced Graduate HP Internship1
RADI.6900LAdvanced Graduate HP Internship2
RADI.6910LAdvanced Graduate HP Internship2
RADI.6920LAdvanced Graduate HP Internship3
RADI.6930LAdvanced Graduate HP Internship3
RADI.7050Supervised Teaching in Radiological Sciences0
RADI.7110Graduate Seminar in Radiological Sciences1
RADI.7120Graduate Seminar in Radiological Sciences1
RADI.7310LAdvanced Project in Radiological Sciences I3
RADI.7320LAdvanced Project in Radiological Sciences II3
RADI.7330Graduate Project in Radiological Sciences and Protection3
RADI.7430Master's Thesis in Radiological Sciences and Protection3
RADI.7460Master's Thesis in Radiological Sciences and Protection3
RADI.7490Master's Thesis Research in Radiological Sciences9
RADI.7530LDoctoral Dissertation in Radiological Sciences and Protection3
RADI.7560Doctoral Dissertation in Radiological Sciences and Protection3
RADI.7590LDoctoral Dissertation in Radiological Sciences and Protection9
RADI.7690Continued Graduate Research9
SCIE.2100Professional Development Seminar1
SOCI.1010Introduction to Sociology 3
SOCI.1020Social Anthropology3
SOCI.1110A Novel Approach to Sociology3
SOCI.1120Sociology Goes to the Movies 3
SOCI.1150Social Problems 3
SOCI.2010Foundations of Social Analysis3
SOCI.2110Education and Society 3
SOCI.2120Cultures of the World 3
SOCI.2150Peacemaking Alternatives3
SOCI.2160Sociology of War and Peace 3
SOCI.2170Social Movements 3
SOCI.2200Self-Assessment and Career Development 3
SOCI.2250Sociology of Disability 3
SOCI.2310Sociology of Families 3
SOCI.2340Race and Ethnicity 3
SOCI.2360Sociological Approaches to the Environment3
SOCI.2400Sociology of Gender 3
SOCI.2550Sociology of Deviance 3
SOCI.2560Political Sociology3
SOCI.2700Self and Society
SOCI.2710Sociology of Work 3
SOCI.2760Sociology of the Gun3
SOCI.2800Drugs and Society3
SOCI.3010Sociology of Human Rights3
SOCI.3030Sociology of American Education 3
SOCI.3050Sociology of Family Law3
SOCI.3070Sociology of Immigration3
SOCI.3170Sociology of Genocide3
SOCI.3210Social Theory I3
SOCI.3350Sociology of Intimacies and Sexualities3
SOCI.3400Sociology of Sports3
SOCI.3410Wealth, Status and Power 3
SOCI.3440Race, Gender and Film3
SOCI.3450Urban Sociology 3
SOCI.3510The Sociology of Health and Health Care 3
SOCI.3520Latino/a Racialization and Resistance in the US3
SOCI.3550Black Experience in American Life3
SOCI.3570The Sociology of Religion3
SOCI.3610Sociology of Law3
SOCI.3710Sociology of Work3
SOCI.3740Race and Families3
SOCI.3800Sociology of Mass Media 3
SOCI.3820Social Movements 3
SOCI.4020Research I Quan. Methods3
SOCI.4845Civil Society and Social Change in Valencia, Spain6
SOCI.4910Directed Studies in Sociology 3
SOCI.4920Directed Studies: Sociology
THEA.201Introduction to Theatre3
THEA.2010Introduction to Theatre 3
UML.OFFCAMOff Campus Study Abroad0
UMLO.ABROADStudy Abroad Placeholder 0
UMLO.LAUNCHMaster Classes and Seminars0
UMLO.READYGet Riverhawk Ready0
UMLO.RHSARiverHawk Scholars Academy - RHSA0
UMLO.1500Career Exploration & Planning1
UMLO.1600Career Exploration: Job Shadowing1
UMLO.2000Job & Internship Search1
UTCH.2010Knowing and Learning in Math and Science 3
UTCH.4410Teaching Emergent Bilingual Students 3
UTCH.4910Directed Study 9
UTL.441Teaching English Learners-Secondary3
WLAN.2991Directed Studies World Languages Level 33
WLAR.1150Arabic 1 and Culture3
WLAR.1160Arabic 2 and Culture3
WLAR.2150Arabic 3 and Culture3
WLAR.2160Arabic 4 and Culture3
WLCH.1050Chinese 1 and Culture3
WLCH.1060Chinese 2 and Culture3
WLFR.1010French 1 and Culture 3
WLFR.1020French 2 and Culture 3
WLFR.2110French 3 and Culture 3
WLFR.2120French 4 and Culture 3
WLFR.3050World Ready Topic for French Track3
WLFR.3150Franco-American Culture3
WLFR.3200Contemporary French Civilization and Culture3
WLFR.3400Contemporary French Cinema3
WLFR.3760French Cinema & Society 3
WLFR.3800Young and Restless in French Cinema3
WLFR.4960French Practicum Experience 9
WLGE.1010German 1 and Culture3
WLGE.1020German 2 and Culture3
WLGE.2110German 3 and Culture3
WLGE.2120German 4 and Culture3
WLGE.4920Directed Study in German Composition3
WLIT.1020Italian 2 and Culture3
WLIT.2110Italian 3 and Culture3
WLIT.2120Italian 4 and Culture3
WLIT.3100Special Topics in Italian Studies3
WLIT.3250Italian American Literature and Culture3
WLIT.3350A Taste of Italy: Food Culture in Art, Lit, & Film3
WLIT.3780Italian Cinema and Culture3
WLIT.4960Italian Practicum Experience 3
WLKH.3490Literature, Politics and Genocide in Cambodia3
WLPO.1130Portuguese 1 and Culture3
WLPO.3020Special Topics: in Portuguese Studies 3
WLSP.1010Spanish 1 and Culture 3
WLSP.1020Spanish 2 and Culture 3
WLSP.1030Medical Spanish Studies3
WLSP.2110Spanish 3 and Culture 3
WLSP.2120Spanish 4 and Culture 3
WLSP.3010Introduction to Spanish Literature3
WLSP.3020Survey of Latin American Literature3
WLSP.3050World Ready Topic Spanish Track3
WLSP.3100Spanish Civilization and Culture3
WLSP.3110Contemporary Spanish Culture and Society3
WLSP.3130Fieldwork in the Spanish Community 6
WLSP.3150Latin American Civilization and Culture3
WLSP.3200Special Topics in Spanish Studies 3
WLSP.3300Spanish and Latin-American Women Writers 3
WLSP.3330Advanced Spanish Grammar3
WLSP.3340Advanced Spanish composition3
WLSP.3470Advanced Spanish Conversation3
WLSP.3710Hispanic Literature & Film 3
WLSP.3940Enhancing your Knowledge of Spanish3
WLSP.4010Spanish Selected Authors 3
WLSP.4045Cervantes' Don Quijote in translation3
WLSP.4090Twentieth Century Spanish Literature3
WLSP.4100Realism and the Nineteenth Century Spanish Novel3
WLSP.4110Hispanic Short Fiction3
WLSP.4920Directed Study in Latin America
WLSP.4940Independent Study in Spanish
WLSP.4960Spanish Practicum Experience 3
01.371Educational Psychology3
01.501Diversity in the Classroom3
01.502Child Development and Assessment3
01.503Child Development in a Diverse Society3
01.504Special Education: Inclusion Methods3
01.505Children with Disabilities in the Classroom3
01.510Culture, Linguistics and Diversity3
01.513Contemporary American Values3
01.514Differentiation of Instruction3
01.515Education and Urban School3
01.518Teaching Gifted Students3
01.520Teaching with Standards I3
01.521Teaching with Standards II3
01.523Curriculum Design and Assessment II3
01.524Systems Think Education3
01.525School To Work3
01.528Education Foundation For Health Promotion3
01.529School Health Issues3
01.530Child Health - Community3
01.547Evolution in Context for Teachers3
01.555Foundation/Theory Bilingual Education3
01.559Diversity and the Psychology of Human Development3
01.585Intensive Spanish Instruction3
01.601Measurement + Evaluation3
01.604Perspectives in Urban Education3
01.606Philosophy Of Education3
01.607The Adult Learner3
01.608Adolescent Psychology-Teaching3
01.609Self Perceptions In Education3
01.610Theories of Learning3
01.611Cognition and Instruction3
01.614Issues History and Philosophy of Education3
01.615Issues: Philosophy Of Education3
01.616Issues in Sociology Education3
01.617Contemporary Issues in Education3
01.619Moral/Ethical Issues Science3
01.620Thinking, Problem Solving, Creativity3
01.621Moral Character and Civic Education3
01.622Contempempory World Event/Culture3
01.623Inventiveness in Education3
01.624John Dewey on Education3
01.625Organization of Schools and School Systems3
01.626Law, Policy and Diversity Issues3
01.630Educating Diverse Populations3
01.631Cognition & Instruction3
01.632The Inclusive School3
01.635Culture Of The School3
01.636Sociocultural Contexts of Education3
01.637Reason & Communication Process3
01.641Work, Technology and Schooling3
01.642Sem:Technology and American Mat Culture3
01.643Work Technology and Schooling3
01.645Perspectives and Visions of Schooling I3
01.646Perspectives and Visions of Schooling II3
01.648International Comparative Education3
01.650Politics Of Literacy3
01.652Managing Change and Conflict3
01.691Contemporary Issues In Education3
01.701Cognitive and Information Processing Theories of Learning, Development and Instruction3
02.500Contemporary American Culture3
02.501First and Second Language Acquisition3
02.502Sociocultural Perspecties English as Second Language3
02.504Curriculum Design: English as Second Language3
02.505Language Arts English as Second Language3
02.506English Communication Skills3
02.507Academic Writing for English Language Learners3
02.508Second Language Testing3
02.509Bilingual Child with Special Needs3
02.510Content Area Appropriate to English as Second Language3
02.511Education Of Newcomers In America3
02.512Linguistics English as Second Language Teachers3
02.514Education Culture and  Linguistic  Diversity3
02.515Internship in English as a Second Language PreK-63
02.516Internship in English as a Second Language 5-123
02.517Community Organization and  Parental Partnership3
02.518Resources Bilingual Education3
02.519Difference in Instruction Second Language3
02.520Teach Reading In English Bi-lingual3
02.521Design Of Curriculum  English as Second Language3
02.522Teaching  Reading In English: Bilingual3
02.524Assesment: Bilingual Student3
02.525Bilingual Field Work3
02.526English Literature For Teachers3
02.527Teach Physical  Education (prekindergarten-9)3
02.530Teaching Reading  Elementary  School3
02.535Mathematics For Secondary Teachers3
02.541Methods of  Early Childhood Education I: Math, Science and Technology3
02.543Classroom Management and Integrative Techniques3
02.544Analysis Of Teaching3
02.550Reading Education: Elementary3
02.551Elementary Math Methods3
02.552Social Studies and Science: Elementary3
02.553Language Arts and Childrens Literature3
02.554Analysis Of Teaching3
02.555Literature For Children3
02.556Reading and Reading Disabilities3
02.557Reading: Middle/Sec3
02.558Measurement and Evaluation3
02.560Curr Dev Middle-Secondary3
02.561Arts in Curriculum3
02.562Elementary Social Studies3
02.563Elementary Science Methods3
02.564History Of Amer Ed3
02.565Issues of Education: Minority3
02.566Early Field Seminar3
02.567Teachng Physical Education (9 - 12)6
02.570Curriculum and Teachng: Art3
02.571Curriculum and Teachng: Beh Science3
02.572Curriculum and Teaching: English3
02.573CurrIculum and Teaching History3
02.574The Teaching of Spanish3
02.575Curriculum and Teaching Math3
02.576Curriculum and Teaching Science3
02.577Curriculum and Teachng: Social Studies3
02.578Teaching Elementary Education and Seminar9
02.579Seminar: Elementary Education3
02.580Curriculum and Instruction: Interdiscp6
02.581Teaching Art 5 - 1212
02.582Teaching Behavioral Science: Sec12
02.583Teaching English and Seminar9
02.584Teaching History and Seminar9
02.585Teachng Social Studies: Secondary9
02.586Tching French Sec12
02.587Teaching Spanish: Secondary12
02.588Tchng Math:secondary6
02.589Teaching Mathematics and Seminar9
02.590Teaching Biology and Seminar9
02.591Teaching Chemistry and Seminar9
02.592Teaching Earth Science and Seminar9
02.593Teaching Physics and Seminar9
02.594Teaching General Science and Seminar9
02.595Seminar: Art Education3
02.596Seminar: Middle/Secondary Education3
02.597Teaching Middle School9
02.598Teaching Early Childhood9
02.617Iss & Mand-bilingual Ed3
02.700Intro 2nd Lang Acquis3
02.701Issues Second Language Acquistion3
02.702Contemporary Issues - Language3
02.703Methods 2nd Language Inst3
02.704Current Mat Dev Adpt ESL3
02.705Field Wk/internship3
02.706Approach To Lang Testing3
02.707Biling Child W/spch Nds3
02.708Second Lang Testing3
02.709Bilingual Child: Special Needs3
02.715Internship English as a Second Language3
02.729Dir St: Leadership3
02.750Culture of Carribean Southeast Asia3
02.751Comm Org & Parental Part3
02.752Res & Tech-bilungual Ed3
02.753Meth Content/lang Acq3
02.754Tchng Reading: Bilingual3
02.755Desc And Imat: Bilingual3
02.756Tchng Rdg In Eng To Bil3
02.757Asmt/diag Abil Bil Std3
02.761SI Teach Lang + Cult3
03.510Computer /Multi-media in Class3
03.511Macintosh - English as Second Language Teachers3
03.512Technology for English as Second Language Teachers3
03.513Teaching  Content with Technology3
03.520Information  Source Ed/rel Disc3
03.601Logo: Applications Curriculum3
03.602Software Application Classroom II3
03.612Computer in Classroom3
03.613Computer Application II3
03.616Educational Technology Foundations3
03.620Models of Integration of  Techology  in the Curriculum3
03.621Techology and Construction Learning3
03.623Commercial Television Instruction3
03.636Reading Institute3
03.640Management/Training ITV Dir3
03.650Technology, Schools and Society3
03.651Technology and Learning Environment3
03.652Technology: Schools Of Future3
03.654Exploring the Internet3
03.655Research and Publication, Network Environment3
03.656Multimedia Application in Education3
03.659Teaching In The Media Age3
03.660Television as Tool of Instruction3
03.661Curriculum  Development: Technology3
03.666Issues: Distance and Distribution Education3
03.667Open and Flexible Learning3
03.680Research: Education Technology3
03.685Evaluation Of Technical Curriculum3
03.690Evaluation Of Technical Curriculum3
03.691Policy Issues Related to Technology3
03.729Directed St:udy: Techology  and Learning English3
04.501Inproving Elementary Mathematics1
04.502Improving Elementary Science1
04.503Improving Elementary Mathematics and Science1
04.504Using Arts: Inclusion3
04.505Intergrating The Arts1
04.506Chrildren's  Literature3
04.507Epidemics In History3
04.508Political Leadership3
04.509Science and Modern World3
04.510Ancient History for Teachers3
04.511Teaching Lowell History3
04.512History for Teachers3
04.513Teaching U.S. History: The Colonial Era3
04.514Accommodation and Differentiated Instruction3
04.520Standard Based Education I3
04.521Standards Based Education II3
04.522Curriculum Design Assess3
04.524Academic Language Development3
04.525Science for Science Teachers 7-123
04.529Science For Elementary School3
04.530Assessment In Science3
04.531Genetics and Evolution6
04.532Interactions In Science3
04.533Mathematics for Elementary Teachers3
04.534Mathematics for Teachers I3
04.535Mathematics for Teachers II (8-12)3
04.536Planning and Assessment In Mathematics3
04.537Mathematics Curriculum, Assessment Secondary School3
04.538Inquiry in Mathematics Education3
04.541Newspaper/Curriculum Tool3
04.542Collegiality: Staff Development3
04.543Teaching Of Thinking3
04.544Intergrated Arts Education3
04.545Museum Education and Interpretation3
04.547Using Material Culture in Class3
04.548Using Local History3
04.549Roots Of Industrial Revolution3
04.550History Sources Curriculum3
04.551Two American Revolutions3
04.552Cross Disciplinary Curriculum3
04.553Lowell & Industrial Revolution3
04.554Creation Of A Nation3
04.555Science, Technology and Revolution3
04.557Teaching Early American History3
04.558Becoming A Nation3
04.559Teaching Founding Documents3
04.565Mentoring and Teacher Development3
04.566The Middle School Child3
04.567Middle School Curriculum3
04.568Science for Teachers 5-83
04.569Analysis & Pedagogy3
04.570Trends In Prekindergarten and Primary Education3
04.572Exploring the Nature of Science3
04.575Schools for the Future3
04.576Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Among Students3
04.577Comparative Education3
04.579Earth Science for Teachers3
04.580Science Education Program and Leadership3
04.581Science Education Program Leadership Life Science3
04.582Topics: Physical Geology3
04.583Earth Vision 20003
04.584Young Child with Special Needs3
04.585Early Childhood Education3
04.590Physics Topics For Education3
04.591Advance Physics Topics I3
04.595Advanced Physics Topics Teaching III3
04.600Teaching About Peace3
04.601Advanced Science Mathematics Techniques3
04.602Issues:Science Mathematics and Techniques II3
04.603Issues: Science Mathematics and Techniques III1
04.604Inquiry In Mathematics Teaching3
04.605Inquiry In Science Teaching3
04.606Science Curriculum K-83
04.607Science Curriculum 7-123
04.608Mathematics Curriculum K-86
04.609Mathematics Curriculum Post Secondary3
04.610Instructor Stratergies in Mathematics and Science3
04.611Instructional Stratergies:Mathematics Education3
04.613Environmental Education:Elementary3
04.615Geometry Via Technology3
04.616Environmental Education: Elementary3
04.617Advances in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education3
04.618Economic Eduation II3
04.619Economic Education III3
04.622Science, Mathematics and the Educated Mind3
04.623Moral Issue Science and Society3
04.624Assessment of Learning3
04.626Development of Concepts in Science3
04.627Development of Mathematics Concepts3
04.628Reasoning and Problem Solving in Science0
04.629Reasoning and Problem Solving In Math3
04.630Reasoning and Problem Solving3
04.631Testing & Evaluating-Mathematics Education3
04.633Collaborative Class3
04.635Dynamics of Curricular Change3
04.636Theory and Research Curriculum3
04.637History & Theory of Curriculum3
04.638Curriculum Design K-123
04.639Planning Process: Curriculum3
04.640Program Evaluation3
04.641History of American Curriculum3
04.642Politics of Curriculum Change3
04.643The Skillful Teacher3
04.644Models of Teaching3
04.645Directed Study Curriculum and Instruction3
04.646Influence Of Gender3
04.648Standard Certification3
04.649Practicum: Supervisor/Director3
04.650Capstone Project: Advanced Programs3
04.651Prog Delevopment and Imp Science Education6
04.652Prog Development and Imp Mathematics Education6
04.653Autism Capstone3
04.654The Influence of Gender3
04.655Directed Study Curriculum and Instruction3
04.656Ed.S Seminar3
04.657Early Childhood Education3
04.658The Gifted Child3
04.660Secondary Schools in United States3
04.661Politics Of Curriculum Change3
04.662Issues In Teacher Education3
04.670Issues In Curriculum  and Instruction3
04.671Research Sem I  Curriculum and Instruction3
04.672Research Sem II  Curriculum and Instruction3
04.673Curriculum Design for Science Teachers3
04.674Research Into Learning in Science3
04.675Leadership in Science Education3
04.676Exploring the Nature of Science3
04.677Investigating Science Classrooms3
04.705Supervised Teaching-Education0
04.728Research in Science and Mathematics Education3
04.729Directed Study:  Mathematics and Science Education3
04.730Graduate Project:  Mathematics and Science3
04.731Advanced Research Seminar: Math & Science3
04.753Doctoral Dissertation/Education3
04.756Doctoral Dissertation/Education6
04.759Doctoral Dissertation9
04.763Continued Graduate Research3
04.766Continued Graduate Research6
04.769Continued Graduate Research9
05.501Introduction to Leading Professional Learning Communities1
05.502Issues, Mandates and Ethics in Special Education3
05.511Issues: Women In Education Administration3
05.512Development Case Study Education Leader3
05.513Understanding School  Community3
05.522Literature-Young Adult3
05.556History Content and Curriculum Devleopment3
05.565Mentor Teaching3
05.568Role of Curriculum Leader3
05.590Practicum I, Supervisor/Director1
05.591Practicum II: Supervisor/Director2
05.592Principal Practicum I1
05.593Principalship Practicum II2
05.594Practicum I, Middle School Principal 5-81
05.595Practicum II: Middle School Principal 5-82
05.596Practicum I, High School Principal 9-121
05.597Practicum II: High School Principal 9-122
05.611Introduction Education  Administration Human Services3
05.612Politics-Education and Human Services3
05.613Leading the Professional Learning Community3
05.614Education and Human Service Organization3
05.618Time Quality Managemen In Public Schools3
05.619Curriculum Design -Instruction Language Arts3
05.620Introduction Education  and Human Service Administration3
05.621Communication: Education Leaders3
05.622Managing Resources and Finances3
05.623School Policy and Law3
05.624Directed  Study Legal Policy Human  Services3
05.625Teaching Of Writing3
05.626Educational Response To  Cultural Diversity3
05.627Citizen Participation3
05.629Poltics Of Education and Human Service3
05.630Leadership & Learning3
05.631Human Service Administration3
05.632Human Service Administration: Law3
05.633Educational  Response Cultural Diversity3
05.634Financial  Aspects  Education -Human Services Administration3
05.635Legal Polcy Education Human  Services3
05.636Principles  Of Supervision3
05.637Personnel Administration3
05.638Planning,Technology and School Improvement3
05.639Planning Process3
05.640Analysis Of Education and Human Service3
05.641Issues in Staff Development3
05.642Principles of Supervision3
05.643Principalship PK - 123
05.644Capstone: Educational Administration3
05.645Practicum: Human Services Administration3
05.646Practicum:  School Principal N-63
05.647Practicum School Principal 5-93
05.648Practicum School Principal 9-123
05.649Directed Study: Administration3
05.650Instructional  Leadership and School Reform3
05.651Transformative Leadership for Schools3
05.652Managing Change and Conflict3
05.656Language Arts and Creativity3
05.658Role of the Curriculum and Instructional Leader3
05.660Citizen Participation in  Education and Community3
05.661Dimensions Of Superintendicy3
05.662Educational Issues Facing Superintendent3
05.663Superintendent Decisions3
05.665Professional Organization Of Educational Careers3
05.669Superintendency Practicum3
05.670CAGS Seminar I Administration3
05.671CAGS Seminar II: Administration3
05.672Seminar: Administrative Planning and Policy3
05.674Organizational Development and Decision Making3
05.675Leadership Contemporary  Thought3
05.710Research Planning: Leadership3
05.729Directed Study : Leadership in Schooling3
05.730Advanced Research  Seminar I: Leadership in Schooling3
05.731Advanced Research Seminar II: Leadership in Schooling3
05.733Graduate Project - Education3
05.736Graduate Project - Education6
05.739Graduate Project - Education9
05.746Masters Thesis6
05.753Doctoral Dissertation/Education3
05.756Doctoral Dissertation/Education6
05.759Doctoral Dissertation/Education9
05.763Continued Graduate  Research3
05.766Continued Graduate Research6
05.769Continued Grad Research9
05.792Directed Study3
06.510Early Childhood Literacy3
06.511Teaching Reading in Content Areas3
06.522Young Adult Literature3
06.523Contemporary World Literature3
06.525Teaching Writing InHigh School3
06.527Language Acquisition3
06.528Assessment of Reading and Language Disabilities3
06.529Treatment Reading and Language Disabilities3
06.530Reading and Thinking:  Secondary School3
06.531Organize and Supervision Reading and Language3
06.541World Modernism3
06.548Practicum: Reading Specialists3
06.549Theory and Research: Reading and Language3
06.550Reading Specialist: Practicum I3
06.551Literacy Coach: Practicum II3
06.601Develop Reading: Elementary3
06.602Develop Reading: Secondary3
06.603Teaching Reading To Adults3
06.604Teach Read: Great Debate3
06.606Professional Development for Writing3
06.607Methods of Sheltered Language Instruction3
06.610Teaching Reading in Content Area3
06.611Early Literacy: British Perspective3
06.612Topics in Language Arts and Literacy3
06.619Curriculum Design - Instructing Lanaguage Arts I3
06.620Curriculum Design-Instructing Language Arts II3
06.621Literature For Children3
06.622Young Adult Literature3
06.624Teaching Reading Comprehension3
06.625Teaching Of Writing3
06.626Teaching Study Skills3
06.627Acquisition of Language3
06.628Clinical Assessment and Treatment3
06.629Educational Treatment Reading and Language Disability3
06.630Reading Thinking Listening3
06.631Organize and Supervise - Reading and Language3
06.632Writers' Workshop3
06.636Reading Institute3
06.639Reading Institute3
06.640Teaching Reading Comprehension3
06.641Reading Institute3
06.642Reading Institute '933
06.647Direct Study3
06.648Practicum Reading and Language6
06.649C.A.G.S. Seminar: Reading and Language3
06.650Politics Of Literacy3
06.651Teaching Reading Comprehension3
06.652Seminar: Assessment of Writing3
06.653Theories of Reading and Writing3
06.654Evaluative Reading and Literature3
06.655History and Development of Reading Instruction3
06.656Language Arts and Creativity3
06.657Readers Responses to Literature3
06.658Scientific Literacy Seminar3
06.659Seminar:  Issues Themes Children/Young Adult Literature3
06.660Techniques in Language Arts/Literature3
06.661Organization and Supervision of Langauage Arts and Literacy3
06.662Literature for Young Adults3
06.664History and Development of Reading Instruction in United States3
06.669Advanced Clinical Assessment3
06.670Issues in Reading and Language Instruction3
06.671CAGS Seminar I:  Reading and Language3
06.672CAGS Seminar II: Reading and Language3
06.673Curriculum Designs:  English and Language Arts3
06.674Current Design : English/Language Arts II3
06.675History, Research and Theory of Curriculum Design in Language Arts3
06.676History, Theory, and Research in the Teaching of Writing3
06.677Theories of Verbal Communication3
06.678History, Research and Contemporary Issues in Reading Instruction3
06.705Supervised Teaching-Education3
06.729Directed Study: Language and Literature3
06.730Advanced Research Seminar I-Language Arts and Literature3
06.731Adanced Research Seminar II:Language3
06.733Graduate Project - Education3
06.736Graduate Project - Education6
06.739Graduate Project - Education9
06.753Doctoral Dissertation/Education3
06.756Doctoral Dissertation/Education6
06.759Doctoral Dissertation/Education9
06.763Continued Graduate Research3
06.766Continued Graduate Research6
06.769Continued Graduate  Research9
06.791Advanced Research Seminar Language and Literature3
07.505Survey Research3
07.510Teachers as Researchers3
07.520Observation Research3
07.540Research Method Practitioners3
07.541Practitioner Action Research3
07.611Research Seminar Adult Learners3
07.612Measure and Evaluation High Order Learning3
07.630Analysis of Education Reform3
07.640Introduction to Research Methods3
07.641Measurement & Assessment3
07.642Program Evaluation3
07.643Introduction to Quality  Research3
07.645Introduction  to Using Computers3
07.649Developing Data Bases for Education3
07.650Computer Literacy3
07.651Computer Literature /Research3
07.660Qualitative Inquiry3
07.701Data Analysis3
07.702Research Methods and Design3
07.703Seminar in the Design Of Research Projects3
07.704Qualitative Research Methods3
07.705Survey Research3
07.706Intermediate  Data Analysis3
07.707Writing For Professional Publication3
07.708Analyze, Interpret, Report Data3
07.709Measurement & Evaluation3
08.550Women in Higher Education3
08.601Leadership in Higher Education3
08.602Learning-cen. Teaching  Health Education3
08.651History and Philosophy Of Higher Education3
08.652Core Curriculum -Undergradraduate3
08.653Personnel Policies Higher  Education3
08.654Student Services - Higher Education3
08.655Accreditation Process3
08.657Role of Professional Educators3
08.659Strategies for Instruction in Higher Education3
08.660Minorities in Higher Education3
10.201Material Balances3
10.202Energy Balance & Introduction to Thermodynamics3
10.303Fluid Mechanics3
10.304Heat Transfer3
10.310Separation Processes with Mass Transfer
10.311Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics3
10.317Applied Engineering Problem Solving with Matlab
10.336Programming and Problem Solving with MATLAB3
10.347Elements of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer3
10.403Chemical Reaction Engineering3
10.501Paper Industry Processes3
10.502Principles of Chemical Engineering3
10.503Mass Transfer Operations3
10.504Paper and Pulp Processes3
10.506Colloidal Nanoscience and Nanoscale Engineering3
10.508Material Science and Engineering3
10.509Mathematic Applications For Chemical Engineers3
10.510Advanced Separation Processes3
10.514Process Optimization3
10.516Microprocessor Control1
10.517Mass Transfer Oper II3
10.518Microprocessor Control3
10.520Advanced Thermodynamics3
10.521Introduction Environmental Engineering3
10.522Process Design3
10.523Nanodevices and Electronics Materials Processing3
10.524Self Assembly and Nanotechnology3
10.525Const and Use Of Packaging Material3
10.527Nanomaterials Science and Engineering3
10.528Advanced Transport Phenomena3
10.529-IRecent Advances in Nanotechnology and Green Chemistry3
10.529Recent Advances in Nanotechnology and Green Chemistry3
10.530Advanced Control Strategies3
10.531Ceramic Materials3
10.532Principles of Chemical Engineering II3
10.533Macromolecular Science and Engineering3
10.534Special Ceramics Projects3
10.535Cell and Microbe Cultivation3
10.536Polymer Science and Engineering I3
10.537Nanomaterials Characterization I3
10.538Advanced Separations in Biotechnology3
10.539Mathematical Methods for Engineers3
10.540Adhesion and Adhesives3
10.541Nchrtzn by SEM, TEM & AFM3
10.544Formulation of Biotherapeutics3
10.545Isolation and Purification3
10.546Statistical Proc Design3
10.551Directed Study: Chemical Engineering3
10.552Directed Study: Chemical Engineering3
10.555Biopharmaceutical GMP and Licensing3
10.586Biotechnology Processing Projects Laboratory3
10.591Mechanical Behavior of Materials3
10.593Cooperative Education0
10.602Graduate Seminar1
10.610Metal and Ceramic Compositions3
10.615Microprocessor Control1
10.651Directed Study:  Macromolecular Sc3
10.653Selected Topics in Materials Engineering3
10.701Chemical Engineering Thesis3
10.702Chemical Engineering Thesis3
10.704Material Engineering Thesis3
10.705Supervised Teaching-Chemical0
10.720Special Projects in Chemical Engineering3
10.722Special Projects in Chemical Engineering3
10.726Special Projects in Chemical Engineering6
10.733Graduate Project - Chemical Engineering3
10.736Graduate Project - Chemical Engineering6
10.739Graduate Project - Chemical Engineering9
10.743Master's Thesis - Chemical Engineering3
10.746Master's Thesis - Chemical Engineering6
10.749Master'sThesis - Chemical Engineering9
10.751Advanced Project in Chemical Engineering6
10.753Doctoral Dissertation/Chemical Engineering3
10.756Doctoral Dissertation/Chemical Engineering6
10.759Doctoral Dissertation/Chemical Engineering9
10.763Continued Graduate Research3
10.766Continued Graduate Research6
10.769Continued Graduate Research9
11.651Selec Topics Paper Eng3
11.701Paper Eng Thesis3
14.203Statics (alternate 22.211)3
14.204Strength of Materials (alternate 22.212)3
14.205Dynamics (alternate 22.213)3
14.286Probability and Statistics for Engineers3
14.350Structural Analysis l3
14.431Foundation and Soil Engineering3
14.466Introduction to LEED3
14.470Engineering Economics3
14.501Engineering Mathematics  I3
14.503Computer Based Analysis of Structures3
14.504Advanced Strength Of Material3
14.505Construction Safety3
14.506Computational Meth Eng ineering I3
14.507Engineering Computations3
14.509Environment Engineering Geology3
14.510Bridge Design3
14.521Reliability Analysis3
14.522Statistical Applications in Civil Engineering3
14.527Geotechnical and Environmental Site Characterization3
14.529Engineering with Geosynthetics3
14.530Deep Foundations3
14.531Advanced Soil Mechanics3
14.532Theoretical Soil Mechanics3
14.533Advanced Foundation Engineering3
14.534Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering3
14.536Soil Engineering3
14.537Experimental Soil Mechanics3
14.538Soil Behavior3
14.539Ground Improvement3
14.540Urban Transportation Planning3
14.541Traffic Engineering3
14.542Pavement Design3
14.543Traffic Principles for Intelligent Transportation Systems3
14.544Transportation Planning Practice3
14.545Public Transit Plan and Design3
14.546Pavement Design3
14.547Airport Planning and Design3
14.548Traffic Management and Control3
14.549Traffic Flow Theory3
14.550Behavior of Structures3
14.551Advanced Steel Design3
14.552Behavior - Concrete Structure3
14.553Wood Structures3
14.554Prestressed Concrete Design3
14.555Advanced Structural Design3
14.556Finite Element Analysis3
14.557Structural Dynamics3
14.558Bridge Design3
14.559Design of Masonry Structures3
14.560Advanced Hydraulics3
14.561Physical Chemical Treatment Processes3
14.562Physical and Chemical Hydrology Geology3
14.563Waste Containment System3
14.564Hydrology & Hydraulics3
14.565Industrial  Waste Treatment3
14.567Environmental Aquatic Chemistry3
14.568Environmental Fate and Transport3
14.570Wastewater Treatment and Storm Water Management Systems3
14.571Surface Water Quality  Modeling3
14.572Marine and Coastal Processes3
14.573Solid Waste Engineering3
14.574Air Quality Modeling3
14.575Groundwater Modeling3
14.576GIS Applications in Civil and Environmental3
14.577Biosystems in Environmental Engineering3
14.578Biological Wastewater Treatment3
14.580Construction Law3
14.581Engineering Systems Analysis3
14.582Hazardous Waste Management3
14.583Stochastic Concepts3
14.584Capstone Practicum3
14.585Transportation Safety3
14.590Design and  Analysis Waste System3
14.592Adv anced Waste Containment3
14.593Pchem Actn Earth Barrier3
14.594Site Treatment Technique3
14.595Hazardous Waste Site Remediation3
14.596Grad Industrial Exposure0
14.601Engineering Law3
14.640Trans Policy & Planning3
14.651Special Topics in Civil Engineering3
14.690Independent Project Civil Engineering3
14.691Special  Topics: Civil Engineering3
14.693Civil Engineering Individual Project3
14.701Thesis Laboratory1
14.705Supervised Teaching in Civil Engineering0
14.733Masters Project in Civil Engineering3
14.736Masters Project in Civil Engineering6
14.741Master's Thesis-Civil Enginnering1
14.742Master's Thesis - Civil Engineering3
14.743Master's Thesis - Civil Engineering3
14.744Master's Thesis - Civil Engineering4
14.746Master's Thesis - Civil Engineering6
14.749Master's Thesis - Civil Engineering9
14.752Independent Study in Civil Engineering3
14.753Doctoral Dissertation3
14.756Doctoral Dissertation/Civil Engineering6
14.757Doctoral Dissertation7
14.759Doctoral Dissertation9
14.763Continued Graduate Research3
14.766Continued Graduate Research6
14.769Continued Graduate Research9
15.113Computer-Aided Design and Drafting2
15.1143D Computer-Aided Design2
15.123Surveying I4
15.124Surveying II4
15.131Environmental Chemistry I3
15.132Environmental Chemistry II3
15.152Water Biology3
15.154Water Biology II3
15.224Materials/Structural Laboratory1
15.239Strength of Materials3
15.242Steel Design I3
15.246Fluid Mechanics/ Hydraulics3
15.247Hydraulics Laboratory1
15.251Structural Analysis I3
15.252Steel Design I3
15.253Reinforced Concrete I3
15.254Soil Mechanics I3
15.256Water and Wastewater Laboratory1
15.257Highway Elements3
15.261Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations I3
15.262Legal Aspects of Land Surveying3
15.263Wastewater Operations Laboratory I1
15.264Fundamentals of Land Development3
15.272Water Supply and Treatment Operations I3
15.274Water Works Operations Lab1
15.280Industrial Waste Treatment3
15.299Surveying III3
15.315Land Development Desktop3
15.340Hazardous Waste Management3
15.352Structural Analysis II3
15.353Forensic Engineering3
15.355Water Distribution Systems3
15.356Water Treatment Design3
15.358Wastewater Treatment3
15.361Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations II3
15.363Wastewater Operations Laboratory II1
15.372Water Supply and Treatment Operations II3
15.374Water Works Operations Lab II1
15.378Air Quality Monitoring3
15.383Steel Design II3
15.388Pumps and Compressors3
15.391Reinforced Concrete Design II3
15.392Soil Mechanics II3
15.394Soil Mechanics Lab1
15.396Groundwater Resources3
15.410Fundamentals of Construction Inspection 3
15.420Solid Waste Management3
15.452Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Collection Systems3
15.470Construction Project Management3
15.486Transportation Elements3
15.492Water/Wastewater Plant Management3
16.201Circuit Theory I3
16.202Circuit Theory II3
16.207Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory I2
16.208Basic Electrical Engineering Lab II2
16.210Semiconductor Basics3
16.211Fundamentals of Electricity I3
16.212Fundamentals of Electricity Laboratory1
16.213Fundamentals of Electricity for Civil Engineers3
16.216ECE Application Programming3
16.265Logic Design3
16.311Electronics I Lab2
16.312Electronics II Laboratory2
16.317Microprocessors Systems Design I3
16.333Electronic Materials3
16.360Engineering Electromagnetics I3
16.362Signals and Systems I3
16.363Introduction to Probability and Random Processes3
16.364Engineering Mathematics3
16.365Electronics I3
16.366Electronics II3
16.399Capstone Proposal3
16.409Directed Studies3
16.412Directed Studoes3
16.413Linear Feedback System3
16.421Real Time D.S.P.3
16.424Computational Methods for Power System Analysis3
16.426Power Systems Stability and Control
16.428Alternative Energy Sources3
16.429Electric Vehicle Technology3
16.431R F Design3
16.441-IIntroduction to Biosensors
16.441Introduction to Biosensors
16.443Integrated Power Systems3
16.444Power Distribution System3
16.450Advanced Digital System Design3
16.460Biomedical Instrumentation3
16.461Engineering Electromagnetics II3
16.467Special Topics: Introduction to Biometric Technology3
16.468Electro-Optics & Integrated Optics3
16.470VLSI Fabrication3
16.474Principles Of Solid State Devices3
16.475Automated Test Systems3
16.480Microprocessor Systems II & Embedded Systems3
16.482Computer Architecture and Design3
16.483Network Design: Principles, Protocols & Applications3
16.490Fiber Optic Communication3
16.491Industrial Experience3
16.492Industrial Experience3
16.493Industrial Experience3
16.499Capstone Project3
16.500Comprehensive Study: Electrical Engineering3
16.501Discrete Systems3
16.502VLSI Design3
16.504VLSI Fabrication3
16.505Microwave Electronics3
16.506Antenna Theory and Design3
16.507Electromagnetic Materials & Waves3
16.508Quantum Electronics for Engineers3
16.509Linear Systems Analysis3
16.510Digital Signal Processing3
16.511Medical Diagnostic Imaging3
16.513Control Systems3
16.514-IPower System Operation and Markets3
16.514Integrated Power Systems3
16.515Power Electronics3
16.516Advance Machine Design3
16.517MMIC Design and Fabrication3
16.519Engineering of Submicron Machines3
16.520Computer Aided Engineering Analysis3
16.521Real Time Digital Signal Processing3
16.522Data Structures/C++3
16.523Introduction to Solid State Electronics3
16.524Computational Methods for Power System Analysis3
16.525Power Distribution Systems3
16.526Power Systems Stability and Control3
16.527Advanced VLSI Design Techniques3
16.528Alternate Energy Sources3
16.529Electric Vehicle Technology3
16.531RF Design3
16.532Computational Electromagnetics3
16.533Microwave Engineering3
16.534Microwave Laboratory3
16.541Introduction to Biosensors3
16.543Theory of Communication3
16.544Communication Theory II3
16.545Coding Theory3
16.546Communication Networks3
16.547Stat Communication Theory3
16.548Coding and Information Theory3
16.549Introduction Intelligent Transportation Systems3
16.550Advanced Digital System Design3
16.552Microprocessor Systems II & Embedded Systems3
16.553Software Engineering3
16.555Laser/Microwaves In Medicine3
16.557Object Oriented Design3
16.560Biomedical Instrumentation3
16.561Computer Architecture and Design3
16.562VHDL/Verilog Synthesis & Design3
16.563Systems Programming3
16.564Operatimg Systems I3
16.565Analog Devices and Techniques3
16.568Electro Optic Systems3
16.569Electro Optic Systems3
16.571Radar Systems3
16.572Embedded Real Time Systems3
16.573Operating Systems3
16.574Advanced Logic Design3
16.575Field Programmable Gate Arrays Logic Design Techniques3
16.576Principles of Solid State Devices3
16.577Verification of Very Large Digital Designs3
16.578Modeling and Implementation of Digital Systems using MATLAB3
16.579Doctoral Research - Electrical Engineering9
16.581Computer Vision and Digital Image Processing3
16.582Wireless Communications3
16.583Network Design: Principles, Protocols and Applications3
16.584Probability and Random Processes3
16.585Communication Net Analys3
16.586Stochastic Modeling In Telecommunications3
16.590Fiber Optic Communication3
16.591Industrial Experience3
16.593Industrial Experience0
16.594Industrial Experience0
16.595Solid State Electronics3
16.601Grad Seminar in Electrical Engineering3
16.602VHDL/Verilog Synthesis & Design3
16.603Solid State Physical Electronics3
16.604Microwave Devices3
16.605Defects In Semi Controls3
16.607Electromagnets Of Complex Media3
16.608Scattering and Diffraction Of Em Waves3
16.609Inverse Scattering3
16.610Optical Information Processing3
16.611Solar Terr Relations3
16.612Converged Voice and Data Network3
16.613Non-Linear Systems3
16.614Optimal Control Theory3
16.615Solid State Drives3
16.616Computational Power Systems Analysis3
16.617Modelling Of Communication Networks3
16.618Performance-wireless Net3
16.619Digital Control Systems3
16.640Reading Institute3
16.650Advanced Computing Systems Hardware Architecture3
16.651Advanced Embedded System Design with FPGA3
16.652Parallel & Mp Architect3
16.653AI and Machine Learning3
16.654Heterogeneous Computing3
16.655Com Local Network3
16.657High Speed Integrated Network3
16.658Comp Network Security3
16.659Distributed Systems3
16.660Mobile Communication Networks3
16.661Local Area/Computer Networks3
16.662Micro Programming3
16.663Compiler Structures3
16.664Parallel Processors3
16.665Digital Function Analysis3
16.666Storage Area Newtorks3
16.667Operating Systems3
16.668Advanced Cryptography3
16.669Opto Electronic Devices3
16.671Advanced Computer Architecture3
16.674Digital Processor Design3
16.675Advanced Digital Devices3
16.676Digital System Design Laboratory3
16.684Time Series Analysis3
16.685Statistical CommunicationTheory3
16.687Applied Stochcastic Estimation3
16.688Theoretical Acoustics3
16.692Directed Studies/Electrical Engineering3
16.699Rev Electrical and Computer Engineering3
16.700Seminar In Ee3
16.701Graduate Research Seminar0
16.705Supervised Tchg - Electrical Engineering0
16.710Selected Topics: 3
16.711Special Topics3
16.712Special Topics in Electrical Engineering 3
16.713High Speed Integrated Network3
16.714Optical Processing3
16.715Special Topics:  Solar Terr Emag3
16.716Electronic Material I3
16.717Meas of Sc Mat and Devices3
16.718Image Processing3
16.719Solar Cell Design Tech3
16.720Waves in Plasma II3
16.721Fuzzy Systems Thry & App3
16.722Special Topics:  Traffic Surveillance3
16.723High Speed Semicond Dev3
16.724Digital Function Analysis3
16.725Digital Speech Process3
16.727Special Topic:  FPGA-BA3
16.729Selected Topics in Electrical Engineering3
16.730Thesis - Electrical Engineering6
16.731Thesis - Computing Engineering3
16.732Systems Engineering Thesis3
16.733Advance Graduate Project3
16.736Graduate Project - Electrical Engineering6
16.739Graduate Project - Electrical Engineering9
16.740Advanced Project In Electrical Engineering3
16.743Master's Thesis  in Electrical Engineering3
16.746Master's Thesis in Electrical Engineering6
16.749Master's Thesis - Electrical Engineering9
16.751Doctoral Thesis1
16.752PhD Thesis2
16.753Doctoral Dissertation/EE3
16.754Doctoral Thesis - Electrical Engineering4
16.755Doctoral Dissertation5
16.756Doctoral Dissertation/Electrical Engineering6
16.757Doctoral Dissertation7
16.759Doctoral Dissertation/Electrical Engineering9
16.763Continued Grad Research3
16.766Continued Grad Research6
16.769Continued Grad Research9
16.771Eng Sys Analysis I3
16.772Eng Sys Analysis II3
16.773Eng Sys Analysis III3
17.130Electrical Basics and Laboratory2
17.131Electronic Basics and Laboratory2
17.132Digital Basics and Laboratory2
17.200Basic Geometrical Optics3
17.201Introduction to Fiber Optics3
17.202Introduction to Optical Systems3
17.210Semiconductor Basics3
17.213Circuits I3
17.214Circuits II and Laboratory2
17.215Circuits III and Laboratory2
17.216Circuits IV3
17.230Mathematics & Statistics/E.E.T.3
17.272Introduction to Alternative Energy3
17.300Basic Physical Optics3
17.301Math for Signal Processing3
17.302Wave Optics3
17.322Signals and Systems I3
17.323Signals and Systems II3
17.324Engineering Mathematics3
17.341Logic Design I and Laboratory 3
17.342Logic Design II and Laboratory3
17.345Programmable Logic Controllers and Lab I3
17.346Logic Design A3
17.347Logic Design B3
17.348Logic Design C & Laboratory2
17.350Control Systems I3
17.353Digital Electronics3
17.354PSPICE Simulation3
17.355Electronics I and Laboratory2
17.356Electronics II and Laboratory2
17.357Electronics III and Laboratory2
17.358Electronics IV and Laboratory2
17.360Mathematics and Statistics/E.E.T.3
17.361Project Laboratory A2
17.365Applied Linear Devices3
17.368Data Conversion and Laboratory2
17.376Electromagnetic Theory I3
17.383Microprocessors A3
17.384Microprocessors B2
17.391Project Laboratory B2
17.392Project Laboratory C2
17.403Foundations of Microwave Design3
17.410Systems Engineering and Analysis3
17.415Advanced Topics in Optical Engineering3
17.419Introduction to ITS Technologies3
17.422GPS: Principles and Applications3
17.427Digital Signal Processing3
17.428Vacuum Technology and RF3
17.431Electromagnetic Compatibility3
17.433Linear Feedback Systems3
17.447Fiber Optic Networks3
17.449Logic Design D3
17.459Power Conversion Design I3
17.460Power Conversion II3
17.461Lasers and Laser Systems3
17.462Image Signal Processing3
17.463Biomedical Optics3
17.464Industrial Optics3
17.465Infrared Optical Systems3
17.469Control Systems II3
17.474Infrared Optical Systems3
17.478Applied Electromagnetics3
17.480Electro-Optics Laboratory2
17.481Advanced Topics in Photonics3
17.483Microprocessor Hardware3
17.484Microprocessor Software3
17.485Fundamentals of Communication Systems3
17.486Digial Communications and Networks3
17.487Analog Filter Design3
17.490Advanced Microprocessors3
17.492Diagnostic Programming3
17.495Microprocessor Control3
17.496Radar Systems3
18.501Wetlands Ecology3
18.503Toxicology and Risk Assessment3
18.504Geographic Information S3
18.505Glacial and Pleistocene Geology3
18.506Regional Hydrogeology3
18.510Water Resource System Assessment3
18.512Geology & Evaluation Technology3
18.513Legal Aspects Environmental  Issues3
18.514Engineering Law3
18.516Topics in Geomorphology3
18.517Soil Physics3
18.519Introduction ot MIcrobiology3
18.520Environmental Impact Statements3
18.522Municipal,  Industrial Hazardous Waste3
18.523Air Pollution Control3
18.525Epidemiology for Enviromental Studies3
18.526Glacial + Pleist Geology3
18.527Environmental Law3
18.528Water Supply and Pollution Control3
18.529Marine Pollution3
18.530Environment and Natural Resource Economics3
18.531Sustainable Water Infrastructure3
18.535Global Environmental Science3
18.553Special  Topics3
18.568Environmental Chemistry1
18.571Air Pollution Phenomenon3
18.572Energy and Environment3
18.573Air Pollution Laboratory3
18.574Air Quality  Modeling Application3
18.575Advanced Physical Chemistry for Environmental System3
18.576Boundry Layer Meteorology3
18.577Remote Sensing Of Atmosphere3
18.578Advanced Synoptic Meteorology3
18.579Atmospheric  Structure and  Dynamics3
18.580Implementation Environmental Policy3
18.581Understanding Massachusetts Contingency Plan3
18.582Water Planning: Future3
18.591Biological Oceanography3
18.651Special Topics3
18.693Master's Project in Environment3
18.705Supervised Teaching-Environment0
18.733Graduate Project - Environmental Studies3
18.736Graduate Project - Environmental Studies6
18.739Graduate Project - Environmental Studies9
18.743Master'sThesis - Environmental Studies3
18.746Master'sThesis - Environmental Studies6
18.749Master's Thesis - Environmental Studies9
18.763Continued Graduate Research3
18.766Continued Graduate Research6
18.769Continued Graduate Research9
19.401Occupational Health3
19.500Introduction: Work Environment3
19.501Industrial Hygiene3
19.502Industrial Toxicology3
19.503Toxicology and Health3
19.504Review of Occupational Standards3
19.505Qualitative Research Methods3
19.506Introduction to Environmental Health3
19.508Principles and Practices of Biological Safety3
19.509Hazardous Waste Worker Health3
19.510Industrial Hygiene2
19.511Industrial Hygiene Sampling Laboratory1
19.512Exposure Assessment3
19.513Health Hazard Manufacturing Processes1
19.514Aerosol Science3
19.515Measure  Airborne Content  Laboratory1
19.516Laboratory Environmental Health and Safety3
19.517Physical Agents Evaluation3
19.518Engineering Controls and PPE3
19.519Indoor Air Quality3
19.521Introduction to  Industrial Hygiene2
19.523Introduction To Ergonomics2
19.525Industrial Hygiene and Ergonomics3
19.530Ergonomics And Work3
19.531Occupation Biomechanics3
19.532Occupational Biomechanics Laboratory3
19.534Safety Engineering3
19.540Occupational Engineering Safety3
19.541Construction Safety3
19.542Human Factors3
19.543Health Work Orginization Design3
19.544Safety and Health Standard3
19.549Sustainable Housing Development and Land Use: Policy and Practice3
19.550Environmental Law3
19.551Work Environment Policy3
19.552Work Environment Policy II3
19.553International Occupational  Safety & Hleath3
19.554Labor And Technology3
19.555Comparative Enviormental3
19.556Analyzing Peace Violence and  War3
19.557Toxic Use Reduction3
19.558Occupational Health Administration I3
19.559Conflict Resolution3
19.563Risk Communication3
19.566History Politics Occupational Health3
19.568Comparative Environmental Studies3
19.570Introduction To Occupational Epidemiology3
19.571Epidemiological  Methods II3
19.572Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology3
19.573Bioaerosols in Health and Biodefense3
19.575Introduction Biostatistics and Epidemiology3
19.576Intermediate Biostatistics and Epidemiology3
19.577Intermediate Biostatistics3
19.579Disability Outcomes and Interventions3
19.581Occupational Biostatistics3
19.599Work Environment Seminar0
19.600Work Environment Capstone3
19.601Work Environment Capstone3
19.610Exposure Assessment3
19.611Physical Properties Of Aerosols3
19.612Exposure Data Analysis3
19.613Design and Evaluation of Ventilation Systems3
19.614Advanced Air Chemistry3
19.615Work Environment Policy and Practice3
19.617Airborne Contaminants3
19.618Risk Management and Training3
19.619Exposure Assessment II3
19.620Advanced Exposure Assesment3
19.622Biomarkers in Occupations and Environment3
19.625Field Evaluations3
19.632Advanced Biomechanics3
19.634Cardiac Effects Of Work3
19.636Ergonomic Stress & Pregnancy3
19.638Methods In Work Analysis1
19.641Principles/Accident and Prevention3
19.643Health Work Organization Design3
19.645Advanced Psychological Factor3
19.648Advanced Regression Modeling3
19.650Work Environment Policy3
19.651Solutions to Work Environment Hazards3
19.653Globalization, Work, and Health3
19.654Work, Technology and Training3
19.655Economic Analysis3
19.656Workers Compensation3
19.657Gender Differences at Work3
19.658Clean Product Design3
19.659Cleaner Production3
19.665Social Movements and Empowerment3
19.670Occupational Cancer Epidemiology3
19.671Epidemiology Methods II3
19.674Regression Methods3
19.677Directed Readings Design3
19.678Occupational Respiratory Disease Epidemiology3
19.680Introduction to SAS1
19.681Exposure Modeling3
19.682Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology3
19.683Risk Assessment3
19.684Musculoskeletal Epidemiology3
19.685Injury Epidemiology3
19.686Introduction To Mathematical Statistics3
19.687Quantitative Models Environmental Health3
19.688Research Synthesis Environmental Health Policy3
19.689Advanced Regression Modeling3
19.690Critical Review Health Regulations3
19.692Critical Review-Health Regulations3
19.695Chemical Process/Sustainability3
19.702Independent Study: Industrial Hygiene1
19.704Independent Study: Ergonomics1
19.705Supervised Tchng - Work Environment0
19.706Independent Study: Work Environment Policy1
19.708Independent Study: Epidemiology1
19.709Independent Studies: Occupational Epidemiology1.5
19.710Independent Study: Industrial  Hygiene3
19.711Independent Study: Industrial Hygiene3
19.712Independent Study: Industrial Hygiene2
19.713Independent Study:  Ergonomics3
19.714Independent Study: Ergonomics2
19.715Independent Study: Work Environment Policy3
19.716Independent Study: Work Environment Policy2
19.717Independent Study: Epidemiology3
19.718Independent Study: Epidemiology2
19.719Independent Study: Clean Production3
19.720Independent Study:Cleaner Production2
19.721Selected Topics : Industrial  Hygiene3
19.723Selected Topics: Ergonomics3
19.725Epidemiologic Theory1.5
19.727Selective Topics: Epidemiology3
19.728Sel Top: Work Env Policy3
19.729Selected Topics: Clean Production3
19.730Independent Studies3
19.731Independent Study:  Industrial Hygiene3
19.733Graduate Project3
19.735Independent Study:  Policy3
19.736Graduate Project - Work Environment6
19.737Independent Study: Epidemiology3
19.739Graduate Project - Work Environment9
19.743Master's Thesis Research3
19.746Master's Thesis - Work Environment6
19.748Work Environment Master's Thesis3
19.753Doctoral Dissertation/Work Environment3
19.756Doctoral Dissertation/Work Environment6
19.759Doctoral Dissertation/Work Environment9
19.763Continued Graduate  Research3
19.766Continued Graduate Research6
19.769Continued Graduate Research9
19.770Directed Readings: Epidemiology Biostatistics3
19.771Eng Sys Analysis I3
19.772Advanced Topics: Occupational Epidemiology3
19.773Advanced Topics: Occupational Epidemiology3
19.774Research: Hazardous Surveillance3
19.799Doctoral Research Seminar3
19.932Advanced Biomechanical Modeling3
19.999Intercampus Graduate Research0
20.505Manufacturing Processes3
20.510Information System for Manufacturing Process3
20.514Engineering Economics3
20.515Manufacturing Automation3
20.516Statistics Quality Control3
20.525Computer Integrated Manufacturing3
20.526Computer Integrated Manufacturing  II3
20.527Supplier Engineering3
20.530Electronic Material and Process3
20.535Microprocessor Application3
20.540Systems Concepts-Safety3
20.542Advanced Manufacturing Materials3
20.545Management and Organization Of Manufacturing Options3
20.550Reliability Engineering  I3
20.551Reliability Analysis3
20.560O & M Industrial  Waste Treatment3
20.570Advanced Topics in Computer Aided Design/Robotics3
20.571Design of Advanced Product Management3
20.572Design for Manufacturing3
20.575Robotic  Engineering Design3
20.580Industrial  Electro-Optic Design3
20.585Computer Control Machine  Project3
20.640Special Projects3
20.680Industrial Machine Vision3
20.701Graduate Research Manufacturing Engineering3
20.702Graduate Research Manufacturing Engineering6
20.705Supervised Teaching - Manufacturing0
20.710Seminar Manufacturing Engingeering3
20.714Seminar: Manufacturing Engineering3
20.733Advanced Project in Manufacturing Engineering3
20.734Advanced Project in Manufacturing Engineering9
20.736Graduate Project - Manufacturing Engineering6
20.739Graduate Project - Manufacturing Engineering9
20.743Master'sThesis - Manufacturing Engineering3
20.746Master's Research Manufacturing Engineering6
20.751Advanced Projects in Manufacturing3
20.754Advanced Project in Manufacturing3
20.763Continued Graduate Research3
20.766Continued Graduate Research6
20.769Continued Graduate Research9
20.799Directed Study - Industrial Technology3
21.505Manufacturing Processes3
21.510Information Systems for Manufacturing Process3
22.201Mechanical Design Laboratory I2
22.202Mechanical Design Laboratory II2
22.212Strength of Materials3
22.213Dynamics (alternate 14.205)3
22.214Engineering Mechanics4
22.295Material Science & Engineering3
22.302Mechanical Engineering Laboratory I: Instrrumentation3
22.311Applied Strength of Materials3
22.321Mechanical Design I3
22.322Mechanical Design II3
22.341Conduction & Radiation Heat Transfer3
22.342Convective Processes3
22.361Mathematical Methods for Mechanical Engineers3
22.381Fluid Mechanics3
22.382Heat Transfer3
22.403Mechanical Engineering Lab II: Measurement Engineering3
22.425Design of Machine Elements3
22.441Analysis of Thermo-Fluid Processes3
22.442Design of Thermofluid Systems3
22.451Dynamic Systems Analysis3
22.473Design Theory and Constraints
22.483Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics3
22.485Special Topics in Aero Engineering3
22.5CO-OPCurricula Practical Training1
22.501Directed Study:  Mechanics1
22.502Intro To Mech & Material3
22.503Transport Phenomena3
22.504Energy Engineering Workshop3
22.505Directed Studies - ME3
22.511Matrix Methods3
22.512Applied Finite Elements3
22.513Finite Element Analysis I3
22.514Finite Element Analysis3
22.515Modal Analysis3
22.516Experimental Modal Analysis3
22.517Structural Dynamics3
22.518Signal Proc Techniques3
22.519High Frequency Vibrations & Sie3
22.521Solar Fundamentals3
22.522Intergrated Product Design3
22.524Fund of Acoustics3
22.527Solar Energy Engineering3
22.528Photovoltaics Manufacturing3
22.529MS Project I3
22.531Math Methods In Mechanical Engineering3
22.532Math Methods in ME II3
22.533Adv/graduate Project3
22.540Heat Conduction3
22.541Fundamental Thermo Fluid Process2
22.542Convective Heat/Mass Transfer3
22.543Numerical Methods in Heat Conditioning3
22.544Con & Rad Heat Transfer3
22.545Advanced Industrial Heat and Mass Transfer3
22.546Computational Thermofluids I3
22.547Numerical Methods In Thermo/Fluid Systems3
22.548Numerical Methods T/F II3
22.549Cooling of Electronic Equipment3
22.551Advance Dynamics3
22.552Vibration Of Cont Media3
22.553MEMS & Microsystems3
22.554Dynamic Systems and Controls3
22.555Noise Control3
22.556Stochastic Processes3
22.557Microsystem Design3
22.558Aero/Wind Engineering3
22.562Solid Mechanics I3
22.563Solid Mechanics II2
22.564Plates and Shells3
22.565Met/ceramic Composites3
22.566Inelastic Continua3
22.567Advanced Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing3
22.570Polymer Nanocomposites3
22.571Collaborative Engineering3
22.572Manufacturing Processes3
22.573Manufacturing Systems3
22.574Design for Reliability Engineering3
22.575Industrial Design of Experiment3
22.576Engineering Project Management3
22.577Event Driven Manufacturing3
22.578Advanced Materials3
22.581Advanced Fluid Mechanics3
22.582Viscous Flow3
22.583Advanced Aerodynamics3
22.584Ocean Engineering3
22.585Ocean Engineering3
22.586Comp Applic Ff/ht3
22.587Numerical Methods in Thermo Fluid3
22.589Finite Element In Thermofluids2
22.590Control Volume Methods Thermofluid3
22.591Mechanical Behavior of Materials3
22.593Graduate Co-op Education0
22.594Fracture Mechanics3
22.595Graduate Co-op II0
22.596Composite Materials3
22.597Processing of Composites3
22.598Case Studies In Comp3
22.601Sp Top: Mechanics/matls3
22.602SpecialTopic: Thermo-Fluids3
22.603Special Topic: Vibration Dynamics3
22.604SpecialTopic: Manufacturing Engineering3
22.606Directed Study: Mechanical Engineering3
22.607Dir Studies In Eng Math3
22.609Sel Topic In Therm Fluid3
22.611Matrix Methods3
22.612Structural Dynamics3
22.614Finite Element Analysis II3
22.616Modal Analysis II3
22.624Theory & Prac Eng Design3
22.629MS Project II3
22.644Plates and Shells2
22.664Plates & Shells3
22.666Inelastic Continua3
22.678Workcell Design and Controls3
22.697Structural Application Of Composite Materials3
22.701Graduate Research in Mechanical Engineering3
22.702Adv Projects In Mechanical Engineering3
22.705Supervised Tchg ME0
22.710Dir Graduate Studies3
22.733Graduate Project - Mechanical Engineering3
22.736Graduate Project - Mechanical Engineering6
22.739Graduate Project - Mechnical Engineering9
22.741Master's Thesis - Mechanical Engineering1
22.742Master's Thesis - Mechanical Engineering2
22.743Master's Thesis - ME3
22.746Master's Thesis - ME6
22.749Master's Thesis - Mechanical Engineering9
22.751Advanced Projects in Mechanical Engineering3
22.753Doctoral Dissertation/Mechanical Engineering3
22.756Doctoral Dissertation/Mechanical Engineering6
22.759Doctoral Dissertation/Mechanical Engineering9
22.763Continued Graduate Research3
22.766Continued Graduate Research6
22.769Continued Graduate Research9
22.771Systems Analysis I3
22.772Systems Analysis II3
22.773Systems Analysis III3
23.101Engineering Graphics2
23.102Engineering Design and Graphics3
23.200Computer Aided Drafting3
23.202Thermo/Fluids Laboratory2
23.211LabVIEW(TM) Programming with Engineering Applications3
23.223Mechanics of Materials3
23.226Technical Communications for Engineering Technology3
23.241Elements of Thermodynamics I3
23.242Applied Fluid Mechanics3
23.243Elements of Thermodynamics II3
23.262Engineering Data Analysis3
23.295Materials Science3
23.301Manufacturing Technology Laboratory2
23.302Mechanics/Materials Laboratory2
23.305Manufacturing Processes3
23.310Industrial Safety3
23.314Manufacturing Productivity3
23.320Machine Design3
23.353Forensic Engineering3
23.354Problems in Mechanical Engineering Technology3
23.402Engineering Measurement Laboratory2
23.414Engineering Economics3
23.419Applied Computer Aided Manufacturing3
23.426Quality Systems Certification/ISO 90003
23.430Industrial Automation3
23.432Capstone Design3
23.444Mechanical Vibrations3
23.451Six Sigma3
23.474Design for Manufacture3
23.475Heat Transfer3
23.480Computer Aided Design 3
23.481Applied CAD Design3
23.484Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER3
23.485Introduction to SolidWorks3
24.419Nuclear Reactor Operator Training I 3
24.501Graduate Research Seminar1
24.502Graduate Research Seminar1
24.503Reactor Operation and Licensing1
24.504Energy Engineering Workshop3
24.505Reactor Physics3
24.506Special Topics In Reactor Physics3
24.507Reactor Engineering and Safety3
24.508Space Power Systems3
24.509Dynamic Systems Analysis3
24.510Nuclear Fuel Cycle3
24.511Advanced Reactor Concepts3
24.512Criticality Control3
24.514Chemical and Nuclear Waste3
24.517Computer Application In Design1
24.519Reactor Operator Training3
24.520Reactor Operator Training3
24.521Fund of Solar Energy3
24.522Nuclear Materials3
24.523Nuclear Application in Biotechnology3
24.524Introduction to Solar Research3
24.526Materials in Energy3
24.527Solar System Engineering Comm Ind3
24.529Geothermal Energy3
24.531Selected Topics in Engineering3
24.532Selected Topics:  Energy Science3
24.535Nuclear Instrumentation I1
24.537Plant Life Extension3
24.538Thermal Hydraulics-Flow3
24.539Mathematical Methods for Engineers3
24.541AFM & XRay Diffraction Analysis of Advanced Materials3
24.542Nanostr Char By Sem & Tem3
24.549Master's Research In Energy Engineering9
24.601Graduate Research Seminar0
24.602Graduate Research Seminar0
24.651Selected Topics in Energy Engineering3
24.652Selected Topics in Energy Engineering3
24.701Thesis In Energy Engeering3
24.702Graduate Research3
24.703Master's Research in Engineering3
24.705Supervised Teaching - Nuclear Engineering0
24.731Project in Energy Engineering3
24.733Graduate Project - Energy Engineering3
24.736Graduate Project - Energy Engineering6
24.739Graduate Project - Energy Engineering9
24.741-IMaster's Research-Energy Engineering1
24.741Master's Research-Energy Engineering1
24.743Master's Thesis - Nuclear Engineering3
24.746Master's Thesis - Energy Engineering6
24.749Master's Thesis - Energy Engineering9
24.751Project in Energy Engineering3
24.752Advanced Projects in Energy Engineering3
24.753Doctoral Dissertation/Engergy Engineering3
24.756Graduate  Research - Nuclear Engineering6
24.759Doctoral Dissertation/Energy Engineering9
24.763Continued Graduate Research3
24.766Continued Graduate Research6
24.769Continued Graduate Research9
25.130Introduction to Nano-Engineering3
25.490Industrial Experience0
25.491Industrial Experience I1
25.501Engineering for Teachers3
25.502Engineering for Teachers3
25.510System Approach to Maintenance3
25.512English for Engineering Graduate Students0
25.514Manufacturing Productivity3
25.520Transportation System Analysis3
25.530Engineering Systems Analysis3
25.540Philosophy of Engineering3
25.550Introduction to Nanotechnology3
25.551Nanomanufacturing I3
25.570Selected Issues in Nanomanfacturing0
25.580Thesis Review1
25.581Project Review1
25.591Graduate Industrial Cooperative Educational Experience II1
25.605Role Of Defects/sSemi-con3
25.610Doctorate Engineering Seminar1
25.640Organizational Behavior and Marketing3
25.641Accounting and Finance3
25.642Options Management and Business Policy3
25.710Dynamics of Industrial Management1.5
26.203Introduction to Polymeric Materials, Processing, and Testing3
26.3CECo-op Experience0
26.3CO-OPPlastics Engineering Curricular Practical Training (CPT)1
26.306Methods of Experimental Analysis
26.314Fluid Flow
26.382Polymer Science for Engineers II3
26.418Product and Process Design3
26.492Industrial Experience II0
26.500Advanced Project in Plastics I1
26.501Advanced Projects in Plastics II1
26.502New Plastics Processing Techniques3
26.503Mechanical Behavior of Polymers3
26.504Physical Properties of Polymers II3
26.505Polymer Structure II3
26.506Polymer Structure Properties & Applications3
26.507Plastics Industry Orginization3
26.508Current Topics: Injection Molding1
26.509Plastics Processing Theory I3
26.510Plastics Processing Theory II3
26.511Polymer Blends3
26.512Porous Polymers3
26.513New Plastics Materials3
26.514Statistics for Six Sigma3
26.515Lean Plastics Manufacturing3
26.516Polymer Based Composites3
26.517Polymer Based Composites3
26.518Plastics Product Design3
26.519Plastics Coating: Electronics3
26.520Advanced Project in Plastics III3
26.521Lean Plastics Manufacturing3
26.523Screw Design Principles3
26.524Process Analysis Instrument and Control3
26.525Processing: Syn Fibers and Structures3
26.526Nanoscale Plastics Processing3
26.527Mechanics of Fibrous Structure3
26.528Plastics Informaton Data Bases1
26.529Composites Material Testing2
26.530Selected Topics3
26.531Design of Auto Assemby Systems3
26.532Adhesives and Adhesion3
26.533Coatings Science and Technology I3
26.534Coatings II3
26.535Rubber Technology3
26.536Rheology of Coatings3
26.537Business Law for Engineers3
26.538Selected Topics: Plastics II3
26.539Research in Coatings3
26.540Commercial Development of Plastics3
26.541Computer Applications in Plastics3
26.542Colloidal Nanoscience and Nanoscale Engineering3
26.544Advanced Plastics Materials3
26.545Additives for Polymer Materials3
26.546Mixing In Plastics Processing3
26.548Analytical and Numerical Methods in Plastics Processing3
26.549Product Design for Elastomers3
26.550Processing with Elastomers3
26.551Extrusion Die Design3
26.552Machine Design3
26.553Polymers In Medicine3
26.554Polymers in Medicine II: Medical Device Design3
26.555Rheology I3
26.556Rheology II1
26.557Composites Fabrication1
26.558Composites Fabrication1
26.559Elements of Packaging3
26.561General Seminar II1
26.562Plastics Processing  Engineering Laboratory  II3
26.563Current Topics in Materials1
26.564Current Topics: Materials II1
26.566Polymer Materials Systems Solution3
26.567Dynamic Mechanical Properties I3
26.568Dynamic Mechanical Properties II3
26.569Current Topics:  Design II1
26.570Current Topics: Processing II1
26.572Advanced Plastics Processing Engineering Laboratory1
26.574Advance Physical Properties Lab1
26.576Advanced Mold Design3
26.577Plastics Process Engineering I3
26.578Advanced Plastics Processing3
26.579Problems in Biomaterials/Directed Study3
26.580Polymer Science I3
26.581Polymer Science II3
26.582Current Topics In Design1
26.583Advanced Research Methodology3
26.584Current Topics in Processing1
26.585Computer Aided Engineering I3
26.586Computer Aided Engineering II3
26.587Dynamic Mechanical Properties  I3
26.588Injection Molding3
26.589Polymer Nanocomposites3
26.590Survey of Intellectual Property3
26.591Cooperative Education3
26.592Rheology II3
26.593Cooperative Education1
26.595Thermoplastic Elastomers3
26.596Plastics, Elastomers and Additives from Renewable Resources3
26.597Plastics & Environment3
26.598Smart Polymers3
26.599Rapid Prototyping3
26.600Independent Study3
26.601Graduate Industrial Coop Education I3
26.602Materials Seminar1
26.603Design Seminar1
26.604Processing Seminar1
26.605Plastic Seminar Research1
26.606Plastics Manufacturing Systems Engineering3
26.650Thesis Review0
26.651Software Application-Injection Molding3
26.652Selected Topics - Plastics3
26.654Selected Topics In Plastics3
26.655Selected Topics In Plastics3
26.656Special Topics: High Pert Material3
26.657Plastics Physical Properties Laboratory I1
26.697Str Application Composite Material3
26.701General Seminar1
26.702General Seminar II1
26.703Materials Seminar1
26.704Materials Seminar1
26.705Design Seminar1
26.706Design Seminar1
26.707Processing Seminar1
26.708Processing Seminar1
26.709Plastics Information Seminar1
26.713Plastics Color Science3
26.714Independent Study3
26.717Fiber Reinf Polym Comp3
26.722Advanced Projects1
26.731Independent Study3
26.732Independent Study3
26.734Independent Study3
26.741Master's Thesis - Plastics Engineering1
26.743Masters Thesis Plastics Engineering3
26.745Thesis Review0
26.746Master's Thesis - Plastics Engineering6
26.749M S Graduate Research Plastics9
26.751Doctoral Thesis Research1
26.752Doctoral Thesis Research2
26.753Doctoral Dissertation/Plastics Engineering3
26.754Adv Proj In Plastics1
26.756Doctoral Dissertation/Plastics Engineering6
26.757Doctoral Research In Pl7
26.758Phy Prop Lab II1
26.759Doctoral Dissertation/Plastics Engineering9
26.763Continued Graduate Research3
26.766Continued Graduate Research6
26.768Continued Graduate Research8
26.769Continued Graduate Research9
27.201Plastics Material Science I (Commodity Thermoplastics) 3
27.202Plastics Material Science II (Engineering Resins)3
27.203Plastics Material Science III (Thermosetting Resins)3
27.207Introduction to Plastics Processing (Replaced by 27.219)3
27.209Introduction to Plastics Processing (Replaced by 27.219)3
27.217Plastics Processing Engineering Laboratory1
27.219Introduction to Plastics Processing (Formerly 27.207)3
27.301Additives for Polymeric Materials3
27.303Reinforced Plastics and Composites3
27.311Principles of Packaging3
27.312Materials and Packages3
27.313Packaging Development3
27.314Packaging for the Environment3
27.315Design of Packaging for POP Displays3
27.331Injection Molding3
27.332Advanced Injection Molding3
27.333Polymer Processing3
27.341Extrusion Die Design3
27.342Principles of Compounding (See new course #27.343)3
27.343Principles of Extrusion3
27.345Principles of Extrusion3
27.371Plastics Part Design3
27.373Plastics Mold Design I3
27.375Injection Molding Simulation Using Moldflow(TM)3
27.376Plastics Mold Engineering II3
27.381Extrusion Dye Design3
27.401Processing Technology I3
27.402Processing Technology II3
27.403Physical Properties of Polymers I3
27.404Physical Properties of Polymers II3
27.405Polymer Characterization3
27.406Polymer Structures/Properties3
27.407Plastics Industry Organization3
27.418Plastics Product Design3
27.425Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Plastics I3
27.426Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Plastics II3
27.440Commercial Development of Plastics3
27.451Selected Topics I3
27.452Selected Topics II3
27.453Selected Topics III3
27.454Selected Topics IV3
27.455Selected Topics V3
27.456Selected Topics VI3
27.457Selected Topics VII3
27.458Selected Topics VIII3
27.465Polymeric Material Systems Selection3
27.734Independent Study In Plastics3
28.701Thesis in Systems Engineering3
30.102Introduction to Public Health3
30.160Intro. to Emergency Medical Tech.6
30.201Community Health (See 31.201)3
30.206Introduction to Gerontology3
30.208Nutrition and Culture3
30.210Clinical Calculations1
30.305Exercise Physiology Lecture4
30.306Introduction to Gerontology3
30.307Exercise Physiology Laboratory1
30.308Global Health3
30.309-IExercise Physiology Laboratory (See 30.307)1
30.309Exercise Physiology Laboratory (See 30.307)1
30.317Kinesiology Lab1
30.320Legal Issues in Nursing3
30.522Independent Study Nursing Archives2
30.550Human Development and Pathophysiology3
30.552Independent Study1
30.555Computers in Health Information Management3
30.559Graduate Pharmacology3
30.622Independent  Study Health Promotion3
30.632Epidemiology  Basics  Of Health Promotion3
31.200Children's Health Issues3
31.201Community Health and Environment3
31.203Computer Technology in Health Care3
31.204Intro to Health Promotion3
31.511Graduate Teaching Health Practicum3
31.514Program Management in Health3
31.521Introduction to Green Chemistry3
31.522Mechanistic Toxicology3
31.523Sustainable Materials3
31.524Interfacial Phenomena3
31.525Experimental Conceptualization3
31.528Education Foundation  For Health Promotion3
31.571Green Chemistry Seminar1
31.572Green Chemistry Colloquium2
31.599Directed Studies3
31.729Dissertation Research3
32.502Organizational Behavior in Health Care3
32.504Health Data Analysis3
32.506Quantitative Methods in Health Management3
32.511Health Care Finance3
32.512Operations Analysis for Quality Improvement3
32.514Healthcare Management3
32.515Applied Health Economics3
32.527Planning and Marketing in Healthcare3
32.531Health Informatics3
32.555Computers:  Health Information Management3
32.593Independent Study1
32.606Quantitative Methods Health Services3
32.607Healthcare Information Systems3
32.613Research Methods in PL and Environment3
32.616Law and Ethics in Healthcare3
32.617Graduate Internship and Seminar3
32.619Project Thesis3
32.620Human Resource Management3
32.621Management Information Systems3
32.622Importance & Orginizational Impact Of Health Care Issues3
32.624Health Policy3
32.625Health Policy3
32.626Leadership in Healthcare3
32.627Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health3
32.628Ethics and Law in Health3
32.629Long-term Care Administration3
32.630Principles Of Health Promotion3
32.632Health Information Systems Planning3
32.633Healthcare Database Design3
32.634Healthcare Database Development3
32.635Healthcare Project Management3
32.636Principles of Health Promotion3
32.638Strategic Planning in Healthcare and HIT (Health Information Technology)3
32.639Electronic Health Record Systems3
32.661Health Care Accounting3
32.671Comparative Health Systems3
32.705Supervised Teaching Health Services Administration0
32.733Capstone Project3
32.736Graduate Project - Health Education6
32.739Graduate Project - Health Education9
32.743Master's Thesis - Health Education3
32.763Continued Graduate Research3
32.766Continued Graduate Research6
32.769Continued Graduate Research9
33.103Academic Strategies: Portfolio and Seminar1
33.301Research in Nursing and Health Care3
33.306Health Assessment3
33.307Concepts for Baccalaureate Nursing3
33.308Health Promotion in Nursing2
33.320Community-Focused Health and Policy3
33.324Community-Focused Project Implementation2
33.325Community-Focused Project Dissemination1
33.343Forensic Psychology3
33.410Acute Nursing3
33.412Community Health and Health Policy4
33.413Role Transition4
33.414Role Practicum6
33.415Community Health Project3
33.420Leadership in Nursing3
33.421Selected Topics in Nursing3
33.522Independent  Study Health Promotion2
33.552Social, Cultural and Policy Issues in Health Care3
33.554-IPalliative and End of Life Nursing Care3
33.554Palliative and End of Life Nursing Care3
33.558Geropsychiatric and Mental Health Nursing3
33.559Advanced Pharmacology3
33.600Theoretical Foundations for Advanced Nursing Practice3
33.601Research Utilization3
33.602Clinical Psychopharmacology3
33.603Psychopharmacology and Related Psychobiology3
33.610Gerontological Nursing  I4
33.611Gerontological Nursing  II4
33.612Gerontological Nursing III4
33.613Gerontological Nursing Practicum I3
33.614Gerontological Nursing Practicum II3
33.615Independent Study-Research3
33.616Health Care Financial Management3
33.620Adult  Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing I4
33.621Adult Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing II4
33.622Adult Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing III4
33.623Adult Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Practicum I3
33.624Adult Psychiatric-Mental Health Practicum  II3
33.632Adult Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Practicum I3
33.651Advanced Health Assessment3
33.660Family Health Nursing I4
33.661Family Health Nursing II4
33.662Family Health Nursing III4
33.663Family Health Nursing Practicum I3
33.664Family Health Nursing Practicum II3
33.670Occupational Health Nursing I4
33.671Occupational Health Nursing II4
33.672Occupational Health Nursing III4
33.673Occupational Health Nursing Practicum3
33.674Occupational Health Nursing Practicum II3
33.680Concepts and Theories Nursing Administration3
33.681Nursing Administration I3
33.682Nursing Administration I Practicum2
33.683Nursing Administration II3
33.684Nursing Administration  II Practicum3
33.685Nursing Administration III1
33.686Introduction to Clinical Dimensions of Sleep & Chronobiology3
33.687Diagnosis & Differential Diagnosis across Sleep Disorders3
33.688Clinical Assessment & Intervention in Sleep Dysregulation3
33.689Scholarly Project/Capstone3
33.700Survey of Research Methods II3
33.701Philosophy of Science3
33.702Theoretical Foundations Of Health Promotion3
33.703Research In Nursing and Health Promotion3
33.704Research Methods and Experimental  Design  I3
33.705Supervised Teaching - Nursing0
33.706Measusrement in Health & Behavioral Research3
33.707Epidemiology Of Health Promotion3
33.708Advanced Seminar: Health Promotion3
33.709Intervention Develepmont in Health Promotion3
33.710Statistics I3
33.711Statistics II3
33.712Research Apprenticeship3
33.713Curriculum and  Teaching In Nursing3
33.714Advanced Statistics3
33.715Independent Study3
33.716Qualitative Methods3
33.717Evaluation Research3
33.720Psychology Of Aging3
33.721Physiology Psychology3
33.722Advanced Cognitive Psychology3
33.723Secondary Data Analysis3
33.724Culture and Mental Health3
33.725Independent St:udy Violent Youth3
33.726Measurement In Nursing3
33.727Health Policy I3
33.728Health Policy II3
33.729Substance Abuse Modern Society3
33.730Quantitative Research Methods and Grantsmenship3
33.732Pregnancy Research3
33.733Graduate Project - Nursing3
33.734Maternal Child Health3
33.735Mental Health and Culture3
33.736Graduate Project - Nursing6
33.739Graduate Project - Nursing9
33.743Master's Thesis - Nursing3
33.746Master's Thesis - Nursing6
33.749Master's Thesis - Nursing9
33.753Doctoral Dissertation3
33.756Doctoral Dissertation6
33.759Doctoral Dissertation9
33.763Continued Graduate  Research3
33.766Continued Graduate Research6
33.768Independent Study/Seminar3
33.769Continued Graduate  Research9
33.771Advanced Nursing Leadership and Management3
33.777Independent Study: Practicum in Nursing Education3
34.D31PT Prin + Prac IV Lab0.1
34.510Models and Measurement in Disability3
34.601Clinical Anatomy3
34.602Neuroscience  Anatomy3
34.603Anatomy Laboratory1
34.605Physical Therapy Interventions I Lecture3
34.606Neuroscience Laboratory1
34.607Physical Therapy Interventions I Laboratory1
34.608Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy I3
34.609Medical/Surgical Pathology3
34.610Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy I Laboratory1
34.611Professional Issues/Clinical Practice3
34.612Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy I3
34.613Principles of Clinical Teaching3
34.614Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy I Laboratory1
34.615Clinical Education I Seminar1
34.616Research Methods3
34.617Neurological Physical Therapy Lecture I3
34.618Management And Ethics3
34.619Neurological Physical Therapy Laboratory I1
34.620Neurological Physical Therapy II3
34.621Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy II Lecture3
34.622Neurological Physical Therapy  II Laboratory1
34.623Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy II Laboratory1
34.624Directed Research II1
34.625Physical Therapy Interventions II3
34.626Geriatric Physical Therapy3
34.627Physical Therapy Interventions II Laboratory1
34.628Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy III3
34.629Directed Research1
34.630Musculoskeletal III Laboratory1
34.631Pediatric Physical Therapy Lecture3
34.632Special Topics in Physical Therapy3
34.633Pediatric Physical Therapy Laboratory1
34.634Clinical Education Experience II2
34.635Clinical Education II Seminar1
34.636Clinical Education II2
34.637Clinical Reasoning I3
34.638Medical/Surgical  Pathology3
34.639Medical/Surgical -Orthopedics3
34.640Clinical Reasoning In Physical Therapy II3
34.641Business Skills In Physical Therapy2
34.642Health Care Issues2
34.643Directed Research III1
34.644Clinical Education Fieldwork II3
34.645Physical Interventions III3
34.646Musculoskeletal Spine I3
34.647PT Interventions III Lab1
34.648Service Learning in Physical Therapy1
34.649Adv Neurological PT3
34.650Clinical Education Experience I3
34.651Sectional Human Anatomy3
34.652Clinical Education Experience II3
34.653Clinical Education Experience III3
34.654Clinical Education Experience IV3
34.655Research Seminar3
34.656Directed Research1
34.657Advanced Anatomy3
34.658Independent Studies3
34.659Sectional Human Anatomy Laboratory1
34.701Portfolio Assessment PT0
34.702Clinical Reasoning in Physical Therapy3
34.704Healthcare Issues: Clinical Practice3
34.705Supervised Tchng PT1
34.706Social Isolation, Health and Disability in Older Hombeound Adults3
35.101Human Anatomy and Physiology I3
35.102Human Anatomy and Physiology II3
35.103Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory I1
35.104Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory II1
35.203Basic Clinical Microbiology and Pathology Lab1
35.206Human Nutrition3
35.207Fitness and Nutrition3
35.208Nutrition and Culture3
35.209Food Sanitation, Safety, and Food-Borne Diseases3
35.210Nutrition and Health3
35.211Basic Clinical Microbiology & Pathology3
35.213Basic Clinical Microbiology & Pathology Laboratory1
35.251Physiological Chemistry I3
35.252Physiological Chemistry II3
35.253Physiological Chemistry Laboratory I1
35.254Physiological Chemistry Laboratory II1
35.307Current Perspectives in Nutrition3
35.308Food and Nutrition Engineering3
36.341Organic Reactions & Structure3
36.343Organic Reactions & Structure Laboratory1
36.350Human Biochemistry3
36.371Advanced Human Nutrition3
36.372Obesity and Weight Control3
36.406Biochemistry of Lipids3
36.414Infectious Disease3
36.463Vitamins and Minerals3
36.472Nutrition and Gene Expression3
36.481Medical Nutrition Therapy I (prev. Clinical Nutrition)3
36.483Senior Research2
36.494Directed Research in Nutrition3
36.506Biochemistry Of Lipids3
36.531Clinical Immunohematology3
36.541Introduction to Public Health and the Public Health Laboratory3
36.551Advanced Pathophysiology3
36.553Advanced Clinical Chemistry3
36.555Clinical Laboratory Management3
36.559Graduate Pharmacology3
36.563Vitamins and Minerals3
36.565Lab Methods in Nutrition Assessment3
36.572Nutrition and Gene Expression3
36.573Topics In Clinical Laboratory Sciences1
36.575Topics in Clinical Laboratory Science I3
36.576Topics in Clinical Laboratory Science  II3
36.580Clinical Applications of Molecular Genetics3
36.582Seminar in Advanced Nutrition3
36.613Infectious Disease3
36.615Medical Mycology and Parasitology3
36.617Medical Mycology3
36.624Directed Research3
36.629Experimental Hematology Clinical Laboratory3
36.640Quality Assurance, Control and Improvement in the Clinical and Public Health Laboratory3
36.702Graduate Project In Clinical Laboratory Sciences3
36.706Advanced  Project in Clinical Laboratory Sciences4
36.733Graduate Project - Clinical Laboratory Sciences3
36.734Graduate Project - Clinical Laboratory Sciences4
36.736Graduate Project - Clinical Laboratory Sciences6
36.739Graduate Project - Clinical Laboratory Sciences9
36.743Master's Thesis - Clinical Lab Sciences3
36.744Master's Thesis - Clinical Laboratory Science4
36.753Doctoral Research3
36.756Doctoral Research6
36.759Doctoral Research9
36.763Continued Graduate  Research3
36.766Continued Graduate Research6
36.769Continued Graduate  Research9
38.305Exercise Physiology I4
38.317Kinesiology Laboratory1
38.420Advanced Study in Exercise Physiology3
41.103Introduction to Paralegal Studies3
41.234Criminal Law3
41.250Disability and the Law: Legal Rights of People with Disabilities3
41.261Introduction to Legal Concepts3
41.262Introduction to Business Law3
41.287Legal Writing3
41.330Children and the Law3
41.348Wills, Trusts and Estates3
41.360Legal Issues in Racism3
41.363Corporate and Property Law3
41.365The Legal Environment of Business3
41.366International Law3
41.367Environmental Law3
41.368Employment Law3
41.369The Courts and the Constitution3
41.370Real Estate Law3
41.371Legal Issues in Health Care3
41.372Sports and Entertainment Law3
41.374Computers and the Law3
41.376Family Law3
41.377Elder Law3
41.379The Relationship of Law, Logic, and Ethics3
41.381Women and the Law3
41.383Alternative Dispute Resolution3
41.384State and Local Taxation3
41.385Immigration Law3
41.386Intellectual Property3
41.387Legal Research Methods3
41.391Federal Taxation Law3
41.392Wills,Trusts and Estates3
41.393Nursing Malpractice3
41.394Ancient Legal Systems
41.395Bankruptcy Law3
41.490Legal Aspects of Cyberspace3
41.497The Paralegal Practicum3
41.601Engineering Law3
41.602Law & Society3
41.670International Law3
42.100College Writing A3
42.101College Writing I3
42.102College Writing II3
42.103College Writing I for International Students3
42.104College Writing II for International Students3
42.110College Writing A ESL3
42.111College Writing I ESL 3
42.112College Writing II ESL 3
42.201Great Books of Antiquity3
42.202Great Books of the Modern Period3
42.205Human Values - Western Culture3
42.207English Studies in a Digital Environment3
42.212The Short Story3
42.215The Modern Essay3
42.216Monsters, Apes & Nightmares3
42.217The Horror Story3
42.220Personal and Reflective Writing (Course No. changed to 42.320)3
42.221Writing for Interactive Media3
42.222Oral Communication3
42.224Business Writing3
42.225Basic Technical Writing3
42.226Technical and Scientific Communication3
42.227Essay Writing for English Majors3
42.229Essay Writing for Non-English Majors3
42.230Film Classics3
42.232Turning Fiction into Film3
42.236Science Fiction and Fantasy3
42.238Introduction to Creative Writing3
42.241Women in Film3
42.242The Heroine in Modern Fiction3
42.243Contemporary Women Writers3
42.246Gay & Lesbian Literature3
42.250The Bible as Literature3
42.251War in Literature3
42.253The Culture of American Sport3
42.257The Family in American Literature3
42.260Stage Design3
42.262Advanced Acting3
42.267Introduction to Shakespeare3
42.272Modern European Fiction3
42.274The Literature of the Beat Movement3
42.278Literature of the Vietnam War3
42.281British Literary Traditions3
42.282American Literary Traditions3
42.291History of English Literature I3
42.292History of English Literature II3
42.294History of American Literature I3
42.295History of American Literature II3
42.298Children's Literature3
42.302Creative Writing: Fiction3
42.303Creative Writing: Poetry3
42.304Creative Writing: Screenwriting3
42.305Reviewing the Arts3
42.306Professional Writing3
42.307History and Development of the English Language3
42.308Analysis of Modern English3
42.310Writing Popular Fiction3
42.311The South in American Literature3
42.315Old English Language and Literature3
42.317British Literature of the Twentieth Century3
42.320Personal and Reflective Writing3
42.322Creative Writing: Creative Non-fiction I3
42.323Writing About People3
42.324Writing About Place3
42.325The Rise of the Novel3
42.330Twentieth Century British Novel3
42.333American Autobiography3
42.335American Women Novelists3
42.337The Gothic Tradition in Literature3
42.341Studies in Film3
42.345British Women Novelists3
42.348Modern American Drama3
42.349Arthurian Literature3
42.351Literature of the Middle Ages3
42.352Renaissance Literature3
42.353Literature of the Seventeenth Century3
42.356Literature of the Victorian Period3
42.362Modern Drama3
42.365Fiction II3
42.366Poetry II3
42.367Playwriting II3
42.369Reading and Writing New Media3
42.370Contemporary American Fiction3
42.373Modern Poetry3
42.376African-American Literature3
42.377Theories of Rhetoric and Composition3
42.378Asian American Literature3
42.379Post Colonial Literature3
42.380War in Literature3
42.381The Existential Hero3
42.382-ITheatre History I: Ancient Greece through the 18th Century3
42.382Theatre History I: Ancient Greece through the 18th Century3
42.388Seminar on Teaching Writing3
42.395Special Topics in English3
42.401-ISelected Authors3
42.401Selected Authors3
42.402Topics in Writing3
42.403Advanced Software Writing (See 42.413)3
42.404Special Topics: Freelance Writing3
42.408Principles of Technical Writing (Formerly 42.401)3
42.410Editing and Publishing Techniques3
42.411Desktop Publishing Laboratory1
42.412Software Writing 3
42.413Advanced Software Writing3
42.423Shakespeare I3
42.424Shakespeare II3
42.429Introduction to Literary Theory3
42.472Contemporary World Literature3
42.506Writing in the Community3
43.101Classical Civilization3
43.105Western Civilization I3
43.106The Modern World3
43.107World Civilization I3
43.108World Civilization II3
43.111United States History to18773
43.112United States History since 18773
43.200Early Christianity: The First Centuries3
43.202Science and the Modern World3
43.206American Economic History3
43.210History of Sports in the U.S.3
43.211Historical Dimensions of Globalization3
43.212Modern Latin America
43.216American Environmental History3
43.217American Urban History II3
43.225Ancient Greek History3
43.227The Middle Ages3
43.231Renaissance and Reformation3
43.237Europe in the Twentieth Century3
43.238Modern World Biography: Twentieth Century3
43.240World War I3
43.242World War II3
43.258Russia to 17963
43.261Greek and Roman Historians3
43.268History of the Family and Childhood in the U.S.3
43.270Women in American History3
43.272The American Indian3
43.274Native American History3
43.275African-American History3
43.280Sub-Saharan Africa: Colonies and Independent States (correct number is 43.281)3
43.281Sub-Saharan Africa: Colonies and Independent States3
43.295Japan Since 16003
43.296United States Diplomatic History3
43.298Introduction to Historical Methods3
43.304European Economic & Social History3
43.308History of Crime and Social Control3
43.310History of New England3
43.311History of Science I3
43.314U.S. Social History Since 18803
43.317The Dynamics of Sexual Politics3
43.321The Holocaust3
43.327-IEngland: The Middle Ages3
43.327England: The Middle Ages3
43.330Tudor and Stuart England, 1485-17143
43.332Warfare in the Ancient World3
43.334The French Revolution and Napoleon3
43.335Quantitative Methods3
43.336Problems of Modern Ireland3
43.337Germany Since 18713
43.339Nationalism: The State and Human Rights in Modern Europe Since 18003
43.341Cosmopolitan Boston: 1865-1915
43.344Revolutions in the Modern World3
43.345History of Documentary and Film3
43.349The Cuban Revolution3
43.350Colonial America: History and Culture3
43.351Colonial society and the Captivity Narrative3
43.352The Coming of the American Revolution3
43.353The French and Indian and Revolutionary Wars3
43.355Jacksonian America3
43.356Civil War and Reconstruction3
43.357The New South: Reconstruction to the Present3
43.362The Twenties and the Thirties3
43.364War and Cold War: United States History in the 1940's and 1950's3
43.365United States History since 19603
43.369Russia in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries3
43.370Medieval Institutions3
43.371Medieval Institutions (correct course number is 43.370)3
43.373Nazi Germany3
43.374Stalin's Russia3
43.37620th Century Irish History in Film3
43.380Work and Society3
43.382The American West3
43.384Radicalism in American History3
43.389Ancient History in Film3
43.391America and the World3
43.393History of the Middle East and Islamic World3
43.553International Competition And Industrial Development3
43.650Research Seminar3
43.697Work  And Society4
44.101The Criminal Justice System3
44.111Introduction to Industrial Security3
44.115Introduction to Homeland Security3
44.141Introduction to Policing3
44.151Introduction to Corrections3
44.201Computer Applications in Criminal Justice3
44.203Technology and the Criminal Justice System3
44.211Physical Security3
44.212-IWeapons of Mass Destruction3
44.212Weapons of Mass Destruction3
44.213Emergency Management3
44.223Crime and the Media3
44.233Criminal Procedure3
44.234Criminal Law3
44.235Introduction to the Law and Politics of Constitutional Development3
44.241Physical Security3
44.243Criminalistics I3
44.244Criminalistics II3
44.247Federal Law Enforcement3
44.248Terrorism (international and domestic)3
44.249Organized Crime3
44.251Institutional Corrections3
44.261Juvenile Delinquency3
44.280Criminal Justice Ethics3
44.281Criminal Justice Ethics3
44.287Legal Writing for Paralegals3
44.301Computer Applications for the Legal Profession3
44.312Security Management3
44.321Advanced Criminology3
44.322Crime Prevention3
44.326Hate Crime3
44.327Violence in America3
44.331Penal Law3
44.335Juvenile Justice3
44.341International Perspectives on Crime and Crime Control3
44.342Criminal Profiling3
44.343Forensic Psychology3
44.347Police Innovations3
44.348Advanced Seminar on Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism3
44.349Intelligence and National Security3
44.351Community-Based Corrections3
44.352Community-Based Corrections3
44.354Probation and Parole3
44.360Gender, Race, and Crime3
44.365Hate Crimes3
44.370Criminal Justice Management3
44.371Criminal Justice Planning3
44.372Issues in Correctional Administration3
44.373Issues in Police Administration3
44.380Selected Topics in Criminal Justice3
44.381Ethics in Criminal Justice
44.382Privatization of Criminal Justice3
44.383Law and Social Control3
44.385Crime and Mental Illness3
44.387Criminal Mind and Behavior3
44.388Forensic Psychopathology3
44.390Criminal Justice Research Methods3
44.393Forensic Computer Crime3
44.395Statistics in Criminal Justice3
44.397Crime Mapping3
44.398Criminal Justice Data Analysis3
44.401Substance Abuse and Crime3
44.410Women and Criminal Justice3
44.411Technology and Crime Prevention3
44.412Issues in Security Administration3
44.423Elite Deviance and Crime3
44.425Crime and Public Policy3
44.435Alternative Dispute Resolution3
44.477Intimate Partner Violence3
44.478Child Maltreatment3
44.490Criminal Justice Honors Seminar3
44.493Issues in Technology and Security3
44.495Criminal Justice Field Studies6
44.496Criminal Justice Internship3
44.497Paralegal Prcacticum/Internship3
44.501Criminal Justice Scholarship3
44.503Administration of Criminal Justice3
44.511Planning and Program Development3
44.513Crisis and Emergency Management3
44.520Crime and Community3
44.521Criminological Theory: Foundations3
44.523Elite Deviance and Crime3
44.525Juvenile, Justice and Youth Crime3
44.526Domestic Terrorism and Hate Crimes3
44.530Technology And The Law3
44.531Law - Administrative Procedure3
44.533Elite DevIiance  and White Collar3
44.540Issues In Police Administration3
44.541Issues in Policing3
44.542Criminal Profiling3
44.543Forensic Psychology3
44.544Issues in Policing3
44.545Criminal Mind and Behavior3
44.546Mental Health & Criminal Justice3
44.550Issues in Corrections3
44.551Criminal Justice Ethics3
44.553Elite Deviance3
44.554Threat Assessment and Risk Management3
44.560Gender, Race & Crime3
44.561Minorities and Criminal Justice Systems3
44.562Hate Crimes & Dom Terr3
44.563Substance Abuse3
44.565Women and Crime3
44.566Transportation Systems Safety and Security3
44.567Overview of Homeland Security3
44.568Contemporary Security Studies3
44.569Scientific & Technological Dimensions of National Security3
44.570Managing Criminal Justice Organizations3
44.572Personnel Administration3
44.573Law and Public Policy3
44.574Economic Crime3
44.575Criminal Homicide3
44.578Intelligence Analysis Policy and Practice3
44.580Descriptive & Inferential Statistics3
44.590Research Design3
44.591Research Methods II3
44.592Criminal  Justice Information Systems3
44.593Forensic Computer Crime3
44.594Crime Analysis and Mapping3
44.595Program Evaluation3
44.599Criminal Justice Intelligence and Information Sharing3
44.621Crime Prevention & Public Policy3
44.622Intimate Partner Violence3
44.623Responding to Child Maltreatment3
44.624Violence in America3
44.625Juvenile Justice and Youth Crime3
44.635Constitutional Law3
44.636Restorative Justice3
44.641International Persp Crime3
44.642Issues in Computer Crime and Cyber Security3
44.643Weapons of Mass Destruction3
44.644Global Trafficking and Criminal Networks3
44.646Sex Crimes and Offenders3
44.650Community Based Correction3
44.675Community Relations for Criminal Justice Profession3
44.678Child Maltreatment3
44.680Selected Topics3
44.681Special Topics in Management and Planning3
44.683International Criminology3
44.690Advanced Data Analysis3
44.691Directed Study in Criminal Justice3
44.692Computer Applications- Criminal Justice3
44.693Directed Study in Criminal Justice6
44.697Security Studies Project Design and Defense3
44.699Security Studies Capstone Research Paper3
44.705Supervised Teaching in Criminal Justice0
44.710Special Topics in Criminal Justice3
44.733Graduate Project - Criminal Justice3
44.735Ms Project In Criminal Justice3
44.736Graduate Project - Criminal Justice6
44.739Graduate Project Criminal Justice9
44.743Master's Thesis - Criminal Justice3
44.746Master's Thesis - Criminal Justice6
44.763Continued Graduate Research3
44.766Continued Graduate Research6
44.769Continued Graduate Research9
44.790Criminal Justice  Thesis Seminar3
44.793Directed Study - Criminal Justice3
44.796Directed Study - Criminal Justice6
45.201Introduction to Philosophy3
45.202Introduction to Logic and Critical Reasoning3
45.203Introduction to Ethics3
45.205Argumentation and Rhetoric3
45.206Introduction to Political Philosophy3
45.207Corporate Communications3
45.296Introduction to World Religions3
45.306Feminist Theory Politics3
45.311American Cinema3
45.313American Philosophy3
45.314Philosophy and Science Fiction3
45.316Philosophy and Film3
45.334Engineering and Ethics3
45.348Eastern Philosophy and Religion3
45.375Philosophy of Sex and Love3
45.501Boiethics and Genetics Research3
45.502Feminist Theory Politics3
45.540Philosophy Of Engineerng3
46.101Introduction to American Politics3
46.105Introduction to Public Policy3
46.110Introduction to Politics3
46.112Introduction to Comparative Political Systems3
46.121Introduction to International Relations3
46.175Introduction to Environmental Politics3
46.210Media & Politics3
46.215African Politics3
46.217Analyzing Peace, Violence and War3
46.218Introduction to Politics and Sports3
46.220Introduction to Gender Studies3
46.222Politics of the Internet3
46.226Media and Politics3
46.230Law and the Legal System3
46.231Introduction to Political Thought3
46.235Introduction to the Law and Politics of Constitutional Government3
46.240Contemporary Political Theory3
46.253Introduction to Public Administration and Policy3
46.265State and Local Politics3
46.270Legislative Politics3
46.313Electoral Politics3
46.316Politics and Film3
46.317Politics and Music3
46.318Politics and Advertising3
46.321Soccer and Politics3
46.323Baseball and Politics3
46.324The Politics of Football3
46.327The Dynamics of Sexual Politics3
46.329Gender in Sport3
46.331Animal Rights and Animal Welfare3
46.332The Politics of Food3
46.338Political Participation3
46.344The American Presidency3
46.345Constitutional Law and Politics3
46.347Civil Liberties3
46.348Literature, Politics and Genocide in Cambodia3
46.349Politics of Race and Ethnicity3
46.350Urban Politics3
46.353Public Policy and Administration3
46.355Government Fiscal Policy3
46.356Public Policy Analysis3
46.357Environmental Policy3
46.360European Politics3
46.363Politics of China3
46.368Middle Eastern Politics3
46.370Latin American Politics3
46.380American Foreign Policy3
46.410Reading Seminar in Judicial Review3
46.412Kennedy Politics3
46.417Analyzing Peace, Violence and War3
46.422Seminar: Media Studies3
46.472Nutrition and Gene Express (correct number is 36.472)3
46.496Practicum Experience Requirement3
47.101General Psychology3
47.209Social Psychology3
47.232Psychology of Personality3
47.255Community Psychology3
47.260Child and Adolescent Development3
47.269Research I: Methods3
47.272Abnormal Psychology3
47.273Brain, Mind & Behavior3
47.276Theories of Learning3
47.277Sensation and Perception3
47.278Cognitive Psychology3
47.305Psychology and Law3
47.308Industrial/Organizational Psychology3
47.312Learning and Behavior3
47.328Dynamics of Interpersonal Relations3
47.335Psychology and Women3
47.336Culture and Psychology3
47.345Health Psychology3
47.351Human Sexuality3
47.352Psychological Testing3
47.355Sport and Exercise Psychology3
47.360Adult Development and Aging3
47.361Developmental Psychopathology3
47.362Psychology of Developmental Disabilities3
47.363Introduction to Disability Studies3
47.364Psychology of Crime and Corrections3
47.369Research II: Statistics3
47.373Brain, Mind and Behavior (Course number changed to 47.273)3
47.375Research III: Laboratory3
47.472Seminar: Personality3
47.473Seminar in Social Psychology3
47.474Seminar: Developmental Psychology3
47.475Seminar in Clinical Psychology3
47.477Seminar: Contemporary Trends3
47.478Seminar in Cognitive Psychology3
47.480Integrative Fieldwork in Developmental Disabilities I3
47.481Integrative Fieldwork in Developmental Disabilities II3
47.486Community Service Learning3
47.488Research Service Learning3
47.491Directed Study: Psychology3
47.496Practicum in Psychology3
47.500Introduction to Community Social Psychology3
47.501Applied Developmental Psychology3
47.502Seminar in Community Social Psychology3
47.503Applied Social Psychology3
47.504The Family System3
47.508The Child in the Community3
47.509Psychological Approaches to Child Maltreatment3
47.511Principles of Helping3
47.512Applied Research Methods3
47.513Helping Services II: Groups3
47.520Introduction Community  Social  Psychology3
47.522Psychology Of Diversity3
47.523Women in the Community3
47.524Ethnic and Racial Factors in the Community3
47.525Psychology  Of Mid Size City3
47.526Workplace Diversity3
47.527Immigrant Psychology and Communities3
47.530Human Sexuality Crnt Per3
47.531Substance Abuse3
47.532Violence In The Family3
47.533Mental Health Problems in the Community3
47.534Diversity In Family3
47.535Comm Perspective Family3
47.536Forensic Psychology3
47.540Human Sexuality3
47.541Ethical Issues In Psychology3
47.542Working with Groups3
47.545Community and Organizational Change3
47.546Grant Writing3
47.547Community Mapping3
47.551Psychosocial Aspects of Maturity and Aging3
47.561Introduction to Behavioral Intervention in Autism3
47.562Teaching and Positive Behavioral Support in Autism3
47.565Measurement and Experimental Design in Behavioral Intervention3
47.566Functional Analysis and Treatment of Challenging Behavior3
47.568Behavioral Intervention Program Models in Autism3
47.572Legal and Ethical Issues in Professional Practice3
47.574Community and Social Interventions in Autism3
47.578Intelligence Analysis3
47.604Applied Social Psychology3
47.611Program Evaluation3
47.621Social Systems Dynamics3
47.622Intimate Partner Violence3
47.623-IIntervention/Child and Adolescent3
47.623Intervention/Child and Adolescent3
47.624Couples Therapy3
47.625Advanced Community Dynamics: Lowell3
47.631Practicum I3
47.632Practicum II3
47.673Supervised Practicum in Behavioral Intervention in Autism: III3
47.691Directed Study in Community and Social Psychology3
47.723Advanced Project In Psychology3
47.733Master's Project in Community-Social Psychology3
47.741Graduate  Research: Psychology1
47.743Master's Thesis in Community Social Psychology3
47.746Master's Thesis in Community Social Psychology6
47.749Master's Thesis in Community Social Psychology9
47.751Graduate Research: Community Society3
47.753Master's Research-Community Social Psychology6
47.763Continued Graduate Research3
47.766Continued Graduate Research6
47.769Continued Graduate  Research9
48.101Introduction to Sociology3
48.102Social Anthropology3
48.110Introduction to Social Values3
48.111A Novel Approach to Sociology3
48.112Sociology Goes to the Movies3
48.201Social Anthropology3
48.203Technology and Human Values3
48.212Cultures of the World3
48.215Peacemaking Alternatives3
48.216Sociology of War and Peace3
48.220Self-Assessment and Career Development3
48.231Sociology of the Family3
48.234The Study of Minorities3
48.235Black Experience in American Life3
48.23648.236 Sociological Approaches to the Environment3
48.240Sociology of Gender3
48.250Sociology of Non-Violence3
48.255Sociology of Deviance3
48.256Political Sociology3
48.260Sociology of Mass Media3
48.270Self and Society
48.276Sociology of the Gun3
48.280Drugs and Society3
48.285Film: From Gangsters to Noir3
48.301Sociology of Human Rights3
48.303Sociology of American Education3
48.305Sociology of Family Law3
48.307Sociology of Immigration3
48.308Emerging Immigrant Groups in the Merrimack Valley3
48.309Military and Society3
48.317Sociology of Genocide3
48.319The Sociology of the Sixties3
48.321Social Theory I3
48.323Sociology of Ideas and Values3
48.335The Black Experience in American Life3
48.340Sociology of Sports3
48.341Wealth, Status and Power3
48.345Urban Sociology3
48.348Understanding the Latino Community3
48.350Social Services3
48.351The Sociology of Health and Health Care3
48.355Black Experience in American Life3
48.357The Sociology of Religion3
48.361Sociology of Law3
48.370Women in Society3
48.371Sociology of Work3
48.380Sociology of Mass Media3
48.382Social Movements3
48.402Sociological Research I3
49.101Economics of Social Issues3
49.201Economics I (Microeconomics)3
49.202Economics II (Macroeconomics)3
49.211Statistics for Business and Economics I3
49.212Statistics II3
49.302Labor Economics3
49.303Microeconomic Theory3
49.304Macroeconomic Theory3
49.307Government & Business3
49.312Managerial Economics3
49.315Introduction to Environmental Economics3
49.316Investments: Instruments and Strategies3
49.318Financial Markets and Monetary Policy3
49.325United States Economic History3
49.401Special Topics in Economics3
49.403International Trade Theory3
49.603Managerial Economics3
49.611Quantitative Methods3
49.615Environmental and Natural Resource Economics3
49.620Public Finance & Monetary Policy3
49.625Japanese Economy3
49.700Independent Study in Economics3
49.749Research Seminar3
49.801Business Economics for Engineering Managers3
50.101French 1 and Culture3
50.102French 2 and Culture3
50.211French 3 and Culture3
50.212French 4 and Culture3
50.221Reading and Conversing in French I3
50.222Reading and Conversing in French II3
50.315Franco-American Culture3
50.320Contemporary French Culture and Civilization3
50.340Contemporary French Cinema3
50.374Classics of French Cinema3
50.375Gender and Sexuality in French Cinema3
50.376French Cinema & Society3
50.378Women in French Cinema3
50.380Young and Restless in French Cinema3
50.394Enhancing and Advancing your Knowledge of French3
51.101Beginning German I and Culture3
51.102German II and Culture3
51.211Intermediate German I3
51.212Intermediate German II3
51.491Directed Study in German Literature3
51.492Directed Study in German Composition3
52.102Italian II and Culture3
52.211Intermediate Italian I and Culture3
52.212Intermediate Italian II and Culture3
52.325Italian American Literature and Culture3
52.335Cinema and Italian Americans3
52.374Classics of Italian Cinema3
52.378Italian Cinema and Culture3
52.380Italian Cinema: Directors and Themes3
53.101Beginning Japanese I3
53.102Beginning Japanese II3
53.103Beginning Russian I3
53.104Beginning Russian II3
53.105Chinese I and Culture3
53.106Chinese II and Culture3
53.115Arabic I and Culture3
53.116Arabic II and culture3
53.215Intermediate Arabic I and Culture3
53.216Int Arabic II and Culture3
54.101Spanish 1 and Culture3
54.102Spanish 2 and Culture3
54.103Medical Spanish Studies3
54.211Spanish 3 and Culture3
54.212Spanish 4 and Culture3
54.221Reading and Conversing in Spanish I3
54.222Reading and Conversing in Spanish II3
54.234Advanced Spanish Grammar and Syntax3
54.245Advanced Spanish Conversation3
54.254Topics in Conversational Spanish3
54.301Introduction to Spanish Literature3
54.302Introduction to Latin American Literature3
54.310Spanish Civilization and Culture3
54.313Fieldwork in the Spanish Community3
54.315Latin American Civilization and Culture3
54.320Special Topics in Spanish Studies3
54.330Spanish and Latin-American Women Writers3
54.333Advanced Spanish Grammar & Syntax I3
54.334Advanced Spanish Grammar & Syntax II3
54.335Spanish Women Writers in Translation3
54.347Advanced Spanish Conversation & Composition3
54.401Selected Authors3
54.403The Golden Age3
54.409Twentieth Century Spanish Literature3
54.410Realism and the Nineteenth Century Spanish Novel3
54.411Hispanic Short Fiction3
54.412Short Story in Latin America3
57.225African Politics3
57.408The Budget as a Policy, Planning and Information Tool3
57.427Sustainable Housing Development & Land Use: Policy and Practice3
57.475Community Conflict Resolution3
57.503Work, Technology and Training3
57.504Gender Differences at  Work3
57.505Society Movements And Empowerment3
57.506Research Methods3
57.507Municipal Management3
57.508The Budget as a Policy, Planning and Information Tool3
57.509Regional And Urban Environmental Law3
57.511Dynamics of Power and Authority3
57.512Community Conflict Resolution3
57.513Foundations Of Comparative Regional Development3
57.514Community Mapping3
57.515Politics and Economics of Public Policy3
57.516Globalization Work & Family3
57.517Information Economy and Regional Development3
57.518Comparative Environmental Study3
57.520Inequality and Organization3
57.521Software Design In Context3
57.522Research Ethics with Underserved Groups3
57.525Gender, Work and Public Policy3
57.527Sustainable Housing Development and Land Use: Policy and Practice3
57.530Public and Development Finance3
57.532Advance Community Dynamics3
57.533Where Are Jobs:Regional Economic3
57.535Community-Based Planning3
57.537Developing Economies3
57.540China and India in the Global Economy3
57.546Grant Writing3
57.550Analyzing Peace, Violence and War3
57.553International Competition and Industrial Development3
57.554Latin American Politics3
57.558Peace And Conflict Field Experience3
57.587Cooperative Education1
57.591Directed Study  in Regional Economic Social Development3
57.592Qualitative Research Methods3
57.598Organizational Dynamics and Regional Development3
57.599Inequality, Organization And Development3
57.601RESD Study Abroad I3
57.602RESD Study Abroad 23
57.603RESD Study Abroad 33
57.605Social Movements and Empowerment3
57.691Practicum in Regional Economic Social Development3
57.705Social Movements3
57.733Master Project Regional Economic Social Development3
57.746Masters Thesis Regional Economic Social Development6
57.790Software Design in Context3
58.101Art Appreciation3
58.105Comparative Arts3
58.203History of Art I: Prehistoric to Medieval Art3
58.204History of Art II: Renaissance to Modern Art3
58.205Studies in World Art3
58.211Nineteenth Century Art3
58.221Twentieth Century Art3
58.231Greek and Roman Art3
58.241Medieval Art3
58.300Art History, Music and Culture3
58.305Theater in the Arts3
58.313American Art3
58.321Italian Renaissance Art3
58.323Northern Renaissance Art3
58.330Italian Mannerism3
58.331Asian Art3
58.332Baroque Art in Italy3
58.334Northern Baroque Art3
58.340Women and Art3
58.345Pre-Raphaelite Art3
58.350Post Modernism (Contemporary Art)3
58.352Critical Issues: History of Art, Theory and Criticism3
58.360Museum Issues3
58.370Art History and Film3
58.490Art History Seminar3
58.494Directed Study in Art History3
58.495Advanced Tutorial in Art History3
58.496Practicum Experience in Art History3
59.105Comparative Arts3
59.109First Year Experience Seminar1
59.111Foundation in Cultural Studies
59.203-IHistory of Art I: Prehistoric to Medieval Art3
59.203History of Art I: Prehistoric to Medieval Art3
59.204-IHistory of Art II: Renaissance to Modern3
59.204History of Art II: Renaissance to Modern Art3
59.205Human Values - Western Culture3
59.206Human Values in Western Culture II3
59.208Western Cultural Heritage I3
59.209Western Cultural Heritage II3
59.217Media and Culture in the 20th Century America3
59.221Twentieth Century Art3
59.240Introduction to Women's Studies3
59.300Art History, Music and Culture3
59.315Islamic Culture and Medieval Europe3
59.324Northern Renaissance Art3
59.326Multimedia for Cultural Studies3
59.329Women in 20th Century Music3
59.330Italian Mannerism (Correct number is 59.372)3
59.331Women in Twentieth Century Music3
59.340Women and Art3
59.341Italian Renaissance Art3
59.348Understanding the Latino Community3
59.349Literature, Politics and Genocide in Cambodia3
59.363Introduction to Disability Studies3
59.368Women in French Cinema3
59.369Art, History and Film3
59.370Washington Center Term12
59.372Italian Mannerism3
59.374Cinema Across Cultures3
59.376European Cinema: Across Cultures3
59.421Italian Renaissance Art3
59.480Integrative Fieldwork in Developmental Disabilities I3
59.481Integrative Fieldwork in Developmental Disabilities II3
59.501Environmental Issues in Management3
59.515The City as a Cultural Experience3
60.301Intermediate Accounting I3
60.302Intermediate Accounting II3
60.303Accounting Information Systems3
60.321Cost Accounting3
60.331Cost Management Systems3
60.431Federal Income Taxes3
60.432Advanced Federal Income Taxation3
60.441Accounting for Not-for-Profit Institutions3
60.501Financial Accounting2
60.502Managerial Accounting2
60.504Advanced Managerial Accounting1
60.601Accounting Information for Management Decisions3
60.602Advanced Management and Sustainability Accounting3
60.605Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting3
60.612Advanced Cost Management3
60.621Tax Factors in Business Decisions3
60.622Globalization and Accounting3
60.623Contemporary Accounting Issues3
60.630Taxation of Business Entities3
60.631Federal Income Taxes3
60.640Financial Accounting Theory and Research3
60.645Fraud Exam & Forensic Accounting3
60.655Advanced Auditing3
60.660Business and Society3
60.667Independent Studies3
60.670International Law3
60.677Directed Study: Accounting3
60.688Special Topics in Accounting3
60.690Cost Accounting3
60.699Accounting Internship3
60.700Independent Study:  Accounting3
60.701Advanced Accounting3
60.707Intermediate Accounting I3
60.708Intermediate Accounting II3
60.709Advanced Accounting I3
60.711Theory Of Financial Rp3
60.720Fraud Examination3
60.730Federal Taxation3
60.752Accounting Information System3
60.790Special Topic:  Accounting3
60.799Independent Study: Accounting3
60.801Accounting For Engineering Managers2
60.802Accounting For Health Care Professionals4
60.803Business Law For Engineering Mangement2
61.301Business Finance3
61.302Money and Banking3
61.303Methods of Financial Analysis3
61.421Portfolio and Security Analysis3
61.431Capital Planning3
61.479Current Topics in Finance3
61.489Internship in Finance3
61.491International Finance3
61.499Independent Study in Finance3
61.501Business Financial Analysis2
61.600Financial Markets3
61.601Corporate Finance3
61.610Financial Markets/Policy3
61.621Advanced Corporate Finance3
61.624Fixed Income Securities3
61.632Business Financial  Analysis3
61.640Financing Innovation and Technology3
61.675Financial Derivatives3
61.677Independent  Study: Finance3
61.688Current Topics in Finance3
61.691International Finance3
61.700Independent Study - Finance3
61.721Portfolio And  Security  Analysis3
61.725Options And Futures3
61.731Financial Management3
61.732Financial Institutions and Markets3
61.735Portfolio Investment and Security Analysis3
61.736Portfolio And Security Analysis3
61.737Current Topics: Financial Management3
61.738International Financial Managementt3
61.739Independent Study: Finance3
61.760International Financial Management3
61.790Financial  Marktes/Monetary Policy3
61.799Directed Study: Finance3
61.802Quantitative Methods for Decision Evaluation3
62.201Marketing Principles3
62.302Marketing Research3
62.303International Marketing3
62.311Marketing Opportunity Analysis3
62.312Marketing Tactics3
62.313Sales and Customer Relations3
62.401Marketing Communications3
62.402Buyer Behavior3
62.403Business Marketing3
62.405Sales Management3
62.406Purchasing and Materials Management3
62.496Current Topics in Marketing3
62.501Marketing Fundamentals2
62.505Advanced Marketing Fund2
62.601Customers And Markets3
62.603Global Marketing3
62.610Marketing Research3
62.620Sales Management3
62.621Customers And  Markets3
62.622Marketing Fundamentals3
62.630Market Research for Entrepreneurs3
62.640Marketing For Engineering  Managers3
62.650Industrial Marketing3
62.660Marketing Communications3
62.670International Marketing3
62.677Independent Study: Marketing3
62.680Marketing Analysis And  Planning3
62.688Current Topics in Marketing3
62.690Internship in Marketing3
62.698Spec Top:strategy Pricng3
62.699Marketing Internship3
62.700Special Topic:  Marketing3
62.710Marketing Research3
62.723Marketing Analysis And Planning3
62.724Marketing Research3
62.725Marketing Communication3
62.726Consumer Behavior3
62.727International Marketing3
62.728Industrial Marketing3
62.729Independent Study Marketing3
62.750Industrial Marketing3
62.760Marketing Communications3
62.781New Products3
62.790Special Topic:  Marketing3
62.799Independent Study In Marketing3
62.801Marketing Engineering Manager2
62.804Market  And Customer Values3
63.210Operations Analysis Techniques3
63.300Application Systems Development3
63.301Management Information Systems3
63.307Systems Analysis and Design3
63.308Enterprise Systems Management3
63.371Operations Management3
63.403Database Management Systems3
63.404Data Communications and Networking3
63.408Current Topics in Management Information Systems3
63.469Logistics and Transportation3
63.471Managerial Quality Control3
63.489Current Topics: Business Intelligence3
63.498Special Topics in MIS3
63.501Operations Fundamentals2
63.502Operations Management Foundations2
63.504Management Information Systems1
63.601Management Information Systems3
63.602Management Information Systems3
63.603Advanced Topics :  Information Systems3
63.610Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure3
63.620System Design and Software Project Management3
63.630Electronic Business for Managers3
63.635Project Management3
63.640Enterprise System Management3
63.651Integrated Logistics3
63.671Operations Management3
63.672Operations Management3
63.673Operations Research3
63.674Advanced Operation Research3
63.677Independent Study:  Operations Management3
63.688Current Topics in Management Information Systems3
63.689Current Topics in Operations Management3
63.690Managerial Quality Control3
63.700Independent Study: Operations Management3
63.709Independent Study in Management Information Systems1
63.710Design and Control Manufacturing Systems3
63.720Manufacturing Strategy3
63.736Manufacuturing Field Project6
63.772Operations Plng and Control3
63.773Advanced Operations Research3
63.775The Practice Of Operations Management3
63.779Independent Study: Operations Management3
63.789Manufacturing Simulation2
63.790Special Topics: Management Information Systems3
63.791Special Topics:  Technology in Management3
63.798Independent Study in Management Information Systems3
63.799Independent Graduate Study in Operations Management3
63.803Mfg Mgmt For Eng Mgr2
64.300Principles of Innovation and Entrepeneurship3
64.361Starting a New Venture3
64.362Corporate Entrepreneurship3
64.463Managing Innovation3
64.480Current Topics3
64.591Independent Study1
64.592Independent Activity2
64.593Independent Activity3
64.600Mathematics For Business Administration3
64.601Operations Management3
64.603Managerial Economics3
64.605Japanese Economy3
64.608Economics Of Location3
64.611Enterprise And  Management3
64.612Dynamics Of Competition3
64.620Public Finance Amd Monetary  Policy3
64.621Quantitative Decision Model and Application3
64.631Corporate Finance3
64.640New Venture Creation3
64.641Customer And Markets3
64.650Innovation and Emerging Technology3
64.651World Class Operations3
64.655Corporate Entrepreneurship3
64.680Practicum I New Venture Planning3
64.681Practicum II - New Venture Implementation3
64.688Current topics in Entrepeneurship3
64.690Creation and Leadership - Change3
64.691Strategy I3
64.692Strategy II3
64.699Independent Study3
64.700Independent  Study In Economics3
64.736Graduate Project6
64.801Structure and Dynamics Enterprise3
64.802Quantitative Methods3
64.803Manufacturing Strategy3
64.804Market And Customer Values3
64.805Global Strategy3
65.331New England Regional Economy3
65.502Quantitative Foundations2
65.531New England Regional Economy3
65.631New England  Regional Economy3
65.641International Comparative  Industrial  Policy3
65.651Labor And Technology3
65.661New England Regional Economy3
65.721Local Economic Development3
65.790Special Topics:  Soft Design3
65.799Special Topic:  Policy and Planning3
66.017Introduction to Business3
66.150Introduction to Business3
66.210Professional Communications3
66.301Organizational Behavior3
66.310Human Resources Management3
66.410Negotiation Strategy and Tactics3
66.415Managing Teams and Projects3
66.420Leadership Processes3
66.425Organization Design3
66.430Rewards and Compensation3
66.435Comparative Management3
66.440International Business3
66.445Contemporary Management Development3
66.450Labor, Diversity, and Human Resource Management3
66.480Current Topics in Management3
66.490Strategic Management3
66.496Special Topics: Entrepreneurship3
66.499Independent Study in Management3
66.501Organizational Behavior2
66.510Organizational Behavior3
66.511Global Enterprise and Competition2
66.512Global Dynamics1
66.577Labor Diversity and Human Resources Management3
66.588Special Topics: Management of Diversity3
66.601Managing Organizational Change3
66.602Law and Society3
66.603AdvancedTopics In Information Systems3
66.607MBA/Finance Independent Study2
66.610Regulatory Environment3
66.611Enterprise and Management3
66.612Dynamics Of Competition3
66.617New Venture Practicum II - Implementation through Investment3
66.630New Product Development3
66.632Business Financial Analysis3
66.635Project Management3
66.640Building and Managing Teams3
66.645Advanced Professional Communication3
66.651Organizational Behavior3
66.652Human Resources Management3
66.655Mid-Management Skills for the New Business Environment3
66.660Law and Society3
66.667Independent Study In Management3
66.670International Law3
66.672Operations Management3
66.673Operations Research3
66.677Independent Study: Management3
66.680St Mg:Adv Prof'l Comm3
66.688Current Topics in Management3
66.690Current Topics - Business Law3
66.691Strategy Formation and Implementation3
66.692Strategy II3
66.701Starting New Ventures3
66.704Consulting Strategies and Practice3
66.705Human Resources Management3
66.706Human Resource Management Project1
66.710Management for Competitiveness3
66.720Management Competitiveness II3
66.723Marketing Analysis and Plng3
66.724Marketing Research0
66.727International Marketing3
66.729Ind-study Marketing3
66.731Financial Management3
66.732Financial Institutions and Markets3
66.736Portfolio and Sec Analysis3
66.737Current Topic:Financial Management3
66.738International Financial Management3
66.739Independent Study Finance3
66.752Organizational  Design and Change3
66.753Compensation Management3
66.754Planning Management Careers3
66.755Human Resourse Planning3
66.759Independent Study:Human Resource Mangement3
66.772Opns Plng + Control3
66.773Advanced Operations Research3
66.774Industrial Relations3
66.775The Practice Of Operations Management3
66.779Independent Study-Operations Management3
66.781Corporate Strategy3
66.783International Business3
66.789Independent Study in Management3
66.790Special Topics in  Management3
66.791Topic: Comp. Study Business Relations3
66.799Special Topics in Management3
66.801Organizational Behavior For Engineer Managers2
66.802Finance For Engineer Managers2
66.803Manufacturing Management For Engineer Manager2
66.804Business Policy - Engineering Managers2
66.805Start New Tech Ventures2
66.832Finance For Health Care Professionals2
67.101Accounting Principles I3
67.102Accounting Principles II3
67.204Intermediate Accounting II3
67.205Advanced Financial Accounting3
67.206Cost Accounting3
67.209Federal Income Taxes3
67.213Financial Accounting II3
67.214Financial Accounting III3
67.215Introduction to Cost Management Systems3
67.216Survey of Personal Federal Income Taxes3
67.217Computer Applications in Accounting3
67.280Accounting for Not-for-Profit Institutions3
69.101Principles of Banking3
69.104Analyzing Financial Statements3
69.105Consumer Lending3
69.106Real Estate Finance3
69.107Bank Investments3
69.109Marketing for Bankers3
69.110Bank Products: Savings Accounts to Securities3
69.114Branch Banking Series (formerly Retail Banking)3
69.116Commercial Bank Management3
69.117Law and Banking: Principles3
69.118Law and Banking: Applications3
69.119Commercial Lending3
69.120Residential Mortgage Lending3
69.127Financial Planning3
69.130Commercial Loan Documentation and Calling Skills3
69.226Sales Management3
69.231Business Finance3
69.232Money and Banking3
69.234Investment Management3
69.251Personnel Management3
69.253Introduction to Management and Organizational Behavior3
69.271Operations Management3
69.275Total Quality Management3
69.276Entrepreneurial Management of New and Small Enterprises3
69.277Leadership in Management3
69.281Purchasing Principles3
69.282Negotiations in Purchasing3
70.101Art Concepts I3
70.155Drawing I3
70.210Graphic Design I / Intro to Graphic Design3
70.220Website Design3
70.230Typography I3
70.231Typography II3
70.240Fundamentals of Typography3
70.245Desktop Publishing: Layout and Production3
70.2512D Design3
70.255Drawing - Form and Space3
70.262Digital Imaging and Photography: Photoshop®3
70.264Computer Graphics & Illustration3
70.265Computer Art I3
70.271Painting I3
70.281Ceramics I3
70.291Graphic Design I3
70.297Studio Workshop3
70.310Advanced Graphic Design3
70.320Advanced Website Design and Development3
70.361Photography II3
70.362Advanced Digital Imaging3
70.365Computer Art II3
70.3722D Animation3
70.374Introduction to 3D Modeling and Animation3
70.3763D Computer Animation3
70.377Advanced Animation: After Effects®3
70.378Interactive Game Design3
70.379Website Design3
70.381Advanced Game Design3
70.384Advanced Web Design3
70.385Streaming Media for the Web3
70.391Advanced Graphic Design3
70.392Design for Advertising3
70.400Portfolio Production Seminar3
71.100Fundamentals of Musicianship3
71.101Music Theory 13
71.102Music Theory 23
71.103Aural Skills 11
71.104Aural Skills 21
71.110Basic Music Theory3
71.161Music of Western Civilization3
71.201Music Theory 33
71.202Music Theory 43
71.203Aural Skills 31
71.204Aural Skills 41
71.490Theory Review I3
71.491Theory Review 23
71.500Graduate Theory Review3
71.501Analytical Techniques3
71.512Studies Perception Anl Music3
71.521Analytical Techniques3
71.526Topics in Music Theory3
71.595Graduate Directed Study in Music Theory3
71.596Graduate Directed Study in Music Theory3
71.610Structure, Context and Style3
71.696Graduate Directed Study in Music Theory3
71.795Directed Study in Composition3
71.796Thesis Directed Study in Music Theory3
71.797Thesis in Music Composition3
72.001Applied Music0
72.271Performance Woodwinds 23
72.322Applied Woodwinds 62
72.341Applied Strings 52
72.342Applied Strings 62
72.432Applied Brass And Percussion 82
72.501Graduate  Applied Keyboard I2
72.502Graduate Applied Keyboard 22
72.511Graduate Applied Voice I2
72.512Graduate Applied Voice 22
72.521Graduate Applied Woodwinds 12
72.522Graduate Applied Woodwinds 22
72.531Graduate Applied Brass And  Percussion  12
72.532Graduate Applied  Brass And Percussion 22
72.541Graduate  Applied Strings 12
72.542Graduate Applied Strings 22
72.593Applied Music2
72.594Applied Music2
72.631Applied BrassAnd Percussion 112
72.632Applied Brass and Percussion 122
72.651Grad Perform Keyboard 3 - INACTIVE4
73.410Multicultural Music Education3
73.414K-12 Choral Techniques
73.463Computers in the Music Curriculum3
73.464Finale: The Art of Music Notation1
73.490Multicultural Music Education
73.510Foundations Of Music Education3
73.511Musikgarten Cycle Season3
73.512Musikgarten Home World3
73.513Musikgarten Around World3
73.514K-12 Choral Techniques3
73.515Special Topics: Technology, Arts & Learning3
73.520Silver Burdett/Ginn3
73.521Silver Burdett Ginn3
73.541Share The Music3
73.551Research In Music Education3
73.552Quantitative Music Education3
73.560Kindermusik Yng Chld/beg3
73.562Instrumental Music Model3
73.563-IComputers and Music Curriculum3
73.563Computers and Music Curriculum3
73.564Finale Art Of Music1
73.565Marching Band Techniques3
73.570Sem Admin and Super Music Education3
73.572A Splash Of Kodaly1
73.573Orff Level I3
73.574Orff Schulwerk Level II3
73.575Orff-Schulwerk Lev III3
73.576Finale Workshop2
73.577Instrumental Music Workshop3
73.578Music/Way of Knowing2
73.579World Percussion Ensemble3
73.580Kodaly Level I0.6
73.581The Opera Connection2
73.582Making Music Videos: An Engaging Assessment Tool2
73.583Intro to Tecnology Applications for the Music Classroom3
73.586Music and You3
73.590Using Music Synthesis3
73.591Multicultural Music Education3
73.592General Music Methods3
73.593Popular Choral Technique3
73.594String Development Workshop3
73.595Practicum & Analysis9
73.596-IGraduate Directed Study: Music Education3
73.596Graduate Directed Study: Music Education3
73.599Music-Classroom Teachers3
73.600Seminar Music Education3
73.601Seminar In Music Education3
73.610Research in Music Education4
73.620Dalcroze Seminar II4
73.650Research in Music Education3
73.695Direct Study and Research3
73.696Project Report3
73.710Dalcroze Research3
73.720Advanced Dalcroze3
73.743Master's Thesis, Music Education3
73.796Thesis: Music Education3
74.133Development of Jazz3
74.161Music of Western Civilization3
74.200American Music3
74.261Music History 13
74.262Music History 23
74.301American Music3
74.386History of Rock Music3
74.455Women in Music0
74.498Seminar in Music History3
74.543History Of Music Theory3
74.548J S Bach3
74.564History Of Music Theory3
74.567Seminar:  Music History3
74.568Musicology And Research  II3
74.594Graduate Directed Study in Musicology3
74.595Graduate Directed Study In Musicology3
74.596Introduction To Graduate Studies3
74.597Topics In Musicology3
74.667Seminar In Musicology3
74.796Thesis Directed Study Musicology3
75.540Meaning and Context3
75.595Graduate Direct Study: Research in Performance3
76.501University Orchestra2
76.502Wind Ensemble2
76.503Chamber Singers2
76.504University Choir2
76.505Concert Band2
76.508Studio Orchestra2
76.551Choral Union1
76.552Gentleman's Concord1
76.553Percussion Ensemble1
76.554Classical Guitar Ensemble1
76.555Brass Ensemble1
76.556Electric Guitar Ensemble1
76.557Siren Voices1
76.558Piano Ensemble1
76.559Mixed Chamber Ensemble1
76.560String Ensemble1
76.561Small Jazz Ensemble1
76.562Jazz Laboratory  Ensemble1
76.563Recording Studio Ensemble1
76.565Jazz/Rock Big Band1
76.570Contemp Electronic Ensemble1
76.601Graduate Ensemble I1
76.602Graduate  Instrumental Ensemble2
77.350Introduction to the Music Industry3
77.499Music Business Internship6
78.201Introduction to Audio for Multimedia and the World Wide Web3
78.301Music, Technology and Society3
78.493Internship in SRT6
78.495Directed Study in Sound Recording Technology3
78.520Recording Analysis3
78.530Audio Theory3
78.550Advanced Video Production3
78.590Advanced Acoustics for Audio3
78.595Graduate Directed Study in SRT3
78.630Technologies of Audio3
78.640Production Practicum3
78.650Research in Sound Recording Technology3
78.660Seminar in Audio3
78.740Masters Recording Project6
78.743SRT Masters Thesis6
79.352Aesthetics and Critical Studies of Contemporary Art and Culture3
79.360Aesthetics and Critical Studies of Graphic Design3
80.506Nuclear Instrumentation1
80.535Nuclear Instrumentation I1
80.536Applied Quantum Mechanics4
80.540Image Processing4
80.547Laser Physics and Applications3
80.551Fiber Optics4
80.555Physics of Rad and Nuc I3
80.631Non-linear Optics3
81.111Principles of Biology I3
81.112Principles of Biology II3
81.113Principles of Biology I Laboratory1
81.114Principles of Biology II Laboratory1
81.117Experimental Biology I
81.118Experimental Biology II
81.215Introduction to Marine Biology3
81.217Introduction to Marine Biology Laboratory1
81.220Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology3
81.237Problems in Genetics1
81.240Evolution, Ecology and Conservation3
81.242Problems in Evolution, Ecology and Conservation1
81.322Botany Laboratory1
81.329Histology Lab1
81.342Comp Vertebrate Anatomy3
81.344Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Laboratory2
81.347Biology of Nutrition3
81.421Biochemistry Techniques2
81.423Biology of Global Change3
81.430Introduction to Bioinformatics and Computational Biology3
81.457Advanced Invertebrate Zoology3
81.476Cell Culture Lecture2
81.478Cell Culture Lab2
81.496Practicum Experience3
81.500Professional Experience3
81.501Special Topics: Pathophysiology3
81.502Selected Topics: Bioinformatics1
81.503Biological Metabolic Disorders3
81.504Enviromental Microbiology3
81.507Bioinformatics Lab1
81.508Cell Biology for Teachers3
81.517Vertebrate Animals in Biological Research3
81.518Expermintal Hematology3
81.519Biochemistry I3
81.520Biochemistry II3
81.521Biochemistry Techniques2
81.522Plant Physiology3
81.523Biology of Global Change3
81.524Plant Physiology Laboratory1
81.535Cell and Microbe Cultivation3
81.540Advances in Plant Biology3
81.541Topics in Cell Biology3
81.542Cell Biology3
81.544Cell Biology Laboratory1
81.545Isolation and Purification3
81.547Evolution in Context for Teachers3
81.549Biochemistry II3
81.550Biochemistry I3
81.551Biochemistry II3
81.552Quantitative Physiology3
81.555Biopharmaceutical GMP and Licensing3
81.557Advanced Invertebrate Zoology3
81.558Industrial Microbiology3
81.559Advanced Invertebrate Zoology Laboratory1
81.560Stem Cell Biology3
81.563Electron Microscopy Laboratory4
81.567Molecular Biology3
81.568Bioprocess Project Laboratory3
81.569Molecular Biology  Laboratory2
81.573PhD Research - Chemistry6
81.574Virology Laboratory2
81.576Cell Culture3
81.578Cell Culture Lab2
81.580Developmental Biology3
81.582Cancer Biology3
81.585Eukaryotic Gene Experiment3
81.586Biotechnology Process Project Laboratory3
81.590-IHuman Neurobiology3
81.590Human Neurobiology3
81.595-IImmunology Laboratory2
81.595Immunology Laboratory2
81.601Graduate Seminar Biology3
81.602Graduate Seminar Biology2
81.651Selected Top ics: Protein Biochemistry3
81.652Selected Topics In Biology3
81.701Graduate Seminar: Biology2
81.702Graduate Seminar Biology2
81.703Biotechnology Seminar2
81.704Biotechnology Seminar2
81.705Supervised Teaching Biological Science0
81.706Current Literature In Biology2
81.707Internship Biology1
81.721Special Problems In Biology1
81.723Special Problems in Biology3
81.731M.S. Project in Biology1
81.739M.S. Project in Biology-INACTIVE9
81.743Master's Thesis - Biology3
81.751Special  Problems In Biology3
81.752Problems In Biology3
81.753PhD Dissertation Biochemistry3
81.763Continued Graduate Research3
81.766Continued Graduate  Research6
81.769Continued Graduate  Research9
82.205Genetics for the Computer Scientist & Mathematician3
82.210Professional Development Seminar1
82.551Human Sexuality: Current Perspectives3
82.552Human Sexuality3
83.100Introduction to Biology3
83.101Life Science I3
83.102Life Science II3
83.103Life Science Laboratory I1
83.104Life Science Laboratory II1
83.105Introduction to Biology Lab1
83.106Human Biology3
83.110Microbes and Society: Good, Bad and Ugly3
83.123Nutrition and Disease3
83.125Plants and Human Society3
83.127Plants & Human Society Lab1
83.214Human Ecology3
83.256Evolution, Religion, and Modern Society3
84.101Applied Chemistry for Non-Scientists3
84.102Forensic Science for the Non-Scientist3
84.111General Chemistry I3
84.112General Chemistry II3
84.113General Chemistry Laboratory I1
84.114General Chemistry Laboratory II1
84.121Chemistry I3
84.122Chemistry II3
84.123Chemistry I Laboratory1
84.124Chemistry II Laboratory1
84.205Principles Of Organic Chemistry Laboratory1
84.221Organic Chemistry IA3
84.222Organic Chemistry IIA3
84.229Organic Chemistry Laboratory IA1
84.230Organic Chemistry II A Lab1
84.314Analytical Chemistry II3
84.316Analytical Chemistry Laboratory II2
84.334Advanced Inorganic Chemistry3
84.339Physical Chemistry2
84.344Physical Chemistry I3
84.345Physical Chemistry II3
84.347Physical Chemistry Laboratory II1
84.352Chemical Safety3
84.510Microscopy Advanced Materials3
84.514Advanced Analytical Chemistry3
84.515Chemistry Literature1
84.517Glass Working3
84.519Environmental Chemistry3
84.521Organic Mechanism3
84.523Organic Reaction Mechanisms3
84.524Organic Synthesis3
84.525X-ray Diffraction: Advanced Materials3
84.527Molecular Biology3
84.528Electroanalytical Chemistry3
84.529Physical Biochemistry3
84.532Advanced Physical Chemistry3
84.533Directed Study: Chemistry3
84.535Advanced Topics: Physical Chemistry3
84.536Advanced Topics In Physical Chemistry3
84.537Directed Studies Chemistry3
84.538Biochemical Mechanisms3
84.540Chemical Kinetics3
84.543Modern Inorganic Chemistry3
84.544Applied Spectroscopy3
84.545Advanced Physical Chemistry For Environmental Studies3
84.546Organic Chemistry For Environmental Studies1
84.550Biochemistry I3
84.551Biochemistry II3
84.552Instrument Methods Analysis4
84.553Chemical Oceanography3
84.554Techniques In Biochemistry2
84.555Special Biochemistry Techniques1
84.556Electronics and Instrumentation For Science2
84.560Advanced Physical Biochemistry3
84.563Chemistry Of Natural Products3
84.565Chemistry of Heterocyclics3
84.568Structural Analysis3
84.570Advanced Protein Chemistry3
84.575Advanced  Physical  Chemistry  For Envtl3
84.580Bioanalytical Chemistry3
84.600Thesis Research3
84.601Chemistry Seminar2
84.602Chemistry Seminar2
84.603Chemistry Colloquium1
84.604Chemistry Colloquium1
84.640Adv anced Protein Chemistry3
84.641Co-Op Internship1
84.651Selected Topics:  Chemistry3
84.652Selected Topics: Chemistry3
84.653Chemical Oceanography3
84.672Surface and Colloid Chemistry3
84.701Graduate Research In Chemistry3
84.705Supervised Teaching Ch & Ps0
84.733Graduate Project - Chemistry3
84.736Graduate Project - Chemistry6
84.739Graduate Project - Chemistry9
84.741Master's Thesis - Chemistry1
84.743Master's Thesis - Chemistry3
84.746Master's Thesis - Chemistry6
84.749Master's Thesis - Chemistry9
84.751Graduate Doctoral Research Credit1
84.753Doctoral Dissertation/Chemistry3
84.756Doctoral Dissertation/Chemistry6
84.759Doctoral Dissertation /Chemistry9
84.763Continued Graduate Research3
84.766Continued Graduate Research6
84.769Continued Graduate Research9
85.141Weather and Climate3
85.211Atmospheric Science3
85.501Boundary Layer Meteorology3
85.502Advanced Synoptic Meteorology3
85.503Remote Sensing3
85.508The Climate System3
85.511Solar-Terrestrial Relations3
85.512Space Physics3
85.513Physical Meteorology3
85.514Numerical Solution of Simple Atmospheric Models3
85.515Atmospheric Structure and Dynamics3
85.518Forecasting and Synoptic Techniques I3
85.523Air Pollution Control3
85.550Satellite and Rad Meteorology3
85.571Air Pollution Phenomenology3
85.574Air Quality Modeling3
85.575P. Chem for Environmental Studies3
85.581Meteorology for Science Teachers3
85.583Solar-Terrestrial Relations3
85.591Directed Study in Bl Meteorology3
85.641Special Topics in Meteorology3
85.642Special Topics in Meteorology3
85.673Air Pollution Laboratory3
85.674Air Quality Model3
85.701Graduate Research Seminar1
85.731Master's Research1
85.733Master's Research in Atmospheric Sciences3
85.741Master's Research in Atmospheric Sciences3
85.743Master's Thesis in Atmospheric Sciences3
85.746Master's Thesis in Atmospheric  Sciences6
85.753Doctoral Dissertation in Atmospheric Sciences3
85.760Continuing Graduate Research (PhD)1
85.763PhD Research in Atmospheric Sciences2
85.765Doctoral Dissertation5
85.766Doctoral Dissertation6
85.768Doctoral Dissertation8
86.121Analytical Chemistry A3
86.122Analytical Chemistry B3
86.131Environmental Chemistry (# changed to 15.131)3
86.132Environmental Chemistry II (# changed to 15.132)3
86.223Principles of Organic Chemistry I3
86.224Principles of Organic Chemistry II3
86.225Principles of Organic Chemistry Laboratory I1
86.226Principles of Organic Chemistry Laboratory II1
86.334Advanced Inorganic Chemistry3
86.352Chemical Applications3
86.355Experimental Physical Chemistry I1
86.361Advanced Organic Chemistry I3
86.362Advanced Organic Chemistry II3
86.421Special Topics in Chemistry3
86.471Industrial Chemistry3
86.482Chemistry of High Polymers II3
87.111A Planet at Risk3
87.117Astronomy Lab1
87.326Introduction to GIS for Sector Applications3
87.403GIS in Environmental Studies3
87.404Introduction to Geographic Information Systems with MapInfo3
87.406Geographic Informatiion Systems3
87.408Introduction to GIS Using ArcView3
87.504Geographic Information Systems3
87.510Applied Glacial Geology3
87.572Energy and Environment3
87.575Physical Chemistry For Environmental Studies3
87.585Climate in the Classroom3
88.101World and Regional Geography3
88.102Geography of the U.S. and Canada3
88.145Global Environmental Problems3
89.101General Geology3
89.102General Geology II3
89.103General Geology Laboratory1
89.110Ocean Science3
89.111Introduction to Oceans3
89.510Glacial and Pleistocene Geology3
89.515Topics in Enviornmental Geochemistry3
89.524Regional Hydrogeology3
89.525Concepts: Mathematic  Modeling3
89.526Glacial And  Pleistocene Geology3
89.530Principles  Of Hydrochemistry3
89.581Planet Earth for Science Teachers3
89.582Marine Geology3
89.585Oceanography for Teachers3
89.591Directed Study in Hydrogeology3
90.111Fundamentals of Algebra3
90.112Concepts in Algebra I3
90.117Calculus IA Review0
90.118Calculus I Review0
90.119Concepts in Algebra II3
90.160Introduction to Information Systems3
90.171Applications Software: Microsoft Access3
90.172Applications Software: Windows3
90.180Applications Software: Microsoft Excel3
90.202Microsoft Office3
90.211Introduction to Programming W/C I3
90.212Introduction to Programming with C - Part II3
90.220Visual Basic3
90.225Survey of Programming Languages3
90.228Introduction to Adobe® FrameMaker3
90.230Introduction to Multimedia3
90.231Graphics for Multimedia and the World Wide Web3
90.232Desktop Video Production3
90.233Multimedia Authoring Software: Using Macromedia Director®3
90.234Designing and Developing Interactive Media3
90.236Instructional Design for Interactive Media3
90.237Topics in Multimedia3
90.238Website Development3
90.239Multimedia Scripting Using Macromedia Director's Lingo3
90.240Multimedia Authoring Software Using IconAuthor3
90.245Website Server Administration3
90.247Web Authoring3
90.248Website Database Implementation3
90.249Developing IT Training for the Web3
90.267C Programming3
90.268C++ Programming3
90.270Visual C++ .NET3
90.271C# Programming3
90.280Introduction to Windows Programming3
90.291Introduction to DHTML3
90.292Advanced DHTML3
90.297Introduction to Java Programming3
90.301JAVA Programming/Windows3
90.303Advanced Java Programming3
90.304Oracle Java/Web Development3
90.305Survey of Perl/Python/PHP3
90.306Introduction to XML3
90.307Advanced Topics in Java and XML3
90.308Agile Software Development with Java3
90.311Introduction to the Linux/Unix Operating System3
90.312Shell Scripting3
90.313Linux/UNIX Internals Overview3
90.314UNIX System Interface Programming3
90.316UNIX System Administration3
90.318Advanced UNIX Internals/Tuning3
90.319Introduction to Linux3
90.320Shell Scripting Using Linux3
90.321Linux/Unix System Administration3
90.340Introduction to the Application and Development of Intranets3
90.341Intranet Applications for the Organization3
90.346Digital Media Delivery3
90.347Rich Web Development: Advanced Flash®3
90.360Data Structures3
90.364Problem Solving with C3
90.375SW Architecture - Environment and Integrated Product Management3
90.385Introduction to Information Security3
90.388Principles of Software Quality Assurance3
90.420Introduction to Artificial Intelligence/Expert Systems3
90.431Computer Forensics3
90.436Software Project Management3
90.440Programming for the Internet3
90.442Introduction to COM+ Programming3
90.443Introduction to Client/Server Computing3
90.444Client/Server Networking: Middleware and Groupware3
90.445SQL Database Servers3
90.447Client/Server Programming with Distributed Objects3
90.448Oracle 11g Portal Development3
90.449Oracle 11g Forms and Reports3
90.450Database Administration I: Introduction to Oracle 11g3
90.451Oracle Database Design3
90.452Objects on a Net3
90.453Database Administration II: Advanced Oracle 11g3
90.454Oracle 11g SQL Development3
90.455Database Administration III: Oracle 11g Projects3
90.456Security Issues on the Internet3
90.457Network Security3
90.458Advanced Topics in Computer Security3
90.459PL/SQL I: Introduction to Oracle 11g PL/SQL3
90.460Computer Ethics3
90.461LAN/WAN Technologies3
90.462TCP/IP and Network Architecture3
90.463Advanced Networking Technologies3
90.464Network Management3
90.465Storage Area Networks3
90.466Oracle 11g Data Warehousing3
90.467PL/SQL II: Advanced Oracle 11g PL/SQL3
90.468Advanced IP Routing3
90.469Oracle 11gR2 High Performance and Internals3
90.474Relational Database Concepts3
90.475Senior Seminar I3
90.476Computer Organization3
90.477Information Systems I3
90.478Information Systems II3
90.479Oracle 12i Applications DBA3
90.480Project-Based Information Systems6
90.483Wireless Communications3
90.484Optical Networking - Sonet/SDH3
90.485Project-Based Information Systems6
90.486Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)3
90.490Intranet Practicum/Internship3
90.541Artificial Intelligence3
91.100Computing I Lab1
91.101Computing I3
91.102Computing II3
91.103Computing I Lab1
91.104Computing II Lab1
91.113Exploring the Internet3
91.201Computing III4
91.203Assembly Language Programming4
91.250Data Structures Using C++4
91.281Intro to Windows Programming with Object-Oriented Programming Tools3
91.301Organization of Programming Languages3
91.304Foundations of Computer Science3
91.305Computer Architecture3
91.308Introduction to Operating Systems3
91.353Windows Programming for the Design of Interactive Systems3
91.371Internet Systems Administration3
91.372Managing Internet Information Services3
91.373Dynamic HTML Development3
91.381Windows Programming in C and C++3
91.382Advanced Windows Programming in C and C++3
91.404Analysis of Algorithms3
91.406Compiler Construction3
91.420Artificial Intelligence3
91.427Computer Graphics I3
91.459Human Factors in the Design of Interactive Systems3
91.470Topics on the Internet3
91.471Internet Practicum/Internship3
91.472Security Issues on the Internet3
91.481Windows Practicum/Internship3
91.500Fundamental Of Computer Science3
91.501Foundation Of Computer Science3
91.502Foundations of Computer Science3
91.504Advance Algorithms: Computational Geometry3
91.508Analysis Of Algorithms3
91.510Topics: Computer Science Fundamentals3
91.511Introduction Operating Systems3
91.512Real Time Systems3
91.513Internet And Web Systems I3
91.514Internet & Web Systems II3
91.515Operating Systems I3
91.516Operating Systems II3
91.517Systems Programming3
91.518Performance Modeling3
91.519Distributed Operating System3
91.520Digital Storage Architectures3
91.521Discipline for Software Engineering3
91.522Object Oriented Analysis3
91.523Software Engineering I3
91.524Software Engineering II3
91.526Software Project Management3
91.527Human Computer Interaction3
91.528Evaluation of Human-Computer Interaction3
91.530Special Topics3
91.531Design of Program Languages3
91.532Organization Programming  Language3
91.533Compiler Construction3
91.534Compiler Construction I3
91.535Compiler Construction II3
91.538Semantics of Program Languages3
91.539Computational Logic3
91.540Topics: Language And Compilation3
91.541Scientific Visualization3
91.542Vision and Image Systems3
91.543Artificial Intelligence3
91.544Machine Learning And  Data Mining3
91.545Knowledge Based Systems3
91.546Computer Graphics I3
91.547Computer Graphics II3
91.548Robot Design3
91.549Mobile Robots3
91.551Computer Architecture3
91.552Advanced  Computer  Architecture3
91.553Parallel Processing3
91.554Multimedia Communication Systems3
91.555Computer Networks3
91.557VLSI Design Tools3
91.559Advanced Topic in Architecture3
91.560Imbedded System and Storage3
91.561Computer & Network Security I3
91.562Computer And Network Security II3
91.563Data Communications I3
91.564Data Communications II3
91.565Evaluation of Human Computer Interaction3
91.566Design and  Implementation of Human-Computer Interaction3
91.568Seminar in Human-Computer Interaction3
91.571Introduction  Data Base System3
91.573Data Base I3
91.574Data Base II3
91.580Topics in Computer Science3
91.581Organization  Programming Language3
91.582Internet For Educators I3
91.584Advanced  Coding Theory3
91.587Computer Science Education in Secondary School3
91.588Operating Systems3
91.589Software Entrepreneurship3
91.590Symbolic Computation3
91.591Software Engineering Project3
91.592Special Topics: Computer Science3
91.593Cooperative Education0
91.601Continuing Advisement0
91.610Advanced Data Structure3
91.611Programming Language3
91.612Introduction to Architecture and Operating System3
91.659Data Communications3
91.683Internet For Educators 23
91.701Computer Science Research3
91.702Computer Science Research6
91.703Computer Science  Research3
91.704Computer Science  Research3
91.705Supervised Teaching - Computer Science0
91.706Directed Research6
91.709Computer Science Research9
91.733Graduate Project - Computer Science3
91.736Graduate Project - Computer Science6
91.739Graduate Project - Computer Science9
91.740Masters Project3
91.743Master's Thesis - Computer Science3
91.744Master's Thesis Research3
91.745Master's Thesis Research6
91.746Master's Thesis - Computer Science6
91.749Master's Thesis - Computer Science9
91.751Doctoral Thesis Research3
91.753Doctoral Dissertation/Computer Science3
91.755Doctoral Thesis Research9
91.756Doctoral Dissertation/Computer Science6
91.759Doctoral Dissertation/Computer Science9
91.763Continued Graduate Research3
91.766Continued Graduate Research6
91.769Continued Graduate Research9
91.953Doctoral Dissertation Computer Science3
92.110College Algebra3
92.111Quantitative Reasoning3
92.120Precalculus Mathematics I3
92.121Management Precalculus3
92.122Management Calculus3
92.123Precalculus Mathematics II3
92.124Precalculus for Science and Engineering3
92.125Calculus A3
92.126Calculus B3
92.127Preparation for Calculus4
92.128Calculus IA4
92.129Calculus IB4
92.131Calculus I4
92.132Calculus II4
92.151Explorations in Mathematics3
92.183Introduction to Statistics (See number change: 92.283)3
92.203Intermediate Personal Computing3
92.204Advanced Personal Computing3
92.216History of Mathematics3
92.221Linear Algebra I3
92.222Linear Algebra II3
92.223Survey of Calculus3
92.225Calculus C3
92.226Calculus D3
92.231Calculus III4
92.234Differential Equations3
92.236Engineering Differential Equations3
92.263FORTRAN Programming3
92.265Pascal Programming3
92.283Introduction to Statistics3
92.301Introduction to Applied Mathematics I3
92.302Introduction to Applied Mathematics II3
92.305Introduction to Real Analysis I3
92.306Introduction to Real Analysis II3
92.310Introduction to Chaos and Dynamical Systems3
92.315Partial Differential Equations3
92.317Developing Portable Applications3
92.321Discrete Structures I3
92.322Discrete Structures II3
92.362Numerical Analysis I3
92.363Introduction to Data Analysis3
92.365COBOL Programming I3
92.366Problem Solving with FORTRAN3
92.368COBOL Programming II3
92.369COBOL Legacy Systems3
92.375Senior Seminar I1
92.381Introduction to Operations Research Techniques I3
92.382Introduction to Operations Research Techniques II3
92.385Applied Statistics3
92.386Probability and Statistics I3
92.388Principles of Software Quality Assurance3
92.401Applied Mathematics and Modeling3
92.403Mathematical Analysis3
92.407Probability and Mathematical Statistics I3
92.408Probability and Mathematical Statistics II3
92.410Computers and Calculators in the Classroom3
92.411Complex Variables I3
92.412Complex Variables II3
92.413Number Theory3
92.414Pattern Recognition/Neural Networks I3
92.417Topics in Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks II3
92.419Introduction to Mathematica® 3
92.420Mathematical Problem Solving3
92.421Abstract Algebra I3
92.422Abstract Algebra II3
92.433Actuarial Mathematics3
92.434Actuarial Mathematics II
92.435History of Mathematics3
92.442Boundary Value Problems3
92.445Partial Differential Equations3
92.448Mathematics of Signal Processing3
92.450Mathematical Modeling3
92.451Fuzzy C++ Neural Networks Applications3
92.454Numerical Analysis II3
92.455Assembly Language Programming I3
92.460ATM Networking3
92.461Systems Simulation and Modeling3
92.462Systems Programming3
92.463Systems Design and Development I3
92.464Systems Design and Development II3
92.466Statistical Programming Using SAS3
92.467Assembly Language Programming II3
92.469Compiler Construction Techniques3
92.474Senior Seminar I1
92.475Senior Seminar II3
92.476Senior Seminar III3
92.477Course number 92.477 should be 90.4803
92.480Applied Combinatorics3
92.483Applied Statistical Methods3
92.485Queuing Theory3
92.486Statistical Programming Using SAS3
92.488Statistical Quality Control3
92.490Directed Studies in Computer Mathematics3
92.491Directed Studies in Analysis3
92.492Directed Studies in Algebra3
92.493Directed Studies in Geometry3
92.494Directed Study in Statistics3
92.498Mathematics Seminar3
92.500Discrete Structures3
92.501Real Analysis3
92.502Real Analysis II3
92.503Mathematical Analysis3
92.504Mathematics Of Elementary3
92.505Discrete Mathematics3
92.507Applied Functional Analysis I3
92.509Probability and Mathematical Statistics3
92.510Computers and Calculators in Classroom3
92.511Complex Variables I3
92.512Complex Variables II3
92.513Number Theory3
92.514Calc-adv Viewpoint3
92.515Intro Chaos & Dynamic System3
92.516Pattern Recognition/Neural Network3
92.517Pattern Recognition and Neural Network3
92.519Introduction to Probability and Statistics II3
92.520Mathematical Problem Solving3
92.521Abstract Algebra I3
92.522Abstract Algebra II3
92.523Linear Algebra3
92.524Algebraic Structures I3
92.528Geometries II3
92.530Applied Mathematics I3
92.531Applied Mathematics II3
92.535History of Mathematics3
92.540History Of Mathematical Sciences3
92.541Boundary Value Problems3
92.542Fourier Analysis & Boundary Value Problems II3
92.543Ordinary Differential Equations3
92.545-IPartial Differential Equations I3
92.545Partial Differential Equations I3
92.546Partial Differential Equations II3
92.548Mathematics Of Signal Processing3
92.549Math of Tomography3
92.550Mathematical Modeling3
92.551Calculus of Variations3
92.552Wavelet Analysis3
92.553Systems Sim and Modeling3
92.554Case Studies In Network3
92.555Applied Math for Life Scientists3
92.560Data Structures & Algorithms I3
92.563Numerical Analysis3
92.564Computational Mathematics II3
92.565Special Functions3
92.567Number Methods for ODE3
92.570Probability and Statistics3
92.571Optimization for O.R.3
92.573Statistics For Env Eng3
92.575Data Structures & Algorithms II3
92.576Statistical Programming using SAS3
92.577Computational Optimiza3
92.578Statistical Inference and Data Mining3
92.579Reliability and Life Data3
92.580Discrete Mathematics for Eng and OR3
92.581Graph Theory3
92.582Time Series Analysis3
92.583Directed Study: Cryptography3
92.584Stochastic Process3
92.585Queuing Theory3
92.587Probability Theory3
92.588Mathematical Statistics3
92.589Sampling Theory and Methods3
92.590Statistical Quality Control3
92.591Linear Statistics Modeling and Regression3
92.592Multivariate Statistics3
92.593Experimental Design3
92.595Information Theory3
92.597Probability Theory II3
92.651Selected Topics in Mathematics3
92.652Directed Study in Analysis3
92.656Systems Des + Dev I3
92.657INTRO TO A I3
92.659Data Communications3
92.661Wavelets & Signal Anlys3
92.662Operating Systems3
92.701Grad Research/math3
92.702Grad Research in Math6
92.705Supervised Tchg - Ma0
92.713Sel Top Linear Algebra3
92.733Graduate Project - Maathematics3
92.736Graduate Project - Mathematics6
92.739Graduate Project - Mathematics9
92.743Graduate  Research/Math3
92.763Continued Grad Research3
92.766Continued Grad Research6
92.769Continued Grad Research9
92.771Mathematics For Eng I3
92.772Mathematics For Eng II3
92.773Mathematics For Eng III3
94.301Organization of Programming Languages3
94.304Foundations of Computer Science3
94.305Computer Architecture 3
94.308Introduction to Operating Systems3
94.404Analysis of Algorithms3
94.511Network and Systems Administration3
94.514Systems Security and Auditing3
94.517Operating Systems Foundations3
94.518Large Scale application Deployment3
94.519Virtual Systems3
94.520Digital Storage Architectures3
94.531Project Management3
94.532Managing and Mining Large Data Sets3
94.535Agile and Iterative Project Management3
94.536Data Mining3
94.541Information Security, Privacy and Regulatory Compliance3
94.543Intrusion Detection Systems3
94.545Designing and Building a Cybersecurity Program3
94.560Network Infrastructures3
94.561Computer Network Security3
94.562Digital Forensics3
94.563Secure Mobile Networks3
94.565Cloud Computing3
94.566Advanced Cloud Computing3
95.103General Physics I3
95.104General Physics II3
95.121Exploring the Universe3
95.141Physics I3
95.144Physics II3
95.245Physical Properties of Matter3
95.383Astronomy and Astro Physics I3
95.501Energy, Force and Motion3
95.505Mathematical Methods of Physics I4
95.506Mathematical Methods of Physics II4
95.510Quantum Physics4
95.511Classical Mechanics3
95.515Quantum Mechanics I4
95.516Quantum Mechanics II4
95.517-IAdvanced Quantum Mechanics I3
95.517Advanced Quantum Mechanics I3
95.521Statistical Thermodynamics3
95.534Applied Quantum Mechanics4
95.535Introductory Quantum Mechanics I3
95.536Introductory Quantum Mechanics II3
95.537Geometrical Optics3
95.538Physical Optics and Waves3
95.540Image Processing3
95.547Laser Physics and Applications3
95.553Electromagnetism I3
95.554Electromagnetism II3
95.555Introduction to Space Physics3
95.557Electromagnetic Theory I4
95.558Electromagnetic Theory II4
95.561Nuclear Physics I3
95.562Nuclear Physics II3
95.572Solid State Physics3
95.573Advanced Theory of Solids3
95.574Advanced Theory of Solids3
95.577Solid State Electronic and Optoelectronic Devices3
95.578Intergrated Optics: Wave Guides and Lasers3
95.583Relativity and Cosmology3
95.585Relativity and Cosmology3
95.591Astronomy and Astrophysics3
95.601Physics Colloquium1
95.602Physics Colloquium1
95.603Seminar in Nuclear Physics1
95.604Seminar in Nuclear Physics1
95.605Mathematical Methods of Physics I3
95.606Mathematical Methods of Physics II3
95.607Lie Algebras in Particle Physics3
95.608Introduction to Particle Physics1
95.610Seminar in Medical Imaging1
95.611Classical Mechanics3
95.612Mechanics of Continuous Media3
95.615Quantum Mechanics I3
95.616Quantum Mechanics II3
95.617Advanced Quantum Mechanics I3
95.618Advanced Quantum Mechanics II3
95.631Nonlinear Optics3
95.634Nonlinear Optics3
95.651Selected Topics in Physics3
95.652Selected Topics in Physics3
95.653Selected Topics in Nuclear Physics3
95.654Selected Topics in Nuclear Physics3
95.655Selected Topics in Solid State3
95.656Selected Topics in Solid State3
95.657Electromagnetic Theory I3
95.658Electromagnetic Theory II3
95.660Quantum Mechanics of Many Particle Systems3
95.661Quantum Mechanics of Many Particle Systems3
95.662Nuclear Physics II3
95.673Advanced Theory of Solids I3
95.674Advanced Theory of Solids II3
95.701Physics Colloquium0
95.702Physics Colloquium0
95.703Seminar in Nuclear Physics0
95.704Seminar in Nuclear Physics0
95.705Seminar in Solid State/Optics0
95.706Seminar in Solid State/Optics0
95.707Seminar in Theoretical Physics1
95.708Seminar in Theoretical Physics1
95.709Seminar in Accelerator Physics0
95.710Seminar in Experimental Optics1
95.711Graduate Seminar in Physics0
95.712Graduate Seminar in Physics0
95.713Seminar in Theoretical Research0
95.714Seminar in Experimental Research0
95.715Seminar in Terahertz Technology0
95.716-ISpecial Problems in Physics3
95.716Special Problems in Physics3
95.717Seminar in Heavy Ion Physics0
95.721Selected Topics in Physics3
95.722Selected Topics in Physics3
95.723Selected Topics in Nuclear Physics3
95.724Selected Topics in Nuclear Physics3
95.725Selected Topics in Solid State3
95.726Selected Topics in Solid State3
95.727Selected Topics in Theoretical Physics3
95.728Selected Topics in Theory Physics3
95.733Graduate Project in Physics3
95.736Graduate Project in Physics6
95.739Graduate Project in Physics9
95.754Selected Topics in Nuclear Physics3
95.756PhD Research in Physics6
95.758Selected Topics in Theory Physics3
95.759PhD Thesis in Physics9
96.103General Physics I Lab1
96.104General Physics II Lab1
96.121Exploring the Universe Laboratory1
96.141Physics I Lab1
96.144Physics II Lab1
96.245Physics III Lab1
96.366Reactor Health Physics3
96.506Nuclear Instrumentation3
96.509Physical Laboratory  Techniques I1
96.510Physical Laboratory  Techniques II1
96.537Geometrical Optics Laboratory2
96.538Physical Optics Laboratory1
96.539Electro-optics Lab2
96.547Experimental Laser Optics3
96.551Fiber Optics4
96.567Automation Techniques3
96.593Graduate Physics Laboratory2
96.701Graduate Research - Physics3
96.705Supervised Teaching - Physics0
96.711Special Problems-Physics3
96.712Special Problems - Physics9
96.716Special Problems In Physics1
96.731Advanced Projects In Physics I3
96.732Advanced Projects In Physics II3
96.733Graduate Project - Physics3
96.736Graduate Project - Physics6
96.739Graduate Project - Physics9
96.740Master's Project in Physics3
96.746Master's Thesis  Research Physics1
96.756Doctoral Dissertation/Physics9
97.503Polymer Science I3
97.504Polymer Science II3
97.505Polymer Preparation Characterization I2
97.506Polymer Preparation II1
97.512Properties of Bulk Polymers3
97.549Physical Chemistry-Macromolecules3
97.553Macromolecules Organic Chemistry3
97.601Polymer Science Seminar2
97.602Seminar in Polymer Science2
97.603Polymer Science Colloquium1
97.604Polymer Science Colloquium1
97.649Introduction to Conjugated Polymers3
97.651Introduction to Conjugated Polymers3
97.701Research in Polymers3
97.705Supervised Teaching in Polymer Science0
97.733Graduate Project in Polymer Science3
97.736Graduate Project in Polymer Science6
97.739Graduate Project in Polymer Science9
97.743Master's Thesis in Polymer Science3
97.746Master's Thesis in Polymer Science6
97.749Master's Thesis in Polymer Science9
97.751Thesis Review1
97.753Doctoral Dissertation in Polymer Science3
97.756Doctoral Dissertation in Polymer Science6
97.759Doctoral Dissertation in Polymer Science9
97.763Continued Graduate Research3
97.766Continued Graduate Research6
97.769Continued Graduate Research9
98.501Radiological Safety and Control I4
98.502Radiological Safety and Control II4
98.503Grad HP Internship3
98.505Radiation Dosimetry3
98.506Nuclear Instrumentation4
98.507Radiation Dosimetry Laboratory1
98.508Environment, Toxicology & Epidemiology3
98.510Environment, Toxicology & Epidemiology Laboratory1
98.513Environment, Mon and Surv3
98.514Advanced External Radiation Dosimetry3
98.515Data Redn for RSP3
98.516Internal Radiation Dosimetry3
98.520Environmental Impact Statements3
98.522Special Topics in Radiological Sciences3
98.525Medical Health Physics3
98.526Medical Health Physics3
98.527Graduate Medical Physics Internship3
98.531Radiation Dosimetry3
98.532Introduction to Nuclear Radiation Shielding3
98.533External Dosimetry and Shieldng3
98.534Internal Dosimetry and Bioassay3
98.543Radiochemistry Laboratory1
98.545Accelerator Health Physics3
98.546Accelerator Health Physics3
98.547Graduate Accelerator HP Internship3
98.551Special Topics in RSP3
98.552Special Topics in RSP3
98.555Physics of Radiology and Nuclei I4
98.556Physics of Radiology and Nuclei II3
98.561Special Topics in RSP3
98.562Radiation Biology3
98.565Physics of Radiation Oncology3
98.566Reactor Health Physics3
98.567Graduate Reactor HP Internship3
98.572Radiation Biology3
98.575Certification Preparation in Radiological Sciences3
98.581Mathematical Methods of Radiological Sciences3
98.582Numerical Methods In Radiological Sciences3
98.585MCNP for Radiological Sciences3
98.596Medical Physics3
98.602Graduate Project in RSP3
98.603Radiochemistry Laboratory1
98.605Graduate Project in RSP3
98.607Radiation Dosimetry3
98.608Environment, Toxicology and Epidemiology3
98.611Preparation for Health Physics Certification1
98.612Seminar in Radiological Sciences1
98.615Internal Radiation Dosimetry3
98.618Advanced Quantum Mechanics II3
98.626Advanced Graduate Medical HP Internship3
98.627Advanced Graduate Medical Physics Internship3
98.647Advanced Accelerator Internship3
98.651Critical Essay in Radiological Sciences3
98.652Critical Essay in RSP3
98.667Advanced Reactor HP Internship3
98.668Applied Health Physics3
98.670Graduate Accelerator HP Internship3
98.671Graduate Accelerator HP Internship3
98.672Graduate Reactor HP Internship1
98.673Graduate Reactor HP Internship3
98.674Graduate Accelerator HP Internship3
98.675Graduate Medical HP Internship3
98.676Graduate Medical Physics Internship3
98.677Graduate Medical Physics Internship3
98.678Graduate HP Internship1
98.679Graduate HP Internship1
98.680Advanced Accelerator HP Internship3
98.681Medical Physics3
98.682Advanced Reactor HP Internship3
98.683Graduate HP Internship3
98.684Advanced Medical HP Internship3
98.685Advanced Medical HP Internship3
98.686Advanced Medical Physics Internship3
98.687Advanced Medical Physics Internship3
98.688Advanced Graduate HP Internship1
98.689Advanced Graduate HP Internship1
98.690Advanced Graduate HP Internship2
98.691Advanced Graduate HP Internship2
98.692Advanced Graduate HP Internship3
98.693Advanced Graduate HP Internship3
98.694Advanced Accelerator Internship3
98.695Advanced Reactor Medical Physics Internship3
98.696Advanced Graduate Medical HP Internship3
98.697Advanced Graduate Medical Physics Internship3
98.701Graduate Research in RSP3
98.704Supervised Teaching in Radiological Sciences0
98.705Supervised Teaching in Radiological Sciences0
98.711Graduate Seminar in Radiological Sciences1
98.712Graduate Seminar in Radiological Sciences1
98.731Advanced Project in Radiological Sciences I3
98.732Advanced Project in Radiological Sciences II3
98.733Graduate Project in Radiological Sciences and Protection3
98.736Graduate Project in Radiological Sciences6
98.739Graduate Project in Radiological Sciences9
98.741Master's Thesis in Radiological Sciences and Protection1
98.743Master's Thesis in Radiological Sciences and Protection3
98.746Master's Thesis in Radiological Sciences and Protection3
98.749Master's Thesis Research in Radiological Sciences9
98.751Advanced Project in Radiological Sciences1
98.752Advanced Project in Radiological Sciences II6
98.753Doctoral Dissertation in Radiological Sciences and Protection3
98.756Doctoral Dissertation in Radiological Sciences and Protection3
98.759Doctoral Dissertation in Radiological Sciences and Protection9
98.763Continued Graduate Research3
98.766Continued Graduate Research6
98.769Continued Graduate Research9
99.101Radiation and Life3
99.102Radiation and Life Laboratory1
99.121Science From Our Lives3
99.131Technical Physics I3
99.132Technical Physics II3
99.133Technical Physics III3
99.562Certification Review in Health Physics3
Please Note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this web site. However, the Division of Graduate, Online & Professional Studies reserves the right to implement new rules and regulations and to make changes of any nature in its program, calendar, locations, tuition, and fees. Whenever possible, appropriate notice of such changes will be given before they become effective. In registering for courses, each student assumes full responsibility for knowledge of and compliance with the definitions, regulations, and procedures for the University as set forth in the appropriate publications and bulletins.